Audio Podcast Directory - Podcasts with only audio episodes

Look Within show

Look WithinJoin Now to Follow

This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

By Soham Sengupta

Harshit singh show

Harshit singhJoin Now to Follow

This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

By Harshit singh

Der Schwarze Sendeturm show

Der Schwarze SendeturmJoin Now to Follow

Wir, das sind Daniel & Konrad aus Hannover, nehmen euch mit auf eine Reise durch die Untiefen der klassischen Schauer- und Horrorliteratur. In jeder Episode lesen und stellen wir euch eine andere Kurzgeschichte aus dem Genre des Phantastischen vor und riskieren einen zweiten Blick auf deren Bedeutung, Entstehung und Interpretation. Seid also gerne dabei, wenn der schwarze Sendeturm seine Antennen spreizt.

By Daniel & Konrad

My Brainwaves... show

My Brainwaves...Join Now to Follow

A fictional humorous account of life during quarantine.

By Salil Narvekar

Rich Spiritualist show

Rich SpiritualistJoin Now to Follow

In this podcast we will discuss various meditation techniques, philosophy, short stories and real life experiences.

By Saravana

Podcast Literomania show

Podcast LiteromaniaJoin Now to Follow

Pe Literomania scriem despre cărţi din toate timpurile şi locurile (geografice şi ideologice), din pasiune pentru tot ce înseamnă literatură. Credem în continuare în puterea literaturii de a ne forma uman, social şi chiar politic, de a ne oferi cel mai frumos spaţiu de libertate, de acţiune, dar şi de visare cu putinţă. Pe Literomania îi puteţi citi pe unii dintre scriitorii, criticii, eseiştii şi traducătorii binecunoscuţi din spaţiul nostru cultural.

By Literomania

All That Matters show

All That MattersJoin Now to Follow

This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

By Alina Somani

Poem-Saving the world show

Poem-Saving the worldJoin Now to Follow

This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

By Verbi Bhagabati

Subject and Predicate show

Subject and PredicateJoin Now to Follow

Sentence এর দুটো অংশ। Subject and Predicate। চলো এদের বিষয়ে জেনে নেওয়া যাক।

By Rajesh Sen

Subject and Predicate show

Subject and PredicateJoin Now to Follow

Let us learn about the main two parts of a sentence, the Subject and the Predicate. আমরা এই আলোচনা করেছি বাংলাতে, সহজবোধ্য বাংলাতে। Subject and Predicate-এর ওপরে মোট দুটি এপিসোড হবে এবং ছাত্রছাত্রীরা খুব সহজেই সাবজেক্ট এবং প্রেডিকেট চিনতে পারবে। খেয়াল রাখার বিষয় হলো সাবজেক্ট এবং প্রেডিকেট চিনতে পারাই ইংলিশ সেন্টেন্স তৈরি করার প্রথম পদক্ষেপ। সুতরাং এপিসোড গুলো ভালো করে শোনো খুব কাজে দেবে।

By Rajesh Sen