Conspiracy Theoryology show

Conspiracy Theoryology

Summary: Sometimes the public doesn’t believe what we are told to believe. Join the discussion and explore the historical events, and public state of mind, that influenced the appeal and popularity of the most enduring conspiracy theories and alternative beliefs out there.

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 War Escalation - Discussion of Ukraine Conflict w/Scott Compton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:09

Episode 56 Since the last episode, the conflict unfolding in Ukraine has escalated. While "hot war" is confined within the borders of Ukraine, the entire world is weighing in on this issue, and the truth is that economic, cyber and political combat is world wide.  Once again, this is an unfolding event and while we recorded on 3/9, and a lot of things have happened since then, this discussion is still very relevant because many of these questions have still not been answered. In order to continue this discussion about this unfolding topic, I'm joined by Scott Compton, fellow podcaster and co-host of the America Today Podcast Thanks for joining us today in this discussion. If you found value in this episode content, please consider supporting the podcast using the link below.   Value-for-Value Paypal Donation - Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Minds - @conspiracytheoryology | FLOTE - @TheoryologyPod  Music is by Links:

 False Flag Fake Out w/ Scott Compton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:01

Episode 55 In early February 2022, in a US White House press briefing, the public was informed of "intelligence" indicating the execution of a false flag to be developed by Russia in order to instigate an invasion of Ukraine. This admission of the use and legitimacy of false flags as a tactic presents a much larger discussion than simply the Russia/Ukraine conflict. In fact, it seems the false flag announcement was itself the false flag meant to goad Russia into a corner and make invasion certain.  In order to have a robust discussion about this unfolding topic, I'm joined by Scott Compton, fellow podcaster and co-host of the America Today Podcast Scott and I discuss the announcement of the false flag, as well as a longer discussion on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, trying to understand the greater motivations driving the global response. Thanks for joining us today in this discussion. If you found value in this episode content, please consider supporting the podcast using the link below.   Value-for-Value Paypal Donation - Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Minds - @conspiracytheoryology | FLOTE - @TheoryologyPod  Music is by Links:  

 COVID Testing and Overdiagnosis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:13

Episode 54 In January 2022, US President Biden and the White House released a media statement announcing an all-encompassing effort to produce, provide and distribute rapid COVID tests throughout the entire country, along with free and readily available access to testing facilities. The seemingly magnanimous effort, predicated on public safety and national defense, may, in reality, be a means of working around the inexplicable public aversion to vaccination mandates, but pushing the public into a forced vaccination mindset of their own design.  This tactic is built on a not well-understood issue within medicine that has come to be known as Overdiagnosis, and its key ingredient…excessive and unnecessary testing.   Value-for-Value Paypal Donation - Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Minds - @conspiracytheoryology | FLOTE - @TheoryologyPod  Music is by Links:   Overdiagnosis: causes and consequences in primary health care Fact Sheet: The Biden Administration to Begin Distributing At-Home, Rapid COVID-19 Tests to Americans for Free | The White House

 Mandate Games | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:38

Episode 53 Welcome Back, Theoryologists! New year, and new topics! Also, we are taking the growing approach of value-for-value funding for the show. Please consider donating if you found value in this episode. On December 6th, 2021, the US District Court in Georgia issued a nationwide 50 state injunction against the enforcement of the vaccine mandate imposed on federal contractors. But is this really a win for the freedom minded, anti-mandate movement? Or, is this extreme overreach just a negotiating tactic meant to make the public more accepting of seemingly scaled back requirements that may prove just as imposing, though more palatable to the courts and a worn down population? It’s time to talk about mandates.   Value-for-Value Paypal Donation - Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Minds - @conspiracytheoryology | FLOTE - @TheoryologyPod  Music is by Links: Negotiating tactic: Reciprocal Concession | by Polygyan Kroger to take away paid Covid benefits for unvaccinated employees For Federal Contractors | Safer Federal Workforce Executive Order on Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors | The White House Panic? US Mega-Corporations Rush To Abandon Vax Mandate | ZeroHedge Fact Sheet: The Biden Administration to Begin Distributing At-Home, Rapid COVID-19 Tests to Americans for Free | The White House WATCH: President Biden unveils plan to boost Covid vaccinations and fight Delta variant — 9/9/2021

 Awakenings and Activation with NK Kranda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:31

