The Property Couch show

The Property Couch

Summary: In a casual ‘conversational’ style, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley talk all things property investing in Australia. Each week they explore relevant and topical ideas in a fun and interesting way forming a complete guide to Property, Finance & Money Management. From which property to buy, structuring your loan, SMART Money Management habits, investing mindset, finding the right property investment strategy to tips for bidding at an auction, Bryce and Ben aim to share their knowledge with you!

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 Ep. 183 | Is a Granny Flat a Good Strategy? Chat with Paul Glossop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:04

We’ve got to admit it folks — this episode’s overflowing with all the GOLD, regardless of the stage of property investing you’re in! Straight from the Qantas Lounge, we’re interviewing none other than Paul Glossop, Founder and Director of Pure Property Investment! To give you a bit of an idea, Paul’s built a substantial property portfolio, which focuses on the fundamentals of property investing. And, yep, today we’re talking all things Granny Flats, folks!! (Are they really a good investment??) To dig deeper into this, Paul lets you in on the foundational secrets, including — and this is a TRUE STORY — how a lost laptop lead to his career in property investing…   Before we kick it off… let’s get the good ol’ housekeeping out of the way

 Ep. 182 | Everything You Need To Know About How To Value Your Property - Chat with Greville Pabst | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:35

Folks, we’re LIVE from the Melbourne Property Buyer Expo this episode! AND we’re with very special guest, Greville Pabst, licensed property valuer, and Executive Chairman of WBP Group (One of the biggest property valuation companies in Australia) — and yep, he was also a guest judge on The Block!) Not only that, Greville’s also purchased and valued thousands of properties on behalf of his clients, at auction or by private treaty, and (the best bit!)… his team inspects  800 properties per day … so he knows EXACTLY how much you should pay for your property! AND guess what? He dishes out the nuggets for you today! So much so, this episode just flew and we ran out of time to ask Greville everything we wanted to ask… (We’ll get him back on though. Too much gold there not to share! So if you’ve got anything you want us to ask him, let us know here.)   Before we dive straight in to the gold you’ll absorb today, quick reminder, about our Free LIVE Webinar coming out: FREE WEBINAR: 7 Deadly Sins of Building a Property Portfolio. Thursday 9th August, 2018 @ 7:30PM AEST (You’ll get two EXTRA bonuses just for registering.) What you’ll learn… * The 7 Deadly Sins (which will destroy your wealth) * The Five Stages of the Portfolio Building journey * Best Practices for an experienced investor * How to Optimise your Loan * Answer your Questions Live * Get Heaps of Bonuses … PLUS plenty of Free Bonuses! Just a heads up: This is a LIVE Webinar and won’t be made available on our website, sorry folks! LIMITED SEATS – Reserve Your Seat Now     Back to today’s ep, what do you need to know about how to value your property? * What are the different types of valuations you can get? * What does a property valuers look at to work out the value of a property? * How can a Buyer’s Agent help? * What things do you need to look out for that might de-valuing your property? * What do the banks look for from a property valuation and risk ratings? * How do you work out the value of YOUR property (or a property you want to buy)? * How does asset selection affect your properties value? * What’s the property valuation process to work out the land value? * What happens if it’s difficult to figure out how much a property’s worth? * How do you work out the value of a commercial property? * How far back do the property valuer’s base their valuations on? * Which units and one bedroom apartments are investment grade? * What did Greville and his team’s survey (testing 800 properties) reveal about the value of Off the Plan properties? (Scary stuff, folks!) * Why do you need to be REALLY careful of Off the Plan properties? * When will bank NOT lend on property? * Why do property values sometimes differ, based on the property valuer use? * What property attributes add MORE value? * What percentage difference must NOT go over (by law)? *

 Ep. 181 | Tips from Three Birds Renovations on How to Create the Perfect Renovation, Survive it, and See a Return on Investment! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:20

