Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner show

Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner

Summary: Welcome to the Igniting Souls Show. If you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


 Are you a dreamer, doer, or incrementalist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 256

There are dreamers who love ideas. There are doers who love implementation. And their are incrementalists who do both well. It's good to be both but we end up never going deep on any one thing. Which are you? Go to karyoberbrunner.com/dreamdone to put systems and structures around your dreams.

 Why people are rejecting your offer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 345

Last night I was on a fireside chat with our Author Academy Elite. Often when people question you or your program it's because they are worried or afraid of their own failure. But you have to believe in yourself to make things happen. Sometimes you need to call people out on it. To find out more, go to Business Academy Elite.

 How to get 1000 fans in 30 days | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 288

Here's a guy that wanted to grow his value on Facebook. He was able to grow his followers to 976 in 28 days. He says the key is to add value on social media. Find out more about how to do social media well in my free book at dayjobtodreamjob.com.

 3 reasons you should not traditionally publish your book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 327

Should you go with a traditional publisher? Here's three reasons you may want to reconsider: Control - You lose control over the content, title and cover, etc. Orders - Even though you get a 50% discount on your books, you still have to buy your own books. Profits - You make 10-14 percent of net after you pay back the advance, not including the money you paid for your own books. Find out more in the masterclass at karyoberbrunner.com/book

 Why you're not making more sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 372

Yesterday, I met two people that are super kind and giving but are scared of being rejected. As a result, they have issues with cash flow. It can cause you to begin to lose confidence. You need to ask for the sale or you're going to get stuck in a cycle. Set your boundaries and set your edges of your business. Find out more at dayjobtodreamjob.com and ignitingsoulsconference.com

 Are you leaking your power and influence? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 319

Are you leaking your power? If you overcommit yourself and are in a ton of groups then you don't show up filled up to any of those commitments. So what do you do? Make a "stop doing" list. Ask yourself this question about each of your commitments: Is it helping you reach your goals. If it's not then quit doing it. Then your power can go into the commitments you keep. You will never be powerful if you are spread too thin. Check out my commitments at https://www.karyoberbrunner.com/opus and get my free book at https://www.deeperpathbook.com

 How to create a truly happy life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 212

Walt Disney's slogan for years was "the happiest place on earth," then it changed to "the place where dreams come true." Research has shown that the happiest people on eart are the ones who make their dreams come true. So how do you do that? Join us for our 5 day challenge at karyoberbrunner.com/dreamsdone

 Get Your Dream Done 5-Day Challenge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 279

Do you have a dream inside you? It's time drop the excuses and the denial and get your dream done. Why? Because people who get their dreams done are literally the happiest people on the planet. Now is your chance. Join us for the 5 Day Challenge to get your dream done, starting May 19\. Sign up at karyoberbrunner.com/dreamdone

 Why some people never get better results | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 320

The way you think about people impacts everything — every single decision you make in life. It impacts your results. But you can be the change. You can shift your mindset and outlook. To find out more about how you can shift your mindset and outlook, go to ignitingsoulsconference.com

 How I spark my creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 285

Take a look at my spring, summer and winter office. Before I start a new project, I like to have everything clean. Whether it's a book, business or ministry, invest the time to clear the clutter. It allows us to get right into the creativity and not get distracted by the clutter. For more on clearing the clutter in your life, go to thedeeperpathbook.com

 3 reasons you should not self-publish a book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 300

#1 - Sales A Pre-sales strategy is not available to self-published books so they can't compete with other major books because you can't talk about your book until it comes out. #2 - Advanced Reader Copies A self-published book is not able to get get advanced reader copies, so you're not able to get endorsements, forewards, etc. And when you are, you can only get 5 copies. #3 - Distribution You can't get your self-published book in stores. Most bookstores do not carry self-published books because they are not returnable. To find out more about a new way of publishing, go to karyoberbrunner.com

 Hope if you're a people pleaser | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 236

There are only two opinions in life that matter: God and you. You need only to be pleased with who you are becoming. If you worry about what other people think, you will be disappointed in life. To find out more about how to reset your self image set point, go to yoursecretname.com.

 The value of face to face meetings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 215

There is a unique benefit to meeting with people in person and having a live experience, like the one I recently had with Dexter Godfrey, Jim Edwards and David Branderhorst. There is a different level of energy plus the little experiences you have together like eating together, working out and having fun.

 3 questions every soul on fire must answer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 860

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." Unfortunately, most people are NOT souls on fire. In this interview, Jon Giganti asks Kary Oberbrunner what 3 questions every soul on fire must answer... (For more SOUL ON FIRE CONTENT join us at https://ignitingsoulsconference.com)

 How to hire the right person | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 262

75% of our team are clients of ours. Why? Because people reveal themselves on a daily basis. When you're trying to get a job, you can put on a perfect face but when someone is your client, you see it all.  The right person can switch and pivot as their strengths come to the top.  If you need a job, this is why you should always be upbeat and be a giver.  What are your thoughts on hiring clients as team mates?


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