The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #339: HOW TO NOT JUST GET THROUGH YOUR DAYS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:34

HOW TO NOT JUST GET THROUGH YOUR DAYS Podcast #339 We were created to rejoice in the days were we given to live, not to simply "get through them" or to live in survival mode.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:  Training yourself to have a mindset "get to" versus "have to" Discovering a deeper purpose than just existing Finding delight in the daily and beauty in growth and setbacks GET FREE COACHING TO GET UNSTUCK: Don't forget to sign up for our free "get unstuck" webinar masterclass at In the 30-minute class you'll learn: *Why you're stuck or feeling discouraged *How to use different thoughts to get better results *The next steps you should take to get your next major breakthrough When you register, be sure to check your email. I'll send you a free workbook gift right to your inbox to get you prepped to get the most out of our coaching class. Bring your questions and be sure to watch all of the Q&A's because at the end of the coaching you'll get an offer to get over $700 of free confidence coaching! Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along wiht the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  bbb20161 Thank you!!! - Five Stars Ok, so I guess I'm taking some of your advice and just doing this review right away instead of waiting for the right time. I've only just started listening to your podcast (started last week) and all I can say is WOW! I knew I struggled with anxiety and confidence but for you to articulate the things I'm feeling in a way that I have never been able to put into words or to hear that the perfectionistic thoughts I have that I thought were just part of "who I am" or "what gives me drive" are in fact only negative manifestations of my personality, not my actual personality, and that I can actually work to ignore those thoughts and instead focus that energy in a positive way, has helped me tremendously. I have already recommended your podcast to a number of people in my life who struggle with the same issues. I thank you for putting yourself out there and talking about these issues to help other people in such an amazing way! SHIFT YOUR ATTITUDE, SHIFT YOUR LIFE -The magic of "get to" versus "have to" -Consider your unfair advantage (this will keep you from looking at everyone else's perceived advantages) -The key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it’s the hand you wanted. Kaitlin Walsh -I always had a good attitude, but I never locked in on or really believed I could have a solid, unwavering base. I thought powerful thinking was a one and done, but it's not - it's daily training and hour-by-hour choices. GOING BEYOND JUST EXISTING  -Refer back to episode #329 - you have a purpose, episode "Why I know You're Not Average" -Look around > the world needs you. Never underestimate the power of the butterfly effect. -Ask God, wrestle with Him - seek for significance, look for wisdom -Serve others; leave the world better because you were in it

 #338: HOW TO CHASE A DREAM WITHOUT BEING DISCOURAGED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:54

Podcast #338  HOW TO CHASE A DREAM WITHOUT BEING DISCOURAGED Discouragement doesn't have to derail you from your dreams when you focus instead of the delight of chasing the dream itself.  About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? Thought of the Week: Delight is detached from the outcome.   It doesn’t need an objective, a finish line, or a planned element to it.   If you haven’t recently spent time with a two-year-old at the beach, allow me to paint you a picture of the beautiful disaster it is. The entire objective is to tire your child out, while also keeping them alive and not getting fried by the sun. This is a delicate mission, as the best time of the day for this is midday, also the hottest part of the day. You can forget hoping for a free minute to sit down, or the fantasy of being able to sit in the shade of an umbrella. An eternal optimist, I still always bring a book and magazine with me. Just in case, I tell myself. But, truth is, with a two-year-old, you move the whole time. Recently, during a four-hour jaunt on the beach with my son Baker I managed to rack up 22,000 steps in the sand alone. People compliment me all the time on how fit my legs look. Some of it is from running, and some is from being a parent to two very active kids. What can I say, I’m always looking for a silver lining to the things that inconvenience me or exhaust me. Now, back to things that exhaust me: small kids at the beach. My little guy has a system. First, he would run full speed towards the ocean. Next, he would belly flop into a crashing wave, sometimes to successfully pick himself back up, and other times to be tossed around in the surf, needing rescue. Clean and wet, he liked to run back up the beach to our stuff, grab his toy truck, and take off full speed towards every neighboring beach-goer peacefully reading a book. Waving to the readers and garnishing the smiles of new fans, he would then push his truck full speed towards anyone nearby building sandcastles. Seeing a target, the truck gets abandoned and Baker becomes a Godzilla-like monster, rushing towards the delicate masterpieces, and me sprinting to get ahead of him to block the way. Averted, it turns into a game of tag and chases with us, leading us back to his beloved and faithful truck. He pushes the truck for ten minutes, and then the cycle starts over. He pauses to yell out “boat” or “airplane” to anyone passing by and stops to show his truck to the constant flow of beach walkers at the edge of the water where he plays. Baker’s truck captures his heart. It has his full attention. Except when a sandpiper shows up. When the sandpipers arrive on the scene, everything gets abandoned and Baker chases them. The way he runs is different than the way he runs after anything else. He runs with delight. The smile on his face is curious and elated, simultaneously convinced that he will catch said little sandpiper. He obviously never does, but he never stops trying.

