Conspiracy Theoryology show

Conspiracy Theoryology

Summary: Sometimes the public doesn’t believe what we are told to believe. Join the discussion and explore the historical events, and public state of mind, that influenced the appeal and popularity of the most enduring conspiracy theories and alternative beliefs out there.

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  • Artist: Ryan Nelson
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 Pandemic Panic (Part 1) - Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:52

Episode 42 Part 1 of our discussion on pandemic fears, where we will dig into the unfolding coronavirus outbreak and explore the basis of our fascination with pandemic threats. Okay, so the world is on fire, being burnt to a cinder by the flames of the dreaded ‘coronavirus’. The angel of death itself, shrunk to the size of an adorably large version of an RNA virus is wreaking havoc on all of mankind. This Sasquatch of the virus world which normally preys on cows, pigs, chickens, and I would assume any hapless, happy-go-lucky barnyard animal, has gone Cryptid. A were-creature upon us again, that has jumped the infection to humans, by giving us a cold. Oh the humanity! There is no cure. There is no vaccine. It is intent on taking us out, one by one, through a serious case of the sniffles, until we are all gone...and there is nothing we can do about it. Okay, so I guess it’s not that bad. Wash your hands. Avoid crowded and unsanitary places during the cold and flu season, and don’t go sticking your fingers in your face all willy-nilly without washing your hands. So what is really going on? In this episode we will breakdown the group of viruses known as 'coronaviruses'. We discuss what they are, what they cause, and where they have raised their ugly head in the past. After that, we really get into what has been unfolding with the current coronavirus outbreak that originates in Wuhan China.  Once we get all the info out of the way, we finally dig into the possible sources for our fascination into the threat of pandemic outbreak, and what social and economic motivations drive the frenzy of media attention and medical marketing. Recommended Reading - Amazon Affiliate Links Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Synchronicity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:28

Episode 41 Synchronicity. A concise, yet allusively defined term first coined by the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Simply put, synchronicity is understood to be meaningful coincidence. The concept of synchronicity has been a topic of exploration for decades since Jung introduced it, with expansive explanation in his work titled, “Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle”. In it he states “Therefore it cannot be a question of cause and effect, but of a falling together in time, a kind of simultaneity. Because of this quality of simultaneity, I have picked the term “synchronicity” to designate a hypothetical factor equal in rank to causality as a principle of explanation.” While many have embraced this idea of orchestrated purpose through superficially unrelated events, others simply dismiss it as psycho-babble used to further our psyche’s false narrative of personal identity. Most recently, the interest in synchronicity has been piqued with the introduction of the documentary series “Hellier”. The concept of synchronicity, often so easily dismissed away with a hand wavy gesture by the skeptical crowd, is at it’s heart about making connections. Of course, connections are at the core of any conspiracy theory, paranormal experience, and alternative belief. If we can understand the allure of synchronicity, perhaps we can better understand our fascination with so much else.   Recommended Reading - Amazon Affiliate Links Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links: Carl Jung - Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle -

 Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:11

Episode 40 We have all heard the adage, “Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence.” Have you asked yourself, “what does that even mean?” Chances are, when you’ve heard it, or even used it, it has been in relation to a topic that you already feel confident is all but impossible to prove anyway. But where did it come from, and why has it become the go-to gotcha phrase for calling someone’s bluff , especially in regarding to conspiracy theory and the paranormal or supernatural? Come to think of it, how do we know when it applies? What exactly makes a claim “extraordinary”? To do this, I think we need to first understand the phrase itself. Where it comes from, and what it is actually saying. After that, we can explore other aspects of popular thinking which make this resonate so well with the general public. Now, I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a long time. Exploring cases and beliefs often leads to the inevitable discussion board with the oft repeated phrases “prove it” and “that’s proven false”. I realized that I couldn’t simply pick a single example or event and boil it down to that. We needed to discuss the axiom itself. That “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is often taken as a conclusion to the discussion itself. As though it states a given truth about a claim, establishing it’s impossibility. At least impossibility in so far as the claimants ability to prove anything.   Recommended Reading - Amazon Affiliate Links Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Haunted Houses and Prospect-Refuge Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:58

