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Librivox: Washington Square by James, Henry show

Librivox: Washington Square by James, HenryJoin Now to Follow

Washington Square is a short novel by Henry James. Originally published in 1880 as a serial in Cornhill Magazine and Harper's New Monthly Magazine, it is a structurally simple tragicomedy that recounts the conflict between a dull but sweet daughter and her brilliant, domineering father. The book is often compared to Jane Austen's work for the clarity and grace of its prose and its intense focus on family relationships. James was hardly a great admirer of Jane Austen, so he might not have regarded the comparison as flattering. In fact, James was not a great fan of Washington Square itself. He tried to read it over for inclusion in the New York Edition of his fiction (1907-1909) but found that he couldn't, and the novel was not included. Other readers, though, have sufficiently enjoyed the book to make it one of the more popular works of the Jamesian canon.

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Librivox: Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood by MacDonald, George show

Librivox: Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood by MacDonald, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

George MacDonald is mainly known for his fantasy works and fairy tales such as At the Back of the North Wind and the Princess and the Goblin. However, during his life he was more famous for many more realistic novels. . . among them the somewhat autobiographical Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood. This story of a young motherless boy growing up with his brothers in a Scottish manse is full of delightful characters. There is Kirsty, an enchanting Highland storyteller, Turkey, the intrepid cowherd, the evil Kelpie, and the lovely Elsie Duff. Throughout the twists and turns of his escapades and adventures Ranald learns from his father the important lessons of courage and integrity. When Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood came out in 1871 the New York Independent praised it as "full of sweetness, full of boy-life and true goodness". Perhaps, but it is also a good story, from the master of storytellers. (Summary by Bookworm)

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Librivox: Dream Psychology by Freud, Sigmund show

Librivox: Dream Psychology by Freud, SigmundJoin Now to Follow

Not a few serious-minded students, [...], have been discouraged from attempting a study of Freud's dream psychology. The book in which he originally offered to the world his interpretation of dreams was as circumstantial as a legal record to be pondered over by scientists at their leisure, not to be assimilated in a few hours by the average alert reader. In those days, Freud could not leave out any detail likely to make his extremely novel thesis evidentially acceptable to those willing to sift data. - Freud himself, however, realized the magnitude of the task which the reading of his magnum opus imposed upon those who have not been prepared for it by long psychological and scientific training and he abstracted from that gigantic work the parts which constitute the essential of his discoveries. The publishers of the present book deserve credit for presenting to the reading public the gist of Freud's psychology in the master's own words, and in a form which shall neither discourage beginners, nor appear too elementary to those who are more advanced in psychoanalytic study. - Dream psychology is the key to Freud's works and to all modern psychology. With a simple, compact manual such as Dream Psychology there shall be no longer any excuse for ignorance of the most revolutionary psychological system of modern times. (From the book introduction, by Andre Tridon)

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Librivox: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (abridged) by Carroll, Lewis show

Librivox: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (abridged) by Carroll, LewisJoin Now to Follow

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children's literature by the English mathematician and author, the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque figures like talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures. The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with adults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the most characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense. (Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Enchiridion of Augustine, The by Augustine of Hippo, Saint show

Librivox: Enchiridion of Augustine, The by Augustine of Hippo, SaintJoin Now to Follow

The Enchiridion, Manual, or Handbook of Augustine of Hippo is alternatively titled, "Faith, Hope, and Love". The Enchiridion is a compact treatise on Christian piety, written in response to a request by an otherwise unknown person, named Laurentis, shortly after the death of Saint Jerome in 420. It is intended as a model for Christian instruction or catechesis. - As the title indicates, the work is organized according to the three graces necessary for the Christian worship of God: Faith, Hope and Love. Under Faith, Augustine explains the use of the Apostles' Creed, in teaching Christian doctrine and in refuting heresies. Under Hope, he briefly explains the Lord's Prayer as a model of Christian prayer. The final part is a discourse on Christian love. (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing, The by Trienens, Joseph show

