Holy Shatt PSA

Holy Shatt Podcast show

Summary: If you're reading this...I failed. Sorry everyone, but the Thanksgiving week just caused too many problems for us to record. HOWEVER our failure is your gain. In a fit of generorsity I have decided to make it easier than ever to enter the 30 day WoW time card giveaway. No one has entered yet so your chances are high! The podcast link is under three minutes and includes an apology, explanation, and best of all the secret word from episode 18. I repeat as of the posting of this podcast NO ONE HAS ENTERED YET, this means if you enter at this point you have a 100% chance of winning a 30 day time card!   Simply listen to the podcast and email us at holyshattpodcast@gmail.com and I promise you'll hear from us next week! Look for the podcast to be up by next Thursday afternoon.