Podcast Directory

The Pick 'n' Pod show

The Pick 'n' PodJoin Now to Follow

The Pick 'n' Pod Podcast on TalkBasket.net is hosted by Adam Taylor and Jonathan Macri, covering all basketball with emphasis on the EuroLeague and the NBA.

By TalkBasket.net

Stumbling as I Follow-a Come Follow Me podcast show

Stumbling as I Follow-a Come Follow Me podcastJoin Now to Follow

A weekly podcast intended to enhance and enrich your study of the Come Follow Me curriculum.stumblingasifollow.comwww.instagram.com/stumblingasifollow

By Kristi

Tha Block is Hot Podcast show

Tha Block is Hot PodcastJoin Now to Follow

A Podcast that is meant for Mature Audiences with a good grasp of reality. Multiple topics are discussed, from your own opinion and do your own research. “A society doesn’t have to be uniform in order to be united” - An Unidentified Black Male

By Unidentified Black Male

Well-Fed Women show

Well-Fed WomenJoin Now to Follow

Authentic, unfiltered conversations about health, fitness, mindset, motherhood, and body image from a holistic perspective. The show is hosted by Noelle Tarr, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Certified Personal Trainer, and co-hosted by Stefani Ruper. Expect real talk, moderately amusing banter, and empowering advice for women, from women.

By Noelle Tarr

zDaring to be Wise show

zDaring to be WiseJoin Now to Follow

This year, University of Otago celebrates its 150th anniversary, bringing together students, staff, alumni and the wider Dunedin community for a busy programme of events. On Daring to be Wise, we will talk with people from all corners of the University community – inspirational stories from educators, administrators, and those whose time at Otago made a lasting impression. Daring to be Wise will be broadcast on 105.4FM and 1575AM on Tuesdays at midday, Wednesdays at 5pm, Sundays at 8.30pm, and podcasts will be available here.

By Jeff Harford

DirectMusicService.com show

DirectMusicService.comJoin Now to Follow

Direct Music Service podcast is a mix series recorded by the best DJs from around the world. Best of all its 100% free. We cover all genres of music and specialize in making you move your feet. So subscribe sit back and move to the best mixes the internet has to offer.

By Direct Music Service

你问聪聪答 show

你问聪聪答Join Now to Follow

这是一档这样的节目,你可以像Kin询问任何有关语言自学(暂时英语)的问题 This is a show that you can ask Kin about any questions of self-taught language learning 给父母,老师或学生的个人建议,与DailyKin节目有关的话题。 Personal advice for parents, teachers, students, and topics related to DailyKin podcast. 如果你持续问问题,我会持续回答你。 If you keep asking questions, I will keep answering you.

By KinC.Hung

Paolo Hewitt - Portobello Radio show

Paolo Hewitt - Portobello RadioJoin Now to Follow

Paolo Hewitt discusses his new book Colour Me Father - An Open Letter To My Son with Portobello Radio as well as London, Beatles, Mods, Oasis, music and much much more. <a href="http://www.paolohewitt.com" rel="noopener">www.paolohewitt.com</a><br><br>ON August 21st 2015 at 10.30 pm in an Archway hospital, my son Rafi Supino Arif came into my life. It was of course a momentous occasion, filled with all kinds of emotions. But as he started to grow, one thought kept repeating itself in my mind. Would I write about him or the experience of raising a son? The answer was always no. There was no handle for me to grab onto so I put it to one side. Until his first birthday. It was there that Rafi first heard applause and the look on his face hit something inside of me. Within a week I had begun writing Colour ne Father. Actually, to be truthful I had started writing a book called On the Dawn of Your First Smile, which I loved as a title but which in those Google days of ours would not work. I fell upon Colour Me Father, passed it by some friends and got the thumbs up.<br><br>After I had written about his birthday I then found myself writing about dreams and pigeons and Sister Patricia (May God rest her soul) and fatherhood and Wood Green and Robert De Niro, and it became apparent to me that I should let the words flow, just write what came to mind. I also saw that I was fulfilling a lifetime mission – that of paying homage, in my very very limited way, to a piece of literature that ranks as one of the finest in my mind – Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis. This is a letter that Oscar wrote to his boyfriend whilst serving his last year in Reading Gaol. (In the first year of his imprisonment the authorities refuse d to allow him to write and I think that one of the cruellest punishments ever heaped upon an artist.) During the writing of Colour I only read De Profundis. I would start it finish it, start again. My thinking was that if just one per cent of its quality rubbed off on my work, then I would stand a chance of producing something very worthwhile.<br><br>My writing process was quite simple. In the morning when walking Rafi to a nursery session, I would plot out the book in my mind. I would then put those idea into a small Dictaphone that I carry with me . Back home, I would write out those ideas and then on Saturdays I would head for the British Library where I would spend all day writing.<br><br>Sundays I would rest, Mondays the process would start again. One Saturday I was in the British Library and had just finished a passage when the thought forcefully occurred, that’s it, you are done, you are finished. Create an ending and then exit. You have said all you need to say. And as I advise Rafi in the book, in life always follow the heart not the head. That is what I did. I obeyed the thought my heart sent me. The book is short compared to others but it stops where it needs to stop. To carry on would have diluted its strength. I think it my best work to date. I hope you do as well.

By Griffiths

Transform your Mind  show

Transform your Mind Join Now to Follow

Myrna Young, Life Coach, interviews experts and thought Leaders every week and offers solo coaching sessions, to Transform your Mind so you can Transform your Life. The bible teaches that we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Each success or failure begins in the mind. The Transform your Mind podcast helps you renovate your mind and increase your capacity for success. So tune each week in to strengthen your mind, body connection and Live your best life now!

By Myrna Young

Ultrasound GEL show

Ultrasound GELJoin Now to Follow

Review and discussion of recent literature in point of care ultrasound.

By Ultrasound GEL