Folks, just a heads up: ripper episode coming your way! To give you roughly an idea of what we mean: we even flew up to Sydney to check out an epically-renovated property, and to have a sit-down chat with three wonderful (and wonderfully talented) women. Why three? Well, folks, today we’re interviewing Lana, Bonnie and Erin of Three Birds Renovations! And if you’re not familiar with them, we’d urge you to check them out! Here’s why… these three best friends left their jobs to renovate properties, film the whole thing, and show Australians how to flip houses for a profit! AND they’re nailing it. In a really big way. They’ve done flips, forever homes; the works. Not to mention, they’re also finishing up on house number 9 (yep)… so, let’s just say, they’ve got some hot renovation tips coming your way! Oh, and did we mention… these women’s energy is seriously contagious… this is probably our funniest episode yet!!!   But before we get knee deep into the contents, we’ve got a few events coming up! (in bullet points cause Stiggy has to finish our slides for the Expo!): * Thurs, July 19 : PICA’s Melbourne Meet and Greet is this 6pm this evening at Royal Park Tennis Club! Haven’t got your ticket yet? Here’s the link. * Friday – Sunday, July 20 – 22 : We’ll be speaking at the Property Buyer Expo! More info here. * Thursday, August 9 – And finally, yes, we will be holding a webinar on the 7 Deadly Sins when Building a Property Portfolio at 7:30pm AEST! Interested? Just fill in the form below or click here to reserve your seat.   Here’s what you’re in for… * Why did they quit their job, and start flipping properties? * How do their personalities drive their renovation business? * How do you find, and keep, a good tradie? * Do Three Birds Renovations divide every cost between three? * How did they manage their first flip? * What are the legal requirements of property “flipping” * How much should you spend on a renovation? * How long did their first renovation take? And how much did they make on that renovation? * What percentage spend should you spend on a cosmetic renovation? * What renovation tips can earn you the most money? * Can you make a renovation “magazine worthy?” on a budget? * What was the most financially successful property? * At what stage of a renovation should you focus on the landscaping? * When should you start preparation plans? * Do you always make a profit on renovations?   Also, folks, don’t forget we’re presenting at The Property Buyers Expo in Melbourne THIS weekend. We’ve got a couple of

 Ep. 180 | Building A Portfolio in a Changing Market - LIVE Q & A in Melbourne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:00

The Australian property market collapsing. Housing market under the pump. Melbourne’s property downfall. House sales hit new low… … folks, with headlines like these, we may as well call it a day, bid you farewell in a foreign language like old times, and exchange the ol’ investor returns for an earlier-than-planned retirement! Wait, why would we say such a thing? Well, you might’ve noticed — the market’s corrected and it’s making a LOT of folks out there nervous! And why shouldn’t it? You don’t want to fork out the big bucks (probably the most you’ve ever spent) on a property that’s going to end in little-to-no return come market crash, right? Not to mention, you don’t want this said “investment” to wind up in an economic tsunami, which by the way, WILL happen when life follows the fate of a catchy news headline. So… is that what’s really what’s happening here? Is the market seriously “bottoming out”… because, as far as we see it folks, we’re sitting pretty happy where we are! BUT for the record folks, there ARE things you need to keep in mind come a market correction (whether you’re a current investor or just getting started)… so, what do you need to know? We shared all of the exclusive hacks and current market news in our Melbourne LIVE Podcast last week… and we’re bringing the love to you right now!   Before we get into what you can expect out of today’s show, just a few quick shout-outs… Are you coming to see us at the Melbourne Property Buyer’s Expo?? GET YOUR FREE TICKET NOW – Listener Discount Code: COUCH Yep, if you want to learn heaps more about property investing, meet us and leave your wallet at home (in other words: spend ZERO money)… you should come and see us at the Melbourne Property Buyers Expo! * Saturday, 12:30 PM – Ben on How to achieve financial peace with five properties or less! * Saturday, 2:30 PM – The Property Couch with Greville Prabst, Executive Chairman of WBP Property Group and Judge on Nine Network’s The Block. * Sunday, 10:00 AM – Special Length Masterclass – Ben and Bryce with Special Guest to talk about Buying your First Home / Investment Property * Sunday, 12:30 PM – Bryce on 7 Ways to Build a Property Portfolio in a Changing Market * >> Learn more about each of the session here! And…   Property Investors Council of Australia (PICA) is COMING TO YOU. Well, provided you live in Melbourne or Sydney! Meet and Greet includes a Q&A Session followed by a brief networking session. And old mate (and Chair of PICA) Ben Kingsley will be hosting! Meet and Greet Sydney Thursday 12 July 6:45PM – 8:30PM GET FREE SYDNEY TICKET: PICA’s Meet and Greet Meet and Greet Melbourne Thursday 19 July 6:00PM – 8:00PM GET FREE MELBOURNE TICKET: PICA’s Meet and Greet   BACK TO TODAY’S SHOW… What’s behind the headlines?? * Why should you be concerned about