Episode 39 Haunted houses have a long and storied history. One of the earliest stories which we have originates in Ancient Rome. Pliny the Younger writing in the first century, recounts in a letter the story of the philosopher Athenodorus and his brush with a haunted house. Per the story, Athenodorus arrives in Athens and picks up a villa with a very reasonable rent, largely due to it’s haunted reputation. On his first night in the home, the philosopher is confronted by the ghost of an old man bound with chains. The apparition leads Athenodorus to the courtyard, at which point, he vanishes. The following day Athenodorus has that location excavated, resulting in the discovery of a skeleton. These remains are then given a proper burial and the ghost never appeared again.  Tales of this nature have permeated throughout centuries of media and entertainment, filling our literature, cinemas, theater stages and televisions with ghostly tales of haunted residences. I could spend the entire episode simply listing all the epic poetry, tombs of short stories, prose and novels, and the catalog of movies, radio shows, television series and now even social media content, that encompasses the topic. We won’t, simply out of practicality, and I would assume that you already have your never-fail-go-to haunted house story favorites of books and movies.  More than any other haunted location the haunted house resonates. Today ghost stories and paranormal investigations are replete with tales of haunted houses and residing spirits that run the gamut from past residents, and lingering family members, to frightening entities and residual haunting that act as living memories of the home, or the land on which it sits.  The haunted house is now such a part of our culture that we have turned them into attractions, even going so far as to build them and recreate the spooky experience with special effects and actors. And in truth, we can’t bring up the concept of the haunted house, without exploring this most visible manifestation of our infatuation with the spirit laden domicile. Skeptics are quick to claim reasonable explanations for the phenomenon, crediting the power of suggestion and confirmation bias. The physical effects of toxic exposure to carbon monoxide, pesticides and formaldehyde are also used to justify the haunting experiences as hallucinations. These perfectly rational and mundane explanations are so common that any respectable paranormal investigation team called into a home by the concerned owners will first exhaust these influential possibilities as an explanation before even considering the paranormal option. If you’ve ever wondered why so many investigators use devices that seem best suited for use by electricians, plumbers and home inspectors, now you know.  This skeptical view certainly does provide evidence for why we might find a location haunted, and why the label of “haunted” can come to be attributed to otherwise average homes of any given time period. I think it appropriate to emphasize this, as I had made it clear earlier that I come to this topic with a definite bias. It is true that haunting can be explained, and I do make sure when approaching a story of experience with a checklist of physical world possibilities. Yet, these explanations don’t answer every situation, and they certainly do not explain why we find the haunted house so fascinating and why they have pervaded our imaginations for so long. Recommended Reading Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Seeking Witchcraft (w/ guest Ashley of Seeking Witchcraft Podcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:19

Episode 38 Witchcraft intrigues us and captures our imagination. The concept is steeped in history, and the practice is shrouded in magick and the mystical. Even so, many have no idea how this ancient practice has translated into the modern day. In fact, most don't even realize that it exists in modern day, and that witches are in their midst within everyday life. Witchcraft, through all it's incarnations in our pop culture, is explored through stories. Movies, television, books and other media all use witches are often used as character reflections for ourselves, and our desire to influence and control the chaos around us. Ultimate it's left to personal interpretation and impact. Still, as much as we surround ourselves with the imagery, most of us have little, if any, understanding of the witches that live next door. You probably don't even realize they do, because they do not fit the mold of expectation.  But modern witches are just modern people. They grew up in regular households. They face daily challenges. They have degrees in Psychology and deal with a commute to work, and find time to get their cats to the veterinarian....and that is exactly who our guest is on this episode. This time I am joined by a Wiccan Priestess named Ashley, who also hosts the amazing podcast "Seeking Witchcraft". Ashley has joined this discussion to introduce us to the modern concepts of witchcraft and the Wiccan religion, and share with us a bit of her story that began this journey of exploration and adherence to a modern "pagan" religion that is born of ancient beliefs and understanding.  This is not our usual research driven episode. It's a story. Witchcraft is a personal journey for it's practitioners. Even when covens are formed such as those of the various Wiccan traditions, initiates are guided by the experienced members and encouraged to explore their own understandings. On Seeking Witchcraft, Ashley takes her listeners through her personal understandings of Wicca and witchcraft, introducing tools, concepts, rituals and practices that she has found beneficial and effective, while also not being afraid to bring in guests to explore topics that she is still exploring as well.  Links: Recommended Reading Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by

