Podcast Directory

TeoBytes show

TeoBytesJoin Now to Follow

TeoBytes es un podcast sobre el quehacer teológico, es decir, el estudio de las cosas o hechos relacionados con Dios en los tiempos de las redes informáticas. Los tiempos de las redes informáticas evocan la vida de la Iglesia en la posmodernidad. Este podcast tiene la intención de tratar temas de interés para el clero y el liderato de la Iglesia, promoviendo la educación y la reflexión sobre los mismos.

By Jesus Rodriguez-Cortes

Influence Psychology and Persuasion - Mike Sweet - 10 Minute Coach - Develop and Discover show

Influence Psychology and Persuasion - Mike Sweet - 10 Minute Coach - Develop and DiscoverJoin Now to Follow

Influence Psychology and Persuasion is a 10 minute practical guide into this amazingly interesting area by Mike Sweet, The 10 Minute Coach. Each of the episodes is aimed to give you an insight into these concepts and principles. this podcast isn't meant to be manipulative in any way however, manipulation techniques and processes are being used on us all of the time. This is my way of explaining how people use manipulation in some circumstances and you how you can understand the psychology behind influence and persuasion.

By Mike Sweet

The Athletic Fitness & Nutrition podcast show

The Athletic Fitness & Nutrition podcastJoin Now to Follow

A show full of amazing information that can be used by anyone, right now, to improve their health, fitness and nutrition knowledge. Learn how to control your body and mind to make you better in the areas you want to improve or just get confirmation that you are heading in the right direction. Come on our journey, have a few laughs and pick up real world, useful information to make your life amazing! Hosted by Clinical nutritionist, Paul Burgess who has the goal of living a healthy life to a ripe old age. Bio hacking the body by eating right and using any other info he can find to make the body and mind work optimally is his passion (along with lifting heavy stuff every now and then) .

By Paul Burgess

Your Property Success Podcast show

Your Property Success PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Your Property Success Podcast reveals the practical steps to investing successfully in today’s property market. Respected author and experienced property investor Jane Slack-Smith interviews Australia’s most trusted experts and reveals how she herself has built a multimillion dollar property portfolio using a very simple, low risk method. Jane is joined by experienced renovator and property developer John Hubbard. Together they explore real 'boots on the ground’ case studies and the renovating for profit techniques used by successful investors.

By Jane Slack-Smith, John Hubbard

The Doctor Paradox show

The Doctor ParadoxJoin Now to Follow

The Doctor Paradox is about addressing why despite having incredibly meaningful jobs, doctors are increasingly unhappy in their work. Quite simply, it is a tragedy that we have allowed this to happen. That intensely passionate, dynamic and altruistic individuals have lost their core passions and found themselves adrift in the world of healthcare is unacceptable. The Doctor Paradox focuses on 4 key issues: 1. The factors that explain why doctors are dissatisfied with the world of healthcare. But more importantly… 2. The physicians that have rediscovered their passions and carved new paths, both within and outside of traditional healthcare. 3. The experts who offer insight on topics related to the challenges faced and the mechanisms to address them such as sleep deprivation, burnout, career advice and philosophical perspectives. 4. The strategies to rediscover your passion, find a new course and pursue what is required to find fulfillment. A primary responsibility of physicians is to add value and meaning to our patients lives and that of our own. To fulfill only one of these criteria is not enough. Without value and meaning in our own lives it is almost impossible to provide it to that of our patients. As physicians, we hold a most privileged position. We intersect with our patients lives, often in their darkest hour, with them asking for our help. For physicians to sustainably provide that help, they must first and foremost help themselves. Not to do so will ultimately degrade one of the most sacred of relationships: that of the patient in need and the doctor who can tend to that need. The Doctor Paradox also serves to explore a ‘New Medicine’ where the traditional model of what it means to be a doctor has changed. That the doctor of the future will still be adding immense value and meaning to patients lives but may be doing so in ways not conventionally pursued before. The physicians of the future will help patients across a spectrum of care, from face to face clinical encounters to designing and developing novel technologies that will significantly impact the lives of patients. For a ‘New Medicine’ we need a ‘New Doctor’. The future of medicine is bright but unless we begin a major course correction, physicians drift toward ever increasing uncertainty. As the famous saying goes: “Things always get worse…. before they get worse”. It is up to us as physicians to effect the changes we wish to see in our own lives and in doing so, ultimately that of our patients. Things are getting worse, let’s make them better. We are ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’, so it’s not that we ought to, it’s that we have to.

By Dr Paddy Barrett - Paddy Barrett interviews Dr Eric Topol, Prof Barry Schwa

SAGE Sociology show

SAGE SociologyJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to the official free Podcast site from SAGE for Sociology. SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets with principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore.

By SAGE Publications Ltd.

Circulation on the Run show

Circulation on the RunJoin Now to Follow

Each 15-minute podcast begins with an overview of the issue’s contents and main take-home messages for busy clinicians on the run. This is followed by a deep dive into a featured article of particular clinical significance: views will be heard from both author and editor teams for a “behind the scenes” look at the publication. Expect a fun, highly conversational and clinically-focused session each week!

By Carolyn Lam, MBBS, PhD

Lab Culture show

Lab CultureJoin Now to Follow

Lab Culture is a podcast by the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) about public health, laboratory science, and everything in between. Join us for discussions about infectious diseases, food safety, emergency preparedness, newborn screening, environmental health, global health, and more.

By Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast show

Dietitians Unplugged PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to the Dietitians Unplugged Podcast with Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston.  Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories.  We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming your body.

By Dietitians Unplugged

The Wade Alters Show show

The Wade Alters ShowJoin Now to Follow

Wade helps Influencers, Entrepreneurs & Personal Brands monetize their content, add more value to their audience and create highly profitable businesses online. World Class Copywriting tips you’ll get no where else, with self-development techniques to become your best-self & entrepreneur!

By Wade Alters