AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast show

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast

Summary: Get timely insights on Vedic Astrology, Horoscope & important events from our AstroVed Astrology experts! One of the top astrology podcasts where you can listen to the monthly horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, mantras, and lot more

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 Shani Gayatri Mantra – For Receiving Shani’s Blessings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:41

Shani or Saturn rules justice, discipline, and control. He rewards us when we do good deeds and punishes us if we commit unethical actions. Every action of human beings is subject to his scrutiny. We need his blessings to overcome all limitations in life and achieve success. Shani's gaze will not spare even the powerful. Shani being a malefic planet, can bring great suffering and hardships if it is not well placed in our birth chart. Chanting the Shani Gayatri mantra can avert its malefic effects and bring good luck and success. Shani Gayatri Mantra provides perseverance, discipline, and control. It can also bring about spiritual growth. The Mantra should be recited 108 times every day.

 Navagraha Dosha Nivaran Mantra - Remedy for Planetary Doshas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:03

Astrology says that the planets affect the fortunes of human beings. The position of the nine planets – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu - in a person’s birth chart determines the kind of life the person will have. When the planets are well placed, they exert a beneficial influence on our lives. If they are afflicted, they exert a harmful influence. The adverse effects of the planets will manifest as financial problems, unhappy relationships, illness, mental stress and disorders, marital discord, lack of progeny, etc. Chanting the Navagraha Dosha Nivaran Mantra can bring relief from such problems, as it is believed to have the power to appease the planets and eliminate their adverse effects.

 Rama Mantra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:49

Rama Mantra is dedicated to Sri Rama, who was an avatar of Vishnu. He took birth as the son of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya to destroy the forces of evil, in the form of the demon, Ravana. Rama is venerated as ‘Maryadha Purushottam’ or the ideal man who was a good son, husband, and king. It is believed that chanting the Rama Mantra helps one to fulfill one’s desires and also attain Moksha. Rama is the embodiment of virtuousness and steadfast adherence to dharma or righteousness. Worshipping Rama helps one to enhance will power, self-esteem, mental strength, and the ability to overcome vices. The mere chanting of Rama’s name is believed to give many astounding benefits. It can give good health by improving blood circulation. It is also said to bestow material blessings and spiritual perfection.

 Om Namo Narayanaya Mantra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:15

Om Namo Narayanaya is a Sanskrit Mantra or hymn. This ancient Mantra features in both the Tarasara Upanishad and the Sama Veda. Though it has many interpretations, it is commonly regarded as a tool for achieving self-realization and oneness with the Divine. As a means of humbling the ego, the Vedic tradition recommends that one who wishes to subdue the ego, should recite the Mantra 108 times, twice a day, for 40 days. After chanting it, one should sit in silence for at least ten minutes. According to the Sama Veda, Om Namo Narayanaya Mantra was taught by Vedic seers to those who came to them seeking wisdom. According to the Tarasara Upanishad, the Mantra helps to unify individual and universal consciousness. Another interpretation comes from its Sanskrit roots. ‘Nara’ means ‘water’ and ‘anaya’ means ‘resting place’ or ‘shelter’.  Hence, Narayanaya represents the Hindu god, Vishnu, who rests on water. The Tarasara Upanishad says that those who chant this Mantra will reach Vaikuntha, which is the abode of Vishnu.

 Vyasa Draupadi Mantra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:54

Draupadi is a key character in the Hindu epic, Mahabharatha. She was the daughter of King Drupada, and the wife of the five Pandava brothers. Born from the sacrificial fire, she was also called Yajna seni. Draupadi is worshipped as a village Goddess and at times, as an avatar of the fearsome Goddess, Kali, as well as Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. It is believed that chanting the Vyasa Draupadi Mantra gives one a happy and problem-free life. It is also a powerful Mantra for  enhancing one’s beauty and charm, which can be chanted by both girls and boys. It is said to bestow a beautiful complexion and good hair. As Draupadi never aged, this Mantra is said to help people to age gracefully and retain their youthful looks. It is also a powerful marriage Mantra. Men and women who want to get married soon, or to marry the one they love, can chant it. It is believed to remove obstacles and hindrances for marriage, bestow conjugal bliss, children, and complication-free delivery for pregnant women. Chanting the Mantra is believed to bring wealth, self-esteem, status, material comforts, and solve financial problems.

 Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:52

This great Mantra, which is dedicated to Shiva, is found in the Rig Veda (Mandala VII, Hymn 59). It is attributed to Sage Vasishtha.  Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra means the ‘great Death-Conquering Mantra’. It has many names and forms. For instance, it is also called the Rudra Mantra, where Rudra is the fierce aspect of Shiva. Another name is the Tryambakam Mantra, which refers to Shiva’s three eyes. Sometimes, it is called the Mritha-Sanjeevini Mantra, as it forms a component of the “life-restoring” practice which was given to Sage Shukra. This was after he completed severe austerities. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is described by sages as the heart of the Vedas. It is one of the most important Mantras used for contemplation and meditation. It is said that Shiva gave humanity the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra to overcome the fear of death. This great Mantra thus came to be used for healing, maintaining vitality, and protection. It is believed to restore health and happiness and make a person remain calm in the face of death. It can give us the courage to overcome obstacles. It should be recited when taking medicines, for it helps the body and mind to use them in the best manner. Supposedly, those in the healing professions can benefit from the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra as it will give them more energy, and thus prevent burnout, which is common in their demanding and stressful occupation.

