The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition show

The Ted and Austin Broer Show - MP3 Edition

Summary: The Ted and Austin Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more

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 06-18-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

4 young British pilots dead after kill shot. What is the Tree of Life Award? DeSantis issues blanket pardoned for people in fl for arrests concerning virus. Where was Trumps pardon for Jan 6? Owens slams the new segregation. Tucker correctly says Lightfoot is demented. Who is Nikki Fried? Hospitals see surge in lung transplants. High energy must listen show!

 06-17-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

We have raised a generation of crybabies. Jesus is always the same. True Christian values have to be maintained. How was Chinese culture destroyed? 19 year old dies from kill shot. Who is UNICEF? 911 was a bedtime story compared to the kill shot. Children need their internet controlled. This is a must listen high energy green show.

 06-16-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

How to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and feel great on today’s show. The updated top ten foods never to eat. The health and biblical references as to why pork is toxic and should never be eaten. Why organic beef, eggs, and butter are good for you. Why insulin destroys the cardiovascular system. How to lower cortisol and manage stress. This is a high energy must listen show.

 06-14-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Bankers buying up entire neighborhoods. What is a D wave computer. Who us Geordie Rose? Who are the old ones? Remember we are sanctified by the Blood of the Lamb who is Jesus. Reporter who exposed Clinton/Lynch dead. Biden is a dead man walking. What is your frequency? Todays show is a high energy must listen out there show!

 06-11-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

This is a High energy must listen show! One of the best shows of the year. This is the show where I tie together Genesis chapter six with the ancient satanic religions of the Canaanites. I also discuss ancient Israel and their worship of the Canaanite demons... Then I explain the Christianity era of the first century along with Israel’s exile into Babylon. The show then goes into the six century writing of the the Babylonian Talmud and the Zohar which is the foundational work in the Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. Yes this is that show. One of the best shows of the year. I then connect the dots to the Illuminati the Masonic lodges and to the goal of a one world religion and the destruction of Christianity! This is a must listen show! High energy must understand and know information!

 06-10-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Why did Brittany call herself a snake? Will concentration camp tattoos be forced on the kill shot refusers? What really is healthy cholesterol? What do statin drugs really do? Why are most publishers historical revisionists? Ted is censored again on Christian TV. The entire network is threatened. Why are the shots magnetic? Psychiatrist says whiteness is a disease. Will medication be required? Why the cult wants baby boomers dead. High energy politically incorrect must listen green show.

 06-09-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

This is a high energy must listen politically incorrect green show. Ted and Austin spoke to the local school board in a public meeting last night. They did not wear the required mask. The audio of their 3 minutes is played. The truth will set you free. Is the January 6 capital mess still being blamed on the patriots? NYT board member aghast at the site of an American Flag. What is a Theta Brain wave state? Why is it critical? Cultural Marxism from the Frankfurt School must be stopped, Now! Todays show is not for girly men.

 06-08-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Never A Straight Answer NASA continues its obfuscation. USAF Sargent touches UFO? Delphi Technique discussed. I will not willingly get on the last boxcar to Auschwitz. Our political system is systemically corrupt. The Bible is my bench mark. The propaganda machine of the main stream media never stops. Why are so many scientists corrupt? What I admire about special interest groups. Plus much much more! High energy must listen show!

 06-07-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Communist Biden refuses to remember The D Day invasion. Why do major corporations continue to promote anti biblical agendas? Who was Harriman, Kahn, Schiff? Why do you need to know? Was Lincoln a communist? Should Christians comply with anti biblical edicts? What does stress do to the body? How is Hegelian dialectic and Delphi technique used against the people? Why is stress so deadly? What are the four major hormones affected by stress? This is a high energy must listen show!

 06-04-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Are these meat and petroleum cyberattacks a beta test for an upcoming drill that will go hot? Was the animal testing on the kill shot successfully completed? Pastors must learn to tell the whole truth. Take a break from your slave tracker phone. EU goes full vaccine passport. PPP has turned into a nightmare for many corporations. What will happen to a new born if a spike protein destroys their ovaries and testes? This is a politically incorrect truth barrage today.

 06-03-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Who owns pretty much everything? Are Coke and Pepsi owned by the same people? Why was Ted censored on mainstream and Christian TV? Florida passes law on what we can do if caught in our car in a riot roadblock. Who is Vanguard?Who is Blackrock? Is it the 4th branch of government? Why does Lynn Rothschild have so much power? Are most of the leaders of the Fortune 500 controlled? Who controls Klaus Schwab? Plus much much more! This is a must listen high energy green show!

 06-02-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Why are Americans obeying without question? Biden slams whites again. Klaus Schwab involved in the meat shortage? What are the stages of compliance? When will side effects start? Aldous Huxley quote. Greek Orthodox Priest prophecy from 30 years ago warned us. Where did the 500 million figure come from? High energy must listen show!

 06-01-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

This kill shot is an advanced eugenics bio weapon! It’s off world technology. Our battle is not against flesh and blood! Top virologist says shot is a toxin. That scientists made a mistake. This is one intense show! A conspiracy so vast it’s almost impossible to believe. Will the sterilization shot destroy the ovaries and testes of young children? Gain of function defended by Fauci. This show today is a politically Incorrect high energy truth barrage. This one is not for the faint of heart.

 05-31-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Turn your cookies off. You are being programmed through tracking. Don't use aluminum cooking utensils. Has Alzheimer's been linked to aluminum? What does the small Chabad sect Believe? Who got Flynn involved in Russian collusion? Did Flynn say we need a Myanmar coup in the USA? Is Myanmar a poppy producer? What are religious vaccine exemptions? Is the world controlled by a sex death cult? Plus much much more! This is a super high Energy politically incorrect green show!

 05-28-21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

Why do some whites hate whites? Christians shout it from the roof tops. This week The Ted and Austin Broer show celebrates our 1000th podcast. Thank you. Why is Quercetin and zinc so important? Sick Experiments on Americans continue. Who runs the media and pharmakia? Lightfoot sued for racism. UFO disclosure is upon us. The Bible told us thousands of years ago they were real. Plus much more. High energy must listen show.


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