I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST show

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST

Summary: Cross Examining ideas against the truth and Christianity. Brought to you by CrossExamined.org and AFR.net

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 Critical Dilemma | with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer – Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:42

Are racial discrimination and systemic racism widespread problems in America? The horrific tragedy of George Floyd seemingly caused a resurgence of critical (race) theory into mainstream media, which eventually led to an infiltration into public schools, institutions of higher learning, and even churches! But on what grounds should Christians reject it as a viable solution to social issues like racism and sexism? In this midweek podcast episode, Dr. Neil Shenvi and Dr. Pat Sawyer continue their conversation with Frank on critical theory as detailed in their brand-new book 'Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology―Implications for the Church and Society.' Is critical theory covertly pushing for pedophilia? Is criminal law oppressive? What's the connection between race, sexuality, and social justice according to critical theory? All this and more will be discussed in this follow-up episode! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Neil's website: https://shenviapologetics.com/ Pat's website: https://www.patsawyer.org/ Neil and Pat's book: https://criticaldilemma.com/   Download Transcript  

 Critical Dilemma with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:13

Has anyone at your church ever claimed that "whiteness is wickedness", "sin is oppressive", or "the Bible was written from the perspective of the oppressed?" Outlandish statements like these are a product of what's called critical theory. You've increasingly heard the term used in the media within recent years, but what exactly is critical theory, why is it harmful, and how do you address it if it's present at your church? In this week's podcast, Dr. Neil Shenvi and Dr. Pat Sawyer join Frank to unpack the good and the bad of critical theory as detailed in their brand-new book, 'Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology―Implications for the Church and Society.' During the episode, Frank, Neil, and Pat answer questions like: How do proponents of critical theory view morality? What is the distinction between "Social Justice" and biblical justice? Is Oprah Winfrey oppressed? What are some of critical theory's popular slogans? Is CRT compatible with biblical Christianity? What are the "4 Big Ideas" at the heart of critical theory?   The Gospel should motivate Christians to pursue generosity, holiness, and biblical justice. But we don't have to embrace the manifold errors of critical theory to do so. Be sure to pick up your copy of Critical Dilemma to learn more about how to identify critical theory in your church and how to stop it dead in its tracks if and when it shows up! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Neil's website: https://shenviapologetics.com/ Pat's website: https://www.patsawyer.org/ Neil and Pat's book: https://criticaldilemma.com/   Download Transcript  

 How to Deal with Doubts? + Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:55

Is it normal for Christians to experience seasons of doubt? The truth is, doubt can hit any believer at any time, even Christian scholars like Gary Habermas! But are you prepared to do the hard work of combating those false ideas to seek the truth, when so many people in our culture today are jumping ship and taking the easy way out? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank addresses a handful of listener questions surrounding a variety of topics including overcoming our doubts, the legislation of morality, apologetics in the public school system, and much more! Frank will also touch on questions like: Why shouldn't people who are same-sex attracted identify as 'Gay Christians'? Can doubt sometimes be a GOOD thing? Are religion and morality the same? What's going on with Andy Stanley? What do you say when someone calls you transphobic? If you've got objections to the faith, don't panic! For every objection, you can find a reasonable response from people who have struggled with the very same objections, but only if you take the time to look! There's plenty of faulty objections to go around, but as Frank explains, the key is to follow the facts--not your feelings. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE.   Download Transcript  

 The Blind | with Phil and Al Robertson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:10

