In the Arena show

In the Arena

Summary: If you want to learn the most current and powerful sales techniques and mindsets from the top professionals in the business, In The Arena is the place to find them. Host Anthony Iannarino is himself a successful and consummate sales professional with the know-how and experience to coach you on your way. But more than that he interviews the top authors, salesmen, sales managers, and experts in the fields of B2B and B2C sales to give you the edge you need to move your numbers and profit to the next level. In the Arena is for you. Find out more at

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 Chris Beall: Outbound Sales and Prospecting Metrics and What They Tell Us About Success – Episode #103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:25

Outbound sales and prospecting are the sales approaches that most people shudder to think of. Dialing the phone, cold calling, getting past the gatekeepers - it's enough to discourage anyone if you don't approach it in the right way. This conversation with Chris Beall of Connect and Sell is powerful simply because it reveals some of the basics of why we go about sales that way in the first place. The numbers don't lie, and Chris is definitely one to know the numbers. But more than knowing them, he's effective at interpreting what they reveal about needed sales process improvements. If you want to learn how to do outbound sales and prospecting better than you ever have before, Chris is the guy to listen to. Get a feel for the kinds of things he has to share, on this episode. Chris Beall ( @chris8649 ) of @ConnectAndSell : #Outbound #sales and #prospecting metrics and what they tell us about #SalesSuccess. Listen to this episode of #InTheArenaClick To Tweet In outbound sales, we should be paying attention to the metric of “the day” There are thousands of metrics you could track when it comes to outbound sales. But Chris says that the most important metric is the metric of each day. In his mind, the strongest thing you can do is focus on doing the most you can in each day, even if that means taking some of the things you meant to do tomorrow into today's workload. If you do that consistently, magic happens in your business, partially because you get more done per unit than you are spending. These are the kinds of observations Chris makes that are simple, yet so powerful. Take the time to listen to what he shares in our conversation, it will help you improve your outbound sales game. The first 8 to 10 seconds of an outbound sales call is the most important One of the things I was curious to know from Chris's experience was whether or not people who make more outbound sales calls show improvement with the more calls they make. He said that's not necessarily the case, but what does demonstrate improvement is when those making outbound calls are coached about what they say and how they say it, especially within the first eight to ten seconds of a call. Coaching is vital to enhance effectiveness because it's through good coaching from an experienced salesperson that an ineffective caller can learn to express comfortable confidence that leads to effectiveness. Learn what Chris means by that on this episode of in the arena. The first 8 to 10 seconds of an #outbound #sales call is the most important. @chris8649 of @ConnectAndSell shares a quick win on #SalesCalls on this episode of #InTheArenaClick To Tweet Outbound salespeople who secure more meetings tend to produce more referrals Referrals are not something we typically think of as being directly connected to outbound sales. But the statistics show that there is a direct correlation. The outbound salespeople who are able to secure more meetings are also the ones who produce more referrals. What's the connection? It likely that the confidence and demeanor those sales professionals have that enables them to secure the meetings in the first place, is also what enables them to get referrals. Chris Beall has great insights into this phenomenon and explains what salespeople can do to increase their ability in both of those areas. You'll want to hear this episode. Outbound sales reps should have as many conversations as possible The goal of outbound sales calls is to schedule appointments with prospects. It's as simple as that. So outbound sales reps who are doing a good job should be scheduling as many conversations as possible. Chris and the team at Connect and Sell are all about making that scheduling process simpler and easier, and their implementation of technology to make it happen is revolutionary. Find out how 80 sales calls can be made, four actual conversations can happen,

 Derek Thompson on How Things Go Viral and The Science of Popularity – Episode #102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:29

We've all experienced those crazy scenarios when something goes viral - in the old days, we said it was extremely popular or a tremendous hit. We're talking about things like Cabbage Patch Kids, Beanie Babies, or hit albums on the Billboard Chart. What makes them go viral? What makes them so popular? Derek Thompson says the answers to those questions usually surprise people. That's because there is more of a science behind it than you would think. This episode is extremely practical for salespeople because it demonstrates the human tendencies that contribute to popularity and Derek is very skilled at applying it to the sales world. You'll want to hear this episode. Derek Thompson on How Things Go Viral and The Science of Popularity - Ep 103Click To Tweet Sales professionals need to understand the “Mere Exposure” effect: The mere exposure of any stimulus biases us toward that thing Have you ever wondered why some of the bigger brands plaster their logo across a billboard with no particular "ask?" It's because of something called the “Mere Exposure Effect.” Science has proven that when a person, in this case, a consumer, sees the same company in a positive light repeatedly over time, then when they notice that brand on the shelf at the grocery store their purchasing decision is much easier because they've become familiar with the brand. The mere exposure they've had to it makes it trustworthy in their eyes. Derek Thompson unpacks these kinds of scientific findings and applies them to the sales world for us, on this episode. When people are interacting with a product or service they want an element of familiarity, in spite of looking for something new Everyone seems to be interested in the latest movie or the newest gadget. There's something about new products and services that intrigues us. But Derek Thompson says that the science demonstrates that though people are indeed looking for something new almost all of the time they are also more likely to adopt the new thing if it has an element of familiarity to it. Steve Jobs knew this when he created the first desktop computer. He said that it had to say "Hello" and it had to have a face. By designing his computers with those features, the Apple Computer Company was a novelty that was also familiar to users - and the computers sold like hotcakes. You won't want to miss Derrick's explanation of how this principle applies to your role as a salesperson. Be sure you listen. When people are interacting with a product or service they want an element of #familiarity, in spite of looking for something newClick To Tweet To sell something surprising, make it familiar. To sell something familiar, make it surprising We are all looking for something new and novel to demonstrate to her friends and family. It makes us feel important, like someone on the cutting edge. But very few of us are actually bold enough and brave enough to dive completely into the unknown. We want at least a little bit of the experience to be familiar. That phenomenon is backed up by science and on this episode of In The Arena, Derek Thompson tells us why. Many things we think have gone viral were actually intentionally spread by “dark broadcasters” When we talk about something going viral we usually mean that it became popular suddenly and for little visible reason. But Derek Thompson says that almost everything that goes viral was intentionally positioned to do so. Yes, the thing in question has to be interesting or intriguing to the general public, but it also has to be put in a place where it can be distributed and found. Derek called these places the “dark broadcasters” of the internet and says they could be news sites, celebrity Twitter accounts, or any number of things. In this episode, we talk about what it means for something to go viral and how we can apply the concept to sales.