 Ep. 179 | Five ways to Create a Winning Property Investor's Mindset - Chat with Jaemin Frazer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:14

In this day and age, we know that what you think plays a very real part in the life you lead, whether you’re aware of it or not. In truth, thoughts have the ability to change, create or enhance your mood, behaviour and reality. Some people know this instinctively, some not at all, and some are adamant that their mindset alone is responsible for their success. So, if you’re an actual or inspiring property investor — regardless of your thoughts on thoughts ; ) — what can you learn from? Are there any USEFUL takeaways you can benefit from right now to help you build your property portfolio and create a passive income for life? Well folks, today’s guest is going to tell you the EXACT ways to create a winning mindset and get ahead in investing AND in life so you become the hero in your OWN story! Joining us is Jaemin Frazer, one of the leading personal development experts in Australia and founder of The Insecurity Project. He’s also the author of Elegantly Simple Solutions to Complex People Problems, the voice behind the “One Minute Couch” radio/podcasts segments AND… Bryce’s own personal coach. Yep! And he has a different way of providing solutions for people problems… Are you keen on property investing? Are you unsure why you haven’t started yet? … then it’s probably a great idea to check out this episode! Before we kick it off…   Want a free ticket to the Melbourne Property Buyers EXPO (normally $50)?? Along with other property experts, we’ll be giving away heaps of tips! Register here: (Please use this Promo code: COUCH) You can learn more about what goes on at the Expo here too:   Back to today’s EPISODE TO SUCCEED AT INVESTING AND LIFE… * What’s insecurity and the power of vulnerability got to do with getting what you want? * What’s the difference between a coach, a councillor and a mentor? * What are the habits and mindset hacks of elite property investors? * What two questions are we always asking ourselves that you need to know? * How does success leave clues? * Why’s it important to have a judgement-free space to create positive change? * What subconscious reason was holding Jaemin back from building wealth? * How does the fear of “not being good enough” stop YOU? * How can you master your mindset? * What are the 5 Development Tools that will create lasting change? * Do you think like a successful property investor? * Why’s self-discipline overrated? * Where’s the power in rituals? * What’s the Martyr Strategy?   Liked this episode? Here are some others you might enjoy… * Episode 172 | The 5 Rules for Mastering the Game of Building Wealth – Chat with Stuart We...

 Ep. 178 | Q & A : Is that 4th Bedroom Such a Good Idea? APRA’s Affect on Credit Cards & What’s The Secret to a Career in Property Investment? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:49

If you’ve got a question about investing in property, then it’s in your best interests to listen to this episode! Why? Because it’s our favourite day, folks… Q & A Day! And, not only is today just a couple of days away from the end of Financial Year, but also we’ve got some new, timely SpeakPipe Questions to answer! Which means … 1. It’s probably a bit too late to get your Depreciation Schedule into your accountant, BUT 2. You’re in for a high-powered learning session! This Q & A is great for folks who… * Want to know how APRA’s regulations have impacted your ability to get a loan AND a credit card? * Are you seriously interested in getting a career in property investing and want to how to land a job? * Aren’t sure what tenants are REALLY looking for in your area, but want to maximise your returns? * Thinking about renovating tips, but don’t know if you should add a bedroom or where to put the toilet? * Wondering if it’s a good idea to live in your property BEFORE you rent it out?   So if this sounds like you, you better strap your headphones in!   But, as routine has it, before we tell you EXACTLY what the questions are that’ll give you all this invaluable information, we’ve got some housekeeping to get out of the way, like… Our Melbourne LIVE Podcast has SOLD OUT!!! We even did a dance about it! WATCH OUR FLOSS DANCE! Yep, it’s true, folks! But if you’re lucky, another local listener might have something come up on the night, so you COULD land their ticket. CLICK HERE if you’re keen to join the waitlist, or find out more details.   We’re hiring!!! Our company is currently looking for new members, so if you’re qualified, passionate and prepared to do what it takes to help other people, we’re looking for: * Client Property Strategist for our Sydney CBD Office * Concierge for our Melbourne Office Interested? Send in your Resume and Cover Letter to   We want your Money Hacks If you’ve got a great Savings Tip or a way to make your dollar go that extra mile, we want to know about it! Let us know here. If you have implemented the Money Smarts System where do you feel most vulnerable? Let us know here. If you want to be a Case Study and you’d like to know how Money SMARTS can help you, let you know. Let us know here. Remember to leave us your SpeakPipe Questions.   Question about Ideal Rooms and Features of Investment Properties from Joel: Hey Bryce, Ben and Stiggy. My name’s Joel, from Adelaide. The question I’d like to ask is what kind of rooms and features do Australia’s want in the rental market at the moment? The property I’m looking at the moment is a 3BDR, open living area & a large home entertainment, or cinema, room. Now, looking at the plans, I’d probably convert that room to a bedroom, add some wardrobes, because it’s quite large,

