Clumsy Theosis show

Clumsy Theosis

Summary: Richaél Lucero takes 2,000 years of Catholic goodness, draws from the great minds and spiritual masters of the Church, and boils it down, to give you faith knowledge for a vibrant faith life. Each topic will help you enrich your spiritual life, take ownership of your relationship with the Lord, and strengthen his Church. Richaél holds a master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Become who you were created to be with Clumsy Theosis—the place to transform the world by being transformed by Christ.

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 Beatitudes and Imitating Christ (1 of 3)[Poor in Spirit and Those Who Mourn] RERELEASE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:08

RERELEASE** Last week there was a technical glitch that rendered all Clumsy Theosis episodes unplayable and unable to be downloaded. This has been fixed and last week's episode has been rereleased for your convenience. What do the beatitudes, theosis, “death to self,” and iconography have in common? Though this may sound like the makings of a riddle, it’s not. Richaél Lucero is continuing the Lenten exploration of the beatitudes. She is drawing connections between these four topics of the Faith to paint a detailed picture of the transformation Christ is calling us to this season. Listen in to ensure you can answer Jesus with a full heart. SHOW NOTES: —DONATE! Become a patron. You’ll received exclusive merchandise and resources: —Email list sign up. In the weekly email you’ll have the most recent episode and additional resources conveniently available in your inbox: —Scriptures referenced: -Matthew 5:1-16 “Beatitudes” Quotes referenced: -“Beatitude is a possession of all things held to be good...”—St. Gregory of Nyssa SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow me! Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Beatitudes and Imitating Christ (2 of 3)[Meek, Hunger + Thirst for Righteousness, & Merciful] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:06

In this episode Richaél Lucero keeps our eyes fixed on Christ by continuing the Lenten exploration of the beatitudes. Reflecting on the third, fourth, and fifth beatitudes, she links them with specific gifts of the Holy Spirit given to us at baptism to grow in each beatitude. Listen now and begin the discussion with Christ about which beatitude he wants to restore within you. SHOW NOTES: —DONATE! Become a patron. You’ll received exclusive merchandise and resources: —Email list sign up. In the weekly email you’ll have the most recent episode and additional resources conveniently available in your inbox: —Episodes mentioned: -2020 Lent Series on the Beatitudes: -Beatitudes Introduction- -Beatitudes and Imitating Christ (Part 1 of 3)- —Two parter on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Beatitudes: - 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of Heaven (Part 1 of 2)- - 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of Heaven (Part 2 of 2)- —Scriptures referenced: -Matthew 5:1-16 “Beatitudes” -Isaiah 11:1-2 “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow me! Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Beatitudes and Imitating Christ (1 of 3)[Poor in Spirit and Those Who Mourn] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:08

What do the beatitudes, theosis, “death to self,” and iconography have in common? Though this may sound like the makings of a riddle, it’s not. Richaél Lucero is continuing the Lenten exploration of the beatitudes. She is drawing connections between these four topics of the Faith to paint a detailed picture of the transformation Christ is calling us to this season. Listen in to ensure you can answer Jesus with a full heart. SHOW NOTES: —DONATE! Become a patron. You’ll received exclusive merchandise and resources: —Email list sign up. In the weekly email you’ll have the most recent episode and additional resources conveniently available in your inbox: —Scriptures referenced: -Matthew 5:1-16 “Beatitudes” Quotes referenced: -“Beatitude is a possession of all things held to be good...”—St. Gregory of Nyssa SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow me! Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Beatitudes Introduction/Refresher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:07

When the Lord preached the beatitudes he was teaching about the meaning of ultimate happiness and how to attain it. Unfortunately, many Catholics today find the Beatitudes confusing. Listen as Richaél Lucero provides an overview of this important message of the gospel. This will be the introduction for the 2020 Lenten series on the beatitudes. SHOW NOTES: —Email list sign up: —Scriptures referenced: -Matthew 5:3-12 “Beatitudes” -Luke 6:20-26 “Blessings and Curses” -Deuteronomy 28 (Blessings and curses given by Moses.) SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Repost | Lent & Conversion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:48