 Seth Godin on Customer Attraction, Brand Loyalty, and His Own Writing Process – Episode #101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:44

Nobody in the online marketing space or sales world needs an introduction to Seth Godin. Seth has become synonymous with content marketing and the new approach to customer attraction he calls permission marketing. He believes that because of the negative perceptions people have about marketing and sales and because of how people function these days, no entrepreneur or business should be out chasing customers in that old-style way that causes pressure and discomfort. In this great conversation, Seth discusses why customer attraction is so powerful and explains what brands can do to create a great customer attraction approach, which solves every other problem by default. Seth Godin on Customer Attraction, Brand Loyalty, and His Own Writing Process - Ep 102Click To Tweet If you have customer attraction you don’t need to raise capital and technology will never be an issue Imagine if your company was one of those brands that seemed to automatically attract customers because of your culture, your values, or your vibe. What would that do for your opportunities and potential for success? Seth Godin insists that client attraction is THE thing - it’s what makes every company that is successful, successful and it’s what makes every other problem in business less of a problem. In this conversation Seth and Anthony discuss some of the things required to attract customers like that, so don’t miss this sage advice from two guys who have put a lot of thought into the issue. Brand loyalty is declining because brands have not kept their part of the bargain ~ Seth Godin There is a decent amount of talk in marketing and sales circles about the decline of brand loyalty. When asked whether it’s true, Seth Godin says that it is and that the main cause is that brands have not kept their part of the bargain. It’s easy to SAY your brand will be something specific for your customers but to actually pull it off requires a kind of thought, intentionality, and consistency that most brand leaders have not dedicated enough time to. Seth has some insight into how that sort of backsliding on your brand promise happens and what you can do to regain ground, so be sure you hear this episode of In The Arena. Brand Loyalty is declining because brands have not kept their part of the bargain ~ Seth GodinClick To Tweet Failure isn't that big of a deal, so don’t take yourself so seriously. If you are honest and do good work, you’ll get another chance ~ Seth Godin Most of us regret our failures on some level. But the failure doesn’t have to be the final word if we are about more than success or failure. Seth Godin says that the entrepreneurs and creators that truly make a difference are the ones who are honest and do good work that truly benefits people. A person or brand with that kind of character deeply ingrained will always recover from mistakes and find new opportunities on the other side. That’s the reality he’s seen over and over as he’s worked with founders, creators, and students and is a place from which you can draw hope the next time you fail. Why Seth Godin doesn’t like to talk about his writing process As one who writes every day, Anthony was especially curious how Seth Godin, another person who writes every day and has written many books, approaches writing as a practice. Seth said that he feels that revealing his writing approach would not serve others well simply because we all tend to take on the practices of those we admire rather than discover and develop our own unique approach that fits the way we are wired. In his mind, anyone who can verbally communicate can write. The challenge is learning to write the way you speak - naturally, with emphasis and passion, and with clarity that is truly helpful to those listening (reading). Though Seth didn’t reveal his “magic formula” for effective and prolific writing, what he does share about the realities of writing is ve...

 Productive Thinking As The Key to Greater Sales Success, with Tim Hurson – Episode #100 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:51

If you want to learn how to engage in productive thinking, Tim Hurson is the guy to teach you how. Tim is the author of a book called “Think Better: An Innovator’s Guide to Productive Thinking” and this conversation is part of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of that book, which you can pick it up right now on Amazon. Anthony admits that this interview starts off a little weird for him because he and Tim have been acquainted with each other for a long time and they belong to a peer group where they communicate with each other often, but before this conversation, they’d never spoken face to face. It’s also a little weird because Anthony’s book, “The Lost Art of Closing” cites one of Tim’s books “Never Be Closing” on the cover flap as a bad idea. But in spite of that difference, which turns out not to be that much of a difference, Tim and Anthony are completely aligned on many things when it comes to life and sales. You’ll enjoy this stimulating conversation with Tim about how you can think more productively and therefore be more successful, so be sure you take the time to listen. Productive Thinking As The Key to Greater Sales Success, with Tim Hurson - Ep 101Click To Tweet How you as a salesperson can get the absolute right to the next deal with the person you just closed This conversation starts out with a bit of banter between Anthony and his guest, Tim Hurson, over what Tim was trying to say when he wrote a book called “Never Be Closing.” Tim’s point was that thinking of things as “closed” could lead you to think that the deal is done, when it’s really only the beginning. What you’re actually doing is you're gaining commitments, you're gaining friends, you're establishing relationships that you don't want to end - which will lead not just to the first sale but to the second sale and all the sales beyond that. That's where the conventional idea of closing is “Finish the deal” but where Tim says he never wants to finish the deal. He wants to open more deals. It's what he calls having an absolute right to the next deal you sell in such a way that you don't ever have to sell to that person again. Find out how you can build THOSE kinds of relationships, on this episode. You’ve got to listen to this episode if you want to understand the way of thinking that enables you to be more creative, productive, and effective Tim Hurson used to go around the country putting on seminars and giving speeches, and when he did he’d often meet people on planes. It was the typical situation where you start talking to somebody, asking, “What do you do?” and as soon as somebody asked Tim what he did he would say things like, “You know, I teach people how to think creatively.” They’d immediately go back to their magazine. But one day, completely on a whim, Tim answered the question by saying, “I teach people how to think more productively.” The difference in the response he got was nothing short of amazing. Suddenly he had made a connection with the person he was talking to because what was important to them was to be productive. Tim’s come to believe that there's a way of thinking that actually allows you to learn better, to plan better, to solve problems better, to do better, and ultimately to BE better as a human being. Find out what that way of thinking is on this episode of In The Arena. Listen to this ep if you want to understand the way of #thinking that enables you to be more #productiveClick To Tweet Productive thinking has many enemies. You’ve got to clearly know what they are and how to overcome them The second chapter of Tim Hurson’s book, “Think Better” speaks to the things that prevent us from thinking productively. He points out three of them: Monkey Mind, Gator Brain, and The Elephants Tether. In this conversation with Anthony, Tim walks through two of those three enemies to productive thinking, explaining how they work in the brain, why they happen,

