Roy Baumeister - Willpower: Self-Control, Decision Fatigue, and Energy Depletion

IHMC Evening Lectures show

Summary: A new understanding of how people control themselves has emerged from the past decade of research studies. Self-control depends on a limited energy supply, and each person’s willpower fluctuates during the day as various events deplete and then replenish it. Decision-making and creative initiative also deplete the same willpower supply, while eating and sleeping can restore it. Some circumstances propel people to perform well despite depleted willpower, including power and leadership roles, local incentives, and personal beliefs. Dr. Roy Baumeister is the Eppes Professor of Psychology and Head of Social Psychology Graduate Training Program. He grew up in Cleveland, the oldest child of a schoolteacher and an immigrant businessman. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Princeton in 1978. At Case Western Reserve University, he was the first to hold the Elsie Smith professorship. He has also worked at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Texas, the University of Virginia, the Max-Planck-Institute, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Baumeister’s research spans multiple topics, including self and identity, self-regulation, interpersonal rejection and the need to belong, sexuality and gender, aggression, self-esteem, meaning, and self-presentation. He has received research grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and from the Templeton Foundation. He has over 400 publications, including 22 books. The Institute for Scientific Information lists Dr. Baumeister among the handful of most cited (most influential) psychologists in the world. He lives by a small lake in Florida with his beloved family. In his rare spare time, he enjoys windsurfing, skiing, and jazz guitar.