The Dana Show with Dana Loesch show

The Dana Show with Dana Loesch

Summary: The Dana Show with Dana Loesch is an award-winning, #1 rated, daily program featured on stations around the country and online.Dana Loesch's original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. A former award-winning newspaper columnist, Dana has been named to Talkers Magazine's top 100 "heavy hitters" the last 6 years running and was ranked as one of the top 16 most powerful mothers online by Neilsen. The 2012 winner of Accuracy In Media's Grassroots Journalism award and the inaugural Breitbart Spirit Award, Dana was also one of the original Breitbart editors selected by her late friend and mentor, Andrew Breitbart, to head what was, where she helped break the Anthony Weiner scandal before departing in 2012.Dana appears regularly on Fox News, ABC, CNN, and HBO's "Real Time" with Bill Maher.

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 Monday December 18 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3900

Dana recaps Israel's Friday day of rage after Trump moves Israel's capital to Jerusalem. Twitter is updating its rules on hateful content. Dana has an invention to dust her chandelier. Linda Sarsour is accused of enabling sexual assault. The media freaked out after a Fox News anchor uses the work "coup". The Dems think they overreacted on condemning Al Franken. Dana gives a spoiler-free review of The Last Jedi. The live-action "The Christmas Story" was politically correct. An Amtrak trains derails in Washington State, meanwhile Atlanta's airport experiences an apocalyptic blackout.

 Friday December 15 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5943

Marco Rubio is finally a "yes" on the tax plan after they raise the child tax credit. Paul Ryan addresses the rumors that he is stepping down as House Speaker. Daily Caller reports a timeline of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his Clinton bias. Dana can't wait for Star Wars. Omarosa's departure from the White House was less than pleasant. Progressive women are being rude to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Dana reluctantly watches a Hallmark Christmas movie, and they all sound the same. Nazareth has cancelled some Christmas celebrations over Trump's relocation of Israel's capital to Jerusalem. Dana discusses the ridiculousness of a Williams-Sonoma catalog. The FBI watered down James Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation.

 Thursday December 14 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5880

The Senate hearing of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is framed as a Right-wing attack on justice. Net Neutrality gets repealed in the FCC. 26 year olds fear of falling off their parents health plan, and complaining about it. Politico publishes a story about Paul Ryan leaving his position. Newsweek publishes that the father of the bullied child that went viral is a racist. Hillary Clinton is wearing a boot after she breaks her toe. Paul Ryan suggests to keep up the birth rate to replace jobs. Rep Louie Gohmert joins us to discuss the Russia investigation and the Rod Rosenstein hearing.

 Wednesday December 13 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4058

Democrat Doug Jones pulls the upset over Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race. Dana explains how Steve Bannon contributed to Moore’s loss. FBI agent Peter Strzok’s bias in the Russia investigation is revealed after text messages are released. Anderson Cooper claims his Twitter was hacked. Minnesota appoints the Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota to replace Al Franken’s Senate seat.

 Tuesday December 12 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5987

Alabama heads to the polls for its Senatorial Special Election. Trump attacks Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren accuses the President of “slut-shaming”. Oreo is releasing more flavors of Oreo's. A 6 year old made $11 Million reviewing toys on YouTube. The White House Press Briefing got heated Monday. Alabamians have to make a crucial decision on their Senator while the country watches. Recent polls show Roy Moore ahead before the polls close. Instapundant asks Robert Mueller if anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page was responsible for approving her boyfriend, Peter Stzok's, FISA warrants.

 Monday December 11 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5853

A Bangladeshi nationalist attempts a terrorist attack in a New York City transit hub. A Washington Post writer posted an inaccurate photo about a Trump rally, continuing the latest trend of media malpractice. Dana reluctantly watches the Hallmark Channel. Obama compares the Trump Presidency to Hitler. Trump attacks fake news and CNN yet again. Chelsea Handler posts a video criticizing Sarah Huckabee Sanders appearance. A video goes viral of a boy who had gotten bullied at school and the media focuses on his “racist” mom. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand calls for President Trump to resign over his past sexual harassment allegations. The White House Press Briefing gets heated over press accountability. Stephen Yates joins us to discuss Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and the terrorist attack in New York City.

 Friday December 8 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6063

As the Alabama Special Election looms, more details emerge on the Roy Moore allegations. Los Angeles is trying to ban house parties. Congressman Trent Franks resigns over discussing surrogacy with fellow staffers. We take callers opinions on Open Line Friday. CNN misreports an exclusive about a public WikiLeaks document about Russia. Dana continues to correct more discrepancies about the Fix NICS bill. The writer of the Russian dossier worked for the Justice Department under Obama. Conservative writers are continuing to misquote gun laws. A transgender man is proud he beat other women in weightlifting.

