The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs show

The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs

Summary: The Daily Mojo with Brad Staggs and Producer Ron is your first look each weekday, at the news, politics, faith, and absurdity that America is fast becoming. Brad and Producer Ron Phillips lens it all through a filter of truth, cynicism, and laughter (that’s getting tougher by the minute).Their core value – We The People are at the heart of these United States and WE need to wrest our power back from the DC swamp dwellers. If you believe in freedom, personal responsibility, and individual rights, you may have found soulmates.The Daily Mojo is life in the Conservatarian lane each weekday from 8-10a ET at, Mojo 5-0 Radio, and wherever you get your favorite podcasts! Follow @RealBradStaggs @RealRonPhillipsBecome a supporter of this podcast:

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  • Artist: MoJo 5-0 Radio Network
  • Copyright: Copyright 2023 Cuddle Me Buff LLC


 Ep 42722: A Thousand Little Fires & Joe Biden's Impeachment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6956

April 27, 2022Day 768 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.Sometimes, it's the little things you have to pay attention to: The pedophile identifying as a 5-year-old to evade justice, Wimbledon's definition of "discrimination", the decades-old newspaper story about AIDS being tied to the smallpox vaccination, and others too numerous to mention. Plus, Libs Of TikTok gets deleted from Linktree.Mike McCormick, author of Joe Biden Unauthorized: And The 2020 Crackup Of The Democratic Party, joins the program to discuss the implications of the emails contained in Hunter Biden's laptop and how they could lead to Joe Biden's impeachment. Links: Morse from joins the program to discuss the ongoing reverberations of the Elon Musk Twitter purchase. Links: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 42622: Your Government Is Lying To You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6956

April 19, 2022Day 760 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The Twitterverse goes crazy as Elon Musk buys the social media "town square". Reaction from the left is priceless. Only the future will tell if it's good or bad. The Smith-Mundt Act gave the Feds the power to spread propaganda during WWII only to those outside the United States, but that all changed in 2012 with the modification of that act. What did that mean for those of us living in this country? Did it give the government free reign to tell us whatever they wanted? You decide.Dan Andros weighs in on the latest social drama with Twitter and its future effects.Links: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 42522: Joe Biden Remains A Babbling Fool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6960

April 25, 2022Day 766 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The White House desperately needs new crystal because Melania Trump didn't do her job. President Biden gave a speech in Washington to commemorate Earth Day on Friday and it was a trove of word salad misspeaks and gaffes. Wikipedia is throwing stuff into the memory hole, because Hunter Biden. The water situation is getting worse, but there's also some good news. Peter Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 42222: Global Water Wars Are On The Rise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6959

April 22, 2022Day 764 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness."Global Water Wars Are On The Rise"Mike Tyson is in the headlines again, but we're on his side in this one. The issue of vaping keeps coming up and we keep learning little bits here and there, about why those involved in the scamdemic may be so concerned about it. AOC is in therapy. And residents of Rhode Island who don't get jabbed may end up getting screwed in taxes.Kal's Podcast of the Week - don't get scammed! Listen to Kal's POTW to find out... Thompson, a small business entrepreneur and inventor of the Take The Town card game, joins us to discuss his creation and how it can benefit your family and veterans!Link: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 42122: Vapo McJuicy Is Coming For Your Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6955

April 21, 2022Day 762 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.Conspiracy Theory Thursday :We'd like to introduce you to Vapo McJuicy - your latest tax dollars at work. Because, well...just because. Never get out of a your vehicle in a car wash. The travel mask mandate just won't die. Now, the DOJ is appealing the repeal through the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. How will it end? Who the hell knows.Peter Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 42022: The Government Hates You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6959

April 20, 2022Day 761 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The battle for masking may or may not continue. Apparently, it all depends on whether or not the CDC decides to hat tip the DOJ to challenge the mandate. This is so overtly political and tyrannical, it's amazing how some can't see it. The left even thinks the woman judge who overturned the mandate is incompetent. Spurred by the mention of government poisoning of alcohol during Prohibition, we give you several other examples of the powers-that-be looking at you as a lab rat and injecting citizens of this country with everything from influenza to radioactive material. Yes, the government hates you. Our story on the ease with which our water supply can be tampered and effectively poisoned: Show: Only: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41922: The Wicked Witch is Dead & The Easter Bunny is In Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6958

April 19, 2022Day 760 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The mask mandate is no more, but its supporters aren't going down without a fight. The Ukraine/Russia conflict machine continues to roll out propaganda making it hard to know where the truth is - now torture chambers are in the headlines. But to whom do they belong? The American Culture War is a battle of epic proportions that will have far-reaching effects on our lives. Cash Me Outside girl is a shining example of weird.Dan Andros weighs in on the latest social drama with the Libs of Tik Tok founder being doxxed. Links: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41822: Banning The Bible & Indoctrinating Our Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6959

April 18, 2022Day 759 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The more information we get, the less informed we seem to be. In other words, where the hell is the truth - mixed up with lies, that's where. We'll take a look at several different stories about Ukraine that paint wildly different aspects of what the "truth" is. You decide. Mark Dice has shown the real stupidity of some people in California - he gets them to sign a petition to ban the Bible. Don Neuen & Donna Fiducia from Cowboy Logic, again join the program to discuss everything from expensive beaver to vote tampering in the coming elections. Links: Sorbo is on to discuss her latest effort to promote home schooling. Sadly, our kids are being dumbed down in public schools, but there's something parents can do to help protect their kids.Links: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41522: Payday Friday With Lepracon, Peach, The Beaver, & Pudgy Liver | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6956

