Holy Shatt Episode 23: Nothing New

Holy Shatt Podcast show

Summary: So unfortunately besides the implementation of battle tags not much has changed in Azeroth these past few days. To make up for the lack of news our hosts talk about funny stories that happened over their vacation, we do the most random live dungeon run topic in the history of the show, and go over an email and a phone call from listeners. As a thank you to all our listeners, and since I understand we're all catching up on a bunch of work, we've decided to extend the Holy Shatt WoW giveaway. Next week we plan to bring Ask Mr.Robot's designer on the show to talk about add ons and we thought why not do the giveaway announcement when they come on. So you all in cyber space have until next Thursday January 12th at 8PM eastern to call (919)521-8WoW and tell us how you're going to recruit your friends into playing World of Warcraft. Remember the prize is HUGE you get a copy of World of Warcraft and EVERY expansion to give to your friend to get them started, that's over $100 worth of software. We will also have our weekly time card giveaway for a 30 day game code. Remember to listen in the show for the secret word, Xantar came up with it this week so don't blame me if you can't spell it. Remember the info! Email: holyshattpodcast@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/raleighite Sigmandis Twitter: @TravisinNC Xantar Twitter: @theXantar We plan to have the next show up by Friday morning the 13th...lucky choice. If you have entered the voicemail contest be sure to listen to next weeks show. When we announce the winner you'll need to send us an email with the phone number you called us from to prove its you, then we'll email you your game codes. Thanks again for listening everyone.