 Overcoming Toxic Culture Through Mastering Civility, with Christine Porath – Episode #99 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

It should not come as a surprise that some of the most important things in life are the most basic. Civility is one of those things that is essential to maintaining and building great relationships with others but is often cast aside for the sake of attaining goals at the expense of those relationships. In this conversation, Anthony talks with Christine Porath, author of the new book “Mastering Civility.” Her insights into the human condition and the things that drive us to be not only uncivil but downright petty reveal the foundational things that we need to come to grips with in order to begin building healthy company cultures rather than toxic ones. Overcoming Toxic Culture Through Mastering Civility, with Christine Porath - Episode #99Click To Tweet The fundamentals of civility are so basic but also so seldom done No one would argue against civility being one of the foundational practices that undergird healthy human relationships. Yet, it is one of the things that is most quickly cast aside when it comes to dealing with others in hierarchical structures like companies and chains of command. Christine Porath is convinced that a return to civility will enable toxic cultures to be made healthy and poor performing teams be made into record-breakers. This conversation is full of insight so be sure you take the time to listen. Learning to listen is one of the best ways to chip away at a toxic culture All of us have a cell phone. We leave it sitting on the desk during meetings and we even take it to the bathroom with us. We think of it as a tool but it often becomes a distraction that keeps us from truly listening to the people we meet face-to-face every day. Christine Porath points out how new habits - like removing our cell phone from the desk - can help us listen in ways that begin to chip away at the toxic cultures within our companies and organizations. Find out how Kristine suggest we go about making these kinds of fundamental changes, on this episode of in the arena. Learning to listen is one of the best ways to chip away at a toxic culture @PorathCClick To Tweet Connection has to come first before effective leadership can happen Effective leadership is a goal for most CEOs and managers, but it can seem very elusive and difficult to attain. Christine Porath says that effective leadership hinges on personal connection much more than it does leadership techniques or principles. Her conviction is that those who learn to connect with the people they lead will be much more effective in their leadership, and research is bearing out that conviction. Christine shares basic steps toward greater connection with the people around us in this conversation with Anthony. Why we don’t give others the benefit of the doubt but always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt You may or may not have noticed it, but one of the behaviors that almost every human being is guilty of is giving the benefit of the doubt to ourselves but not giving the benefit of the doubt to others. At the tail end of this conversation, Anthony and his guest, Christine Porath talk about how to overcome the unconscious stereotypes and judgments we make about people without knowing all the facts, and the benefits that a “benefit of the doubt” mindset can have in building a company culture that is sympathetic and supportive of the people in it. Why we don’t give others the benefit of the doubt but always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt @PorathCClick To Tweet Outline of this great episode [0:44] Why Anthony invited Christine to be on the show to talk about her book, “Mastering Civility” [2:40] The personal experiences that pushed Christine to write about civility [4:04] What makes for a toxic work environment and what impact does it have? [9:34] Everyone is watching the leader to know how to behave within the o...

 Perry Marshall on Mastering Marketing With The 80/20 Rule – Episode #98 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:02

Many who listen to this podcast are eager to master the things that will move their career or business forward, things like sales and marketing. But mastering marketing and sales is not something that is easy or that happens overnight. Anthony's guest today, Perry Marshall is one of the people has taken the time and put in the effort to become a master at marketing. His name is synonymous with success when it comes to direct mail, email marketing, and pay per click advertising. On this episode of In The Arena you will hear Anthony's stimulating conversation with Perry, where Perry describes how he came to discover the application of the 80/20 rule to marketing and sales. Perry Marshall on Mastering Marketing With The 80/20 Rule Click To Tweet If you only have so much time to learn so many things, why not learn the things that will make the most difference, like mastering marketing? The bright shiny object syndrome is alive and well. We see it every day on social media and in the advertisements that come our way. Perry Marshall is committed to avoiding that sort of an approach to marketing and instead loves to teach people how to master those things that will give them the greatest results. That means sales, and that means marketing. In this conversation, Perry describes how scientific principles regarding fractals and probabilities demonstrate the kinds of things that need to be learned and implemented in order for marketing to be mastered. It's a deep conversation, but one you will value for a long time, so take the time to listen. Why engineering is the ideal education for anyone who wants to go into marketing or sales Perry Marshall earned a degree in the field of engineering. He's not the kind of guy you would expect to be a leading internet marketer, but he is. He says that the education he received in engineering equipped him better for the marketing business he is now enjoying than anything he could imagine. In this conversation, you will hear his explanation of how engineering and marketing operate according to the same principles and how his ability to view marketing through an engineering lens has enabled him to become a leader in the industry. Perry is a fascinating guy who has lots of great things to share, so make sure you listen. Why engineering is the ideal education for anyone who wants to go into marketing or salesClick To Tweet How a journey into the supposed science behind evolution led to an in-depth look at how successful marketing really works The story of how Perry Marshall got from being an engineer to an internet marketer is filled with all kinds of twists and turns that could not have been predicted. One of those includes a debate he was having with his brother about whether or not evolutionary theory as it is typically presented, is true. Perry didn't believe it was and set out to dig deep into it to see if his hunch was right. What he discovered was not only how false and misleading much of this supposed science out there actually is, but also how the truth of how science works applies across the board in many areas of study, including the mastery of marketing. This episode is a wide-ranging conversation but it is one that you will want to listen to again and again. A 100-year-old rule for marketing - RFM: Recency, Frequency, Money - the formula for online advertising In this conversation, Anthony asks Perry Marshall for one piece of advice for those who are considering pay per click advertising as a way to generate leads and make sales. Perry points to a 100-year-old marketing and sales principle that he refers to as RFM. Those letters stand for recency, frequency, and money. In his mind, it is the best formula for discovering where to invest your limited funds for the biggest return on that investment. You can hear his entire explanation of how RFM works as well as many other helpful topics,