 Ep. 177 | Get Rid of Settlement Headaches Once and For All – Chat with Lisa Dowie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:18

No one wants their most expensive decision to be fumbled, delayed or up-in-the-air come D-day… so today, folks, we’re giving you the settlement solutions BEFORE you need them! And it’s a little bit like taking a peek into a future that’s just around the corner. How do we know? Well, joining us today is Lisa Dowie, Chief Customer Officer at Property Exchange Australia Ltd (PEXA), Australia’s online settlement platform. No, she didn’t arrive by a hovercraft or drop in via teleportation, BUT, yes, she’s talking about the digital future in settlements that’s here (and in use) right now and WILL take over the simple A4 paper and pen in less time than you think. Think digital signatures. Think e-Conveyancing. Think transfer of titles in minutes, not to and froing between your conveyancer, mortgage broker, lender and everyone else involved in making that property officially yours. In a nutshell: the online property exchange network lets us lodge documents with Lands Registries and complete financial sentiments ELECTRONICALLY. Yep: PEXA is property transactions through the wonder waves of tech territory! So we’ve got Lisa on to tell you the latest and greatest in property — like what specifics you need to know for a smoother settlement process, why buyers and sellers need to welcome the digital shift and, let’s be honest folks, WHEN all this is seriously going to rock the boat.   But before we tell you what you’ll get out of today’s knowledge-packed segment … we have a huge big announcement. Yep. Huge and Big. WE’RE DOING A LIVE PODCAST IN MELBOURNE!!!! Free Live Podcast in Melbourne — CLICK HERE to Find out More It’s true, folks! Our tribe of listeners who came to our Sydney Live a couple of weeks ago enjoyed hearing us ramble on about property investing SO much we thought, hey, we’ve gotta be fair to our hometown of listeners! Our Live Podcast in Melbourne is happening on Thursday, July 5th at 6:15 pm – 9.30pm. We’ve even dedicated time on the night to have a chat with you, hear your story and give you a high five before we give you some red hot property, finance and money management tips! BOOK NOW to Reserve Your Seat – Limited Seats Available   Huge Big Announcement over and out! So, back to today’s show.   Here’s what you’ll learn: * Where exactly is property investing heading with the digital age? * How did digital e-conveyancing come about in Australia? * Which states are involved in this tech shift right now? * How is e-conveyancing more efficient for you, anyway? * How many failed settlements happen because of delays with paper forms? * How many digital property transactions are taking place now? … or last month in May, say? * What date can we expect ALL transactions to be in digital form? * Does title theft happen? * What’s the benefit for the vendor? * What’s the benefit for the purchaser? * Should you ask

 Ep. 176 | How to Prioritise Your Property Investment Journey and Still Have a Life — Sydney LIVE Podcast ft. Q & A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:31