 Thursday December 7 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5963

Al Franken resigns as US Senator and bashes Trump and Roy Moore in his address. MSNBC tries to frame the US Embassy move in Jerusalem to the Alabama Senate election. A man made his backyard shed the top rated restaurant on TripAdvisor. Robert Mueller's investigator Jeannie Rhee has donated maximum donation to the Hillary campaign. Chelsea Handler blames the Los Angeles wildfires on Trump. The Fix NICS bill passes the House, paving the way for national concealed carry reciprocity; Dana continues to clear up fake assumptions. Dana recognizes the 76th Pearl Harbor Day. We go to live to the President meeting Congressional leaders. Rep. Ron DeSantis joins us to discuss the US Embassy moving to Jerusalem and the Russian investigation.

 Wednesday December 6 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6048

We go to the President live making remarks regarding Israel. Dana discusses the reasoning behind moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Dana hates her husband’s choice for a chandelier. The House votes on a national reciprocity bill called the FIX NICS Act; Dana clears up the facts and narratives. Dana’s son won a class debate on gun control. Wildfires are spreading into Downtown Los Angeles. Alabama Democratic candidate for Senate Doug Jones has an interesting platform. TIME magazine names the “Silence Breakers” their Person of the Year for the bravery of the #MeToo movement.

 Tuesday December 5 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6019

FBI supervisor Peter Strzok softened the statements about Hillary to avoid legal implications. The Supreme Court allows Trump’s third version of the travel ban to go into effect. Trump tells Palestinians he intends to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Apparently eating meat causes “hegemonic masculinity”. The Supreme Court takes up a case regarding a bakery refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding. Former US Chief Asst. US Attorney Andrew McCarthy joins us to discuss the Russia probe and Special Counsel. Democrats go on a tirade about what’s in the Senate tax bill. John Conyers announces his retirement. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn joins us to discuss a House bill proposed to fire Congressmen who use taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment claims. We have a debate about french fries.

 Monday December 4 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5859

The media frenzy beings as the case for obstruction of justice arises after a controversial Trump tweet. ABC News suspends Brian Ross after falsely reporting an incorrect story. Dana shares Ross’ history of incorrecting reporting. TIME reveals its list for Person of the Year. The editor at Vogue in India attacked Ivanka Trump’s gowns by claiming she was appropriating Indian fashion. We go live to the President addressing Salt Lake City, Utah on Federal land designation. The Senate passed the tax overhaul and the bill will head to reconciliation. A national conceal carry reciprocity bill is going up for a vote in the House. Dana explains the Logan Act and why it does not apply in the Russian investigation.

 Friday December 1 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6008

Garcia Zarate, the illegal alien in the Kate Steinle case was proven not guilty. Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI, Dana clears up a media narrative. The illegal alien who shot Kate Steinle returned to San Francisco 5 times because he knew he wouldn’t get deported. Dana refurbishes the story of Jamiel Shaw. Dana shares other countries’ refugee policies. The Senate is confident they have the votes to pass the tax plan. Dana explains media malpractice after a study finds journalists are threatened more than ever. Congressman Rod Blum joins us to discuss the GOP tax bill and the Congressional slush fund for sexual harassment lawsuits.

 Thursday November 30 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6043

Variety Magazine drops a bombshell on Matt Lauer. Nancy Pelosi changes her mind and calls for John Conyers to step down. We take callers’ opinions on results from these sexual allegations. The New York Times seems to support corporate activism in politics when it supports their candidates. Rolling Stone thinks we may have given Trump too much power. People have been death threatening the chair of the FCC over the possible net neutrality repeal. NBC employees trash Megyn Kelly for condemning Matt Lauer. Linda Sarsour spoke at a conference against anti-Semitism. Newsweek changed their headline after writing a misleading headline. Bette Midler shares an interview where Geraldo Rivera molested her.

 Wednesday November 29 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6047

NBC fires Matt Lauer over sexual harassment allegations. CNN refuses to attend the White House Christmas party over a tweet. John Kerry let some info slip on US-North Korea intel. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer declined a meeting with the President after a tweet. The Senate tax bill seems more likely to pass. Dana admits women have it better than men nowadays. NPR host Garrison Keillor canned after molestation. The courts approve of Mick Mulvaney becoming new CFPB Chair after Rob Cordray uses taxpayer money to fund the legal case. We go live to the President’s remarks in Missouri on the tax plan.

 Tuesday November 28 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6007

Dana explains how Elizabeth Warren advanced her political career after identifying herself as a Native American. Warren practiced law in Massachusetts after having a failed license. Another accuser comes out against John Conyers. Keith Olbermann announces he’s stepping down from politics. Bernie Sanders wrote an interesting essay in 1972. The Senate still lacks the votes to pass the tax plan. North Korea launches its furthest ICBM yet. Congressman Richard Hudson joins us to discuss his sponsored national reciprocity bill.


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