 Donald Miller on Why Building a Storybrand Motivates Buying Decisions – Episode #97 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:01

One of the most influential books in Anthony's life in recent years has been Donald Miller’s, “ A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.” Since the publication of that book, Donald has written another, this time oriented toward business. In this conversation, Anthony chats with Donald about his newest book, "Building a Storybrand" in an effort to unpack exactly what it means to be a Storybrand, how it impacts the way a company relates to its prospects and customers, and the way it leads to success like nothing else. Donald Miller on How Building a Storybrand Motivates Buying Decisions - on this episode Click To Tweet Building a Storybrand requires that you focus on your customer’s story, not yours Many companies position their marketing around the benefits and features of their product or service. But companies that understand what it means to be a Storybrand take another approach. They focus on their customer's journey, the story that is happening in the lives of those they serve. They do so in an effort to not only connect with their customers on a personal level but also to express that they understand them and care about the challenges they face in life. It's at that point that they have become empathetic in their customer's eyes, and as a result become a brand the customer is eager to follow. Find out more about how you can position your company and your sales endeavors around this concept of being a Storybrand. The customer is the hero of the story. Your brand isn’t. Companies that get that and communicate it effectively are poised for success In this conversation, Anthony and his guests, Donald Miller highlight a number of examples of companies that have effectively made their customer the hero of the story. It may sound like an odd approach but it has resulted in amazing brand loyalty and sales for the companies that get it right. Donald Miller explains what it means to be a Storybrand, how companies can move in that direction, and why communicating in a way that demonstrates empathy for the customer is powerful over the long haul. Don't miss this episode. The customer is the hero of the story. Your brand isn’t. Companies that get that and communicate it effectively are poised for success - Donald MillerClick To Tweet People don’t buy the best products and services, they buy the ones they can understand the fastest One of the most important aspects of marketing that applies to business, politics, or any endeavor that is trying to affect popular opinion, is that in order for a message to be communicated effectively it has to be communicated in a way that enables the listener to understand it with the least amount of effort. In this conersation, Donald Miller points out how President Donald Trump did that effectively in his election campaign and how many brands are doing the same thing to great success. It's an art form as much as it is a tactic and on this episode of In The Arena, Donald explains how to do it. Brands that participate in their customer’s transformation achieve enormous success in the marketplace Every sales professional desires to be part of a company that achieves enormous success in their Marketplace. It's one of the signs of personal achievement that we all strive for. The brands that accomplish that to the greatest degree are the ones that participate in the transformation their customers experience that comes from using their products or services. What does it mean to actually participate in that transformation? On this episode, Donald Miller highlights the difference between participation and observation, and gives some practical tips about how to become a Storybrand, a company that focuses on the customer's story to build brand loyalty. Brands that participate in their customer’s transformation achieve enormous success in the marketplace - Donald MillerClick To Tweet

 Daniel McGinn on Performance Rituals, Emotional Preparation, and Sales Success – Episode #96 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:22