 #337: HOW TO STOP SELF-SABOTAGE WHEN YOU’RE TIRED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:49

Podcast #337 HOW TO STOP SELF-SABOTAGE WHEN YOU'RE TIRED Self-sabotage is the biggest hurdle keeping you from the results you want. Breaking the cycle of self-sabotage doesn't come from "trying harder" but rather from "thinking differently" and with more clarity and confidence. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: Why self-sabotage happens The role shame plays in perpetuating self-sabotage 10 tips to break the cycle for good SPONSORSHIP NOTE: I am proud to bring this podcast to you in part thanks to my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter is more than just a company I believe in, it is the only company I trust fully for myself and my family.  Beautycounter has brought a new level of health to my household, reduced our toxic exposure, and increased my self-care routine and how beautiful and clean my skin is. I can honestly say that I feel more beautifully me, thanks to Beautycounter. Oh, and we are more than just a beauty company. We are a movement. We are on a mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone. We work because we can’t stand by idly as harmful chemicals cause our loved ones to get sick, struggle with fertility, and give birth to children with significant health issues. We work towards cleaner beauty everywhere because this is personal to all of us. Shop for your own Beautycounter collection at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Courtneya0730 - Big Changes - 5 Stars Thanks to this show and Trish Blackwell, I am a more confident person. I have been listening to past episodes every day for around a month and I have noticed a huge change in my mindset. I'm thinking more positively and openly. But, I have to say, the biggest change I have seen is my smile! I'm no longer fake smiling for pictures! I feel so good listening to someone who "gets" me and points me in the right direction. Thank you, Trish, for all you are doing! WHAT IS SELF-SABOTAGE AND WHY DOES IT HAPPEN? Self-Sabotage manifests itself in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: Over-eating Over-drinking Over-watching TV Over-exhaustion It also can be expressed by mindsets and lifestyles of: An attitude of giving up Believing that it doesn't matter Will-power exhaustion Numbing through scrolling and comparison Overwhelm over how far one has to go THE ROLE OF SHAME IN THE CYCLE OF SELF-SABOTAGE Self-Sabotage is Black/White Thinking ... All or Nothing Mindset and the pressure of perfectionism and perfectionistic thinking perpetuate the cycle. It is driven by guilt and shame. "I choose peace, not pressure." Putting more pressure on yourself never works and never will. To listen to coaching on exactly how to go into recovery and to enter "rehab" for perfectionism, be sure to listen to episode #335 of The Confidence Podcast on "Why Perfectionism Prevents You from Being Confident."  ( 10 TIPS TO BREAK THE CYCLE OF SELF-SABOTAGE FOR GOOD: Stop depriving yourself!  (Deprivation sets us up for failure) Create a strong "Last 90 Minutes Routine" Camp out around the concept of grace Growth is everything - find gratitude for the lessons and nothing is wasted Overcome overwhem by not over-focusing on the finish line Get in the habit of champagne moments and momentum celebration Shatter your belief ceilings Choose peace, not pressure Be here, now (not in the future, not in the past, not in comparison) Recharge yourself intentionally and know your capacity Real change doesn't come from behavior modification but from heart transfo...

 #336: HOW TO STOP USING “TIRED” AS AN EXCUSE IN LIFE [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:42