 Mass Hallucination (w/ guest Jason Charbonneau) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:28

Episode 37 Spoiler alert. Mass Hallucination is not a real phenomenon. It does not exist. At least not as depicted in popular media. Regardless, it’s a term bantered about by both sides in many skeptical debates. Today we’re going to break down the mass hallucination theory and find out why it often surfaces as the go-to excuse for the unexplained. This time I am joined by guest host, Jason Charbonneau, creator of the fascinating YouTube channel, Think Anomalous. As you will see, I reached out to Jason for very good reason, I think you will very much enjoy. Links: Recommended Reading Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by

 Flying Tic Tacs, UFO and Paradigm Shifts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:46

Episode 36 This time Ryan jumps on the microphone for a bit of off-the-cuff discussion regarding the hot UFO topic of US Navy admission that the released "tic-tac" videos, which surfaced in 2017, are legitimate footage of unidentified aerial phenomenon captured between 2004 and 2015. Additionally, they were never meant to be released to the public.  Of course, we cannot just discuss these videos for what they show, or even the story behind them. No, Theoryologists, we explore what they mean. Big picture what they mean! They are a catalyst. A moment of crisis. A beginning to a major paradigm shift. Of course that means diving into an understanding of paradigms and how this little video sensation could possibly signal a huge shift in thinking. Links: Apolitical: Recommended Reading Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by

 Theoryology Bites: Last Thursdayism & Listener Updates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:41

Episode 35: Theoryology Bites Time for a short Bonus Episode! Theoryology Bites is a bit of a side show idea to cover things that simply don't have any theoryology behind them. These are ideas, beliefs, and even conspiracy theories that didn't gain any traction in the public imagination....usually for good reason. Still, they are fun to talk about and this gives y'all a chance to hear about them without trying to create an episode that created a theoryology that wasn't there. Hopefully you find it entertaining. Also, Ryan takes the time to update listeners with updates on the show, explain what it upcoming, and announce the arrival of the Conspiracy Theoryology merchandise store!!!!! Links: Last Thursdayism - Conspiracy Theoryology Store - Recommended Reading email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by

 Peak Oil, Twinkies and the Scarcity Principle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:38

Episode 34 Welcome back Theoryologists! We are talking about the theory of Peak Oil. The Peak Oil theory has a long history, that, while coined in 1950’s, is rooted in studies and predictions going back to the late 19th century, and in short proposes that oil, as a limited and exhaustible resource, will reach a point of peak discovery, production and availability at some point. In other words, we will eventually figure out where all of it is hiding within the Earth’s crust, and when there is no more new oil to be found, eventually the curve for the amount we are pumping out will take a turn as well and it follows that it’s all diminishing returns from that point onward. We are going to explore it’s history, at least in brief, along with it’s impact on how we think of oil as a commodity. We can also look into contrasting viewpoints, and new priorities that may deserve better focus in  modern day. At the end of the day, the goal is to have introduced you the real reason that the Peak Oil Theory had such an impact on the public imagination (and continues to even today). That of the Scarcity Principle. More pointedly, it seems like the scarcity principle results in outcomes for oil that you wouldn’t expect, nor would it benefit everyone using it as a marketing tactic for their particular issue.  Oh yeah, and to do all that, we are going to talk about Twinkies!  Recommended Reading email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by

 The Story Keepers (w/ guest NK Kranda) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:37:21