Episode 52 Welcome Back, Theoryologists! New year, and new topics! Also, we are taking the growing approach of value-for-value funding for the show. Please consider donating if you found value in this episode. This time we have a special guest appearance. We are joined by the wonderful NK Kranda, experiencer researcher. NK has joined me in-studio for this episode, which proved fraught with recording issues, derailments, and lots of laughter and distractions! Regardless, this topic is a perfect discussion to have with her.  NK surprised me with the unique pleasure of premiering an interview she held with Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), Jim Denning, M.A., LPC, LCDC, of The Denning Center. After a bit of fun and casual discussion with NK, we discussed the challenges around discussing "Awakening" as a topic, as ambiguous as it is. Then, after a more to the point introduction, you will have the opportunity to hear the full interview held in January.  Awakening is subjective and personal for each experience and experiencer. What is often overlooked is what happens after that. When experience can lead to paradigm-shifting, life-altering changes in perspective and belief, how can someone best confront it? What resources are available? Who is there to listen, counsel, and advise?  I think you will enjoy this entire episode, so enjoy and start this year in a positive state of mind.   Value-for-Value Paypal Donation - Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Minds - @conspiracytheoryology | FLOTE - @TheoryologyPod  Music is by Links:  

 Bones of Tyranny - Breakdown, Civil War, and the Stand Alone Complex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:11

Episode 51 This time, we continue our Bones of Tyranny discussion by exploring the concept of the Stand Alone Complex and why fires of civil unrest and the breakdown of public confidence is exactly where tyranny is born and martial law is enacted.   Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Parler - @ConspiracyTheoryologyPodcast Music is by Links: WTPC Calls for Trump to Declare Limited Martial Law An Insight Into the Concept of Normalcy Bias in Psychology Much Todo About Nothing.: Anonymous - A RL Stand Alone Complex? What a new U.S. civil war might look like

 Bones of Tyranny - Operational Contingency and Continuity of Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

Episode 50 In 2006, the United States Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which, among other things, allowed for the president to declare martial law, take command of National Guard Units without state governor consent, and use military force to address domestic disturbance, acts of terrorism, insurrection, and civil unrest. The drastic expansion of powers this handed to a President of the US did not go unnoticed, and in 2008, the Act was revised in an attempt to reign in the potential abuse of such broad powers. Even with revision, the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, more commonly known as Executive Directive 51, has not been rescinded. With it, the approach to maintaining a functioning federal government, known under the term “continuity of government”,  in the event of catastrophic social unrest, civic breakdown, and outside attack or disaster was centralized and militarized. With all this, the specter of martial law has since permeated the public consciousness, and since this time, the fear and accusations of tyrannical intent and potential of martial law have followed each successive administration.  At the time of recording this episode, the current president, Donald Trump, along with the first lady, and a cadre of staff and ranking personnel were tested positive for COVID-19 infection. Because of media focus on discussions of presidential succession plans and impacts on election debate schedules, the real question was not given attention. What happens if a substantial portion of government infrastructure becomes unable to function? And, if the public can be convinced to accept that their way of life was in jeopardy, would they be willing to concede their personal freedoms and liberties to a presumptively temporary martial structure of government to protect the future?  This time, as we begin our series titled “Bones of Tyranny”, we address Continuity of Government contingency operations.   Conspiracy Theoryology Show Merchandise Store - Conspiracy Theoryology Inspired Etsy Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast  Music is by Links: Exclusive: Inside The Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government Martial law Tyrant United States federal government continuity of operations Top Secret Pentagon Operation "Granite Shadow" revealed. Today in DC: Commandos in the Streets? Operation 'Granite Shadow' - The US Military's Above-To-Secret Plans If COVID-19 Cripples Government NORTHCOM Operational Plans, Pandemic and Endemic Continuity of Government

 Flu Shots and Face Masks - Moral Panic and Social Control Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:11

Episode 49   Question: Do you think there is merit to the idea that governments and societal authorities use social control theory and moral panic to shape public behavior at the expense of personal freedoms and liberties? We have previously discussed the psychology of masks and the impact on social interaction, empathy, and personal inhibition. This time the discussion focuses on the sociology of these issues, and the use of social controls to establish, implement, and normalize desired behaviors within the population.  In order to discuss the relationship between the issues of vaccination and face masks, and understand the current divide in public opinion on both topics, we must understand the terms and tools being used to execute this shaping of social norms. This time, on Conspiracy Theoryology, we discussion Social Control Theory and Moral Panic. Two concepts that may just help us to understand the public fascination, and social divide occurring over the issues of mandatory vaccination and face mask policies.   Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links: Stop Smoker-Shaming Background of Smoking Bans Secondhand smoke isn't as bad as we thought. Secondhand Smoke and Cancer Forms Of Social Control | Informal Social Control | Social Control | Social Control Theory | Social Control Definition How Sociologists Define Social Control Moral panic Moral Panic: Who Benefits From Public Fear? A Sociological Understanding of Moral Panic Moral Panics and the Media – ReviseSociology Self-Deception I: Rationalization Vaccines Protect Everyone

