Consumer Tech Update show

Consumer Tech Update

Summary: USA Today Columnist and National Radio Host Kim Komando gives you ech news and insider know-how in 60-seconds each day.

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  • Artist: Kim Komando
  • Copyright: The Kim Komando Show ® and all material pertaining thereto is a Registered Trademark / Servicemark: No. 2281044. Any and all other material herein is protected by Copyright © 1995 – 2020 WestStar Multimedia Entertainment All Rights Reserved.


 The world’s fastest supercomputer now claimed once again by the U.S. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12

Great news: America once again owns the world’s most powerful supercomputer, performing at 200 Trillion calculations per second! But what is it good for?

 Who are the biggest cybersecurity threats to the U.S.? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

The U.S. is a target of cyber attacks and cyber terrorists. An FBI agent mapped out the biggest threats. What’s being done and what would happen if we were hit with a massive attack?

 Apple’s new app for addicted smartphone users | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

There is direct clinical and medical evidence that heavy smartphone users experience physical symptoms when their device is taken away. Even with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter some are still in doubt that addiction is real. Add to that list Apple!

 Why millions may not want to upgrade to this fall's iPhone X Plus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

We always want the latest and greatest gadget but this time around, iPhone users may be happier with the latest upgrade instead of the new upcoming iPhone X Plus. Listen to my free Consumer Tech Update podcast and I'll tell you why.

 Should you give your DNA to testing companies? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07

DNA testing companies promise to break down your genetic code if you send them a sample of saliva. They’re making billions, but at what cost to your privacy? Listen to this free Consumer Tech Update podcast for more on why you need to pay attention to their terms and conditions.

 What your kids will be doing on their smartphone this summer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07

Kids are putting away lunch boxes and backpacks to enjoy summer vacation. That means more time for smartphones! But do you know where your kids will spend their time online? Click here to listen to my Consumer Tech Update and I’ll tell you what’s in and what’s out.

 The Problem with Hillary Clinton running Facebook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

Hillary Clinton had an interesting answer to the question of where she would like to be a CEO. Without hesitation she said Facebook. In this Consumer Tech Update, Kim shares why Mrs. Clinton’s answer is raising eyebrows and why it really wouldn’t be a good idea.

 On Facebook, who actually owns your digital data? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09

Facebook’s been using your personal data to make money for years. Now one user has uncovered just how valuable your data is. But whose data is it once you share it? Listen to my free Consumer Tech Update for more on this million dollar question.

 How to keep Alexa, Siri and your smartphone from uninvited listening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09

Our smart assistants are helpful, until we lose control and they start listening all the time and sharing unintended conversations. We need to turn off their eyes and ears all together! You’ll be surprised by the easy hack FBI members use! Click here to listen to my Consumer Tech Update as I share some tips to take the control back!

 Harsh reality of today’s self-driving cars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07

Are you excited for self-driving cars? The thought of basically having your very own autonomous chauffeur? Don’t get too worked up! I think it’s going to be a while. Click here to listen to my Consumer Tech Update and I’ll tell you why.

 A Pause to reflect on Memorial Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

Kim’s sharing her thoughts on three powerful words; duty, honor and selflessness. On this Memorial Day we honor those who died fighting for our freedom. They embody those words.  What if other Americans did the same? Click here to listen to my Consumer Tech Update.

 The Big Problem with crowd source funding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

Crowdfunding has gone mainstream, but how do you know who’s sincere and who’s not? A start-up company just walked off with over $3 million, leaving investors with nothing. Listen to my Consumer Tech Update to learn more about why I don’t contribute to crowdfunding.

  The most appalling video game ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

What you’re about to hear is hard to believe. Whether you have kids who play video games or not, you will find this shocking. There’s a popular American video game about to be sold called “school shooting simulator.”

 Something troubling is quietly happening at Google | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

Google promised a business code of conduct when it was established in 2001, with a pretty direct motto “Don’t be evil.” The motto is being erased, is the culture soon to follow? Listen to this Consumer Tech Update for more on Google’s upfront direction.

 After the Santa Fe school shooting, Facebook fails to fulfill its promise to stop fake sites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08

Facebook has a major problem on its hands after fake sites were shared just minutes after the Sante Fe school shooting. Facebook hasn’t been able to keep up. Listen to this Consumer Tech Update for more on the shocking false information being shared and why it’s such a huge concern.


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