Expat Files - 03/15/13

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -I’ve recommended a few portable travel water filters before, but now I’m introducing what should be the very last portable water filter that you and your family will ever need. I know this sounds crazy, but this little filter cartridge is guaranteed to last for a million gallons, that’s enough pure water for thirty average American lifetimes! What’s even more amazing is that its only 50 bucks and you can attach it it to any kitchen faucet or use the gravity feed method, or you can do the annoying backpacker straw-sucky slurp thing. And here’s the full scoop on this little wonder (and as usual, I have no financial interest and do not make one cent from this at all) -Want to know the present and future state of the Latin American water supply? Its pretty depressing if you are crazy enough connected to be connected to a municipal water supply. But its not a problem at all if you have a well or collect your own rainwater in a big cistern -Some more bad news about the rivers, lakes, lagoons and aquifers in Latin America; more reasons why you really need to purify your own water -Breaking news about the most contaminated countries in LA. Does it surprise you the Brazil tops the list and China is getting on on that Brazil action because they know environmental laws are so lax? -Examples why you must not believe everything you read on those newbee expat blogs that have been sprouting up. Not only can they mislead you with incomplete info, they might also lead you on a path that could be bad for your health - If you are interested in attending a short, one-day,  Expat Wisdom “Expat Fast Track” seminar guaranteed to jump-start your eventual move to Latin America then just email me Johnny@expatwisdom.com. And tell me what city you are living in or living close to. The Expat Wisdom crew just might be heading to a city near you! -Follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one