Channel Fireball show

Channel Fireball

Summary:'s podcast feed for audio articles, Twitch broadcasts, and more!


 How To Protect Yourself From Cheaters | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 09:21

There are people who cheat in Magic, and there’s been a lot of talk in the Twitterverse about alleged cheating. Josh Silvestri goes over a couple of things that you can do to try and protect yourself from falling victim to a cheater.

 Taking All The Turns In Modern With Nexus Of Fate | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 07:06

Brian Demars shows off a new brew from a friend that might be the next big taking turns deck in modern.

 10 Disasters From Testing Exclusively On MTGO | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 12:45

Zvi Mowshowitz talks about his testing process for Pro Tour 25th Anniversary, how testing mostly on MTGO made him have one of his worst Constructed performances ever, and how you can avoid the same problems.

 Buying Into Standard | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 09:08

Riley Knight finds two decks right now that are putting up good results AND are going to mostly survive rotation in October. If you’re thinking about making the jump to competitive Standard, this will be a great episode for you!

 Three Cards Should Come Off The Banned List | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 08:59

Mike Sigrist discusses his take on the most recent Banned and Restricted Announcement...or lack there of. Sigi thinks that there are three cards that could potentially come off of the Modern Banned List.

 Top 100 Cards In Magic History: 80-71 | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 14:50

Mashi Scanlan is joined by Ben Seck, Tom Martell and Brian Kibler for another round of 10 cards in the Top 100 Cards of Magic.

 The State Of Legacy: August 2018 | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 14:32

For legacy fans out there, Reid Duke breaks down the current metagame after Pro Tour 25th Anniversary and offers several highly tuned lists from the tournament.

 Angle Shooting | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 15:51

Eric Moyer talks about the grey area of the rules in Magic, and asks us where we stand as far as moral code goes.

 Standard Esper Control VS Blue-White | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 13:31

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa walks us through the differences between Esper Control and UW Control, and offers up his advice on the best cards to play if you want to battle with the tri-colored monster.

 Modern Innovations and Ideas from Pro Tour 25th Anniversary | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 12:51

Mike Sigrist talks about some of the top innovations that came out of Pro Tour 25th Anniversary, and how he would look at the format moving forward.

 Bonus Episode: Top 100 Magic Cards(90-81) | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 17:39

Mashi, Reid Duke, Ben Seck and Brian Kibler all sit down and talk about the next 10 cards on the list of the Top 100 cards in Magic.

 Extra Audio Episode: Top 100 Cards Ever (100-91) | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 11:18

Mashi, Reid Duke, Tom Martell and Gerry T talk about the bottom 10 cards from the Top 100 list!

 Trapped Into Playing Turbo Fog | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 07:09

Andrea Mengucci talks about the breakout deck from Pro Tour 25th Anniversary, how things didn’t work out the way he thought they would at GP Brussels, and how he’d like to change the Day 2 cutoff policy.

 Testing For Pro Tour 25th Anniversary and UW Miracles | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 16:18

Joel Larsson takes us through the process that he went through to reach the final decklist for UW Miracles that he played at Pro Tour 25th Anniversary, and walks us through a sideboard guide for several matchups.

 Mono Blue Storm In Standard | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 15:25

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa goes over the deck that he played at Pt 25TH Anniversary, gives us a sideboard guide, and talks about changes moving forward.


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