If you’re reading this, you’re probably keen on property investing — regardless of whether or not you’re a beginner or a multimillion-dollar property portfolio owner… or somewhere in between. And chances are you also like to have a life too, right? Because folks, at the end of the day, while hard work’s rewarding and a passive income’s exciting, there are also other factors competing for your time and attention, and — let’s face it — other things you’d prefer to do, like put your feet up (and watch the Pies and the Dockers if you’re us), or simply relax with your loved ones doing what YOU love most. Realistically folks — if you invest in property the right way from the get-go, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your life. It’s that simple. But it’s not always easy to get this balance right. So, that’s where today’s VERY SPECIAL episode comes in. Yep, it’s very special because… * It’s OUR LIVE SHOW IN SYDNEY where we answer our Property Couch Tribe’s questions… which just might be very similar to the ones YOU have! * It’s a LIVE GUIDE to help you prioritise your property investment journey AND still have a life!!   Yep. Reclaim market confidence, get through the “messy middle”, cut the noise and let’s get some good ol’ honest advice!   *** Oh, and folks — make sure you tune in till the end for a special announcement from Ben! *** Back to today’s questions answered at OUR LIVE SYDNEY PODCAST… Question about Staying the Distance from Louise: My single biggest challenge with my property investment journey has been keeping the momentum and not getting distracted or bored along the way. Property investing for the long term seems to sometimes move at a glacial speed and it’s easy to get a bit disheartened when you don’t see obvious progress. It’s also easy to let life get in the way and not prioritise my investment journey. I delayed on a purchase by two years (missing out on some great capital growth) because I was distracted by family and work life.   Question about Location and Investing in Cashflow from Yuna: Ben and Bryce always talk about how location is the key and that most of the time 80% of the lifting is done by location. If my property investing strategy is cashflow rather than capital growth due to my circumstance; how do I apply the location theory to this equation? Or does location come first or my strategy during the suburb research?   Question about Off the Plan and Exit Strategies from Jeremy: A ‘friend’ (who may or may not be me…) has purchased an off-the-plan, high-density unit, in Brisbane’s middle ring northern suburbs — 10km from the city. The area has a Westfield, a hospital and a bus line, but isn’t within walking distance from any of the new transport infrastructure projects. The build date has been pushed back from 2018 to 2019, because the developer, who was also the property spruiker,

 Ep.175 | Five Foolproof Ways to Conquer your Finance in this Changing Landscape | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:15

What an episode we’ve got for you today, folks!! We’re letting you in on the 5 FOOLPROOF WAYS to conquer your finance!! Yep, we’re dead set serious. Why? Because we know in this day and age it can be a little more challenging to get a loan than it used to be! With APRA’S handbrake on the lending sector, what banks look for can mean you’re jumping through a few more loops just to get approval…  so are there ways to make getting finance easier?? … We think there ARE.  And that is what today’s episode is all about — ways to boost your lending potential. We’ve scoured the corridors of our business to give you some Mortgage Broking Secrets AND a few little odds & ends of our own!! So … what do you need to know?   * How can you increase your success at getting a loan? * What money habits can you start doing NOW? * Why’s it important to keep coming back to Wealth Creation when you think about a loan? * Why should a Buyers Agent be interested in your finance? * Having a deposit vs. having preapproval — what do you need to know?! * What are the pros and cons of switching banks? * What does it mean to be a good “Money Citizen”? * Why is going over your credit card (even by $100) a BIG problem? * Where can you go to find your credit file? * Is it a good idea to order new credit cards because of $0 balance? * Do banks look beyond Cash Flow Management? * What do you need to keep in mind if you’re a small business owner? * Why does it matter that a computer is often first to assess your loan? * What’s The #1 Rule of Lending???   Also folks, don’t forget, … we’re chasing your MONEY HACKS and FEEDBACK on The Money SMARTS System (good & bad) so you can get the biggest benefit from our new book coming out!!! CLICK HERE to send us your Money Hacks & Feedback        

 Ep.174 | Stop! Don’t sign the contract until you’ve listened to THIS! – Chat about Strata, Body Corporates & Legal Stuff with Tim Graham | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:46