Episode 33 "Honor yourself because you survived." - NK Kranda These words encapsulate a unique and welcomed approach for those that have experienced the unexplained and inexplicable. And, it exemplifies the empathetic and generous nature of our guest today. On this episode of Conspiracy Theoryology, The Story Keepers. Joined by experience preservationist NK Kranda, as well as Travis, a personal experiencer with his own story to share, we explore the growing field of Experiencer Research, and discuss the power of stories, the impact of sharing personal experience, and the unique approach to engaging with individuals that have amazing and often hard to believe stories. Ultimately, this discussion should remind us all that there are very real and ordinary people behind these extraordinary experiences. Language warning for those that are used to the regular shows. Recommended Reading email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Need a better recording resource? Affiliate Link - Squadcast Links: NK Kranda - Facebook Strange Word - Travel Channel Hysteria 51 Podcast - NK Kranda Interview Somewhere in the Skies - NK Kranda Interview

 The Curse of the Petrified Forest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:48

Episode 32 This episode we explore our fascination with the Petrified Forest, located in Arizona. Specifically we will discuss the curse that has been associated with this amazing National Park, and reported by visitors since the 1930s. I say reports, but they are really attempts to lift this curse by returning stolen pieces of petrified wood, often with letters explaining the streak of misfortune and bad luck that had been wrought upon them following their larcenous indiscretions. Now, it may seem like we will be exploring the history of curses and legends, but that is actually not the most fascinating part of this particular story. See, what it more interesting is the realization that this particular tale of woe befalling the naive and curious sightseer and thrill seeker takes on mythological proportions of tragedy and warning. Inspired by some fellow podcasters over at the “It’s Real I Swear” podcast, we will introduce ourselves to the Curse of the Petrified Forest, and find out why it just may be a lesson on par with Greek mythology. email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Jade Helm 15 and the Secret PsyOp (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:29

Episode 31 Welcome back, Theoryologists. We are wrapping up our discussion of Jade Helm 15 and addressing our suspicions that is was, at the very least, used as a convenient opportunity for psychological operations training. Conversely, and more likely, the social manipulation and psychological triggers introduced with the Jade Helm operation were intrinsic of the training exercise itself, intended all along within the planning of this operation. In part 1 of this series, I introduced you Jade Helm 15, a joint military training exercise that was helmed by the US Special Operations Command, along with subordinate SOCOMs, and executed simultaneously in multiple US states in the southwest. We experienced the months leading to the July 2015 start of the operation through the concern and public backlash witnessed in the central Texas town of Bastrop. Remember what we discovered? We found out that with the actual start of operations, the high adventure, information leaks and media frenzy all came to an abrupt and anticlimactic halt. It seems that the only story worth telling is the story before Jade Helm ever began. That is, unless Jade Helm 15, at least some part of it, started much earlier than the much publicized date of mid-July. This time we attempt to pull all the information together. Now that we have re-familiarized ourselves with the event so of Jade Helm 15, and learned a good deal of the history and execution of PSYOP strategy and the Special Operations Command, it's time to figure out exactly what made Jade Helm so controversial, and why the public suspicion grew exponentially in the days preceding the training exercise. email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast Patreon - Music is by Links:  

 Jade Helm 15 and the Secret PsyOp (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:18

Episode 30 To some, it produces images of government controlled communications/mass media, telling the people only what the government wants them to hear. To others, it raises the horrid specter of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, practicing the technique of the "big lie" which has incorrectly become synonymous with "propaganda". Still to others, the mere mention of "psychological" operations or warfare invokes visions of "mind control" through some mysterious means of brainwashing. It should be clear that modern psychological operations, or PSYOP, is none of those things. - Maj. Ed Rouse (retired) Welcome back, Theoryologists. With this episode we continue our discussion of Jade Helm 15, by introducing ourselves to the world of Psychological Operations, and gain an understanding of the structure of Special Operations Command within the military. There was really no way of discussing PSYOPS without turning the discussion into a history lesson in psychological operations and warfare, as well as a review the evolving strategy within the US military. We glossed over the full industry of PSYOPS and special operations in the first episode, so this time we are giving full review. I wanted to really understand this beyond a simple wikipedia entry, so I went right to the source. In doing so, I found excellent information that provided the history, strategy, and future direction for psychological operations. email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Jade Helm 15 and the Secret PsyOp (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:07

