How to Use Men feat. @EvaSaidIt and @CocktailsnConvo

the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! show

Summary: Okay, maybe the title "How to Use Men" is a bit misleading.  I'm not referring to using them for money, sex or anything like that.  I'm talking about ladies using men as a resource to understanding other men. Some ladies don't take advantage of the friendship that they have with men.  They have opportunities to learn more about how men think, yet they don't seem to always pay attention. Tonight, we'll discuss some things that the ladies can learn from their male buddies!  I'll have the Cocktails & Conversation Divas, Erika and Robin, along with Eva from to help break things down for the listeners! We'll also discuss rappers, rapists and controversy surrounding hip-hop, male strippers and Republican's attempted outreach to minorities. "No experts. Just opinions." Show No. 208