The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition show

The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

Summary: The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

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 07-06-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Magnesium critical for strong bones. Pharmaceutical drugs third leading cause of death. Why are we in Afghanistan? It’s the heroin. Get off the fence...we are either Christians or we are not. Why do we allow our families to post provocative photos on line? This is a must listen segment. Sharon Osbourne condemns John Wayne...really look in the mirror. Is Ghislaine being set up for staged suicide? BLM militia group try’s to ignite civil war at Stone Mountain. Plus much more! This is a must listen politically incorrect show!

 07-03-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are National Parks a symbol of systemic racism? Grand Father offers son $50,000 not to vaccinate grand children. Do vaccines cause Autism? Will everyone be forced to wear a mask? Will we be arrested and fined? Will diseases caused by masks be used to cover diseases caused by the 5 G rollout? Will everyone test positive for Covid? Will Kristallnacht happen to Christians? UK orders 65,000,000 injection devices. Plus much more. High energy must listen show!

 07-02-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Gun sales hit a new high in the USA. Video goes viral over staged racial confrontation outside restaurant. Ghislane Maxwell arrested. I guess she needs a new identity. BBC drops BLM here’s why. Quotes from Presidents Jackson and Adams read. Ted does an impassioned plea for unity. Plus much more! This is the must listen show of the week.

 07-01-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Excellent Far right challenger wins nomination in Colorado. Historic heat wave upon us....why? Now they are lying saying current coved 10 times more contagious. China caught smuggling gun parts into the USA??. What does wearing a mask really symbolize? Man shot in Utah for driving through a balm intersection. Plus much more. Must listen show.

 06-30-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We as a nation have lost our collective mind. Good is bad and bad is good. Be careful if you are confronted by a mob. Obey your states laws. Why are so many news aggregators fear porn? Mysterious lights over Houston and Miami. Gates says final hurdle will be compliance to be injected. Boiling point of a national overthrow discussed. Don’t read Weird books. Is a second civil war underway? This is a must listen thought provoking show.

 06-29-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

LA official considers charges of reckless endangerment to non mask wearers. I went to church yesterday. Here’s what I saw. Police precinct burned in Oregon. Will Trump and Biden have virtual debates to cover Biden’s senility? Will we have mail in ballots? Gun stores robbed. Why won’t alternate news call out the Kabbalists? Is it legal to open carry on your property in your state? Who are these protestors? Oxygen levels decreased when wearing a mask. Raise yours kids right! High energy must listen show.

 06-26-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If Biden elected will use federal power to force masks in public. The summer of hate meets the summer of intolerance. Police shooting last night in our small town. Will Minneapolis be under sharia law? 2Peter chapter 2 discussed. Trumps niece to release book. Census shows white population decline in USA. Plus much much more. High energy must listen show!

 06-24-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is the movie The Circle a harbinger of what is upon us? Will China release an EMP against the USA? This topic discussed in detail. Why are so many prayers not answered? This is thought provoking. Agitators now carrying guns. Bayer wins again. Glyphosate stays on market. Will the dollar collapse? Why are there two sets of laws? Thought provoking show!

 06-23-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Wow today was a show! It was more of a fireside chat on reality. White Women are being attacked and beaten all over the planet. Why? How to prepare and prevent. Cern just approved a 62 mile collider. What type of instermensional gate will that open? Who is paying for this? Update on Andrew Gillum meth orgy. Hebrews chapter one verse one. Ohio State researchers say White slavery much more common than thought. King says Jesus is a form of white supremacy all photos and statues should come down...what? Monitor your children especially the young ones. Programming is everywhere. This is a must listen politically incorrect show!

 06-22-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Will organized crime take over police responsibilities? Who will run social services? Will more children be abducted? Will Covid-19 wave 2 be used to cover illness from injections and 5 G roll out? Are two groups really fighting in DC? Where is Trumps leadership? Why did the Tulsa rally have so few show up? Is antifa the new KKK against nationalism and whites? Where are the pastors? Can the American people wake up? Plus much more. Must listen high energy show!

 06-19-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Christian, where do you draw the line in the sand defending your family? Chop leader says I am NOT here to peacefully Protest! Fauci again slams Americans. Why do some lives matter more than others? The Battle of Derna discussed. Why you should know about this battle and The shores of Tripoli! The truth about the whites who were enslaved. Chick-fil-A ceo urges whites to polish others shoes. Where will this madness end. Are the democrats doing all this to unseat Trump? Plus much more. This is a must listen politically incorrect show.

 06-18-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The truth about fetal cells and where they come from in vaccines. Should Christians obey laws against Gods word? Atlanta officer charded with felony murder. David Wilkerson warned us of a false Jesus. Keep your cool in violent situations. Don’t provoke a fight. Does Trump want to be re-elected. Questions about the Coronavirus and the loss of your rights. This is a must listen super high energy show!

 06-17-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Chaz is now Chop ..that’s right like chop off your head. Germans refusing to install tracing apps as hundreds are quarantined in Berlin. What really happened in The New Mexico shooting? What’s is your vaccine? Why can’t you ask? Virginia goes full draconian on forced vaccines. Who are you listening to. Why FOX isn’t who you think they are. Plus much more.

 06-16-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Wow today is a show! The inversion agenda discussed in detail. Everything is upside down. Should we support Israel unequivocally? Trump to spend a trillion includes 5G expansion. 2 Chronicles 19:2 discussed in detail. Must hear! Austin goes into the New WorldOrder agenda and is immediately taken off the air. This is a no holds barred truth expose show. It is a must listen for those who can handle it!

 06-15-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Biggest bailout in history planned moths before it happened via Blackrock! Trump sent me a form letter. Here’s what it really said. Why is the name of Jesus being erased? Why is cern being used to build a worm hole. Ted does a rant discussing all of this. Top five supplements to take. Top five things never to eat or put on your body! Austin discusses the movie 300. Excellent analogy. This is a thought provoking must listen green show!


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