Ever wondered how the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson, became a Christian? Millions of fans came to know and love Phil Robertson and the entire Duck Dynasty clan during the show's 11-season run, where the family's Christian faith remained on full display without compromise. But now that the Duck Commander's backstory is about to hit the big screen, how can longtime supporters of the show contribute to the success of the upcoming film? In anticipation of the brand-new biopic, 'The Blind', Phil and Al Robertson join Frank to talk about Phil's radical transformation from the "biggest heathen in south Arkansas" to born-again Christian, millionaire, podcaster, and reality TV star. 'The Blind' tells the raw, unvarnished truth of the life of Phil and the Robertson family before Phil's conversion and how the Gospel redeemed him from a life that nearly destroyed his family. During the episode, Frank and the Robertsons discuss topics like: How did Phil react to his onscreen portrayal? How did becoming millionaires impact the Robertson family? What are some of the powerful themes depicted in the film? What projects are Phil and Al Robertson working on now that Duck Dynasty is no longer in production?   Not a Christian film, but a film showcasing the Christian worldview, 'The Blind' will appeal to both Christian and non-Christian audiences. If God can reach someone like Phil, why not the prodigals in your life? Be sure to take yourself and a friend to go see 'The Blind' in theaters THIS WEEKEND (September 28-30th), so that it can stay in the box office for weeks to come! At the very end of the episode, Frank also takes time to address a listener's question about Hell. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. The Blind Movie: https://theblindmovie.com/ The Unashamed Podcast: https://bit.ly/3PPmK63   Download Transcript  

 “Approve of Me or Else!” What Do You Say? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:39

What are the rules for engaging a teenage or adult child who is now identifying as trans, deems you toxic, and then threatens to completely cut you off? The natural reaction to freak out usually makes things much worse. But if this happens in your family, how do you work to salvage the relationship without compromising your faith? Far too many parents and grandparents have been confronted with this unimaginable scenario, leaving them both discouraged and unsure of how to even respond. In this midweek podcast episode, Frank addresses this devastating trend while also providing some helpful tips on how to navigate these difficult situations by answering questions like: How should you approach the situation if you've already impulsively freaked out? Should you strive to be your "authentic self"? What is a common factor in most true cases of gender dysphoria? What's one way to determine if someone is having a head problem or a heart problem? What's in the best interest of gender dysphoria patients according to John Hopkins psychiatrist, Dr. Paul McHugh?   These conversations are challenging but all hope is not lost! Taking the time to tactfully ask the right questions could better your chances of reaching your loved one, even if they don't budge immediately. Listen as Frank gives you the tools to help your child (in the most loving way) recognize that his or her position doesn't quite hold up. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE.   Download Transcript  

 The Bible From 30,000 Feet | with Dr. Skip Heitzig | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:10

Do Christians really know the Bible as well as we should? If we're being honest, reading an ancient set of documents from a culture we don't understand can be quite intimidating. With that being the case, how exactly should Christians go about getting familiar with the Bible without feeling overwhelmed and discouraged? With only 19% of church goers consistently reading the Bible on a daily basis, it's no wonder why so many Christians struggle with biblical literacy. Desiring to counteract these low numbers, Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church in Albuquerque, NM was moved to write, 'The Bible from 30,000 Feet: Soaring Through the Scriptures in One Year from Genesis to Revelation'. In this week's podcast episode, Frank and Skip discuss why the book has been so successful and how it's giving Christians the confidence to read the entire Bible in a short timeframe--365 days! They answer questions like: What is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? Why are there so many symbols and metaphors in the Bible? Why did Jesus quote from the book of Deuteronomy so often? If Christians aren't subject to the Old Testament law, can we live how ever we want? What are some practical ways that Christians can incorporate the Bible into a daily routine?   No matter how often you read the Scriptures, there's always more to learn, so don't feel intimidated! If you see Bible study as a daunting task, allow Skip to walk with you through all 66 books within the next year. Knowing God and making Him known means spending sufficient time with His Word, and that's exactly what this book will help you to accomplish. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Skip's website: https://calvarynm.church/connectwithskip/ Skip's book: http://www.biblefrom30kbook.com/     Download Transcript  

 How Can Jesus Be the Only Way? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:13

If God truly is loving, is He obligated to save those who have never heard the Gospel or choose not to accept it? Many non-Christians ask this LOADED question without realizing that it's a moral question that assumes a moral standard. But with the presence of so many different religions and opposing worldviews, do Christians have the right to maintain such exclusive beliefs? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank unpacks why Christianity is the ONLY sufficient answer to the problem of evil. While skeptics often criticize Christianity on moral grounds, Frank will discuss how other worldviews fail to provide a solution for all of the world's moral issues. He tackles questions like: What's the real reason that people go to Hell? Is Christianity the only religion with an exclusive set of beliefs? Why do Christians believe that Jesus is the only way? How are God's ways higher than our ways? Is it philosophically possible to be saved without hearing the Gospel?   If the God of the Bible is perfectly just and His standard for righteousness is nothing short of perfection, does anyone (or any other religion) have the ability to meet that standard without relying on a perfect substitute (aka Jesus)? All this and more will be discussed as Frank lays out the plan for salvation according to the Bible. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE.   Download Transcript  

