Parenting Our Future show

Parenting Our Future

Summary: Parents! We CAN change the world, starting with the way we're parenting our future. Up to this point in history, children have been seen as less than and parented in a way that uses power over a child. Most of us were parented in this way but there is a shift in thinking about the way we raise our kids. Parents don’t feel good about using shame, blame, criticism, punishments, and even rewards, to get their kids to listen. Parents are wanting a different way because they know from their own childhoods this type of parenting hurts and leaves us with scars we take with us through our adulthood. Each one of my episodes is designed to help you navigate the difficult journey of parenting but in a way that is more peaceful and intentional. I’ll show you how to get your kids to listen and cooperate without yelling, punishments and rewards. I’ll show you how to understand your own feelings and those of your kids. My intention is to bring you to a place where you feel connected with your kids and yourself (we often get lost when we become parents!). Tune in weekly for all the inside tips, tools and tricks I teach my private clients to help you build the family you always wanted, and to become the parent you always envisioned you would be. I promise to provide you with fun and entertaining content that will leave you seeing your kids and your reactions in a whole new light! Please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps, and leave you feeling inspired! I am always grateful for every person who subscribes, leaves a review and rates my podcast 5 stars.

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 POF24: How to Get Your Kids to Listen…THE FIRST TIME | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:01

All parents hate it when they are ignored!  We can’t stand repeating requests that fall on deaf ears!  Being ignored and unheard leads to frustration, resentment, anger and yelling!  There is a way to stop repeating and start getting cooperation and I share that in this episode. I also talk about the power of listening to your kids and how it’s a GAME CHANGER in your relationships with your kids and all the other people in your life!

 POF23: Addicted To Gaming? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:27

Are you thinking of giving your kids a new gaming system for the Holidays?  Are you worried they play too much on the system you already have?  Is it hard to get them to disconnect from gaming? Do you worry they might be, or might become, addicted? In this episode, I speak with “Digital Life Skills for Youth” author, Angela Crocker about the subject of gaming addiction.  Learn the signs and the solutions on this important topic.

 POF22: Surviving the Holidays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:44

We all want the holidays to be full of magic and joy but so often they aren’t. We are stressed, have a million things on our plate, so many more events on the calendar. It can be a joy killer to have your kids overstimulated, hyper, asking constantly for things, and misbehaving. So what can you do to make the holidays run more smoothly? Listen for the tips you need to survive the holidays!!

 POF21: Relationship Mirrors – How to use the difficult people (including your kids) in your life to find inner peace. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:49

It’s the holiday season and it’s at this time of the year we are often faced with gatherings of friends and family we don’t see often and maybe we don’t even like…We all have difficult people in our lives.  Does your Mother-in-Law drive you crazy?  Does your co-worker? Are you feeling really triggered by your kids?  Are you tired of feeling put down, powerless and unheard?  Listen for the solutions to healing yourself THROUGH these difficult relationships! It’s possible and it’s LIBERA

 POF20: Why Kids Lie   | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:16

Whether we like it or not, it’s COMPLETELY NORMAL for kids to lie, starting around age 2 all the way up to age 12 and the lies can escalate as they get older. Many parents get really worried and angry when they are faced with their kids telling them lies.  In this episode I breakdown the stages of lying, different types of lies kids tell and how to stop them!

 POF19: Escape to the Wild with Andrea Hejlskov | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:43

Have you ever fantasized about leaving everything behind to live in the cabin in the woods? Away from work stress, life stress, overwhelm, technology, keeping up with the Jones’, and packed schedules? When my guest, author and mother of four, Andrea Hejlskov’s husband, in the midst of their chaotic life, said “what if it’s not us that’s the problem? The ups and downs of her experience are fascinating especially bringing four kids along for the ride!

 POF18: The Stress Contagion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:02

We are the most stressed-out generation and we know now that stress is contagious.  As parents, our stress affects our kids and leads to anxiety in them. Stress and anxiety are gripping today’s families but there is a way to stop it in its tracks! When you show up differently for your kids, they show up differently for you.  Learn how stress affects both parents and kids and what you can do to have less stress in your family.

 POF17: School Choice with Andrew Campanella | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:13

We all want our kids to get a good education and be successful in school.  BUT not every school fits your child’s unique needs and abilities. Are you aware of the many options that are available? This may seem like an exciting concept but also daunting because where do you start?  In this episode, Andrew Campanella, the President of National School Choice Week in The United States talks about how and when parents can look for alternatives for their kids based on their needs.  

 POF16: Relationship First | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 21:59

When you parent by putting your relationship with your child first, you still have clear limits and expectations BUT you DON’T use your power over your child to shame her or force him to obey….OR ELSE!  We all want our kids to trust and respect us and come to us to tell us what’s going on with them.  Listen for easy ways to build a strong relationship with your child and learn how to avoid the pitfalls of relationship killers!

 POF15: Cultivating Joy with Andrea Ferguson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:37

Do you want more joy in your life?  Who doesn’t?  BUT sometimes maybe you feel like it’s only a fleeting moment or you don’t deserve it?  Did you know that JOY is our innate nature? JOY is the signal that you are connected to your truth and in alignment with who you are supposed to be in this world.  This episode is about how to have JOY in all areas of your life; especially in parenting when your kids are in trouble or even driving you crazy!

 POF14: Potty Planning with Rebecca Larson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:56

Today we are talking about all things potty and how you can actually potty train your baby in the early days. Listen in as we discuss this a parent-led, proactive routine-based method for infant potty training (0-12months). That means – parents take the lead and offer their babies assistance to go to the bathroom following a natural elimination routine.  

 POF13: Growing Grateful Kids with Julie Boyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:33

Teaching gratitude is something we have to teach our kids but it’s also something we have to model because we all know our kids don’t do what we say, they do what we do!   Julie Boyer, Gratitude Guru, shares some simple, age-appropriate ways to cultivate gratitude in your life and how to teach it to your kids!  Why should you care?  Because living in gratitude makes you feel more joyful, connected and present!  We all need more of that, don’t you think?

 POF12: Life Changing International Adoption Story (and how my guest, Tanya Donahue, is changing the world!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:50

Have you ever heard of an Economic Orphan?  I never had until I met mom of 4, and business owner Tanya Donahue.  Hear Tanya’s story of adoption and building connection and a safe place for her 4 children all while living in Haiti and opening a business to offer sustainable employment to locals.  Now back in Canada, her commitment continues today with her business, Mango and Moose. 

 POF11: What’s Going on in Your Kid’s Brains? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

Learning about the brain is the foundation of peaceful and nonviolent parenting.  It’s because of what we know now about children’s brains, that will serve you in understanding your child so much better! Listen on to find out what’s really going on in that brain of theirs!

 POF10: When Is It Ok To Push Your Kids? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:18

Did you know that allowing your kids to be dependent actually allows them to be Independent?  We get stressed and worried about where kids are, in terms of what they can and can't do, that we lose our objectivity.  This means we can't see that our kids need to take the time they need to learn developmental skills.  Today I’ll share with you when you should push your child and when you should provide a cushion for them. 


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