If you’ve followed Anthony’s writing and work for any time at all you know how fascinated he is with the impact mindset has on success in sales. So it makes perfect sense that when he saw a book titled, “Psyched Up: How the Science of Mental Preparation Can Help You Succeed,” he had to read it. He was so impressed with the book he invited the author Daniel McGinn to be his guest on this episode of In The Arena. Anthony and Daniel talk about performance rituals, emotional preparation, the impact of music on motivation, and much more as it relates to sales success. It’s a fascinating conversation you’ll enjoy immensely. Daniel McGinn on Performance Rituals, Emotional Preparation, and Sales Success - Ep 96 Click To Tweet Feeling nervous is natural. This conversation will help you know what to do with those feelings. We’ve all heard of the “fight or flight” instinct, it’s part of our biological wiring that fuels us to take action. Though the things we face today aren’t typically considered “dangerous” as they were back in the day when that response was first needed, they are still many times high-stakes events where the nervousness we feel is similar. On this episode, Daniel McGinn tells how the nervous feelings we face can actually be a helpful thing for performance if we know how to deal with them rightly. He also talks about why the most common piece of advice we receive when we’re feeling nervous is actually the exact opposite of what we should do. Instead of trying to get rid of nerves we need to learn how to channel them toward success. “Hey, calm down. Relax. Breathe.” It’s common advice to hear when you’re nervous but Daniel McGinn says it’s the wrong advice. It’s physiologically impossible to calm down the hormonal surges going on at a time when we are about to perform. Instead of fighting an uphill battle it’s better to learn strategies for focusing that energy to better use than fear and anxiety. In this conversation Anthony digs into how exactly to do that with author Daniel McGinn, so don’t miss it. Instead of trying to get rid of #nerves we need to learn how to channel them toward #success @danmcginn #InTheArenaClick To Tweet Do pre-performance rituals legitimately work? From athletes, to musicians, to sales professionals, many people use a pre-performance routine to get themselves ready for their particular “go time.” What makes up those rituals is as unique as the individuals who devise them, but Daniel McGinn says they are proven to be helpful. Anthony and Dan talk about how varied pre-performance rituals can be effective even when they vary so widely in terms of what is actually being done, what it has to do with mental focus and determination, and how each person’s ability to deal with anxiety is the most determinative factor in their performance. Is music really helpful to prepare for go-time? It’s fascinating how wired human beings are for music. There’s something about the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms that can change our mood, set us up for suggestion, or prepare us for a big day. Daniel McGinn, author of “Psyched Up” says there is no denying that music is a powerful tool in preparing for performance or high-stakes events and he and Anthony discuss how their favorite tunes may not be the same as those chosen by others, and why that is. You’ll enjoy this wrap-up to the conversation. Is #music really helpful to #prepare for go-time? @danmcginn #InTheArenaClick To Tweet Outline of this great episode [0:44] How the mental game impacts sales success, and today’s guest Daniel McGinn. [1:40] What happened to compel Daniel to write his book, “Psyched Up?” [3:44] The 5 P ritual one neurosurgeon uses to optimize his performance. [7:25] The power of purpose behind great endeavors. [9:42] Examining the different types of anxiety that manifest in various pe...

 James Muir on Closing the Sale – Episode #95 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:48

Closing the sale is arguably one of the most difficult and most misunderstood parts of the sales process. It’s true for many reasons, including missed steps prior to the close and wrong assumptions about whether or not the prospect is actually ready to close the deal. In this conversation you’ll hear two veteran sales professionals, James Muir and Anthony Iannarino pick each other’s brains about what it takes to have a truly effective sales conversation, the places where most sales professionals miss the mark, and why asking for a commitment is such a hard thing - when it shouldn’t be. James Muir on Closing The Sale - Ep 95Click To Tweet The sales process equals conversations and commitments. Sales is intimidating to most people simply because they think of it in the wrong terms. It’s not about pushing or coercing people to do something they don’t want to do or can’t afford to do. It’s about helping people investigate their needs and discover the best solutions for them. That takes a conversation, or many of them, with the sales person being the one skilled at asking the right questions to make the needed discoveries. Sales is conversations followed by commitments, that’s it. In this conversation, James and Anthony chat about why asking for a commitment goes awry so often and what sales people can do to ensure their prospects are actually ready to make a commitment when the time comes. Before closing, you’ve got to lead the customer to see WHY they need to change. Most customers or prospects know they have problems that need solving. The sales professional wouldn’t be able to get a meeting with them in the first place if they didn’t know that. But the solutions that will solve those problems are going to require change on the part of many people within the company and that’s where people begin to resist in the sales process. The sales person needs to take the time, perhaps through many conversations, to help the prospect understand WHY they need to change, what’s at stake if they don’t. Anthony and his guest, James Muir chat about how a salesperson can effectively lead their customers to that realization and close the sale - on this episode. Before closing, you’ve got to lead the customer to see WHY they need to changeClick To Tweet No customer should ever feel they need to be defensive about the sales conversation. Defensiveness flows from a feeling or belief that another person is critical of you or the decisions you’ve made. It’s what you feel when you’re being pushed to do something you don’t want to do. Effective sales people come alongside their prospects instead of pushing them forward from behind. They consult, they help, they answer questions, and they ask plenty of insightful questions of their own. No customer should EVER feel the need to be defensive when a sales professional is doing their job the right way. Join Anthony as he and James Muir recount what they’ve learned about closing the sale, on this episode of In The Arena. Consultative selling is a collaborative, participatory process. No sales professional wants to be perceived as pushy or coercive. They know being perceived that way will kill their career. What’s the alternative? Being consultative, learning how to become the trusted expert customers can learn from as they seek to address the needs within their business. But consultative selling is about more than being an expert, it’s about being a partner with the customer, getting on the same side of the table to explore solutions together. When you can become a participant in the prospect’s exploration of a solution to their problems, you become the trusted advisor you really want and need to be. Consultative selling is a collaborative, participatory processClick To Tweet Outline of this great episode [1:45] Anthony’s introduction to his friend, James Muir.

 Stoking Your Hunger to Win in the Sales Arena, with Patrick Tinney – Episode #94 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:58