 Hijacking Jesus | with Jason Jimenez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:15

What do you call a Christian that denies the Virgin Birth, the Divinity of Christ, the Second Coming, miracles, the Atonement, and the Resurrection? They're called "Progressive" Christians. But if a person rejects the essentials of the faith, are they progressing, or regressing? And are they even Christians at all? The level of confusion and distorted views that many professing "Christians" have about Jesus are quite shocking. So shocking in fact, that Frank's guest, Jason Jimenez, was inspired to write his new book 'Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church'. In this week's podcast episode, Frank and Jason expose the blatant inconsistencies within Progressive Christianity and share how YOU can defend the faith against this false movement, answering questions like: Why is doctrine a vital component to the Christian faith? What approach do most progressives take in how they interpret the Bible? Do ALL progressives hold to the same beliefs? How do you respond when someone claims that Jesus was a socialist? Why does Jason categorize progressive Christians as modern religious Gnostics?   In their attempt to redefine and reimagine Jesus, Progressive Christians leave the door wide open for glaring contradictions within their own worldview. Listen as Jason will encourage Christians NOT to let these so-called progressive thinkers get away with mischaracterizing the Jesus of Scripture into their own personal, non-historical, and unbiblical Jesus 2.0. You're not only going to hear where they go wrong, but you'll also receive GOOD theology that will affirm what all Christians should believe. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Jason's new book: https://a.co/d/1Ou8cxf Download Transcript

 Are Christians Too Involved in Politics? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:02

Have you ever noticed that most of the disputes we have in our culture and even in the church, are morality based? Whether it's abortion, marriage, transgenderism, climate change, vaccines, sexuality, etc., they all have to do with some standard of morality. The question is, what standard are we using to make our assessments on those moral issues? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank reviews two controversial articles from the New York Post regarding a lawsuit imposed on The Chino Valley Unified School District by California's Attorney General, Rob Bonta, who wants to block parents from being notified if their child begins to identify as transgender. As Frank reads the shocking details of this case, he'll answer questions like: How are non-Christian parents responding to this lawsuit? Do minors have a constitutional right to privacy? What is the purpose of the government according to the Bible? Are Christians guilty of idolizing politics? Why should Christians be MORE involved in politics?   Later in the episode, Frank discusses how Greg Koukl helped his wife take a stand at a school board meeting several years ago, and also highlights the real-life horror story of a detransitioner. After this episode, be sure to pick up your copy of the newly updated and expanded, 'Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism', where Frank exposes the catastrophic consequences of homosexuality and transgender ideology based solely on evidence and reason (void of religion). To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned during the episode: California school board battle: https://bit.ly/3PusQsl CA Attorney General Rob Bonta vs. The Chino Valley Unified school district: https://bit.ly/44K4C1q Greg Koukl's school board letter: https://bit.ly/3EwaUr6 Download Transcript

 How to Handle a Faith That is Set Adrift | with Dr. Sean McDowell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:10