 Masking the Truth - Face Masks, Empathy and Dis-inhibition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:00

Episode 48 For many, the world seems to have lost its mind. For others, the world became a very threatening and scary place. Society is under attack and upheaval from both a  “natural” public health emergency and social unrest born of long-simmering civil rights concerns and race relations here in the US. Ultimately theories abound as to the cause, purpose, and even understanding of this all-out assault on society. I’m sure you are wondering if we are diverging from the typical format to voice concerns on either the public health emergency or to make a personal stand on the modern civil rights movement, in one way or another. Well, I prefer to think I have managed to stay true to the intent of Conspiracy Theoryology while making a timely episode addressing current events. In fact, there is a conspiracy for us to consider. Throughout the last 6-7 months, theories have surfaced in an attempt to explain events not only as they have occurred, but in relation to everything else preceding it this year. Attempts are being made at explaining the origins and distribution of the SARS-CoV2 virus at the heart of the COVID-19 outbreak. Questions abound as to the accuracy of testing, tracking, and reporting of infection and deaths. Then, when it felt like we had enough, a poor excuse for a police officer either with murderous intent or through sheer incompetence took aggressive and brutal action during a questionable arrest that led to the death of a black man in Minneapolis. We are all trying to understand why, and what it means for societal advancement. How much improvement has actually been made in race relations, if any, if something like this can happen? Well, there a lot of questions that can come out of everything that has happened in 2020, but most poignantly, why these events, in contrast to any other health emergency or civil rights violation that has occurred over the last several decades, have managed to ignite a powder keg of social unrest, demonstration, and resistance. I’m going to attempt to aggregate the various theories that have surfaced, connecting the dots into a single cohesive theory that seems to reflect the opinions of those questioning the narrative. Additionally, we can discuss some derivations from this to consider other narratives that might be more palatable for others. Something had to change public psychology to make these events feed each other. Whether a hand was at play every step of the way, or it’s been simply a series of unfortunate events, something was different. That difference, I think, was facemasks.   Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links: The Story: An Overview of the Experiment Effect of facemasks on empathy and relational continuity: a randomised controlled trial in primary care How Masks Change Us: On Anonymity, Road Rage & Rituals A psychotherapist explains why you want to wear a face mask — even though it probably won't help you avoid illness Coronavirus: Why face masks are not very effective for prevention How Sunglasses and Masks Affect Moral Behavior Face Masks Can Be Deadly To Healthy People Says Neurologist Wearing Face Masks and Gloves Don't Really Prevent You From Getting Sick — and 6 Other Germ Myths to Know

 Crisis Apparitions and Connectedness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:09

Episode 47 When life ends, tragically and suddenly, or perhaps even naturally in its due course, can those final moments provide an opportunity for a final goodbye, or a heartfelt thank you to those that mean the most to us, even if they are not with us at our last breath? Is there more connecting us to each other than we think, that may remove even death as a barrier to communication? These are the questions we will explore this episode. For those that are unfamiliar with this ghostly phenomenon, this critically-timed appearance of family and loved ones at the time of either death or near-death critical moments is aptly named as crisis apparition. I say aptly named because of what the phenomenon is not. These apparitions are not “ghosts” in the usual sense, though they can at times have a “ghostly” appearance. As well, this is not a “haunting”. These are not entities attached to a person or place or object, and they only occur once, for a varying period of time. This phenomenon is also not very well understood. The apparition itself does not provide much explanation, often not speaking at all in most examples. The focus is usually to convey some sort of emotional personal message through facial expression and gesture. Even in those cases where a spoken interchange is reported, it is not to provide exposition but rather a message of love or appreciation. At a minimum, these apparitions are there to announce their death at a personal, individual level.  Of course, with such an ambiguous description, while we may understand what this phenomenon looks like, it does not really tell us what they are? Let’s start with ideas as to the source. How is it created? If it’s not the ghost of a dead or dying loved one, and it is more than just the hopeful imagination of the experiencer, who made it?  Once that is answered, understanding what these apparitions may be, and how they might be created does certainly help us to grasp the phenomenon, giving some definition and description, but we are left with the question of why. Why might these individuals in crisis mode feel so compelled, even subconsciously, to create this telepathic image to someone else? Answering this question may give us an idea as to the basis of fascination for these crisis apparition experiences thus providing the core theoryology for the phenomenon. Some of the stories shared in this episode come from the article referenced in the links below.   Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 The Dogs of Lore - Dogmen, Black Dogs, Werewolves and Dog Domestication Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:00