Librivox: Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing, The by Trienens, JosephJoin Now to Follow

Written in 1910, this "cyclopedia" is full of information that was quite useful at the time. A hundred years later, its text is more humorous than practical -- although some advice never goes out of style. (Summary by Rachelellen)

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Librivox: Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century, The by Huxley, T. H. show

Librivox: Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century, The by Huxley, T. H.Join Now to Follow

Thomas H. Huxley, an English biologist and essayist, was an advocate of the theory of evolution and a self-proclaimed agnostic. A talented writer, his essays helped to popularize science in the 19th century, and he is credited with the quote, "Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." In The Advance of Science in the Last Half Century , he presents a summary of the major developments in Physics, Chemistry and Biology during the period 1839-1889 and their impact on society, within the historical context of philosophical thought and scientific inquiry going back to Aristotle. Huxley’s clear and readable prose makes this subject equally enjoyable for both the student of scientific history and the casual listener alike. (Summary by the reader.)

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Librivox: Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson by Dickinson, Emily show

Librivox: Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson by Dickinson, EmilyJoin Now to Follow

Emily Dickinson has come to be regarded as one of the quintessential poets of 19th century America. A very private poet with a very quiet and reclusive life, her poetry was published posthumously and immediately found a wide audience. While she echoed the romantic natural themes of her times, her style was much more free and irregular, causing many to criticize her and editors to "correct" her. In the early 20th century, when poetic style had become much looser, new audiences learned to appreciate her work. Here collected are many of her most contemplative, most rebellious, and "dark" works, expressing her frustrations with the behavioral confines of her times, and the confines of being human and unknowing of eternity. (Summary by Becky Miller)

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Librivox: Fem Uger i Ballon by Verne, Jules show

Librivox: Fem Uger i Ballon by Verne, JulesJoin Now to Follow

Fem Uger i Ballon: Lydbog efter spændingsroman af Jules Verne. Oversættelse efter den 23. af det franske Akademi prisbelønnede udgave. Andreas Schous Forlag, 1883. Hvis man skal sætte ord på hvad videnskaben geografi går ud på, er det at beskrive og analysere jordens overflade, dens landskaber, mennesker og dyreliv - at dykke ned i dens jordlag og at studere hvordan vindene blæser. For kun halvanden hundrede år siden var mægtige område i det indre Afrika næsten ukendt for europæerne. Man anede fra sporadiske kilder, at det vældige kontinent gemte på mystiske riger og lande, frodige vidtstrakte skove, endeløse savanner og søer så store som have. Men det var uhyre vanskeligt at udforske kontinentet og meget risikabelt for de som prøvede. Mange døde af sygdom og udmattelse i de uigennemtrængelige junglevildnis, andre tørstede ihjel i dets ørkener og igen andre blev myrdet på bestialsk vis af fjendtligt sindede indfødte. Den ukuelige engelske globetrotter dr. Samuel Fergusson sætter sig for at gennemføre det risikable eksperiment at udforske Afrika fra øst til vest ved hjælp af sin luftballon, ledsaget af sin nære ven skotten Dick Kennedy og den tro tjener Joe. Romanen rummer ikke alene de tre opdigtede heltes enestående færd over det ukendte land, men giver også et indblik i de mange autentiske ekspeditioner, som dengang blev forsøgt foretaget i det indre Afrika; ikke sjældent med et tragisk endeligt. Meget har ændret sig i vor viden om kontinentet og ikke mindst er vort syn på de afrikanske folkeslag blevet betydeligt mere nuanceret siden Jules Verne skrev romanen i 1863. Ikke desto mindre giver romanen et interessant og sjældent billede af et oprindeligt Afrika, fra før den tid hvor europæerne for alvor satte sit præg på kultur og landskab. (Forord af Kristoffer Hunsdahl)

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Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 028 by Various show

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 028 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 028: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

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