Every sales professional says they have a hunger to win, but few truly conquer as top sellers. My guest on this episode says every sales professional must have a perpetual hunger to win in sales - that constant drive to provide for their family, to be a success, and to be the trusted advisor who serves their customers well. Patrick’s newest book, “Perpetual Hunger” is the subject of our conversation. It’s a book that can serve you almost like a sales encyclopedia with easy-to-read chapters that are able to be immediately applied. You’ll get a great feel for what he covers in the book by listening to this episode of the podcast. Stoking Your Hunger to Win in the Sales Arena, with Patrick TinneyClick To Tweet Fear and adversity can contribute to your hunger in a positive way, or it can hold you back. You hear a lot these days about overcoming fears and adversity, but Patrick Tinney and I agree that both of those things can fuel your hunger if you know how to leverage them to your advantage. The saddest thing is to see a person with great potential who is saddled with their own fear to such an extent that they can’t push forward to the success that is possible. On this episode Patrick and I discuss the role adversity and fear can play in a positive way to stoke the hunger to win in sales, so be sure you listen. The truthful sales conversations happen when you are able to knock the chat off script. Every party involved in a sales conversation has their own agenda - a script of sorts they have prepared to direct the conversation in the direction they want it to go. But those scripts often prevent the conversation from getting to the real issues that are at stake, the real needs the clients have and the solutions you can offer. Patrick Tinney says whenever you can knock the conversation off that script you have the opportunity to hear the true needs of your prospect and are able to understand what your team can bring to the table. You’ll want to hear this part of our conversation - it’s well worth your time. The truthful sales conversations happen when you are able to knock the chat off script Click To Tweet Why relationships win in every sales interaction. Your hunger to win as a sales professional can’t be about you primarily, even though the need to attain a certain level of personal success is always part of the equation. You need to focus more on the relationships that are the basis of trust between you and your customers. That’s what will give you success long term. In this conversation, Patrick Tinney shares a story from his own experience about an opportunity he had to build enormous trust with a client and how it came to serve him personally in the end. You won’t want to miss this powerful story. The first part of becoming a trusted advisor is trust. Don’t violate it. We’ve all heard the admonition to become a trusted advisor to our customers, and while it’s definitely the goal we want to be shooting for, it’s easy to forget that “trust” is the first part of that goal. The trust our customers have in us is only what we enable them to have - and that comes about through our integrity toward them. In his new book, “Perpetual Hunger” Patrick Tinney speaks to the role those kinds of trusting relationships play in accomplishing the success we all want, and how trust is a key element in it. I encourage you to listen to Patrick’s advice on this, you won’t regret it. The first part of becoming a trusted advisor is trust. Don’t violate it.Click To Tweet Outline of this great episode [0:44] Patrick Tinney: Sales trainer, coach, and author. [1:21] What does it mean for a sales professional to be perpetually hungry and why aren’t people MORE hungry? [6:16] What makes for an exceptional sales prospector? [8:03] The higher value questions a sales pro should be asking.

 Cort Dial on Why Real Leadership Comes From “All In” Leaders – Episode #93 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:40

There are many organizational and leadership consultants out there. But real leadership is something most of them don't know anything about. That’s because they are focused on things like performance and data without taking a serious look at what brings those things about - the inner world of the leader. Cort Dial is an exception to that rule. He’s made it his mission to understand the personal and relational things that make great leaders great, the things that make them what he calls “All-in” leaders. You’ll enjoy this conversation between Anthony and Cort. It’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to real leadership, but is enough to get you thinking about yourself and the changes you need to make as a leader, which is what really matters. Cort Dial on Why Real Leadership Comes “All In” Leaders - Ep 93Click To Tweet The only leader that needs to change if you want to improve performance, is you. Cort Dial says that too often he’s hired to come in and fix an organization and the leader’s attitude is typically along the lines of, “Come in here and fix my people.” Cort’s response is not one those types of leaders want to hear. What he says to them goes something like this, “And what are you going to change in yourself?” Their response tells him all he needs to know about whether or not he’s going to be able to help the organization or not. That’s because real leadership starts when the leader is ready and able to take a deep look at themselves. As the leader grows and changes, the organization will naturally follow suit. Most organizations are driven by fear. Leaders have to be coachable in order to change that dynamic. Cort Dial says that most organization are driven by fear - fear of change, fear of getting in trouble, fear of breaking the rules, fear of not meeting quota. Just looking at those statements is enough to show that it’s a lousy way for any team to be motivated. What’s the alternative? Motivation that comes from accomplishing something bigger, something significant - and the only way to spark that kind of motivation is for the leader to be coachable. He/she has got to see things in a new way and that requires the humility to allow an outside perspective to inform what is going right and what is going wrong - in the organization and especially in themselves. Cort shares some great insights about what it takes to be that coachable in this conversation so be sure you listen. Most organizations are driven by fear. Leaders have to be coachable to change that dynamic.Click To Tweet What affects performance is my relationship with people. When it comes down to it, the main barometer of most companies is performance. That makes sense when you’re looking for a quick way to assess a company, but it’s short-sighted if the only thing that’s ever done about lagging performance is to nag the team to do better. Cort Dial has learned that the relationships that exist within the team are what impact performance. If those are healthy, if those are strong and growing, performance will take care of itself. Find out how real leadership focuses on the relational dynamics of the team and why most leaders are scared to address the relational components of the business, on this episode of In The Arena. As a leader, you need someone to protect you from things you’re not ready to take on. One of the most important reasons every leader needs a coach is because the coach is able to stay aloof from the emotion and tension of situations to bring a clear, balanced perspective. In this conversation, Cort Dial tells of a client he was dealing with who was asked to give an account for his division’s lagging performance. His plan was to slam through a slide deck in his 7-minute slot in the agenda in order to justify the lack of results his team had achieved. Cort was able to show him a better way to approach the situation and his client walked out of the m...