HOW TO STOP USING "TIRED" AS AN EXCUSE IN LIFE [FAITH EPISODE] Podcast #336 Thought of the Week: We live in a state of fatigue, and a tired life is not the type of life I want to live. Striving detox. Goodbye party to old thoughts. Why we use tired as an excuse Performance, making my own way, being my own source, having all the answers - it's exhausting and never-ending. And we weren't created for it to be like that. Verse of the Week: Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version (NIV) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   Prayer of the Week:  Father, thank you for your faithfulness. We praise you for pulling on our hearts, for whispering softly that we might draw near to you.  Please forgive us for the distraction in our lives and for the things that we have allowed to rob of us what you want for us. You are good and you have good plans for us. You offer an abundant life and one with deep joy and peace - no matter the circumstances or challenges that come our way. And yet, we turn away. We confess that we are too worried about what other people think. We are unhealthily focused on striving, on achievement and on making ourselves great. We want to make You great Lord, not ourselves. Let our lives be transformed. Teach us how to slow down.  Deepen our trust in your providential provision in our lives.  Give us the courage to step into rest, into the sabbath, into peace.  Open our eyes to see ourselves for who we are - for how You love us - not for what we do, what we've done or what we hope to do.  We are weary of doing this on our own. We want more, and we yearn for your wisdom to help us change. Thank you for the power of our thoughts and for the free will You have given us ... embolden us to shift how we use these gifts in a powerful, life-giving, soul-changing and world-influencing way. What a wonderful promise we have in you and in your rest. Thank you Lord! This week, today, this very minute, we find our rest in you. We cast our cares upon You. We delight in allowing You to carry us, like Father would carry their child. Thank you for opening our eyes to see the opportunity before us, to deepen our trust in You and to be brave enough to be in this world, but not of this world.  As we shift into a lifestyle of peace, we boldly ask for favor. May the changes we begin be completed by You and Lord use our small efforts to make a larger impact ... for turning our little into something large is your speciality.  We open our lives to You, that your light might reflect brightly into the darkness that surrounds us. We love You, in Jesus' Name, Amen. Bonus Verse to Think About:  2 Corinthians 4:16-18 New International Version (NIV) 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

 #335: WHY PERFECTIONISM PREVENTS YOU FROM BEING CONFIDENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:21

WHY PERFECTIONISM PREVENTS YOU FROM BEING CONFIDENT Podcast #335 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: What is perfectionism and do you struggle with it? How to stop being a perfectionist The toxic relationship between perfectionism and low-confidence How to go into recovery with perfectionism so it doesn't hold you back any longer. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: LeHumanite, "Thanks." 5-Stars. This is my little contribution to your 1000 reviews goal. Thanks for all the work you put into sharing your thoughts with us. Whenever I'm feeling down or in doubt of myself this podcast comes to the rescue, helping me to find peace and joy. I'm not religious, but even those episodes which are lighten my heart. SPONSORSHIP NOTE: Surprise! I just revamped the How to Have Confidence Masterclass and made it even better than it was originally. Awesomeness, right? Yeah, I agree! Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along wiht the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. WHAT IS PERFECTIONISM AND DO YOU STRUGGLE WITH IT? What is Perfectionism?  A refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. What about Perfectionists? In psychology, perfectionism is a personality trait characterized by “a person's striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations.” ( Moving finish line. Perfectionism is a manifestation of comparison. Manifestations of Perfectionism: All-or-nothing approach Extremely high standards Being extremely hard on oneself Excessive negativity or self-pressure Refusal to start unless absolutely prepared The character of inflexibility, control and judgment It's all about the end result Moving finish line of standards Success is never enough You're never doing enough Hyper-critical of mistakes and details that others don't even notice Fear of failure - lack of desire to start / avoidance Unrealistic standards Self-critical and low self-esteem Frequent fear of disapproval High level of anxiety My Relationship with Perfectionism: I'm currently in recovery, a recovering perfectionist Attempt to control my life and plan my future Expressed lack of trust in God's goodness Warped understanding of love and why I was loved - for what I do instead of for who I am Therapy helped me pursue the land of grey and the idea of excellence I used to take great pride in being a perfectionism - it was a crutch for me, a crippling one. THE TOXIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERFECTIONISM AND LOW CONFIDENCE At its core, perfectionism believes that one's worth is associated with one's performance and ability to be as close to perfect as possible. Perfectionism is, therefore, a belief that you are valuable based on what you do, not upon who you are.

 #334: I ALMOST DIED AND THIS IS WHAT CHANGED AFTER [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: Unknown