When a fellow Christian confides in you that they're "deconstructing", what do you say and what kind of advice do you give them? Or even worse, what if YOU aren't sure what to believe anymore? It can be normal to wrestle with lingering doubts, but this slow and steady process of disillusionment often causes many people in our culture today to completely walk away from the truth of the Christian faith. So when this happens, what's the best way to help someone tackle those doubts without shipwrecking the saving grace of Jesus Christ? Our friend and Biola apologetics professor, Dr. Sean McDowell, is no stranger to struggling with doubt. In this week's podcast episode, Sean joins Frank to talk about overcoming his own season of deconstruction and how his new book (co-authored with John Marriott), 'Set Adrift: Deconstructing What You Believe Without Sinking Your Faith' can help others learn how to deconstruct in a safe way. During the episode, Sean and Frank address questions like: How does Sean define the term deconstruction? What are social imaginaries and how do they impact our worldview? What role does social media play in the deconstruction movement? What are the possible risks and benefits that can come along with deconstructing? How should Christians respond when a loved-one decides to deconstruct?   Being the son of one of the most well-known and well-respected Christian apologists, Josh McDowell, didn't stop Sean from questioning if Christianity is really true. If you're in the process of deconstruction, what's your angle? Are you searching for the truth or avoiding it? Listen as Sean will encourage you to approach self-doubt with reconstruction as the end goal, allowing truth to reign supreme. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Sean's new book: https://a.co/d/iJeEHRc   Download Transcript   Download Transcript

 The ONE Attribute That Heals Relationships | with J. Warner Wallace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:31

What's the ONE attribute that has the power to change your life, your relationships, and your career? In this midweek episode, homicide detective and best-selling author, J. Warner Wallace returns to talk about the healing power of humility and how he and his wife Susie are helping police officers save their marriages and recover from past trauma with help from the Gospel and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Listen as Jim and Frank tackle questions like: Why do so many police officers face difficulty in marriage? What is the L.E.A.P. program and why are Jim and Susie so passionate about this ministry? What problems do we face when we place our identity outside of Jesus Christ? What is post traumatic growth and how does it compare to PTSD? What does humility REALLY mean and how can it save your life and your marriage?   This unique and fascinating conversation is a great reminder that we can face any trauma or tragedy that comes our way when we place our identity and faith in Jesus Christ. It will also open your eyes to some of the unique challenges that police officers face both in their home life and in the line of duty. We hope it blesses you and you'll share the episode with friends and loved ones who might benefit from hearing this very important message. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. The L.E.A.P. Program: https://bit.ly/3EhvJGm Order the UPDATED and EXPANDED ‘Cold-Case Christianity’: http://coldcasechristianitybook.com/ Download Transcript

 The New and Improved Cold-Case Christianity | with J. Warner Wallace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:10

"You can't trust the New Testament writers because they were Christians!" How many times have you heard that objection? Atheists and skeptics often claim that the life of Jesus has been embellished throughout the centuries and that the eyewitness testimonies recorded in the Gospels are biased. But is it reasonable to believe that the New Testament authors were motivated to create or exaggerate the resurrection story for their own benefit? In 2013, homicide detective turned Christian apologist, J. Warner Wallace, released the now modern-day apologetics classic, 'Cold-Case Christianity', to address those questions and it changed lives around the world! But how could a book as great as 'Cold-Case Christianity' be made even better? This week on the podcast, Jim talks to Frank about why he's releasing an updated and expanded edition of the book for its 10th anniversary while also answering questions like: Is Jim REALLY a cold-case detective? Why is visual content so important? What is the "chain of custody" and how did Jim use it in his investigation of the New Testament? What can Chihuahuas and Great Danes teach us about apologetics? What problems do we face as a culture living in a personality driven world? Is your biblical definition of "hope" totally wrong?   If you loved the first edition of 'Cold-Case Christianity', you'll DEFINITELY want to get your hands on the newest version with 300 new illustrations, bonus sections (including a cool new section on archaeology), as well as a new afterword responding to 12 of the most commonly asked questions about the reliability of the New Testament. And if you pre-order your special edition copy of 'Cold-Case Christianity' TODAY, you'll also receive a FREE digital copy along with a boatload of bonus resources! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Pre-order the UPDATED and EXPANDED 'Cold-Case Christianity': http://coldcasechristianitybook.com/ Download Transcript

 How to Make Disciples in the 21st Century | with Allen Parr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:59

