Expat Files - Buy, Build or Rent - 03/08/13

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -An update on the ever-spreading Latin American real estate bubble. Though the bubble has been around, first-world style, for some years in “tourist trail” places like Costa Rica, Panama and anywhere else the Disney or Carnival cruise ships toss anchor, its now spreading to all medium, large and even many small Latin cities. -If the Latin real estate bubble is ridiculously obvious to common expats who saw it unfold in the US and Europe, why don’t people (Latins) notice the elephant in the room?  Or a better question might be, who keeps feeding the monster? No doubt its being pumped up like a Macy’s float. -Some solid advice for expats and wanabees who are looking to buy, build or rent. In spite of the bubble in progress, there are good deals to be found down here…always desperate sellers in any market. You just have to know how to spot them. - The myth of the ever growing “middle class” in Latin America and the flawed logic behind that oft-quoted phrase. -Tips on how to get the best possible rental agreement when house or apartment hunting -And finally; some more depressing news out of Brazil; where inflation and the basic cost of living are now nearly out of control. But as usual, that’s not the “official” government line. - If you are interested in attending a short, one-day,  Expat Wisdom “Expat Fast Track” seminar guaranteed to jump-start your eventual move to Latin America then just email me, Johnny@expatwisdom.com. And tell me what city you are living in or living close to. The Expat Wisdom crew just might be heading to a city near you! -Follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on on