2 Frugal Dudes show

2 Frugal Dudes

Summary: Helping you become financially independent by cutting your expenses and increasing your income to live life on your terms and spend more money on the things you love. Our show is the layman’s guide to simple personal finance, investing, taxes, frugal living, saving money, budgeting, entrepreneurship, freelancing, early retirement, financial freedom/independence, travel hacking, student loans, paying off debt, avoiding credit cards, real estate and life hacks. Sean is the author of The Early Retirement Roadmap and Kevin is an instructor of Financial Peace University where they continue to share their stories with their fellow middle class citizens, accepting them where they are and helping to get them to where they want to be. CHA-CHING!

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  • Artist: Kevin Griffin and Sean Merron
  • Copyright: © 2 Frugal Dudes, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


 Frugal Tips for Building a Garage Gym | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:18

Episode 159: Learn frugal tips for building a garage gym, including a few pros and cons to consider. Sean’s money went toward buying a $70 pull-up bar to start putting together a home gym. He also bought a set of rings to be able to do ring rows and dips. [...]

 Putting the Fun Back in Frugality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:53

Episode 158: Learn how to make frugal living fun with tips for mindful spending and striving to increase your income rather than living a life of deprivation with Diana Merriam, founder of the EconoMe Conference. Tune in for a discount code and a chance to win tickets! Overcoming Mindless Consumption [...]

 Tips for Filing a Tax Extension | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:03

Episode 157: Learn how to file a tax extension with the IRS and tips for filing a business tax extension or personal tax extension. If you’re running a business, filing an extension for your business taxes is really easy. It’s a few questions, a quick submission, and gives you a [...]

 Tips for Frugal Travel in the UK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:11

Episode 156: Learn how to navigate the UK on a budget. Find out how to save on transit and accommodations, as well as few hidden costs to look out for. Kevin is reporting from the UK, with some helpful tips for traveling through this often costly part of the world. [...]

 How to De-Risk the Move to Self-Employment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Episode 155: Learn helpful tips for becoming self-employed while reducing risk. We’re talking about the seven financial keys to success and how to identify what’s holding you back so that you can work around them to achieve your entrepreneurial goals. On this episode, we’re joined by small business expert and [...]

 When to Do Your Own Repairs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:30

Episode 154: Should you do your own repairs or hire someone else? In this episode of the Where Our Money Went series we’re talking about basic handy skills, opportunity cost, and free tool lending programs. Learning Some Basic Handy Skills If you own a car or a home, it’s always [...]

 Choosing an Airline Loyalty Program | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:02

Episode 153: Learn about the perks of getting status with an airline and some considerations for choosing an airline loyalty program on this episode of the Where Our Money Went series. Kevin lost his American Airlines status. When this happens, he receives an offer to pay to maintain his status. [...]

 Upgrading Your Financial Operating Systems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:13

Episode 152: How you handle your money is largely based on how you were raised, how open you are when discussing money, and the mindset that was bestowed upon you in your youth. Learn how to upgrade your financial operating system with financial coach, Lisa Duke. What is a Financial [...]

 Investing in Mortgage-Backed Securities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:16

Episode 151: What happens when your mortgage is sold? What’s mortgage-backed security? How can you invest in mortgage-backed securities? What are the risks? We cover this and a bit about Apple Cards in our latest episode of Where Our Money Went. This week, Sean learned that his mortgage had been [...]

 All About Frugality and Freelancing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:23

Episode 150: Learn how freelancing can help you become financially independent with Kim at The Frugal Engineers. How Freelancing Can Help You Become Financially Independent The main benefit of side-hustles is that they can be leveraged to increase your income to pay down debts. By assigning all the money you [...]

 Auditing Your Utility Bills to Save Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:46

Episode 149: Learn how to take a closer look at your utility bills to save money, especially when moving to a new home. Moving into a new home can be a learning experience, as you might not know what to expect during your first billing cycle. Setting up an audit [...]

 Generating Passive Income with Real Estate Investing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Episode 148: What is passive income? How do you start generating passive income? How can you make real estate investing a passive income-generating venture? Learn how to start generating passive income with Dustin Heiner of Master Passive Income. Dustin started with real estate investing after learning that job security doesn’t [...]

 Parenting and Technology: Raising Kids in the Digital Era | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:43

Episode 147: We’re talking about the importance of having hobbies, and what it’s like having kids in the era of smart devices and continuous internet access. Encouraging Tech Literacy in Children Kevin is getting back to hobbies, particularly woodworking. Right now he is building a new work table that will [...]

 2019 In Review and the 2020 Vision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:34

Episode 146: We’re looking at 2019 in review and taking a look at what’s ahead for 2020. Tune in to see what exciting things are next for The 2 Frugal Dudes Community. Kevin’s 2019 Goals and Accomplishments Kevin had a lot of success in 2019. He fully funded both his [...]

 Smart Strategies for Saving Up for Your Travel Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:51

Episode 145: How to save for travel so that you can see the world on a budget. Learn smart saving tips for traveling with Savely app founder, Hov Marukyan. Breaking Down Your Money Goals When you ask most people what their top three financial goals are, most will be able [...]


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