Folks, it’s a SERIOUS episode today… jam-packed with nothing but serious GOLD!! (Please no contract-signing until you’ve swallowed this stuff first.) Why? Today we’ve got Tim Graham, Partner at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, to discuss all things Real Estate Law … especially Strata!! Strata? What do we mean? Think Off the Plan. Subdivision. Owner Corporate (Body Corporate). Townhouse. Apartment. Unit.   Yep. Tim practices exclusively in the areas of strata and subdivision law, Owners Corporation and dispute resolution with almost 20 years of experience! He’s the President of the Australian College of Community Association Lawyers (ACCAL), a Fellow of the College, named in Best Lawyers™ Australia for Real Property Law and has been recognised in Doyle’s Guide as a Leading Property and Real Estate Lawyer. He is also a Council Member of Strata Communities Australia. It’s enough to make your jaw drop, especially when you think about his know-how when it comes to domestic and commercial construction law, contractual advice and building defects claims, insurance reviews, repair & maintenance and Water Act cases in the VCAT and the Courts (and then some)! Basically, Tim’s a heavy hitter who absolutely knows his stuff (Which’s exactly what you want from someone dealing with the “the fourth form of government”). Quick heads up, folks: You might need to put this one back to 1 speed because there is some GOLDEN but TECHNICAL tips flying around. At the end of the day though, it’s crucial you know this stuff (why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars only to throw more money at a legal dispute?!)   Sensible disclaimer: Folks, the gold you’re about to hear is general advice only. So, please DON’T do anything rash, make sure you seek professional advice before making any legal or property investment decision!   Your dot point debrief…. * Why do people say, “Strata is the fourth form of government”? * Hang on a minute… what IS strata? * When did we last have new strata in Victoria? * What are the most common disputes and problems most challenged inside an owners corporation? * Is investing in strata properties a good idea? * What sort of time frame should you expect for subdivision? * What due diligence needs to be done prior to signing a contract? * Does “majority rule” if there’s a dispute inside an Owners Corporation? * What is the Benefit Principles in the Owners Corporation Act and why it’s important? * Why do you need to be careful of incentives for buying Off the Plan? * What is the #1 tip you should do if you invest inside a body corporate? * How did the company share come about and why is it not considered a “title”? * Are there disputes happening with serviced apartments and Airbnb? * What do “entitlements and liabilities” mean and why they are different?   We’ve also threw in a few Case Studies for Tim to comment on as well: * What can you do if someone’s having loud parties on your block? * Who’s responsible for cleaning the outside windows? * Can you erect a pergola in the backyard of my townho...

 Ep.173 | Q & A – The BATTLE ROUND: "This" vs "That" - What's Your Pick? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:57

It’s a “BATTLE ROUND” Q & A Day, folks!! In other words… This vs That. Yep. After 4 solid weeks of some seriously special guests interviews — starting with Alan Oster and ending with Stuart Wemyss — we’re finally in the ring for a good ol’ Q & A Session! The Battle Round includes… * Melbourne vs Brissy * Sell vs Hold * Costs of Property Investing vs Gains of Property Investing * House vs Beach apartment * … and plenty more   Resources to help if you’re battling a decision right now… Demand vs Supply… * Episode 008 | Investment Stock vs Investment Grade * Episode 125 | Everything you need to know about picking the next hotspot – Chat with Jeremy Sheppard * Episode 143 | When will the Power of Big Data and AI decide the Real Value of your Property? Chat with Greg Dickason, Chef Technology Officer at CoreLogic * Episode 156 | Tim Lawless – Property Outlook 2018 with CoreLogic’s Director of Research * Property Hotspots & How To Find Them * Property Market Swingers Report   But before we hear the crowd roar (Stig stay silent) as we battle it out… … we need YOUR answers!!! For our brand new book coming out, we want to help as many Aussies as we possibly can!! So before we put the sprinkles on the icing of the cake/book… can you help us out?? (Especially if you’ve implemented The Money SMARTS System!) * What are your “Money Temptations”? * Where do you feel tempted to deviate with the Money SMARTS System? * What do you struggle most to manage with money? TELL US your Money Temptations here.   And finally, don’t agree with Labor’s policy on Negative Gearing? Sign the PICA Petition here.   Question from Mal: My question to you is about growth, and buying either into the Melbourne and Brisbane markets given their different position at the moment in the property market. If you had $650K to spend, in terms of growth on a house would you buy a smaller property further out of Melbourne or a larger property closer in Brisbane? With a buy and hold strategy of 15 – 20 years. Thanks, looking forward to hearing your thoughts.   Question about Costs vs Gains from Jennifer: Hey Ben and Bryce. I’m a huge fan of your podcast and The Armchair Guide to Property Investing, and am very much looking forward to your new book.