 Dr. Pillai's Durga Mantra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:37

Durga Mantra is a hymn or chant that is dedicated to the Hindu goddess, Durga. The Goddess is a powerful deity, and is considered as the Mother Goddess. She is believed to protect her devotees from the evil forces in the world and put an end to their torments. There are many Durga mantras that can be chanted to invoke her protection and guidance. Durga in Sanskrit means “invincible,” but it also means “one who eliminates sufferings.” The syllable ‘Du’ represents the 4 devils of poverty, sufferings, evil habits, and famine, while ‘r’ represents diseases. And ‘ga’ means ‘destroyer of injustice, sins, cruelty, irreligion, and laziness’. Durga mantras help one to focus the mind on the power that is represented by the Goddess. This is believed to make the devotee strong and transform him/her mentally and physically.  

 Pisces January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:54

A good month for Pisces. Friends, mentors, and family will support you in all matters. They may find love at work. But work politics and ethics may pose problems, too. You will be more attractive now. Due to your love affair, you are likely to lose your job, so be careful. The money will be available for your needs. Avoid risky investments and try not to lend money. There will be good support from your colleagues and boss. Recognition will come, but slowly. Business partners will be ready to make some compromises. Avoid getting too emotional and try to be practical. For students, it will be a moderate month. You may have back or neck pain. Consume sattvic food for good health. 

 Aquarius January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:01

Spiritual thoughts and connections may help you this month. You may get a job posting abroad. Mental and emotional stress may make you want to embark on a spiritual trip. You may become more sociable in order to find a suitable partner. But your domineering and aggressive manner will alienate potential partners. Avoid ego and harsh words. You won’t lack money this month as even blocked payments will be released. Friends and siblings will help you to repay loans and debts. You will be able to remove obstacles to career progress. Be careful when making investments. Avoid getting into arguments with business partners. Professionals may go abroad. Avoid being too bold and egoistic as it may hinder career growth. Students may get job offers and do well in exams. Do not neglect health problems like stress and headaches.

 Capricorn January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:22

This may be an intense month. With your hard work, you will be able to overcome all challenges. Take the advice of elders and gurus. Have faith in God. You may become aggressive and try to dominate your partner. This may affect your relationship. Try to avoid anger. Money will be in abundance, and you may spend it on comforts and luxury. Avoid risky investments and boost savings. Ego may come in the way of good relationships at work. Delay in promotion may reduce your motivation. When meeting potential business partners, be humble and cordial, otherwise, they may back off. Professionals may earn the praise of their higher-ups. Students should heed the advice of family, especially the mother, when choosing a college to study. Gastric problems and acidity may bother you. Work stress may cause headaches.

 Sagittarius January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:13

Family, love life, education, and finances are all under lucky stars this month. You may make efforts to improve your personality. Your mind will be sharp and clear. You may become more spiritual. You may find love at work. Or it could be someone in your friends’ circle. You will be more attractive now, due to Venus’ influence. Finances will be under control. You may purchase gifts for your children. There will be rewards for the hard work you put in. You may get a pay hike. Family elders may introduce you to potential business partners. Be cautious when signing documents. You will be seen as a leader by your colleagues. Students will do well in exams. Go for a medical check-up, and keep your sugar, BP, and cholesterol under control.

 Scorpio January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:19

Venus will have a favorable impact on home and family relationships. You may buy things for the home, land, or property. Love life will bloom, and you may buy a gift for your spouse. You will spend more time with them. Doing business with your spouse may bring good returns. A good month professionally, but you may lose your temper with someone at work. Partnership business will do well, but try to avoid travel. Avoid getting too close to people at work, as it may cause some problems. Students may lack focus. Health will be good.  

 Libra January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:10

Work and relationships will bring positivity. You will know how to deal with people and be in a mood to socialize. Business contacts will increase. You will be able to attract the right people into your life, thanks to Venus’ influence. Relationships with siblings will be good. Passion and romance will color your life. Children may need your financial support. It will be a good month for professionals. Beware of envious business partners who may cause trouble. There may be some business meetings and conferences. You may have to mentor your subordinates. Students will do well. Fever or cold is possible. Your parents’ health, too, may be affected.

 Virgo January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:01

Your focus will be on love life and children because you realize the importance of family. So you won’t mind devoting less time to work or business. The happiness of your family will be paramount. You will also be willing to trust your partner more and forgive their mistakes. You may prefer to work from home this month, as you wish to spend more time with family. Not a good month for professionals. There may be some arguments over finances with elders. There will be both risks and rewards in business. Students will do well. Health will suffer due to stress. Sugar levels and BP may rise as a result.

 Leo January 2021 Horoscope Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:20

There will be some big changes at work and things concerning children. You may want to change jobs. Finances will be impacted. You may try to curb unwanted expenses. Love life is favorable but avoid harsh words and actions. You have a spiritual approach to love, but your partner may expect more physical intimacy. Some spiritual trips with your spouse are possible. Expenses may rise, and you may get some financial help from your father. At work, you may handle some creative projects. Avoid being egoistic with bosses. Some will get promoted. Those in the arts/entertainment fields will taste success. Partnership business will do well. Travel plans may meet with some hurdles. Students will be less motivated. Health is fine except for some digestion problems, cuts, and bruises.


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