The Expat Files - 03/22/13

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -Announcing the latest plans for the next Expat Wisdom “Latin American Insider Seminar” which will of course be off the tourist trail. It’ll be coming up in the next few months so stay tuned for more info… - If most of the river and lake water in Latin America is polluted due to runoff, raw sewage, mining, factory and farm sludge, then where can an expat actually locate and be free from the worries of all that? -More comments about the water situation in Latin America. -Never, never, never, use a public jacuzzi or wet sauna in Latin America- unless you don’t mind bathing in the rancid bacterial soup from the last 50 people who used the thing! -A report on the awful Eco-destruction that’s happening along the so called “Mayan Riviera”- that really beautiful length of white sand beach that stretches a few hundred miles, from Cancun, Mexico to Belize -An update on that great (lifetime guarantee) Sawyer water filter reported on a few shows ago -Most of the news about the water in Latin America is bad but the good news is that for some very good reasons the municipalities don’t fluoridate (yet). However, get this… you can buy salt that’s actually got fluoride added at the grocery store! And as usual the locals think that since its endorsed by so called 1st world experts it must be ever so good and healthy. Duh! -While driving through Honduras on his latest road trip, Expat Eddie found after being stopped four separate times by the Honduran cops, that his Gringo Advantage was not exactly working the way he’d planned. But he did observe another advantage that under certain circumstances even trumps being a gringo! -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on on