I ALMOST DIED AND THIS IS WHAT CHANGED AFTER [FAITH EPISODE] Podcast #334 LIFE IS SHORT AND UNPREDICTABLE AND KNOWING THIS CAN HELP US THRIVE WITH CONFIDENCE AND PRESENCE IN THE GIFT THAT WE HAVE IN BEING ALIVE TODAY.    About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Micro Podcast Episode Series:  A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episode you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we?   Thought of the Week: Death is inevitable, unpredictable, and silent. Today is Baker's 2nd birthday, and it marks a miracle moment in my own life. It's funny, that on a day that I celebrate life, I also celebrate victory over death. My near death experience changed me. But isn't that what we can be celebrating each and every day of our lives?  Life is a gift. And as Christians, we are brought back to life from the old things that gave us living death in life   Verse of the Week:  So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom. -Psalm 90: 12   She’ol (/ˈʃiːoʊl/ SHEE-ohl, /-əl/; Hebrew שְׁאוֹל Šəʾōl), in the Hebrew Bible, is a place of darkness to which all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous, regardless of the moral choices made in life, a place of stillness and darkness cut off from life but not God because as per written in Book of Psalm 139:8 "If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there."  [1]   What more resources on how to have more confidence in your relationship with God, go to:, or, for the quick link, go to >    Prayer of the Week:  Lord, God. We thank you for the gift that you have given us with the breath we breathe today. Give us wisdom beyond our maturity that we might learn how to live well. The days ahead of us are numbered, and we thank you that you have a plan for us within them.  We confess that anxiety about what is to come can rise up within our souls and distract us from the present. Forgive us for our lack of faith and for our attempts to do things and to control our plans all on our own.  You give us the ability to be in the world, but not of the world, and we feel your pull on our hearts today. Thank you for showing us how to be different, how to walk in peace and how to step into faith that you are in control. What a relief, that you are God, and that we are your precious children. How good of a Father you are, Lord.  Your lovingkindness towards us is great. May we swim in the delight of your loving kindness this week. Remove from us any fear or anxiety around death. For to live is Christ and to die is gain. Thank you for reaching down from on high with your righteousness to rescue us. Thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus, who gives us access to peace here on earth, and eternity in heaven forever.  Thank you for putting to death things in our lives and hearts that were silently killing our soul and putting us in slavery; thank you for bringing us to light and life, that we might delight in the day we are in right now. For this is the day that the Lord has made,

 #333: HOW TO GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND HAPPY | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: Unknown

HOW TO GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND HAPPY  Podcast #333 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about:  The Red Light, Green Light Game we too easily play with our goals and our lives How to give yourself permission to be successful and happy The Confidence Loop  - How Action Begets Confidence and Confidence Begets Action Why Waiting for Permission is Keeping You Stuck REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Banana_707, 5 Stars, The Key to My Confidence Issues! I have struggled with confidence issues for as long as I can remember, but I had no idea why I felt the way I did. Not understanding my confidence issues made it impossible to work through my issues and step into the person I know God created me to be. However, after listening to just a few episodes of this podcast (I know, I'm late to the party), I am already seeing my mindset change for the better. The Confidence Podcast has acted as a catalyst for growth in all areas of my life. My only regret is that I did not find this wonderful community sooner. I'm signed up for tomorrow's masterclass, and I truly can't wait to learn even more about living in confidence. Trish, thank you! Thank you! for growing and leading such an amazing business. SPONSORSHIP: NEW FREE WEBINAR!  We've heard from you and are excited to announce an even better and more powerful version of our free masterclass, How to Have More Confidence. Oh no, I didn't....oh yes, yes, yes, I did! Surprise! I just revamped the How to Have Confidence Masterclass and made it even better than it was originally. Awesomeness, right? Yeah, I agree! Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along wiht the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT Ellie started playing this game at school - and it has ignited some old-school reminiscing and new-school realizations. Ever been behind someone at a red light who is clearly playing on their phone? The light is green, but they're still acting as if it is red? Think about the breakthrough, the change, the thing you most desperately want to change. -Now, what are you actually doing about it? -Are you doing the same thing, over and over, hoping for different results? -Or, maybe are you complaining about something that you can actually do something about? It broke my pride when I realized years ago that I was giving myself my own red light. What kinds of invisible red lights are you waiting at? -Not qualified enough -Not skinny enough -Not clear enough on the path -Afraid of what people might think -Worried about messing up -Poor time management -Perfectionism What might the green lights in your life potentially look like? -Doing something every day that scares you -Not waiting for permission -Letting go of the need to know everything -Deepening your faith -Taking bold steps and more action -Trusting that you can course-correct -Starting -Surrounding yourself with green light people

 #332: HOW TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:39

HOW TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE [FAITH EPISODE] Podcast #332  Our God-breathed wiring tells us that we are meant for more. But, in a culture that is so comparison-driven, politically charged and busy, how can we live our daily lives in a way that we can confidently say we are making the world a better place? About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Micro Podcast Episode Series: A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episode you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? Thought of the Week To Make the World a Better Place: How can we can confident that we are making the world a better place? “To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - that is to have succeeded” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Bob Goff:"Be Switzerland and Vegas" Seek to be the friend, not the friended. Be the change you want to see in the world. Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. -Benjamin Franklin Verse of the Week Specific for Making the World a Better Place: Proverbs 11:25 The generous will prosper. Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. (NLT) Other Versions of the Same Verse: Did you know that there are over 450 english translations of the Bible? It is possible to give away and become richer! It is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything. Yes, the liberal man shall be rich! By watering others, he waters himself. (TLB) The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped. (MSG) The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown]. (AMP) A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (NIV) Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Prayer of the Week: Lord, we praise and thank You for wiring within our hearts a longing for more. Give us wisdom to recognize the unrest we often feel as the divine-calling You have breathed into us. We yearn for heaven; teach us how to bring heaven to earth through the way we live and the love we give. Make us an oasis to those around us. That we might be trees that bear abundant fruit, provide ample shade and are an encouragement to those who feel like they are crawling through a desert in life. May our obedience to growth and to You ... to being the hands and feet of love, of Jesus in this world, be light. May the love you pour out through us make this world a better place. Equip us to not feel overwhelmed or defeated by the incredible need, the daunting darkness and the sadness that reigns around us. You are king of everything, able to do the impossible and to use us beyond anything we could ever dare to ask, imagine or think. Humble us, that we might be mere vessels of love. That the work we do to make a difference in the world isn't about us, but about others. Give us opportunities this week and as we go forward to refresh...