Are you possibly underestimating your ability to go out and make disciples? Imagine if every Christian invested in the spiritual growth of just one other person. How could that affect our local churches, local communities, and ultimately the spreading of the Gospel? In this midweek podcast episode, popular Christian influencer and author of the new book 'Misled', Allen Parr, sits down with Frank at the 2023 CIA conference to share how he went from being a part-time math tutor to growing a massive ministry platform on YouTube. Frank and Allen also talk about the issues of spiritual immaturity and the lack of discipleship within our churches, touching on questions like: What are some practical ways to begin making disciples? How did discipleship save Allen from making a MAJOR mistake in life? Why has discipleship historically been so difficult within the church? What process does Allen go through to choose video topics and create engaging content? How did creating LESS videos content each month impact his channel for the better?   With more than a million subscribers on his YouTube channel, 'The B.E.A.T.', Allen has mastered the art of communicating the Gospel online through humor, hot topics, conciseness, and most importantly, sound doctrine. But as you'll hear throughout the episode, it doesn't take a huge platform to make a huge difference in someone else's life. Sometimes it just takes a willingness to fulfill the Great Commission by doing something as simple as making a phone call or meeting someone for coffee. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Allen's website: https://www.allenparr.com/ Allen's YouTube channel: The B.E.A.T. Allen's online course: The Bible Accelerator Allen's book: https://a.co/d/eDCEktA Download Transcript

 Shining a Light on the New Age Deception | with Melissa Dougherty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

Does the New Age movement offer a "higher level" of Christianity? Often used interchangeably, New Age and New Thought have appealed to the masses, both in secular society as well as within Christian churches. If New Age practices have somehow managed to creep into your church, can you identify them? Who better to ask about the New Age than someone who actually practiced it? This week, Frank sits down with ex New-Ager, CrossExamined Apologist Team (CAT) member and YouTube phenom, Melissa Dougherty, to talk about some of the key aspects of New Age philosophy, how it rose to popularity in America, and how it's impacting the American Church. As Melissa shares her testimony, she'll also answer questions like: What is the distinction between New Age and New Thought? What is the overlap between the New Age and Progressive Christianity? Can the New Age or New Thought be redeemed for the Gospel? How did a Jehovah's Witness bring Melissa closer to the truth of Jesus Christ? What is God's role and purpose within the New Age movement?   The idea that you can manipulate the circumstances of your life by finding the 'true' meaning of the Scriptures has drawn many to embrace New Age teachings. Believing yourself to have more spiritual power than other Christians may be appealing, but it comes with its own set of consequences. During this episode, you'll find out these teachings compromise the truth of the Gospel and ultimately downplay the sovereignty, holiness, and providence of God. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Melissa's website: https://www.melissadougherty.co/ Melissa's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MelissaDougherty/ Melissa's blog post on this topic: https://bit.ly/46WTVuT Download Transcript

 What Does Guilt Tell Us About God? | with Dr. Bobby Conway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:22

Why is it that all societies throughout human history have been plagued by and confronted with universal guilt? That is to say that guilt, which can be defined as the result of violating a moral law that God has put in place, is cross-cultural. But many today suppress their guilt. How can Christians effectively preach the Gospel to a generation that refuses to recognize or even acknowledge its own guilt and depravity? In this midweek podcast episode, CrossExamined Apologist Team (CAT) member, author, and pastor, Dr. Bobby Conway, joins Frank to discuss his doctoral thesis--the implications of guilt and how guilt is in itself an apologetic for the existence of the Christian God. During the interview, Bobby talks about his recent shift from the One Minute Apologist to Christianity Still Makes Sense and also shares how his personal experiences with drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity as a teenager ultimately led him to faith in Christ. He and Frank answer questions like: How do we know that universal guilt exists and what is the best explanation for its existence? What did philosophers like Nietzsche and Freud believe about guilt? What is the solution for those who struggle with false guilt? What is the distinction between guilt and shame? How does the Gospel offer hope for people who are burdened with guilt and shame?   Legalizing sin has made it extremely convenient to try and ignore all of the guilt that normally follows sinful behavior. But what happens when the consequences of those actions begin to manifest and unfold in the future? Will this lead our culture to further immorality, rebellion and self-righteousness, or to repentance and redemption through the cross of Jesus Christ? By the end of the episode, Frank and Bobby will help listeners discover how universal guilt (although inconvenient), is a gift from God when properly embraced through the lens of the Gospel. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Bobby's website: https://www.christianitystillmakessense.com/ Download Transcript


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