Episode 29 Welcome back, Theoryologists. When you hear the term “psyop”, in context of the military, what comes to mind? Does it conjure up thoughts of leaflet air drops? Radio broadcasts behind enemy lines? Loudspeaker announcements? Are you even familiar with the term at all? While for some it may conjure the thought of clandestine psychic warfare and espionage tactics, Psyop is, in fact, an abbreviation of the term “psychological operation”.  These operations are defined by the Department of Defense as “planned psychological activities in peace and war which normally pursue objectives to gain the support and cooperation of friendly and neutral countries and to reduce the will and the capacity of hostile or potentially hostile countries to wage war.” Psyops have been employed by the US military in some form since the American revolution, and examples of these strategic psychological activities can be found during every major US military conflict since. This includes the American Civil War, Vietnam, and more recently the military conflicts in the Middle East. In fact, psychological operations are utilized by all major militaries throughout the world. While tactics employed, as mentioned before, such as leaflets and propaganda driven radio broadcasts are more properly defined as aspects of psychological warfare, the US Military is quick to point out that psychological operations during peacetime take a very different tact. These psyops do not involve misinformation, but are designed, in fact, to deter conflict through well crafted, truth based persuasive communications and terminology. We will begin our story, and learn about the military training exercise known as Jade Helm 15 through it’s impact on a small town in central Texas.  This will be a two part episode, simply because there is just so much to explore. Today we will introduce ourselves to this training exercise through the lens the residents in the town of Bastrop. As you hear the story and follow the events as they play out, keep the concept of psyops in the back of your mind. In May 2018, news outlets and newspaper articles circulated an update to the 2015 joint operation training exercise known as Jade Helm. Outlets reported on an MSNBC interview with, Michael Hayden, who had served as former head of both the CIA and NSA, during which Hayden made comments indicating that the frenzy of public concern and media coverage was fueled by a Russian disinformation campaign. This, of course, settled the issue and ended any further media interest for the 3 year old topic. Seemingly providing explanation for the escalated alarm, claims of conspiracy theory, and public backlash, Hayden rested the blame on Russian bots and the alt-right media, answering the question of how the whole conspiracy theory got started in the first place.  The problem is, it was never a question anyone was asking. Not during media coverage leading up to the exercise in 2015, and certainly not in 2018, long after most people forgot that anything had ever happened. So if no one was asking the question, then why provide an unprompted answer? Well, we could point some motivation to the fact that Michael Hayden was promoting his book during the interview, but it still seems a bit random. That is, unless this latest revelation of information is just another phase of the Jade Helm exercise itself. To make a determination like that, though, we should first understand what exactly happened in the months leading up to the Jade Helm training exercise during the Spring of 2015 email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast Patreon - Music is by

 Ancient Aliens And Instinctive Elaboration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:44

Episode 28 Welcome back Theoryologists. What happens when your brain hears a question? In fact, the answer is just what happened when you heard my question. Interestingly, you focused in and everything else, at least for a moment, was put to the side while your mind attempted to address the question at hand. Neuroscience research has found that the human brain can only think of one thing at a time. According to the book Brain Rules, “we are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously.” Questions trigger a mental reflex known as “instinctive elaboration”. In which, when a question is posed, it takes over the brain’s thought process. And when your brain is thinking about the answer to a question, it cannot contemplate anything else. Behavioral scientists have also found that just asking people about their future decisions significantly influences those decisions, a phenomenon known as the “mere measurement effect.” This time I am again joined by Mike on co-host duty as we continue our discussion on the Ancient Aliens phenomen; focusing specifically on the ancient aliens television series. The series, which began formally in 2010, and appears in the History Channel, just began its 14th season and continues to prove wildly popular and successful, pulling in over a million viewers weekly on a regular basis. As we jump into the discussion, think about the aspects of the show that we highlight as possible drivers for the success and popularity with the public. What you will find is that the series is designed, very intentionally, to focus your attention and peak your interest by proposing the varied theories as questions. These questions guide the viewers in digesting the ideas presented, and actually increase the likelihood that they will accept the possibility, and find the show more engaging. email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast Patreon - Music is by Links:  


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