 #331: HOW TO DETOX AND DEFINE OVERWHELM FROM YOUR LIFE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:59

HOW TO DETOX AND DEFINE OVERWHELM FROM YOUR LIFE Podcast #331  OVERWHELM IS A MINDSET THAT REPELS CONFIDENCE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about how to define overwhelm: Understanding why you allow overwhelm into your mind in the first place Defining overwhelm in the areas of your life The 3-part solution to detoxing and define overwhelm from your life Rehab moves for overwhelm If you listen, you're here with family. We are the confidence family ... and family loves, lifts up, builds up, sees potential and just hangs out and spends quality time. REVIEW OF THE WEEK  Briely - Five Stars, "LOVE THIS PODCAST" The Confidence Podcast has changed my life! Trish always says exactly what I need to hear to fill my mind with truth and confidence to conquer the day and pursue my long term goals! Thank you, Trish, for giving me the tools to live a confident life! I am grateful for all of the time you dedicate to producing and releasing amazing podcast episodes each week. And I love the bonus spiritual episodes! I can't thank you enough, Trish! WHY DOES OVERWHELM HAPPEN For a myriad of reasons, including:  Pride, fear, comparison, self-pressure, lack of priorities, superhero syndrome, imposter syndrome, insecurity, self-doubt, poor time management, resistance to help / shame Most often in my own life and in my coaching practice I see we define overwhelm as: A state of being, a characteristic of lifestyle choice, a victim-mindset, a deep desire for worth derived from the busy-badge, lack of self-trust, a faith issue For an overwhelmed spirit to change, everything needs to change: Ownership, humility, collaboration, self-worth beyond performance, slowing down, simplifying and strategizing The world tells us to step into this ... it beckons to us, calls to us ... but I don't know about you, but I don't want to be like the world. All it takes is one glance to see that most people doing this aren't happy. And that's a key to define overwhelm What does it keep you from: Confidence, success, traction, healthy relationships, the ability to be present, results, happiness, joy, peace SPONSORSHIP NOTE - LOLA  I have to come clean with you all. One thing I would never talk about publicly because I worried about what people thought of me, was the personal parts of my health care. I’m over that, which is why I wanted to tell you about my newest obsession, the 100% natural brand, LOLA.  LOLA is a female-founded company offering a line of organic cotton tampons, pads, liners and all-natural cleansing wipes.No toxins, mystery fibers, or doubts about what’s going in your body. LOLA products are all gynecologist-approved and hypoallergenic. Major brands use a mix of synthetic ingredients in their products including rayon and polyester. Their feminine care products may also be treated with harsh chemical cleansing agents, fragrance, and dyes; I can’t believe I used such harsh chemicals inside my body for so many years, and I am so glad I have found an alternative solution. Plus, LOLA products come in a simple, customizable subscription. LOLA will deliver exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. I personally love how my monthly supply is delivered right to my door, in beautiful, clean packaging, might I add, which makes life as a busy mompreneur just a little bit easier for me. For 40% off all subscriptions, visit and enter

 #330: AFFIRMATIONS FOR HAPPINESS THAT WILL REALLY WORK AND HOW TO USE THEM in 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:40