 Alan Alda on The Importance of Communication Skills That Truly Serve Relationships – Episode #92 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:38

One of the most important things for every sales or business professional to understand is the importance of communication skills. But as Anthony’s guest, award-winning actor, Alan Alda makes clear in this conversation, those skills are more than just skills - and they don’t come in the form of tips or steps. They are learned through diligent practice over time. This is a very enjoyable conversation with a much-loved man who continues to touch many lives through his company, Alda Communication Training. Anthony and Alan discuss some of the core subjects from his new book, “If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look On My Face?” on this episode of In The Arena. Alan Alda on The Importance of Communication Skills That Truly Serve Relationships - Ep 92Click To Tweet People almost always misunderstand each other. ~ Alan Alda One of the foundational truths everyone has to embrace if they are going to develop good communication skills is that everyone misunderstands everyone else, most of the time. Alan Alda says he’s discovered that fact through the course of his acting career and through the daily situations he finds himself in. Knowing that fact sets you up to understand the severity of the communication gap that exists between people and to seriously devote yourself to learning things like relating, empathy, compassion, and more. Alan has keen insight into the realm of effective communication and even has a few comments specifically aimed at sales professionals. You’ll enjoy this conversation. Change comes through transformational experiences. When Anthony asked Alan Alda about the way he goes about training people in the importance of communication skills, Alan said he’s often asked for some version of “3 Tips for Effective Communication.” But he says that’s like giving someone 3 tips for successful swimming - it doesn’t go very far in addressing the real need. A person who communicates effectively typically hasn’t learned communication skills from a book, they’ve learned how to communicate through transformational, and often relationally difficult experiences. Alan shares why becoming a great communicator is worth the pain and toil required, on this episode. Change comes through transformational experiences ~ Alan AldaClick To Tweet Why Alan Alda regrets that his new book is black words on white pages. Books are wonderful things, storehouses of knowledge, wisdom, and learning that anyone can glean from at any time. But they aren’t the be-all-end-all of true personal change. That’s the point Alan Alda made on this episode when he told Anthony that he sometimes regrets that the content in his book is in printed form. He doesn’t want people who read it to misunderstand, to think that just because they read his book that they are automatically going to be better communicators. The importance of learning communication skills pales in comparison to the need to apply them, and make mistakes, and modify your approach, and apply them again. It’s a life-long learning process Alan challenges his readers to commit to. Learn why his book could be a turning point for your communication success, on this episode. As a sales professional, you have to be passionate about giving people what they need. Every salesperson has heard it said that true sales is about meeting the needs of people. Alan Alda takes it a step further and says that good salespeople care so much about the people they are trying to close a deal with that they are passionate about enabling them to see that they (the salesperson) have the solution. Said more simply, you have to be convinced that your prospect truly needs what you have to the point you’re passionate about them seeing it too. The insights Alan shares on this episode of In The Arena are priceless, so be sure you take the time to listen. As a sales professional, U have to be passionate about giving people what t...

 Phil M. Jones on Knowing Exactly What to Say in Your Sales Conversations – Episode #91 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:04

One of the most fundamental but overlooked pieces of any sales presentation is being confident in what to say to your prospect. It’s not about product features, though that’s necessary. It’s about understanding the way human beings work, how they listen, and how they naturally respond to specific language. Anthony’s guest on this episode is Phil M. Jones, author of “Exactly What To Say” - an incredibly practical book for salespeople that shows you the nuanced changes you can make to the things you say in order to turn negative or cold responses into positive and warm ones. You’ll be amazed at how insightful and helpful the book is. It’s one you could spend a few hours reading and apply immediately. You’ll get a taste for why the book is so practical by listening to this conversation. Phil M. Jones on Knowing Exactly What To Say in Your Sales Conversations - Ep 91Click To Tweet Many people don’t have what they want because they are not doing the basics. Phil M. Jones is an experienced sales leader who has worked hard to get where he is. He learned early on in his sales career that, in his words, he needed to “Do what he was told.” What he means is that many of the things he was being told by his sales trainers were tried and true fundamentals that would set him up for success. Phil says that in order to attain success in any field, you need to be brilliant at the basics, then get up and do it again tomorrow. Then do it again the next day. And the next. Phil has done that and in so doing has developed a keen understanding of how the words he says to prospects make a HUGE difference. He unpacks a small taste of how you can shift what you say to get better results, on this episode of In The Arena. The sales decision takes a microsecond. Knowing what to say to get past it is key. For many sales professionals, the most intimidating part of the sales presentation is asking for the sale. Will the prospect buy? Will they have objections? Will they have some reason they have to say “no?” Will they need to consult other decision-makers? Phil M. Jones has discovered that many times you don’t even have to ask for the sale. In fact, he says if you know what to say, many times you can assume the sale and move right past it to the follow up steps, and your prospect will happily go along because of how you’ve handled the situation. Sound too good to be true? You’ve got to hear Phil’s explanation on this episode. The sales decision takes a microsecond. Knowing what to say to get past it is keyClick To Tweet Are you challenging your sales leads by the words you say? You should be. When Phil M. Jones says that you should be challenging your sales prospects, he doesn’t mean in an arrogant, heavy-handed way. He means you should be phrasing the things you say in a way that makes it a challenge for your prospect to respond, the kind of challenge they want to rise to and meet. It’s an example of one of the nuanced ways you can adjust HOW you say what you say so that the response you get is more aligned with the direction you’re going in your sales conversations. Find out more from Phil as he chats with Anthony, on this episode of the podcast. Do you know what to say in order to get referrals? Here’s a script that really works. We’ve all been taught to ask for referrals. It’s part of what keeps leads coming in and the pipeline full. But Phil M. Jones believes that from a human psychology standpoint, most of what we’ve been taught in terms of what to say is askew. During this conversation, Anthony asks Phil to explain some of the nuanced changes he’s made to traditional sales scripts in order to dig deeper and understand the "why" behind Phil's sales effectiveness. He gives an exact referral script as an example and quickly demonstrates why his changes are so powerful. You won’t want to miss this one. It could make a difference in your day almost immediately.

