The School of Intuition | Self Realization Training for the Empathic Badass show

The School of Intuition | Self Realization Training for the Empathic Badass

Summary: For the smart, ambitious, soulful empaths. Weekly energetic transmission to tone up your vibration, condition your mind, expand your consciousness. Deepen your intuitive connection with your higher self for clarity, guidance, healing. Leverage your empathic gift to create a juicy life and make a dent in the Universe. Taught by personal growth teacher and award-winning podcast host Natasha Che. Join the SoI community at

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 Don't You Dare Stop Being Judgmental, Ep 6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1039

For most people, life is an inner war on a daily basis, from the smallest logistics...need to get out of bed, oh no! the paradigm-altering life decisions that you're too afraid to make. There's a firmly established command-and-judge program installed in almost everyone, to get the human self behave in such ways that the ego gets what it wants. These inner wars are exhausting (though you may not even be aware of it since you're so used to them). And they keep you from your deeper fulfillment and higher potential. Yet most of us simply don't know how to get out of the program. In this episode, I talk about how you can start unwinding the internal conflicts and restoring peace inside by creating new responses to your self judgments.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Heartbreak Is Your Catalyst For Freedom, Ep 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 963

In this episode I talk about the relationships that don't "work out". Everyone has had those. And sucky as they are, those are the prime tool life uses to help you evolve in consciousness. Heartbreaks are life's invitation to you to deepen your love affair with your precious self. They are also a doorway to more inner freedom...if you dare to allow the pain and sadness to do their job-- stripping away aspects of the ego that you held on to for dear life. The heartbreak is meant to break you so completely open, that you realize in surrendering to love, you have nothing to lose except your made-up belief of a human identity. You realize that you no longer need to hold back from love in order to protect your "self". Because there is nothing there to protect. And that's the beginning of freedom. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Your "Limiting Beliefs" Are Not That Important, Ep 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1146

Many on the spiritual path believe that they have to diligently work on their beliefs. Because beliefs carry vibrations and “change your thoughts, change your life”, no? While it’s true that beliefs impact your state of being and working on them can be incredibly empowering and life-affirming in certain situations, the belief about the importance of beliefs often becomes counter-productive when it instigates such fear that the ego thinks a witch hunt for negative beliefs is warranted to protect yourself from them. In this episode I talk about why beliefs actually don’t have much power over you (unless you let them) and what you should focus on instead, regardless of what you believe.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Intimacy Is A Great Teacher, Ep 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1442

For many light beings, the purpose of intimate relationships is not what it seems to be. And ultimately, the relationships are there to facilitate the healing and growth of your human self, by allowing you to see and heal what need to be healed in you and by helping you burn through layers of whatever is stopping you from being totally free. Sometimes relationships don’t “work out” because their purpose is to instigate you and to help you heal fast in a baptism by fire manner. And you have the choice as to how you respond to those invitations for healing– either by treating them as another excuse for putting yourself or the other person down, or by using them as an opportunity to practice unconditional love. In this video, I talk about the purpose of intimate connections, and how you can improve your relationships by coming into the right relationship with yourself.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Be A Committed Partner To Your Pain, Ep 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1533

For the light of your consciousness to illuminate the world, For you to become the healing presence you came to this planet to be, first you have to BE HERE. That sounds plain and simple. But for many energetically sensitive beings walking the path of liberation and authenticity, we are never fully “here”. Because we feel so much and the world can be so damn painful and overwhelming. So we keep one foot out of this life. And as a result, life never feels truly fulfilling or delivering its full potential. In this episode, I talk about why it is so important to being fully committed to your human experiences, no matter how uncomfortable they are, and how to do that.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise

 Intentions Are Powerful (Especially if You're An Empath), Ep 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1006

Being an empath is powerful, but not until you know how to use that power. When you walk in the world as an empathic being, two things are constantly happening: 1. external situations are triggering what’s inside of you that’s unacknowledged, unloved and unhealed; 2. you’re being entrained into the energy fields of other people and places. That’s why setting intentions is important– it makes it more likely for you to be the “bigger pendulum” and impact others, instead of the other way round. In this episode I talk about the why and how of intention setting.Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION on Soundwise


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