Verse of the Week Image   AFFIRMATION FOR YOUR HAPPINESS THAT WILL REALLY WORK AND HOW  TO USE  THEM  Podcast #330  We're in the middle of 2019! Knowing how to find and use affirmations, prayers or meditations can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be. Affirmations can lead to more productivity and more happiness today! This podcast episode dives into some simple ways to start, methods to go deeper, and encouragement to create space in your life to have time to think, meditate and get that deep growth you crave.   A CONFIDENT SPIRIT  A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episode you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK  Slowing down and making time to meditate with intention is what changes us in our souls and minds from the inside out. Affirmations that focus on your goals and your happiness can help lift you up. For years I resisted affirmations because I thought they were idealistic, and little goofy. But they're not, they're actually Biblical. But the question is: how to know what mantra or affirmation you need to be dwelling on? They can range from happiness, to prosperity and to confidence? From a faith perspective, you can find this answer by spending time with God, and by camping out in scripture. And, I get it, the Bible overwhelmed me. And still does sometimes, but it doesn't have to read in its entirety to have life changing power upon you. In fact, one verse can change your life.  The Word of God is living and active. 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12). What I read in the Bible as an 8-year-old is different than what I read as an 18-year-old, 24-year-old, and now 36-year-old. There is no other explanation to me other than the truth that Hebrews 4:12 is true. It is alive. So, how to find an affirmation for happiness that works for you? Talk to God. Silence your heart, mind and life to be able to listen to Him respond to you. Make time to read the Bible and to journal. When you feel drawn to something, "camp out there." Make that verse your verse until you feel drawn to move on. Memorize it, write it, reread it. Milk it. Now, how to really make the affirmation work for you and create that happiness today? 1. Memorize it. 2. Write it out. 3. Then write different versions of it. 4. Create a quick trigger to remind you of its power in your life. 5. Repeat it to yourself throughout the day, internally and out loud. 6. Look for signs of it manifesting. 7. Stay the course. Isaiah 23:6 You will keep in perfect peace, those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Verse of the Week Psalm 119:15-16 I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word. Prayer of the Week Father, Abba. You love us with a faithful love,

 #329: YOU’RE NOT JUST BEING AVERAGE, HERE’S HOW TO BELIEVE IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:51

THE MINIMIZATION OF YOUR  GIFT FROM GOD IS A DIRECT INSULT TO YOUR CREATOR In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: Why you're not average and how I can be confident saying that about you without possibly even knowing you Tackle the feeling of "Why do I suck at everything" and how it's false What happens when we call ourselves being average or downplay ourselves 3 Practical ways to resist the overwhelm and ache of being average         REVIEW OF THE WEEK: By lillianglanton, "This podcast will change your life." Five Stars.   I love this podcast so much .Trish gives me so much encouragement and confidence in myself every single day. I am so thankful that she shares her story with the world! Trish continues to show up every single week with pieces of wisdom that will change your life. I'm a young entrepreneur and songwriter (19) and I'm starting my own business in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. I have created my own songwriters festival, which is set for October 25-26, 2019 and I'm in the process of renting a commercial property building where songwriters can go to create music. Trish gives me confidence in myself to go for my dreams and never give up. Listen to her words and implement them in your life! I am so thankful for you, Trish.           SPONSORSHIP NOTE: A LOT of beauty brands out there tout retinol as a safe ingredient, but we know better. Studies have shown that retinoic acid can have health-harming side effects which is why this ingredient is restricted in the European Union and Canada + its on our “Never List” at Beautycounter.r ——After 2+ years of formulating, Beautycounter has cracked the code to deliver retinol-like results without retinol’s safety concerns——One more sleep until y’all meet Countertime. Our newest, most innovative anti-aging collection featuring a plant-derived Retinatural Complex to plump + firm your skin and improve resilience. And if you’re like me, you like studies + cold hard facts so imma give it to you...After just four weeks of use 97% of participants in our independent consumer perception study said their skin’s texture was smoother. 88% saw more youthful skin + reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And of course I can personally vouch for these studies as I’ve had these products in hand for over a month now. Age really is an attitude and good skin is a science! We should never have to compromise our health in the name of beauty. Get your hands on Beautycounter's newest collection, Countertime Collection at STATISTICS PROVE IT The danger of "average" feelings is that they cause us to downplay our true selves, our gifting from God and our unique position to matter in this world. Your Chance of Being Born: 1 in 400 Quadrillion to 10 to the 2,640,000th power. You may think “You say that to everyone!” We were not born by accident given the odds calculated by scientists showing the odds of you being born are at least 1 in 400 trillion IF NOT 1 in 400 quadrillions and most likely 1 in 102,640,000 So you're chances of "I suck at everything" isn't true, because the statistics will show that you have talents to share.   NEVER A TIME LIKE THIS 7.7 billion people in this world ... don't you dare tell yourself that there aren't enough people who need you! Literally, nothing is impossible if you want to connect with others or inspire others. Resist the temptation to buy into scarcity thinking or to get distracted by competition or by comparing yourself to others. Resist the thought "Why do I suck at everything" and instead focus on the things that friends and family look to you for. "AVERAGE" DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST  Experiences, perception, creativity, genetics, body type,

 #328: HOW TO MAKE TIME FOR GOD [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:54