 Nigel Green on Listening Skills for Salespeople – Episode #90 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:00

When Anthony first saw Nigel Green’s article about developing listening skills for salespeople, he knew it was time to ask him to be a guest on In The Arena. Anthony and Nigel met long ago through a mutual acquaintance but it was that post that reminded Anthony how much Nigel has to share with salespeople about listening, sales effectiveness, and scaling a sales force. This conversation is a powerful demonstration of that. You’ll learn some of the most common things salespeople do wrong in sales calls instead of listening to their prospects, practical things you can do to improve your listening skills, and common mistakes made in scaling a sales team. Nigel Green on the Vital Role of Listening Skills for Salespeople - Ep 90Click To Tweet Everyone communicates, but few listen. It’s especially true in sales. Listening is about understanding. Said that way it makes perfect sense why salespeople need to be among the most intentional listeners on the planet. It’s only as we listen that we are able to understand what our prospects truly need, which is the only way we can know if we have the solution to that need. Nigel Green has built a career in sales management and is the founder and CEO of Evergreen, a B2B sales consulting firm. He consults for companies needing to improve their sales teams and is a sales coach for executives eager to grow their business by making sales process improvements. His insights into the skill of listening point out things every salesperson needs to master, so pay close attention to what he shares in this conversation. You won’t know what to offer a prospect if you don’t listen to what they need. Nigel Green tells the story of a time in the early stages of his sales career when his manager gave him a gift - a performance improvement plan. His sales were lagging and he needed to identify his weaknesses and build them into strengths. He spent time with the top sales performers in his company, expecting to discover their magical formulas for sales pitches and perfect closes. He was disappointed because he learned neither. But what he did learn was invaluable to his future success: the top performers knew how to ask questions and truly listen to their prospects. That skillset makes all the difference on a number of levels. You can hear Nigel describe the importance and power of listening skills for salespeople, on this episode of In The Arena. You won’t know what to offer a prospect if you don’t listen to what they needClick To Tweet Why would top performers not be on a performance improvement plan? As Nigel Green told the story of how he was placed on a performance improvement plan early in his career by his sales manager, Anthony commented that he believes everyone needs to be on a performance improvement plan. Think about it: even the top performers should desire to become better at what they do. Improving performance is the name of the game. It’s likely why you are considering listening to this podcast episode. If so, you’re in the right place because Nigel and Anthony discuss one of the most important skills you can ever have as a salesperson: the skill of listening. When speed to scale is what you want, you have to differentiate roles in the organization. For successful sales organizations, the time comes when the volume of incoming leads demands that the team scale. It’s a great problem we’d all like to have. When that happens, a common mistake is to assume that the roles and responsibilities that currently exist within the team are going to be adequate to support the increased weight and volume of incoming clients. It’s typically not true. Nigel Green shares why it’s vital that growing organizations simplify role responsibilities and diversify the team as they move to scale, on this episode. When speed to scale is what you want, you have to differentiate roles in the organizationClick To Tw...

 Applying a New Daily Productivity Formula, with Allen Brouwer – Episode #89 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:49

While Allen Brouwer probably wouldn't call the system outlined in his new “Self Journal” a productivity formula, that’s exactly what it is. He and his business partner, Cathryn created the Self Journal for themselves as a tool to help them run multiple businesses. When they did and began to realize the power of what they’d created, they decided to launch the Self Journal as a Kickstarter campaign - and were fully funded within 28 hours. When Anthony first saw their video he was blown away and bought his own Self Journal immediately. You can hear about this productivity tool, why it’s different and ultra effective, and how you can get your own free PDF copy, on this episode of In The Arena. Applying a New Daily Productivity Formula, with Allen Brouwer - Ep 89 @BestSelfCoClick To Tweet Part of Allen’s Productivity Formula: The 13-week goal-setting roadmap. One of the ingenious things that make the Self Journal so helpful is that it provides a 13-week framework by which anyone can accomplish any goal. That may sound outrageous, but keep reading. The premise is that most people procrastinate and never accomplish their goals because they set too large of a time frame for its completion. By crunching the timeframe into just 13 weeks, action is required every day - and you’ll be amazed how quickly significant steps can be taken. Listen to how Allen describes the process to discover how you can make use of it, on this episode. If you didn’t do something brag-worthy, you weren’t very productive ~ Anthony Iannarino One of the markers Anthony uses to gauge his own productivity is whether or not he did something he really wants to tell other people about. Was there an accomplishment in your day that you are excited about? Did you reach a marker or milestone of some sort that has you jazzed? If so, you were undoubtedly productive. If not, you probably weren’t. You can hear Anthony discuss this concept with his guest, Allen Brouwer, co-creator of the Self Journal on this episode, so be sure you make the time to listen. If you didn’t do something brag-worthy, you weren’t very productive ~ Anthony Iannarino @BestSelfCoClick To Tweet Do you write down your goals? Do you write them down repeatedly? Here’s why you should. We’ve all heard that the chance of fulfilling your goals increases dramatically simply by writing them down. But Allen Brouwer says that your goal-accomplishment success rate goes up even more when you write down your goals repeatedly. He’s in the habit of writing down his goals every day - sometimes multiple times every day. In this conversation with Anthony you’ll hear him explain how he discovered this productivity hack, why he does it repeatedly, and the amazing results he’s seen come from it. Focused attention on the most important things accomplishes tons, fast. One of the things you want to come out of your morning or weekly planning time is a very clear focus on what the most important tasks are for you to accomplish each day. Then you’re set up to be productive and ultimately, successful. Focused attention on the most important things on your radar enables you to take massive action on those things, moving you forward and accomplishing major things in record time. Find out how the process works and how you can make it a reality in your life, on this episode of In The Arena, with guest Allen Brouwer. Focused attention on the most important things accomplishes tons, fast @BestSelfCoClick To Tweet Outline of this great episode [2:54] Who is Allen Brouwer and why did Anthony invite him to be on the show? [5:12] Goal setting and the magic of the 13-week roadmap. [7:08] The powerful bookends to Allen’s productivity system: Morning & Evening gratitude. [10:21] How Allen discovered the power of writing down your goal over and over.


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