Podcast Directory

2038 show

2038Join Now to Follow

<p>What will life look like in 2038? Twenty years from now is not the stuff of science fiction, but it still sounds like it: flying driverless cars, an internet cold war, a Chinese world order. Given the pace of change we are currently living through, the world really could look dramatically different from today. Remember, twenty years ago, social media and iPhones and the Tea Party did not exist, Barack Obama had just started dabbling in state politics, the Clinton administration was loosening up its oversight of something called derivatives, New Orleans was still dry and the World Trade Center was still standing.</p><p>2038, a podcast from New York Magazine and Intelligencer, will explore 8 different visions of how we can expect to live in two decades. Each episode will feature an expert in subject areas from business to technology to politics to climate science and beyond, laying out a very particular vision of where we’ll be in twenty years—and who will then defend his or her predictions in conversation with Max Read and David Wallace-Wells.</p>

By New York Magazine / Intelligencer

Morgen ist Zukunft! show

Morgen ist Zukunft!Join Now to Follow

Bianca Praetorius besucht Projekte und Organisationen, die sich für eine gerechtere, nachhaltigere, umweltfreundlichere und überhaupt viel bessere Welt einsetzen. Denn: Morgen ist Zukunft! – Und die wird schön!

By argon.lab

Zurückgespult show

ZurückgespultJoin Now to Follow

Hier werfen wir in einstündigen Features einen Blick in die Geschichte. Wenn du dich also für große Persönlichkeiten des 20. Jahrhunderts interessierst wie Albert Einstein oder Marlene Dietrich, wenn du mehr wissen möchtest über die Watergate-Affäre oder den Untergang der Titanic, wenn du dich fragst, was es mit den Illuminaten tatsächlich auf sich hat, dann bist du hier genau richtig.

By argon.lab

No Uncertain Terms Podcast by U.S. Term Limits show

No Uncertain Terms Podcast by U.S. Term LimitsJoin Now to Follow

Weekly News and updates concerning the U.S. Term Limits initiative

By U.S. Term Limits

El Rosario y su Historia show

El Rosario y su HistoriaJoin Now to Follow

Es un equipo interdisciplinario de la Corporación Cuna de Colombia que desde la radio luchan por el rescate de la memoria material e inmaterial de Villa del Rosario.

By Impacto Stereo

Libremente en Fantástica show

Libremente en FantásticaJoin Now to Follow

En este programa te compartiremos los audios de las transmisiones en vivo que realizamos todos los lunes al medio día en la emisora Fantástica FM de Medellín, Colombia

By Libremente

Raíces Nómades  show

Raíces Nómades Join Now to Follow

El programa de radio Dreyeckland de Friburgo, Alemania, en español tiene nuevo nombre. Raíces Nómades sustituye al anterior Poder Latino, recogiendo su experiencia de trabajo de más de 4 años en el ámbito de las radios libres. Raíces Nómades se reconstituye como un espacio colectivo de libre conexión, de experiencias móviles de lucha en formatos diversos: noticias, entrevistas, debates, expresiones artísticas, presentaciones, etc. Desde nuestra condición de inmigrantes latinoamericanos, híbridos y alterados, relanzamos la urgencia de reflexionar sobre nuestro patrimonio cultural e histórico intentando rescatar las vidas y experiencias que hay detrás de las versiones oficiales de la historia. Aquello que el poder ha negado, y sigue negando, para poder constituirse como tal. Contra ello, invitamos a crear nomadismos, llamamos a ser móviles, a no permanecer nunca en el mismo sitio en el que nos intentan fijar, a escapar de los estigmas, las clasificaciones y las injusticias, a construir nuestras propias pertenencias de manera libre y autónoma.

By Raíces Nómades

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend show

Conan O’Brien Needs A FriendJoin Now to Follow

<p>After 25 years at the Late Night desk, Conan realized that the only people at his holiday party are the men and women who work for him.</p><p>Over the years and despite thousands of interviews, Conan has never made a real and lasting friendship with any of his celebrity guests. So, he started a podcast to do just that.</p><p>Deeper, unboundedly playful, and free from FCC regulations, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend is a weekly opportunity for Conan to hang out with the people he enjoys most and perhaps find some real friendship along the way.</p>

By Team Coco &amp; Earwolf

Countdown To Summer School 2019 show

Countdown To Summer School 2019Join Now to Follow

Summer School at Otago University is a great way to learn something new. Summer School runs from the 6th of January to the 14th of February, and with 53 papers on offer there’s something for everyone. In just six weeks you can complete a full paper on some amazing topics, from Seeking the Truth in a World of Fake News to Radical Philosophy and much, much more. Tune into the OARsome Morning Show every Tuesday at 8.40am as Jeff talks with people involved in presenting some of next year’s Summer School papers to find out what makes it a unique and valuable learning experience. You can enrol now through University of Otago webpage or visit the University Information Centre in the library building on campus.

By Jeff Harford

Campfire Sht Show show

Campfire Sht ShowJoin Now to Follow

A fiery mix of anything goes honest talk when friends sit around a campfire and the absolute insanity that is us. From money, love, weird one night stands and our own disgusting fetishes, we bare all.

By Meryl Klemow, Beau Hufford