The Robbie Page Podcast show

The Robbie Page Podcast

Summary: If I could tell you one thing about me it would be this: I love life. What I have discovered is that my love for life is infectious, and I love inviting people along for the journey. Perspective & purpose are my greatest calling. You may hear me say things that step on your toes, for some it's the truth and for others it's liberating. I've found after 48 years of living that there is more to people, more to life, more to money, marriage, destiny, laughing, traveling and breathing than I ever realized. Once I discovered the truth I had been missing, everything about my life rapidly began to change. It's the same Truth, inspiration, and love I offer to you. Continuously.

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 Women & Business Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

"This is a man's world." Sometimes that line from the famous James Brown song eats at me like a paper cut; it hurts in an irritating way... but it won't stop you from typing. The same rings true for the statement for women in business today; it's not overly untrue... but it won't stop me from shining and powering through for change in my future. In this Podcast, Melissa Geoffrion and I explore what it looks like to be a pioneering women & mom in business today. What we do, how we do it, and what keeps us motivated to conquer all that's in front of us. Enjoy the message!

 A Topic "Grab Bag" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:15

In this episode of my Podcast, I run through a "grab bag" of topics that spawned out of questions that were emailed into our support team. Everything from marriage, parenting, husbands, interior design, living a fulfilled life, and so much more! We laugh, we cry, we break through... all in one podcast. Enjoy the message!

 Don't Miss Memories Waiting For Magic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:35

One of the greatest things I've learned over the course of my life, as a wife, a parent, and a world traveler is that you can absolutely miss some of your most incredible and cherished memories as you're waiting on the "magic" of life to happen. Find a group of friends you can travel with (at whatever level you can), take your family on the vacation of your season, and cherish the life you're living RIGHT NOW! Enjoy the message.

 What Are You Expecting In Life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:07

I’m asking you some questions to dig into if you’ve been wanting life to change for you and whatever situation you’re experiencing. Do you really expect anything different for your life? Ask yourself, “Am I truly getting what I expect?” If the answer is no, then go back to the seeds you planted before the expectations. Seed into the great things you want in life; and then expect to receive those things! Enjoy the message.

 Seek Mentorship: Learn To Ask Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:01

There are people in this world who have what you want... whether they have the income you want, the leadership you want, the family life you want, the marriage you want, the success you want... they have it. And one thing you should know is that those people are willing to tell you how they achieved it if you will just ask them a question! Get wisdom from the people that have the things you desire in life. Get a mentor. Open your mind, ask a question, take the meat and spit out the bones. If you will change your thinking about mentors and your life will change. Enjoy the message!

 Everything You Do Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:55

Recorded in the Summer of 2018... this is one of my favorite (and most popular) messages to date. "Everything You Do Matters" is one of those messages that is just always relevant. The Butterfly Effect of each and every action you take in life could have an incredible ripple effect into your family, your marriage, your business, and your relationships. So before you act or speak, be sure to remember this one little statement... EVERYTHING YOU DO MATTERS! Enjoy the message.

 Your Fear Of People Is Costing You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:44

Don’t become fearful about what other people think about your dreams, life, friends, anything! What you do, want, dream about, eat, or love… is not something that somebody else should be able to control. Your fear of what people think is costing you! Enjoy the message!

 LOVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:20

February is the month of LOVE. This year I want to encourage you to treat February and Valentine's Day differently. Where does it say in the dictionary that Valentine's Day is a day for us to sit back and simply wait for our Prince Charming to pamper us? Let me help shift your mindset and give you a fresh perspective on what Valentine's Day can look like if you simply take ownership of what could be and celebrate LOVE together! Enjoy the message!

 What Is Your Super Power? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:30

Listen in on this impactful interview with my personal coach, Tasha Saran Smith, as she gives her expert perspective on why so many people fall short of their goals, why they look at themselves as failures (even though they aren't), and how people should shift their mindset in order to maximize their life. This is a must listen for anyone! You will never look at your ability to do something the same once you figure out what your own super power is! Enjoy the message!

 Just Being Vulnerable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:07

The last couple of weeks and days have been taxing... and sometimes all a person needs is to be a little vulnerable and let others walk through their hurt, pain and struggle with them to lift them up. Normally, I am the person that walks through it with you... in this episode, I want to get real with you, so you can help me walk through. This is my story. These are my emotions. I hope you can relate to where I am and what I feel. Enjoy.

 Boss3125 Body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:41

What makes YOU feel like a boss?! Be more proud of yourself than you want people to be of you. This is a message about how you can train your mind to become stronger and more confident... EXPAND your capacity on your way to being a BOSS. Enjoy the message!

 Wine & Peloton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:59

Sometimes you just have to sit with your closest girlfriends and have some life chats. Some serious and some silly… Wine, my Peloton bike, Boy Bands, Marriage, Bible Study, and that’s just a few of the topics we chat about. So, all I want to say about this episode is… Enjoy!

 Some How-To's On Having A GREAT Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:56

During our 2019 Goal Planning retreat, my husband Brian and I trained a group of women on what has made our marriage so successful. Brian and I have been through some incredible highs and some pretty blistering lows in our 26 years of marriage...And yet, we live every single day happy and we are on each other’s team through everything. Listen in, take notes, and begin walking out this year stronger together with your spouse!

 It's A New Year... Set Some Goals! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:49

My husband Brian and I always take time to get away at the end of the year to reflect on the last 365 days and to set our goals for the upcoming year. We wanted to share with y’all how this simple act of goal planning, just the two of us, has completely changed our year and our forever since we started this tradition a few years ago. Enjoy the message!

 It IS About Santa! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:36

This time of year, it’s very easy to get caught up in “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Hear why I believe at Christmas, it IS about Santa. Enjoy the message!


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