HOW TO MAKE TIME FOR GOD [FAITH EPISODE] Episode #328: THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Time with God gives us a daily taste of Heaven. Time with God is the most important thing It is a taste of Heaven When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. Resistance is pride Acknowledge your pride, accept that you can't do live well on your own and humble yourself to need Jesus every day. Keep it simple - 8 minutes / day Experiment with options -listen to sermons -pray and meditate -21 day journal detox -adult coloring Bible -YouVersion app -Google Bible verses based on what's on your heart VERSE OF THE WEEK FOR MAKING TIME FOR GOD: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. -James 4:8 PRAYER OF THE WEEK TO MAKE TIME FOR GOD: Father, Pull us near to You. Let us hear Your whispers in the wind, and delight in the joy expressed with the clapping of the trees. We are weak and we confess we get pulled into overwhelm. We want to put You first. Expand our understanding of time and help us choose the right thoughts to walk into a mindset of abundance. Your Word is alive and we thank You for it. We pray for direction and wisdom on how to slow down and listen for your voice. We crave a relationship with You. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being our friend. Thank you for knowing the number of hairs on our head. Thank you for teaching us that we have abundance all around us. Thank you for all that you are doing in our hearts, for what you are pruning from our lives, and for how you are going to grow our souls this week to be a brighter light in this world for You. Use us Lord to be lights of hope and love to those who are in pain, are afraid, are alone, are overwhelmed and are without hope. In Jesus' Name, Amen

 #327: FEELING GUILTY ABOUT EVERYTHING, HOW TO STOP TODAY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:13

SAY GOODBYE TO FEELING GUILTY ALL THE TIME In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to turn feeling guilty into gratitude (and why) How to translate your "have to's" into "get to's" (and why) How to choose peace, not pressure (and why) SPONSORSHIP NOTE– FREE MASTERCLASS HOW TO HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE  This week’s podcast is brought to you by my new free masterclass, How to Have More Confidence. Listen, if you think the podcast is good, you haven’t been in class with me yet. I spent months curating the teaching I poured into this masterclass and I am so proud of how simple, clear and strategic the activation of confidence can be. In the class, you’ll learn what the three biggest mistakes people make with confidence are and what the three most important things you should be doing for your confidence are … what I call The Confidence Formula.  Learn what stage of confidence you are actually in, and then how to get to the next stage so that getting to where you want to be and to how you want to feel doesn’t feel overwhelming. TRISHBLACKWELL.COM/FREECLASS REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Amazing & Encouraging! -LeesaWhite Everyone needs to listen to this show! Trish Blackwell is so gifted at encouragement it brings me to tears at just about every episode. I've labeled myself a "people pleaser" for a while, seeing there is a good heart that goes with it, but not seeing/knowing how to dig myself out of the hole of anxiety that goes with it. Trish will be the first to tell you that you won't ever make everyone happy. Trish will teach you to stop apologizing to liking pink (hehe, mine is ugly olive green). Trish will teach you to stop caring what others think. Trish will inspire tangible steps towards the best "you" you can be in all realms (parent, spouse, friend, worker, boss). Trish digs deep into research to give you the best content every week and her transparency to share her own struggles is so incredibly powerful. I'm so thankful for her strong yet gentlefolks words as I commute to work. It puts me in a good mood to continue to "bloom where I'm planted." Give this show a listen if you care to give this world a better you! TURN GUILT INTO GRATITUDE INSTEAD OF FEELING GUILTY Feeling guilty? What does turning guilt into gratitude mean? Stop the cycle of shame > it perpetuates the cycle of self-sabotage Instead, turn guilt into gratitude and into grace. We can find gratitude when we look through the lens of learning. As long as we are learning, we are growing. As long as we are growing, we can feel confident and proud of ourselves. As long as we feel confident, we will feel courageous. As long as we feel courageous, we will take action. As long as we take action, we will be consistent. As long as we are consistent, we will never fail. This practice can be implemented with not exercising, with letting someone down, with over-eating or something that makes you feel disappointed in yourself, in not doing your to-do list to your personal expectation...and more. You can let go of feeling guilty. SPONSORSHIP BREAK: CARE/OF I want to take a quick break to talk about an easy way you can get back into a HEALTHY ROUTINE with Care/Of.  Give yourself support this season with a boost – whether you’re looking for energy, better sleep, to maintain stress, or something else to help you feel your healthiest, Care/Of has you covered. Care/of’s fun, online quiz asks you about your diet, health goals, and lifestyle choices, and takes only 5 minutes to find out your personal, scientifically-backed vitamin and supplement recommendations. You answer easy questions like how much sleep are you getting, are you looking for more energy,

 #326: HOW TO FEEL LESS ANXIETY [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:36