 Ep.172 | The 5 Rules for Mastering the Game of Building Wealth – Chat with Stuart Wemyss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:03

Ever wanted the formula to win the game of building wealth? Well, folks… you’re in luck! Because today we have a very special guest on who’s going to hand you the GOLDEN RULES of building wealth that are founded in logic, simple maths and supported by historic evidence! (Sounds alright, huh?) Joining us is Stuart Wemyss, author of the newly-released book Investopoly, and Founder of ProSolution, who has over 20 years’ experience in financial services. Plus, he comes with a Bachelor of Commerce, is a Chartered account and a repeat guest on the Couch — you might recognise his voice from Episode 81 when he brought the wisdom to long term investing! So, his new book — again, it’s called “Investopoly” — discusses the 8 Golden Rules for Mastering the Game of Building Wealth… and Stuart’s sharing 5 of them today, and many other hacks to excel at property investing…   Stuart’s also kindly giving you the chance to pick up Investopoly for 30% off!! Just click here, select a physical or an electronic copy and enter exclusive TPC listener discount code: COUCH   And, folks — PICA NEEDS YOUR VOICE PICA has started a petition to campaign against Labor’s poorly thought through Negative Gearing and Capital Gains policy positions. Although Labor is not in Government at the Federal level, they plan to take this policy to the next election. PICA has serious concerns about what this would mean for the economy, jobs and property prices across Australia. We are calling on all Australians who don’t want to see the value of their property fall, or who don’t want to see our economy potentially falling into recession, to put your name to this petition. PICA’s goal is to reach 100,000 signatures before the next election to help Labor understand that this policy is dangerous to the property market and the economy as a whole. Please sign PICA’s Petition here to stop Labor’s Negative Gearing Changes.   Today’s reasons for listening: * Get the 5 Rules to Win at Property Investing * Find out if the Tax Reform announced in the latest Budget affects you * See what you need to do BEFORE you start investing for income * Learn what percentage of land classifies an investment-grade property * Discover the distinct advantage property has overstocks * Avoid THIS big, big problem with investing in Greenfields * Hear how to avoid big investment risks * Learn the tips to protect your portfolio, including the #1 insurance you need * Find out what’s a Collaborative Law and how you may use it * Realise how to spot a spruiker

 Ep.171 | John Lindeman's Boom and Cash Flow Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:18

Want to know where the booms are predicted to happen? How about the property markets where you can target cash flow positive properties? Joining us today, folks, is John Lindeman, Director of Property Power Partners and researcher and educator for the 7steps2success on-line property education program who has spent well over 15 years professionally researching the housing market, and let’s be honest, is the thought-leader who can teach you how to use property market research to predict your investment returns! With a couple of best-selling books up his sleeve — Mastering the Australian Housing Market and Unlocking the Property Market— and a regular contributor to Your Investment Property Magazine and numerous other media outlets, John’s definitely got some solid gold to dish out for you! He and Ben are also speaking at his FREE event John Lindeman’s Boom and Cash Flow Prediction in Melbourne on May 16 if you’re interested in coming along. Just click here to reserve your seat.   Today’s rundown: * How can you determine how long a market will be under- or oversupplied for? * What information can you get from Australian Bureau of Statistics that can help with your research? * What is trend analysis? * What indicators should property investors focus on? * Can you collect all the research on your own? * Is there a price point that you should stop buying for investment? * Why should you be weary if someone offers you your deposit back? * What is the “Bryon Bay affect”? * Which markets are the first to correct? * Does Australia’s market outperform other property markets? * What are John’s investment strategy changes over his property investment journey? * What does the research say about Types of Properties and Property Price? * Will the Sydney market continue to grow over the long term?   And a bit more housekeeping … We’ve figured out the name of our BRAND NEW BOOK on Money Management… but we want to make a game of it before we tell you! So, if you think you can have a crack at what the title our new book will be — or you’ve got a clever title of your own (it’s gotta be money management related) — let us know! The titles we read out on the podcast will be the very first people to score a FREE copy of our book (once it’s published, of course). AND, if you’ve implemented the Money Smarts System and it’s helped you, and you want to be a part of our brand new book, please tell us your story!! … Wait, one more thing… Got a “Money Hack”? We want to know all about it!!    p.s. Looking for John Lindeman’s Books? Here are the links:

 Ep.170 | Property Data Dive with Jeremy Sheppard & The Top 20 SUA Report! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:29