Why do we pray, fast, and give alms during Lent? Together these practices are not intended to be our focus but to serve to call us to something bigger—conversion. Last year I released the episode titled "Lent & Conversion." As I listened to this episode again last week, I found that I was invigorated by the reminder of how the liturgical readings of the season echo this call, as well, and drive this point home. Even though the calendar of readings is from 2019, I think this is a great time to revisit that episode from last year as it builds so well on the two most recent episodes that are preparing us for Lent. SHOW NOTES: —Shop CT merchandise: (This is a popup shop and it closes tonight at midnight—Valentine's Day 2020. Shop while you can!) —Click here to sign up for the weekly email: SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Lent: You Can Do Hard Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:51

What should your Lent look like? Have you been selling yourself short during this season that is full of great growth potential? Richaél Lucero calls on Old and New Testament examples to teach you how to get the most out of Lent. SHOW NOTES: —Shop CT merchandise: (This is a popup shot and is only open until Valentine's Day 2020. Shop while you can!) —Click here to sign up for the weekly email: —Episodes referenced: “How to Make Decisions the Catholic Way: Discernment 101”- SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 How to Make Decisions the Catholic Way: Discernment 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:10

Making decisions shouldn’t be stressful. In fact, when we use discernment to make decisions with God, we are not only relieved from our stress but the process is simple and more peaceful. Learn what discernment is from the Catholic perspective and how to do it in five steps with Richaél Lucero. SHOW NOTES: **BREAKING NEWS** We’ve got merch! That is, we’ve got Clumsy Theosis merchandise for sale for a limited time only. I have launched a popup shop that is open between today and Valentine’s Day. If you want to shop our merch you must be signed up for the Clumsy Theosis email list. (This is a special "thank you" to all who have signed up to receive my weekly email.) Those already receiving the weekly Clumsy Theosis email have been emailed the link to access the shop in this week’s email. You can get on that list by clicking the link below. In your welcome email you will receive the link that will grant you exclusive access to the shop. —Click here to sign up for the weekly email: —episodes referenced: -“Not Today Satan: When the Accuser Attacks Your Identity”- SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Metanoia: You’re Not a Christian Without It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:02

The first act of Christ’s ministry was to preach the message of metanoia. Do you want to know exactly what Christ has called us to? Listen as Richaél Lucero defines the meaning of metanoia. In the process she’ll expose why popular synonyms used to explain metanoia don’t paint the full picture; and leave you with suggestions for preparing three areas of yourself for metanoia. SHOW NOTES: —Email List Sing Up: —Scriptures referenced: -“Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!” Mt 4:17 -“From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Lk 6:45 -“We have the mind of Christ.” 2:16 SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Not Today Satan: When the Accuser Attacks Your Identity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:03

Did you know the Enemy regularly attacks our identity as Children of God? Richaél Lucero reveals how Satan attempts to manipulate our identity and provides listeners with a surefire strategy to proactively combat his tactics. Listen now. SHOW NOTES: —Email list sign-up: —Scriptures referenced: -“He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 -“Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4 - A few passage that reference the reality of the Enemy: Wisdom 2:24//Isaiah 14:12-15//Ezekiel 28:12-15//John 8:44//Revelation 12:7-9//Revelation 12:10 SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:52

Why did the three magi bring the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Listen as Richaél Lucero reveals the meaning of these articles as we find them in the Old Testament and what they proclaim when applied to Jesus in the New Testament. Also learn how this information can add a new dimension when praying over the Epiphany account in scripture. SHOW NOTES: —Episodes mentioned: -“Guaranteed Bible Takeaways” (About the four senses of scripture.) —Articles referenced: -About the Byzantine feast of Theophany (The Baptism of the Lord) —Scriptures referenced: -Isaiah 60:3,6 Here is the link to Isaiah 60. SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 The Twelve Days of Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:11

Did you know this popular Christmas carol is known as a *secret catechism*? Listen as Richaél Lucero reveals the Catholic significance to the twelve merry verses of this timeless classic and how they can teach and deepen your faith during the Christmas season. SHOW NOTES: —Share this episode with non-podcast listeners: -"The Twelve Days of Christmas" on —Catechism references - CCC 1832 “The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity." —Song references: -The Twelve Days of Christmas on YouTube. —Scripture references: - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23 —Book references: -“Mirth Without Mischief” from 1780 containing The Twelve Days of Christmas —Article references: -St. Aquinas quoting St. Augustine on nine verses twelve Fruits of the Spirit. SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Prince of Peace, Advent, and Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:23