COACHING TIPS TO FEEL LESS ANXIETY Episode : 326 ABOUT OUR FAITH EPISODES: A CONFIDENT SPIRIT A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episode you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Feel less anxiety by stepping into love with more faith and intention. -Simplify what matters-Love is all that matters-We feel anxious because we are too busy, too distracted, too concerned about fleeting things we can't control-We can detox anxiety when we slow down, pray for peace, seek wisdom and remember that the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. VERSE OF THE WEEK: Galatians 5:6'The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Father God, Reign in our hearts this week. Be the bread that we desire and the water we drink, that each day we wake we might be restored with life, direction and joy to live well. Blanket us with peace as we lay down at night to have souls at rest and prayer at work in the lives of those we love. Expand our hearts, that our capacity to love might be beyond human understanding. As you have said in Galatians 5:6, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Show us how this looks. Spark direction in our hearts to know how to love more like you within the walls of our home, within the boundaries of our work and within our community around us. You have placed us here in the world, right now, where we are for a reason. Give us peace and confidence to be patient and present, trusting that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Deepen our desire for wisdom and growth, that we might thirst for it and seek it morning, noon and night. Colossians 3:15 tells us that "we were called to peace" ... help us step into that calling today. Remove from us our desire to compare ourselves, cleanse our hearts of jealousy and lift from our minds any weight of anxiety. Thank you Father, for holding our hands and growing us to see that, as we draw near to you, You draw near to us, giving us the freedom to step into that abundant life you have wired our hearts for. In Jesus' Name, Amen

 #325: HOW TO BE CONFIDENT ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:39

  HOW TO BE CONFIDENT ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW Podcast #325 In this week of The Confidence Podcast we are chatting about: How to Be Here, Now How to Be Confident Right Now The Secret to Feeling Confident About Where You Are Right Now Unplugging to Unearth Peace and Presence in An Overconnected World   FREE MASTERCLASSHOW TO HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE  This week's podcast is brought to you by my new free masterclass, How to Have More Confidence. Listen, if you think the podcast is good, you haven't been in class with me yet. I spent months curating the teaching I poured into this masterclass and I am so proud of how simple, clear and strategic the activation of confidence can be. In the class, you'll learn what the three biggest mistakes people make with confidence are and what the three most important things you should be doing for your confidence are ... what I call The Confidence Formula.  Learn what stage of confidence you are actually in, and then how to get to the next stage so that getting to where you want to be and to how you want to feel doesn't feel overwhelming. TRISHBLACKWELL.COM/FREECLASS                       REVIEW OF THE WEEK: "Truth, Love and Inspiration in a Podcast!" - Lindzy B Been listening to Trish for years, and this is my first review (had to help you with my goals girl!). I love that the content keeps getting better and deeper, her personal experiences with changing her thought patterns and living each day with positivity and mindfulness has been so helpful to me in every way, especially when my anxiety flares up or in times of change when it usually does. I find myself listening to her podcast to not only be inspiring, making me feel like i got this and I have the power to change how I deal with this, but I absolutely love that she integrates faith, love and grace for self into her teaching as well. Anyone who's looking for a light in tough times, looking for ways to start making some positive changes in yourself or someone looking to be inspired to become more self-confident - this is your podcast! Happy listening! Keep up the great work Trish - you a have a greater impact than you may ever know!       HOW TO BE CONFIDENT ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW The secret is found is being Here, NowI'm not the expert in this, I'm growing in this area, but I have to bring on the expert who is inspiring and challenging my soul, my new friend Kate Merrick. OK, INTRODUCING....KATE MERRICK!!! ABOUT HERE, NOW: UNEARTHING PEACE AND PRESENCE IN AN OVER-CONNECTED WORLD Do you ever feel like you just want to push the fast forward button on life? Do you feel like your current season is meaningless, or that it's tedious or too painful? Or maybe it's super sweet but you can't quite see the exquisite beauty because you're so distracted by all the things of life. In this book, I write about presence, contentment, and what it looks like to search for and practice those things. In my usual style, I use personal experience, scripture, stories, humor, and questions to lead the reader on a journey to discover of what that might look like in their own life. I dish about moving to Israel for three months, going off the grid, what I was doing the night before Daisy was diagnosed and more. Come explore presence with me, discover what it means to unearth it, practice it, and walk in courage in all seasons. I'm confident God has something for you here! AND STILL, SHE LAUGHS: DEFIANT JOY IN THE DEPTHS OF SUFFERING The official description: Kate Merrick examines the Bible’s gritty stories of resilient women as well as her own experience losing a child—a journey followed by more than a million on prayfordaisy.


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