Podcast Directory

Player One Podcast show

Player One PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Ex-game journalists Chris Johnston and Phil Theobald host this weekly podcast where they discuss the hottest topics in the industry. Visit the Player One Podcast web site at www.playeronepodcast.com.

By Player One Podcast

Acutrack Podcast show

Acutrack PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Whether you are a musician, filmmaker, software provider or other content provider, the Acutrack Podcast is a great show for those who create, produce and deliver content via CD or DVD.

By Acutrack, Inc. / PodWorx, LLC


CRAFTCASTJoin Now to Follow

On Craftcast.com, host Alison Lee takes you through the world of Crafting, from interviews, product reviews, and do it yourself tutorials. Craftcast.com is the only podcast where you can listen, learn, and create!

By Alison Lee

Fun English Lessons show

Fun English LessonsJoin Now to Follow

A fun and interesting ESL podcast for intermediate to advanced students who want to learn useful vocabulary and culture. Two Canadian brothers discuss all kinds of topics and explain clearly any new vocabulary and phrases. Perfect for classroom discussion as well.

By www.china232.com

Puckertime show

PuckertimeJoin Now to Follow

Father (42) and son (18) piss and moan about daliy life

By Sto Jr and Sto Sr

Your Jewish Neighborhood show

Your Jewish NeighborhoodJoin Now to Follow

Your Jewish Neighborhood is a weekly podcast from Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, California. Each week, your host, Michele Holtz, will introduce you to clergy, educators, and other leaders from Temple Isaiah who will explore issues and topics of general interest to affiliated and unaffiliated Jews and anyone interested in the Reform Jewish movement. We hope you'll feel welcome here!

By Michele Holtz

The Zedcast show

The ZedcastJoin Now to Follow

Here's a Canadian guy from the city, who moved to small town Nova Scotia. All was well until he fell through a hole in the Podosphere. Then..strange things started happening... Comedy, Funny, Stories, Skits, Sketch, Canada, Canadian,Audio blog

By Bruce Murray

The World of Bluegrass Podcast show

The World of Bluegrass PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Sponsored by the IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) and hosted by Wichita Rutherford from "5 Minutes with Wichita" this podcast keeps insiders, movers and shakers, fans, record labels and artists informed of what's happening in the Bluegrass genre. A+

By IBMA/Wichita Rutherford

Vidro Azul show

Vidro AzulJoin Now to Follow

de Ricardo Mariano :: Radio Universidade de Coimbra (RUC) - 107.9 :: Segundas 23h - 01h, repete aos Sabados 02h - 04h :: Correio/e-mail: vidro azul@gmail.com Listen Online / ON LINE: www.ruc.pt This program is on Mondays 11pm-01am GMT, replays Saturdays 02am-04am GMT :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquilo que se escuta em podcast e o acontecido no directo: nao ha reajustes, correccoes ou acrescentos de edicao. O podcast e um complemento do VA. Como programa da RUC, radio com sintonia de espectro limitado, o podcast possibilita a todos os que nao residam em Coimbra ou que, na altura do directo nao podem escutar via emissao online, ouvir (e gravar) o programa durante a semana ate a emissao seguinte. Hoje e para mim, o podcast e isto e serve para isto. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTA: este texto esta adaptado aos caracteres ingleses.

By Ricardo Mariano

The Future And You show

The Future And YouJoin Now to Follow

What can we expect of next week, next year, next century? What will we eat, drive, wear, live in, vote for, want to buy, and want to avoid? What mistakes of the past will we make again, and which ones have we learned from? From the next tick of the clock to the ultimate end of the universe, every subject will be fair game. Composed of interviews and essays--and hosted by the science fiction author, Stephen Euin Cobb--this series of programs will explore the future. Guests will include: Authors, Scientists, Celebrities and Pioneers; as well as those witnessing the growing trends of the future, often because those trends are changing their lives today. This program is not about magic, or prophecy, or psychic divination. Instead, we will attempt to use verifiable facts as our foundation, and from them extrapolate forward. All such extrapolations--regardless of the credentials of those putting them forth--must be considered pure opinion. Time alone, will allow these extrapolations to be verified or nullified. Topics and themes we will explore include: nanotechnology and biotechnology; organlegging, molecular manufacturing and computers wired directly into the human brain; extropianism, transhumanism and the technology of individual immortality; globalization, global warming and nuclear proliferation; cryonics and cryogenics; genetic engineering and the human genome project; embryos, cloning and stem cell research; astronomy and other space explorations (NASA, Hubble, exoplanets, SETI, ESA, CCCP); robots, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI); remote sensing and waldoes; legal and illegal uses of the internet; solar cells, peak oil and alternative energy; aging and medical longevity; FTL (faster than light travel, as in Star Trek and Star Wars) and worm holes (as in StarGate SG-1); progress in health, education and neuroscience, as well as evolution, agriculture and inventions; and how what was once science fiction is now biology, chemistry and physics. Everything from futurism to futurology. To learn more, check the show's website at: www.TheFutureAndYou.com

By Stephen Euin Cobb