Do you want to live a life of peace? Who doesn’t? Richaél Lucero explains the best way to prepare to receive Christ, the “Prince of Peace,” this Christmas. Listen as she also offers instruction for how the Lord intends for us to attain the peace he offers. SHOW NOTES: —Episodes mentioned: -“Let Your Heart Be an Altar” —Quote references: -“Peace can never begin unless an attitude of sincere forgiveness takes root in human hearts. Offering and accepting forgiveness is the essential condition for making the journey towards authentic and lasting peace.” St. Pope JohnPaul II, “Offer Forgiveness and Receive Peace” —Scripture references: - “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Psalm 9:6 —Book references: -“Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life” by Bob Schuchts —Article references: -I found this particle on forgiveness helpful and to the point. “How Do You Forgive Even When It Feels Impossible? “ by Andrea Brandt Ph.D. M.F.T. SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 The Immaculate Conception | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:41

There are many resources that explain the validity of the Immaculate Conception. Let’s take that one step further. After we accept this truth, how does it benefit our walk with the Lord? Listen as Richaél Lucero covers this along with how the celebration of the Immaculate Conception fits perfectly within the Advent season. SHOW NOTES: —DONATE! Become a patron: —Email list sign up: —Episodes referenced: -Doctrines and Dogmas: What’s the big deal?: —Quotes references: -CCC 491 Pope Pius IX proclaimed: The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin. - CCC 494 St. Irenaeus saind, “Being obedient she became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race." Hence not a few of the early Fathers gladly assert. . .: "The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience: what the virgin Eve bound through her disbelief, Mary loosened by her faith." Comparing her with Eve, they call Mary "the Mother of the living" and frequently claim: "Death through Eve, life through Mary.” —Scripture references: -Hail Mary, Full of grace. Luke 1:28 SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 How to Be *Eucharistic People* | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:24

Catholics are called *Eucharistic People.* Find out what this title means and its connection with giving thanks. Listen as Richaél Lucero shares her top three tips to cultivating a Eucharistic heart and living it with purpose. SHOW NOTES: —Podcast episodes mentioned: -The Ultimate Thanksgiving: -Prayer: Are you doing it right?: —Scripture references: -Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thes 5:18 -If you love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15 -Mary's Magnificat Luke 1:46-55 —Catechism references: -1360 The Eucharist is a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father, a blessing by which the Church expresses her gratitude to God for all his benefits, for all that he has accomplished through creation, redemption, and sanctification. Eucharist means first of all "thanksgiving." -2781 We give him thanks for having revealed his name to us, for the gift of believing in it, and for the indwelling of his Presence in us. -2604 The Giver is more precious than the gift; he is the “treasure”… -2062 Following the commandments is acknowledgement and homage given to God as a form of worship and thanksgiving. -1103 In the Liturgy of the Word the Holy Spirit "recalls" to us all that Christ has done for us. —Quotes mentioned: - G.K. Chesterton said, “Thanks is the highest form of thought.” SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:

 Let Your Heart Be an Altar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:48

The heart plays a distinguished role in prayer. For this reason spiritual writers refer to the heart as an *altar.* Richaél Lucero surveys the centrality of the altar in Judaism and Catholicism to refresh our approach to prayer, esteem the majesty of our hearts, and renew our zeal for the significance of the altar in the liturgical celebrations of the Mass/Divine Liturgy. SHOW NOTES: —Podcast episodes mentioned: -Imaginative Prayer vs. Quiet Prayer -“Mass: The Summit and Font” —Quotes mentioned: —“Let your heart be an altar.”—St. Peter Chrysologus —“For this holy altar, by which I stand, is stone, ordinary in its nature, no different from the other slabs of stone that build our houses and adorn our pavements; but seeing that it was consecrated to the service of God, and received the benediction, it is a holy table, an altar undefiled, no longer touched by the hands of all, but of the priests alone, and that with reverence.”—St. Gregory of Nyssa —“The heart is the meeting point between body and soul, between the subconscious, the conscious, and the supraconscious, between the human and the divine.” —Kallistos Ware (in “Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century”) SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram— Twitter— Facebook— VISIT MY WEBSITE:


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