The CEO Teacher Podcast show

The CEO Teacher Podcast

Summary: The CEO Teacher Podcast was created to speak to educators about taking their best asset in the classroom and using that to create a sustainable online business. Hear from real teachers building real online teacher empires. Kayse teaches every other Wednesday and interviews celebrity/real teachers in between her lessons to showcase their business strategies. Kayse Morris, founder of The CEO Teacher Academy, has built a 7-figure a year business teaching educators how to create, market, and scale their resources with an online course or membership. She firmly believes that any educator has the skillset to become the CEO of their own business and create a life they've always dreamed of living. Through this teacher-focused podcast, you will hear from REAL teachers on their own personal business journey, but with one main thing in common...impact.

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 What Your Mind Needs with Brandon Lucero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:01

Today, Brandon Lucero is on the podcast talking about how our beliefs can hold us back in our business or how they can help us make the vision we have for ourselves become a reality. Brandon is the founder of Sold With Video and creator of the Video 4x Effect. His proven methodology shifts how online content is created and distributed by changing beliefs, shifting perspective and the psychology of selling products online so you can move your audience into a buying state of mind while growing your brand.

 Overcoming Challenges Courageously with Heather Chauvin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:59

When Heather popped into my DMs on Instagram, I knew she was special. There was something about her that was real, vulnerable and I knew she had a story to tell. One thing that I love about Heather is that she tells it likes it is, has a passion for making an impact on the world and shares her story because she knows it may help someone, even if it is just one person.

 Make Your Mark | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:41

Did you ever have that one student that changed it all for you? That one student that is always in the back of your mind and changed your way of thinking, changed who you are, and impacted you in ways that you couldn't have ever imagined? I'm sharing with you today a story about a student that did that for me, Maria.

 Moving on When Motivation is Nowhere to be Found with Melanie Mitro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Have you ever felt that your business just isn't moving forward? Or maybe you aren't motivated to work on your business after your long day of work? I hear ya. Melanie Mitro, a 4X Top Coach of Beachbody & the co-founder of Chic-Influencer, is here to talk to us today about how she built her business and how she stays motivated each day to move her business forward. Show Notes:

 A Coach's Perspective with Rachel Perry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:32

You often hear how you need a coach and there are more perks to this investment than you may realize. My good friend, Rachel Perry, tells her perspective on being a coach, why coaches are beneficial and how you can get started if it is something you want to explore.

 LIVE Video for Beginners with Tiffany Lee Bymaster - Coach Glitter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:53

Are you ready to start using LIVE video in your business? LIVE video can grow your business fast and develop an audience that knows, likes and trusts you. I know it can be intimidating, but it really is something that I've found to  be crucial in my business. In fact, it's so important that I had to bring in a LIVE video expert, Coach Glitter, to tell you all about it.

 A Day in the Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:11

What if there was some magical formula that made someone successful? What if you could listen or watch someone’s daily routine and make it into your own? What if you could indeed do anything you heart desires, just by learning simple habits from other people? In today's episode, I'm going to share with you what it's really like to take a walk in the shoes of a CEO Teacher.

 Time Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:44

Time management is probably one of the most important super powers you can have as an entrepreneur, especially if you are starting out with a side hustle. It’s a superpower that I work on daily to improve and it's something I now guard with intention. If you are struggling with time management or even feel that you don't have enough time, this episode is for you.

 5 Tips on Creating Hype Around a Resource | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:00

Have you ever put out a resource or product and no one buys but you aren't sure why? Chances are you are missing out on something big...huge even!  Truth be told, a lot of times when we promote our products, no one is paying attention. People are bombarded with information every day and we've gotten really good at tuning people out. There are a few key things that I always do when I release a product or resource and today I'm sharing those with you!

 Quiet the Noise to Build the Business of Your Dreams with Jasmine Star | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:54

I have always dreamed I'd be able to speak to the amazing and incredibly smart Jasmine Star and she did not disappoint. Jasmine has changed my outlook on business and her "tell it like it is" perspective is beyond refreshing. She inspires me daily and I know you'll feel the same. Jasmine shares how she deals with imposter syndrome and pushes through the fear so she can continue to build the business of her dreams.

 Playing the Long Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:09

I'm laying some truth down today and it may be just thing you need to hear in your season of life. I've said this so much, but I think we all need a little reminder. If you are wanting to build a sustainable business that gives you a life that you love and a business you enjoy showing up at, you have to play the long game.

 How to Set Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:40

I knew if I wanted to see massive results in my business that I had to be intentional with my execution of each and every step working towards that goal. This, unfortunately, is where a lot of people go wrong. They set the goals, but do not take action towards them. Without a plan, without taking measurable steps, it's very hard to hold ourselves accountable because we have nothing in place to see how far we've come.

 Self-Care Strategies with Amy Mascott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:43

Today, my good friend Amy Mascott joins me to discuss self-care strategies and how she takes care of herself while running a successful business.  Amy is an influencer, writer and speaker and the brains behind where she shares resources, strategies and tools for parents. Amy is the real deal and I couldn't think of anyone better to share with you how to make yourself a priority as an entrepreneur.

 How to Decrease Screen Time and Increase Quality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:28

Distractions. They are everywhere right? Especially when it comes to our devices. How do we get the work..quality work...that needs to be done with all these interruptions? I'll be honest with you, this has been very hard for me to do and is something that I am still learning how to manage daily. I really had to dig down deep and come to terms with why I am letting these distractions limit my productivity and hinder the quality of my work.

 Teacher Turned Motivational Speaker with Hal Bowman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:52

Hal Bowman is a former teacher who travels all over the world and speaks to schools and leaders across the nation about their climate and culture. He focuses on helping students, teachers and school leaders thrive in their environment and make great schools even greater. In this episode, you will hear how Hal shifted his mindset to be where he is today, but also how he struggled to get to where he this moment.


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