The Job Search Podcast show

The Job Search Podcast

Summary: The Job Search Podcast Expert Resume Writing, Job Search Strategy, and Career Advice for Executive Job Seekers and More with Your Host, Amy L. Adler Amy L. Adler, MBA and Certified Master Resume Writer, challenges what you think you know about executive job search. Thinking about making a career move? Listen to The Job Search Podcast first. Learn How to Do Job Search Right Each episode focuses on a specific job search topic, such as: How to write a resume for a new job search How to write a powerful cover letter How to write your LinkedIn profile -- and how to network using LinkedIn's massive, global address book How to network, so that your job search is effective--much more effective than applying online alone How to interview effectively, so your future hiring executive believes in your expertise and your fit How to get a job in a new industry or area of expertise How to change careers -- and how to think about what it takes to make the leap About Your Host, Amy L. Adler My unique approach to marketing executive clients delivers the right message to hiring executives in their industry-specific language and proves beyond a doubt that the candidate has the proper experience to serve the executive team. I capture executive job seekers’ career histories using their goals as the lens through which I focus their talents and expertise, ensuring the hiring team learns exactly what it needs to know, via the executive resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and strategic career coaching, to call the candidate for the interview. Are you job hunting right now? Subscribe now--we are publishing twice per week, so you'll always be learning something new!

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 Volunteerism on Your Resume | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:08

Do hiring managers consider volunteerism on a resume fluff? Learn the ways volunteerism that can bolster your job application process whether you have a long volunteer (unpaid) career or are using volunteer experiences to round out your executive career history.

 3 Easy Strategies for Connecting with New Contacts at Networking Events | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:18

When you present yourself at a networking event it's crucial to present who you are and why you are relevant to the listener's needs. If you don't, you have failed! Learn new ways to make yourself memorable in this episode.

 Resume Writing Prepares You for Your Next Interview | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:13

Your resume is your entree into your next executive role, but preparing it has another exceptional purpose--getting ready for your interview. When you develop your resume, you tell your story multiple times, so that your interview is perhaps the 10th time you're describing your relevant career history.

 Job Search Focus for Success: Know What You Do NOT Want in a Job | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:35

Sometimes what you hate is as important as what you love in your executive career. Think about your future potential positions and discover what you do NOT want in your next executive role.

 How to Find Joy in Your Executive Career | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:46

Do you know how to find joy in your executive career? Let's talk about how to get you to a deeper level of job satisfaction.

 Do These 10 Things on LinkedIn Right Now, All in Less than 1 Hour | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

LinkedIn can feel overwhelming, but it's a fantastic place for potential employers to learn the ways you can contribute to their business organizaton on Day 1. Don't know where to begin on LinkedIn? Here are 10 easy things you can do right now.

 Mindful Executive Career Change | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:21

By its very nature, the term "career" reflects the series of jobs you hold over a period of time. In the cases of most executives, these positions are going to be linked by your industry, promotions, network, and drive. I posit that this vision for the long term will serve a savvy executive better than a scatter-shot approach of moving whimsically from position to position.

 Informational Interviews for Your Executive Job Search | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:41

The informational interview… this may be uncharted territory for you. What is it? An informational interview is a meeting in which a job seeker searches out advice on their career or the entire industry of a potential workplace. Through the information interview, a potential hiring entity (or simply a source of good information) learns about the job seeker and determines their potential or fit in that workplace, and by so doing increases their candidate pool for future hires. It can be tricky to get your foot in the door to schedule the informational interview with a prospective employer; however it can prove to be time well spent.

 5 Skills for Successful Job Search Networking | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:57

Having the right contacts can help you get information about the company and what they really want. Building your network is important, especially during your job search. Ideally you will already have some foundation for your network, but further developing it can help you find an opportunity. The following tips will hopefully provide advice for interacting with your network during your job search.

 Using Numbers and Metrics in Your Executive Resume | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:42

Using numbers and metrics in your executive resume will allow hiring managers to know exactly what your skills and accomplishments are. This will boost your resume and help you get that career you're looking for.

 Does Your Executive Resume Need a Cover Letter? | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:41

So why write cover letters with your resume? Is this even necessary? Today we'll discuss the merits of a cover letter with resumes.

 Top 6 Executive Resume Mistakes that Say "Don't Hire Me" | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:26

What are you focusing on in your executive resume? Who is your intended audience? These questions and more are key to understanding how to make your executive resume stand out.

 80/20 Rule and Your Job Search | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:56

The 80/20 Rule is the Pareto Principle, but here's something amazing: it is completely applicable to your executive job search.

 Show Pride and Humility in Your Executive Resume | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:12

Your executive resume should show you're smart, you're driven, and you know what you're doing. There seem to be two avenues to take with this: You can't stop talking about how awesome you are, or you take no credit for what you've done. Let's move forward into a new and better approach.

 Your Executive Resume Speaks to Your Audience -- Skip the Resume Objective | The Job Search Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:34

Objectives are self-centered and are a terrible way to say that you'll bring teamwork when you start off talking about yourself. Listen in to know how to overcome this obstacle!


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