Episode 46 Dogs play a role in all aspects of human history. They are part of our history, lore, our ancient belief systems, and our families. Dogmen, black dogs and hell hounds, werewolves, skinwalkers, shapeshifters, Ancient gods.. By no means, extensive, this short list provides a glimpse at the doglike creatures with which our imaginations and experiences are replete.  If you sniff around long enough, it’s easy to catch the scent of truth that canine-like creatures and cryptids permeate our history. Modern anthropology has often attributed this fascination with wolf and dog like creatures to be the mythologizing and anthropomorphizing of the dominant competing predator to ancient humans. Embracing what we fear to make sense of it. Archaeology has also weighed in on the role of dogs in advancing human civilization through evidence of domestication and interaction as far back at 16,000 years ago and perhaps even farther. This modern view creates a dichotomy of perspective. We simultaneously fear the canine for the threat it provides, while we also embrace it for the unique bond and relationship it holds with humans. This is all well and good, but can that strange balancing act of love and hate actually explain our fascination with these dog-like creatures that exist in every facet of our storytelling and experiences? Or, is there more to mankind’s history with our faithful four-legged companion than we realize? Something that might make us more connected and more alike than we readily acknowledge today.  One thing is certain, this episode has truly gone to the dogs.   Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Pandemic Panic (Part 4) - Realities of the Spanish Flu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:15

Episode 45 This time on Conspiracy Theoryology, we wrap up on discussion of the Spanish Flu, exploring the medical knowledge of the time, what we now know to be true, and some other influences and conditions that may have attributed to the most lethal viral outbreak of the 20th century, and, in light of our recent events, how it really compares to the first truly global pandemic panic of the 21st century. The Spanish flu pandemic was certainly deadly but it did not kill 50 million people. Not without the help of its friends. You know, famine, malnutrition, and world war 1. Horrible roommates, all of them.  Up until this year, the effort to hyperbolize severity of the Spanish flu has been extremely popular, because fear is a great motivator. And that motivation ya been very profitable for the pharmaceutical industry for 40 year. The bogeyman of annual flu has led the charge into a vaccination mindset that makes a lot of money for the industry and gives a great deal of power to those that wield political influence.  Unfortunately, that same exaggeration is now yielding its fruits, and has caused the public to react in an irrational manner to the Covid19 pandemic. And when I say public, I mean everyone. Both sides of the opinion spectrum.  So, you have probably noticed that there was a large gap between part 3 of this series and this episode. In truth, I didn’t know how to frame this discussion, in light of current events. Up until March of 2020, research on the Spanish flu was academic and historical. There was very little reference to any modern context other than the oft repeated phrase “It’s not of, but when.”  A very convenient phrase to use to maintain fear and worry, without having to actually provide any real information proving the statement.  Now, though, I challenge you to go to your search engine of choice and find information on Spanish flu. The first page of results will undoubtedly be filled with recent articles comparing the Spanish flu to COVID 19. The two events have become entwined. I cannot present historical factors of Spanish flu, without now providing context for viewing the current pandemic. Likewise, we can better understand the true behavior of the Spanish flu pandemic given a current framework with which to compare.  To not do either of those things would be as irresponsible as those that have made the point to draw extreme views through comparison of the two events. That said, let’s first understand the death toll of the Spanish flu. After we explore the many factors that influenced the mortality rate, we can wrap up this discussion talking COVID.    Several Factors influenced and bolstered the severity of the pandemic. First being the approach to calculate the mortality impact. The number has grown steadily since early estimates in the 1990s. 20MM to 50MM in 2005, to upwards of 100MM (5% of the global population). But a reassessment in 2018 put a more realistic number at 15-17MM.   Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Quarantine Quiet Time with NK and Ryan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:29