We’re taking a plunge into the Property Data Dive today folks! Because today the LocationScore Lads have got the band back together and so The Capital Growth King of Research, Jeremy Sheppard — Property Analyst, Research Director and Creator of DSR Data — joins us with the latest data that’s pointing its finger at hot growth markets. And not only is Jeremy’s going to tell you where some of these hot suburbs are, but also he’s offering an exclusive listener bonus — the Property Market Swingers Report — which includes the TOP 20 Significant Urban Areas where demand exceeds supply. Think great areas to invest in!! But before we get into all things research and supply and demand, we’ve got a bit of housekeeping to get out of the way first… HUGE NEWS… The Property Couch is coming to Sydney in June for a Live Show! PLUS, we’ve also figured out the name of our BRAND NEW BOOK on Money Management… but we want to make a game of it before we tell you! So, if you think you can have a crack at what the title our new book will be — or you’ve got a clever title of your own (it’s gotta be money management related) — let us know! The titles we read out on the podcast will be the very first people to score a FREE copy of our book (once it’s published, of course). AND, if you’ve implemented the Money Smarts System and it’s helped you, and you want to be a part of our brand new book, please tell us your story!! Last but not least before we throw you into today’s episode… if you’re thinking about a sea change or green change or any other change from city living… you can apply to be a part of Bryce’s new show, Escape From The City, and personally meet him! Catch his video on Facebook or Apply to be on Escape From The City now. … Wait, one more thing… Got a “Savings Hack”? We want to know all about it!! Let us know here.   Right, today’s show… * How close to lifestyle drivers should you to get good growth? * Why do you need to take into account how long these lifestyle drivers have been in a suburb for? * What about living near housing commissions? * How do you find the small pockets of suburbs that are most desired? * Is it always the best idea to invest in a capital city? * Why don’t we use averages to measure capital growth? * How do you define a “Significant Urban Area”? * Why can the “line of best fit” source out investment-grade locations? * Is Perth on the way up? * When do you need to be careful of statistics? * How can you use Repeat Sales Method to determine potential growth? * What suburbs are showing excellent capital growth figures? * Which regional suburb is Jeremy’s top pick right now??   AND,

 Ep.169 | Alan Oster – NAB’s Group Chief Economist – on Interest-Rate Rise, Tax Cut and The Future of Residential Property | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:07

Let’s get down to business, folks! Today we’re tackling the past, present and future of Australia’s economy… And who better to help us out than Alan Oster, Group Chief Economist of the National Australia Bank (NAB)! Alan sure knows his stuff, folks — as Group Chief Economist, Alan is responsible for NAB’s global economic and financial forecasts. Not to mention, before he started at NAB (which was in 1992, mind you), he worked as Senior Adviser in Treasury specialising in economic forecasting and modelling for an impressive 15 years. Oh, and in 1987 he was seconded for nearly four years as Counsellor-Economic and Financial with Australia’s delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development — OECD — in Paris. Yes, he’s definitely the man you want to speak to if you’ve got a question about Australia’s economy!   Hold on to your seat folks cause here’s what you’re in for: * Where is the economy going in the next 12 – 18 months? * Rather than mortgage stress, what’s the number one issue at present? * What’s going to happen, on average, to house prices? * Will your wage increase any time soon? * Federal Budget 2018: What’s in store and will we see tax cuts? * Who will struggle most with postcode restrictions? * What needs to happen to benefit the economy? * Is the Australian economy going to be better or worse? * How do foreign buyers and the Chinese market fit in? * Will APRA keep tightening the lending regulations? * When’s the cash rate likely going to increase? * Is inflation on the rise? * What’s in store for interest-only loans? * What’s happening in the US with the 10-year bond rates? * Why do banks care about outer city living and inner city living? * Is the demand in Sydney and Melbourne slowing? * What’s the riskiest sector should unemployment starts to rise? * What’s the difference between “the bricks” and the “the clicks”? * What do banks ALWAYS look for before handing out loans? * Who owns most of the apartments in the capital cities and what are his thoughts on the future of the apartment market? * What about the second-tier cities (Brisbane, Adelaide etc.) * Which states are having the fastest rental growth? * Is Perth now an investment-grade location? * Where would Alan invest his money? * What happened when then Treasurer Paul Keating removed negative gearing? * What will be the economic impact and consequences if negative gearing is removed again at the current time? * How should we tackle housing affordability?   p.s. Looking for the special reports mentioned in today’s show? * NAB Residential Property Survey for Q1 – 2018: Click here to download * NAB Quarterly SME Survey for Q1 – 2018:


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