Podcast Directory

Librivox: Chronicles of Canada Volume 01 - Dawn of Canadian History, The : A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada by Leacock, Stephen show

Librivox: Chronicles of Canada Volume 01 - Dawn of Canadian History, The : A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada by Leacock, StephenJoin Now to Follow

Volume 1- The Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada by Stephen Leacock takes Canada from the beginning of existence to its first European discoverers and includes a brief history of the aboriginal people. These little books were designed to cover Canadian history in a scholarly and readable fashion.

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Librivox: Seven Little Australians by Turner, Ethel show

Librivox: Seven Little Australians by Turner, EthelJoin Now to Follow

This is the story of seven incorrigible children living near Sydney in the 1880’s with their military-man father, and a stepmother who is scarcely older than the oldest child of the family. A favourite amongst generations of children for over a century, this story tells of the cheeky exploits of Meg, Pip, Judy, Bunty, Nell, Baby, and The General (who is the real baby of the family), as well as providing a fascinating insight into Australian family life in a bygone era. (Summary by Ophelia Darcy)

By LibriVox

Librivox: 唐诗三百首 卷一  Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 1 by Various show

Librivox: 唐诗三百首 卷一 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 1 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

The Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) was a golden age of Chinese culture: religion and philosophy, painting and calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and music all reached peaks of perfection. Poetry was the epitome of the arts: a scholastic requirement, a route to fame, a moulder of character. Nearly 50,000 poems of the Tang have survived. The collection 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' was compiled around 1763. It comprises six volumes, with poems grouped by verse form. Volume 1 covers the 'ancient verse' style in five-character lines (poems 1 to 35), and 'folk song style verse' (36 to 45). The masters Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei are well represented here. Recordings in this volume are in Cantonese, Hokkien, Mandarin and Taiwanese, as indicated in the titles; some are spoken, others are sung. (Summary by David Barnes)

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Librivox: Village Blacksmith, The by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth show

Librivox: Village Blacksmith, The by Longfellow, Henry WadsworthJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you eleven different recordings of The Village Blacksmith, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of October 1st, 2006.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Bible (KJV) 17: Esther by King James Version show

Librivox: Bible (KJV) 17: Esther by King James VersionJoin Now to Follow

Esther appears in the Bible as a woman of deep piety, faith, courage, patriotism, and caution, combined with resolution; a dutiful daughter to her adopted father, docile and obedient to his counsels, and anxious to share the king’s favour with him for the good of the Jewish people. That she was raised up as an instrument in the hand of God to avert the destruction of the Jewish people, and to afford them protection and forward their wealth and peace in their captivity, is manifest from the Scripture account. (summary by wikipedia)

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Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 015 by Various show

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 015 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 015: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Goop Directory, The by Burgess, Gelett show

Librivox: Goop Directory, The by Burgess, GelettJoin Now to Follow

In this DIRECTORY you'll see just what you never ought to be; and so, it should direct your way to Good Behavior, every day. The children of whose faults I tell are known by other names, as well, so see that you aren't in this group of Naughty Ones. Don't be a Goop! (The author's introduction)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Story of a Stuffed Elephant, The by Hope, Laura Lee show

Librivox: Story of a Stuffed Elephant, The by Hope, Laura LeeJoin Now to Follow

The Story of a Stuffed Elephant is... well, the story of a Stuffed Elephant and the little boy who owns him, and his sister, and all their adventures. A delightful children's book by the author of The Bobbsey Twins series. (Summary by Vlooi and Kara)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Kleine Häwelmann, Der by Storm, Theodor show

Librivox: Kleine Häwelmann, Der by Storm, TheodorJoin Now to Follow

Das berühmte Märchen von Theodor Storm erzählt von einem kleinen Jungen, der Häwelmann hieß. Häwelmann schlief in einem Bett mit Rollen, “wenn er aber nicht müde war, so musste seine Mutter ihn darin in der Stube umherfahren”. - In der Nacht von der diese Geschichte handelt, schlief die Mutter aber so tief ein, daß sie sein Rufen nach “Mehr, mehr!” nicht mehr hören konnte. Und so baute sich Häwelmann aus seinem Nachthemd ein Segel und fuhr allein durch das Zimmer, die Stadt, den Wald und bis in den Himmel hinein, mit lehrreichen Konsequenzen. (Zusammenfassung von Franziska)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Vagabond Song, A by Carman, Bliss show

Librivox: Vagabond Song, A by Carman, BlissJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you fifteen different recordings of A Vagabond Song, by Bliss Carman, to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of September 24th, 2006.

By LibriVox