BONUS Episode Hey there theoryologists. This time I have a bonus episode for you. Many of you are restricted to home, and the short radius of permissible travel from outside of the house, just trying to maintain as much normalcy for yourself and your families. Conversely, many of you are out there doing what you do, keeping the daily essentials of life moving along without a hitch. Whichever camp you find yourself, know that I appreciated very much the fact that through all this, you have taken time to listen to this little podcast.  NK approached me a little more than a week ago, suggesting that we record and take a moment to change the subject a bit. For those of you long time listeners, you know that NK is a very special previous guest and now friend of the show, and she has become a very dear and wonderful personal friend. So, when she suggested we record, I jumped at the chance to set aside the stress of the day and spend a bit of time catching up with a great person.  So, with that, I am very pleased to introduce, for this bonus episode of Conspiracy Theoryology, a special event  we call “Quarantine Quiet Time with NK and Ryan”. For this episode, the music is again brought to you by the amazing Adam Henry Garcia. Enjoy!   Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Pandemic Panic (Part 3) - The Spanish Flu of 1918 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:47

Episode 44 We continue our discussion on pandemic mania, and this time we are getting to the heart of the matter. The reason for the season. The baseline by which all modern outbreaks are weighed and measured. The Spanish Flu of 1918. Let us begin first by understanding first what exactly the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918 was. As we go through, this, there will be plenty of facts, figures, dates, and percentages. Don’t worry about following the details. The key, just as when we discussed COVID19, is to register the enormous scale to which the influenza outbreak is attributed.  The Spanish Flu is more accurately labeled the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. It is widely accepted to be a pandemic involving the H1N1 influenza virus, a precursor to the H1N1 that we are familiar with today. It received the moniker “Spanish Flu” as a result of press reporting received from then neutral Spain. When much of the news in Europe and the United States was minimized and censored under the auspices of morale during the war, unrestricted reporting in Spain presented a false impression of epidemic severity in contrast to other countries, thus establishing the popularity of the name “Spanish Flu, especially in the United States.  It is estimated to have infected a quarter of the world population, then 1.8 billion. The death toll is as broad and uncertain as other aspects of this outbreak, with estimates from 20-50 million. Some even attribute up to 100 million, though that requires lumping pretty much every potential respiratory and secondary infection mortality under the blame of the flu. Though historical study and epidemiological research has shed some light on the possible causes and details of this expansive and deadly disease, much remains unknown. The point of origin remains unknown, since the disease seems to have surfaced almost simultaneously in multiple regions, with theories pointing to China, the United States or France. Likewise, the details of the virus, which caused the resulting pandemic to appear extremely virulent and deadly, are in dispute. While some research shows the virus itself to be a deadly strain, other analysis indicates that the infection was no more aggressive or severe than previous influenza events. Wikipedia expands on this contraindication, stating that this would then attribute the high mortality to the state of the global population at the time, experiencing undernourishment, crowded medical camps, congestion and diversity on battlefields, and expansive travel and mobility of previously isolated populations. All of which resulted in the possible development of a bacterial super-infection.    Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:

 Pandemic Panic (Part 2) - COVID19, Communication and Pandemic Uncertainty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:05

Episode 43 Part 2 of our discussion on pandemic fears. As the current outbreak in China continues to evolve in both scale and impact, we take the time to review current status, hear some interesting news regarding the coronavirus outbreak in China, and explore the importance of communication tactics.  It is time to continue our discussion on pandemic mania. While I originally planned, and promised, that we would begin exploring the history of the Spanish Flu, as is usual with our topics that begin as envisioned two-parters, quickly become trilogies. The reason for this is two-fold. First and foremost, the coronavirus, as suspected, had a lot of news since Part 1. Not only does the coronavirus have an official name, but the world has been issued an official naming convention. The hot new website development trend is to set up a coronavirus information dashboard, and some pretty fascinating conspiracy theories have surfaced regarding the origin of the coronavirus. Oh, and spotlight envy has generated backlash against coronavirus media coverage and public focus, as we are now being reminded that the flu and flu-related illness was the real killer and this flash in the pan interloper needs to be put in it’s place.  Secondary to all this, the Spanish flu has been a fascinating research effort, and in truth I knew I would not do it justice trying to get the episode out, while also keeping up with all things Coronavirus. As it is, this episode is releasing much later than I planned. The Spanish flu is inseparably linked to World War 1, which means that historical research is more than just a medical timeline of outbreaks and tracking statistics.  Part 3 will give us plenty of room to discuss the 1918 Influenza Outbreak without having to preface the episode with lots of current events updates at the top of the episode.  All this today, and a little theoryology as we explore the psychology of pandemic, and try to understand why we respond the way we do, and what approaches are being taken by world governments, international organizations, and news media, intentionally to shape the public response.  Recommended Reading - Amazon Affiliate Links Conspiracy Theoryology Store - email - Twitter - @TheoryologyPod | Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast | Patreon - Music is by Links:;jsessionid=22D4EB087DC8D873A6369B27A212A532?sequence=1


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