Django Chat show

Django Chat

Summary: A podcast on the Django Web Framework by William Vincent and Carlton Gibson.

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  • Artist: William Vincent and Carlton Gibson
  • Copyright: © Django Chat


 Channels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:47

Channels are the current way to add async support and websockets to Django. We discuss the history of the project, its current status, and how it relates to Django 3+.

 How Django Experts Think | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:25

What does mastery in Django really feel like? We discuss our learning journeys, what’s different after years of experience, how to ask for help, and why coding is a zen experience.

 Middleware | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:51

Middleware makes Django, well, Django, but is poorly understood. In this episode we discuss how middleware works and why it's so important.

 Signals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:55

Signals are a powerful but poorly understood and widely abused feature in Django. We explain how they work and introduce Carlton's "Am I allowed to use signals" test.

 Migrating from Python 2 to 3 at EdX - David Ormsbee & Nimisha Asthagiri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:34

EdX is an online education platform used by more than 20 million learners and institutions including MIT and Harvard. We discuss migration from Python 2 to 3, where to put business logic, and the limits of Django defaults on a website at massive scale.

 Search | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:39

Despite being a "batteries included" framework, Django provides no built-in support for search. And yet almost every website needs it! We discuss how to add search to any Django site via filters and Q objects. Then move on to more advanced options including full text search with PostgreSQL, Elastic, and more.

 Ruby on Rails & Django- David Heinemeier Hansson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:33

David is the creator of Ruby on Rails. We discuss "batteries-included" web frameworks, maintaining an open source community, versioning, upgrades, and falling in love with a programming language.

 Django 3.0 Preview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:19

We discuss the major features to expect in Django 3.0, which will be released in December, but the alpha release is available now for testing.

 Learning to Love Django Tests - Lacey Williams Henschel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:39

Lacey is a former DjangoCon US conference chair, prolific speaker, teacher, and works as a consultant at RevSys.

 Django Fellow - Mariusz Felisiak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:59

Mariusz is an expert on Oracle databases and a Django Fellow, responsible for triaging tickets, security releases, and generally guiding Django itself.

 From Django 0.9 to Present - Russell Keith-Magee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:53

Russell Keith-Magee is one of the original Django core contributors, a former President of the Django Software Foundation, and the creator of the BeeWare project. We discuss funding open source, legacy Django features, and the future of Python.

 MySQL & Security - Adam Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:33

Adam Johnson is a Django core developer responsible for the popular django-mysql package. We discuss why MySQL still makes sense with Django, security, hosting on AWS, and more.

 Community & Inclusion - Kojo Idrissa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:30

Kojo Idrissa is the current DEFNA North American Ambassador, a DjangoCon US organizer, and a prolific speaker at Django/Python conferences.

 Django vs Flask - Michael Herman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:47

Michael Herman was the co-founder of RealPython and now runs He has deep professional experience with both Flask and Django which we discuss along with static sites, microservices, and which framework makes sense for beginners.

 Django Testing - Jeff Triplett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:27

Jeff Triplett is a consultant at REVSYS, a Director of the Python Software Foundation, and President of the Django Events Foundation of North America. We talk about testing Django applications, TDD, and Python/Django community involvement.


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