April 15, 2022Day 757 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The world is obsessed with Elon Musk and Twitter, and for good reason. The outcome of the battle could have serious global consequences in the future. BREAKING: Kamala Harris is experiencing severe mental health issues...or, she's just not very smart. There's good news and bad news from the Airline File...and we uncover what could be the greatest method for getting rich using the woke culture!Lepracon & Jami, hosts of Ain't You A Peach on Mojo 5-0, join the Daily Mojo to give us a taste of what their world is like. It's either round or flat - you decide. Links: aka The Beaver, host of Dam It With Beaver, walks us through a poll she received from a company that the FBI says might be involved in election tampering. Links:'s Podcast of the Week - some yuk yuks for the weekend! Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41422: The SEC's NWO Attack on Corporations in America + Snake Venom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6959

April 14, 2022Day 755 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.Conspiracy Theory Thursday :Employees of large and small companies around the country are being forced to take "Microaggresion Training" workshops. Why? Feelings are being hurt. Boohoo. Wait until you hear about the origin of this mindset. Big Brother is watching now more than ever and at least one airport is using a robot to keep an eye on you. China has locked down millions of people and is effectively starving them to death. Could that happen here?David G, our Director of Global Security, joins the program - albeit late, thanks to what he says is a police department rampant with incompetence. He also talks about other stuff, too. Cesar Ybarra, VP of Policy at Freedomworks, is warning us all about the woke SEC's intentions to force NWO crap and environmental reporting regulations on companies. Links: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41322: Watch The Water Editor Nicholas Stumphauzer's Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6959

April 13, 2022Day 754 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The MSM seems to have a problem IDing the person of interest in the subway shooting as black. Weird. There seems to be a game of finger-pointing going on with regard the bioweapons being used in Ukraine. Whodunnit? Russia? Ukraine? US? The Fauci monster came out of its burrow and is predicting more liberty-theft coming your way.Nicholas Stumphauzer joins the program to discuss his work on Watch The Water - the explosive documentary from Stew Peters that's shaking the online world and IRL. Nick became physically ill during his time editing the film.Links:Full Show: Only: Morse is here to talk about Cam Newton's words on women's and men's roles in society and any relationship. Send the hate mail to Brandon :)Links:Cam Newton Story: Shapiro Story: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41222: Our War On Many Fronts & Stew Peters' New Documentary! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6958

April 12, 2022Day 753 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.We're fighting the progressive agenda on many levels now. The President has issued new "rules" that will likely be put in place via the ATF further restricting our access to gun ownership. The trans activist movement continues to come for our kids. PA is once again forcing masks on citizens.Stew Peters joins the Daily Mojo to discuss his new documentary - "Watch The Water". It's a terrifying new look at what could be the true origin of Covid. It'll blow your mind!Links:Stew's Full Show: The Water 'Only': Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 41122: Octavio Marenzi and Gender Education in New Jersey, OH MY! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6958

April 11, 2022Day 752 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.The Biden administration is set to announce new restrictions on 'ghost guns' - a very scary-sounding gun kit that can be ordered online or at gun shows. They're also expected to announce a new candidate to head the ATF. He's an Obama fanboy and leftist. That's all you need to know, really. New Jersey teachers are about to put children directly in the cross-hairs for gender education. What’s In The Water coming up at 6p ET tonight from Stew Peters and much more.Today on the show: Octavio Marenzi is the co-founder and CEO of Opimas. He directs the firm's research in the areas of equities trading, asset management, and regulation. Octavio has performed a variety of consulting engagements including the: Creation of an international expansion strategy for a major US derivatives exchange; Analysis of the impact of the merger of two major Austrian banks, including identification of cost and revenue synergiesAnd we play the terrifying trailer from Stew Peters upcoming special on the possible REAL origin of Covid. Peter Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 40822: Vaccine Mandates & Supreme Disappointment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6954

April 8, 2022Day 750 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.It's a new day at the Supreme Court - and not necessarily a good one. The road traveled to arrive at the newest associate justices has been bumpy and not at all balanced. The government vaccine mandate gets a boost. The mystery of the a man's leg found in the middle of a Texas highway is solved. Scott Lee, co-host of the Lee Brothers show heard on Mojo 5-0 joins the program to discuss the future of the country and how he became a big Doc Thompson fan.Links:'s Podcast of the Week - based on a true story and it's a weird one. Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:

 Ep 40722: America's Day of Reckoning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6957

April 7, 2022Day 748 of 15 days to flatten the curve.The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.Is Biden trying to get us wrapped up in WWIII? There's video evidence he might be and it's disturbing. New information on the illegality of Election 2020 has surfaced in AZ and at the federal level, and it'll likely be ignored by the MSM. Could digital currency and the transfer of wealth be at the heart of the Ukraine/Russia conflict?David G, our Director of Global Security, joins the program with his theories on what may be happening with relief funds used to create a police force to be used against a voter uprising.Cesar Ybarra, VP of Policy at Freedomworks, updates us on the latest efforts in Washington to transform the way you can interact with your representatives and the progress being made with our newest allies being sent to DC.Links: Serefine's Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker's Breakdown are part of the show, as well. Links: things in one place: All things in one place: WATCH The Daily Mojo LIVE 7-9a CT:Rumble:  Mojo 5-0 TV: Or just LISTEN:


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