The Wayne Dupree Show show

The Wayne Dupree Show

Summary: The Wayne Dupree Show is hosted by Wayne Dupree, 2015 Conservative Blogger Of the Year, 2014 Podcast Of the Year. Dupree is a political commentator and activist

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 LIVE! WDShow 11-9 McConnell & McCain Are Ganging Up On Judge Moore!! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3703

The aJudge Roy Moore is not a McConnell favorite. His choice was Luther Strange, who was defeated in the last GOP election when Moore took him to school. Now McConnell has quickly pounced on these timed allegations which also will hurt Moore credibility within the state of Alabama. Don’t you find it strange this is happening now? Allegations are just as bad as the deed, especially when it is drawn out over a period. It’s almost like being labeled a racist or child pedophile. That is some stink you can’t get off of you hurriedly. Call in 202 470 6738 The Wayne Dupree Show is fan-funded. SUPPORT MONTHLY (Patreon): Remember, with a Patreon membership, you have exclusive rights to videos, audios, even the Wayne Dupree Show OVERTIME and others do not have access to view. ...or support us with a one-time donation - or Official Wayne Dupree Show Merchandise: You can also mail your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117Wayne Dupree Show

 LIVE! WDShow 11-8 Happy Anniversary to Deplorable Voters - Call In 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3726

Donald J. Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, 2016. Since then, the president has frequently invoked his electoral win over Clinton, who won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million votes. Call in 202 470 6738 The Wayne Dupree Show is fan-funded. SUPPORT MONTHLY (Patreon): Remember, with a Patreon membership, you have exclusive rights to videos, audios, even the Wayne Dupree Show OVERTIME and others do not have access to view. ...or support us with a one-time donation - or Official Wayne Dupree Show Merchandise: You can also mail your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 11-7 Reactions From Election Night 2017! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3401
 LIVE! WDShow 11-6 Democrats/Media Go For Guns Again After Tragedy! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4122

Democratic lawmakers are renewing their calls for gun control, following the largest mass shooting in Texas history, as Republicans, including President Donald Trump and local lawmakers, insisted firearms are not the problem. The renewed guns debate came after 26 people were killed and 19 more were injured during a shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs. Victims ranged in age from 5 to 72, officials said. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or

 LIVE! WDShow 11-4 Don't Be Afraid of ANTIFA; We Can Defeat Racism! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7276

Let me help these kids that obviously missed civics class. it takes 2/3 vote in the house to bring articles of impeachment and 2/3 of the senate to convict. the votes aren't there and won't be after 2018 either. I think it's fascinating these protests are only in liberal cities. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 11-3 Bergdahl Goes Free While The Media Attacks Trump! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7410

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will not serve any prison time for walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009, a military judge ruled Friday. The judge, Col. Jeffrey Nance, sentenced Bergdahl to a reduction in rank to private, a payment of $1,000 per month for 10 months and a dishonorable discharge, according to multiple reports. Nance made no other comments, according to The Associated Press. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 11-2 Donna Brazile Spills Beans; Hillary Cheated Bernie! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3684
 LIVE! WDShow 11-1 Trump to End Visa Lottery Program! America Safety is First! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3630

President Donald Trump wasted no time pointing his finger at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer after an alleged terrorist killed eight people in New York City this week. Yet the president’s broadside against a top lawmaker whose home city just suffered a tragedy stunned absolutely no one on Capitol Hill. It was the latest — some argue saddest — display of political discourse that once would have been unthinkable but has become the new normal in the Trump era. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 10-31 Is Mueller Really Basing His Investigation On A Liar? 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3708

In his first comment on this aspect of the case being developed by the special counsel investigation, Mr. Trump did not deny that the foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, worked to collaborate with Russia. He simply brushed off his significance and focused on the fact that Mr. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. to cover up the contacts with Russia. “Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. As for the indictment of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, the president repeated that the crimes alleged took place outside the context of the election contest. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 10-30 Mueller Goes After Manafort; No Connection To Trump 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3641

The WaaHere, simplified and translated into layman’s terms, what the federal government is alleging: Paul Manafort was a lobbyist for Putin-backed forces in Ukraine, and he allegedly covered it up by disguising payments and refusing to register as a foreign agent — which is required by law. Along the way, Manafort allegedly didn't pay taxes on this income. Manafort’s partner Gates is named in the indictment, too.ur league that way and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it.” Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or Dupree Show

 LIVE! WDShow 10-28 Saturday Night America Calls IN!! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7719

The chairman and chief executive of the Houston Texans has apologized after a report said he declared “we can’t have the inmates running the prison” during a meeting of NFL owners over what to do about players who kneel in protest during the national anthem, according to the Associated PRESS In his statement released Friday, Bob McNair says he regretted using the expression and said he was “not referring to our players.” “I used a figure of speech that was never intended to be taken literally,” McNair said. “I would never characterize our players or our league that way and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it.” Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in your donation: Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 10-27 Friday Night OPEN PHONES America! 202 470 6738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7258

The Washington Free Beacon, according to The New York Times, hired Fusion GPS to “unearth damaging information about several Republican presidential candidates, including Mr. Trump.” As the Times report lays out, the Free Beacon “told the firm to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016,” a month after the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained Fusion GPS for anti-Trump research. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in donation Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 10-26 Why Did CIA, FBI Really Stop Trump From Releasing Some JFK Papers? 2024706738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3782

President Trump delayed the release of hundreds of classified documents related to the John F. Kennedy assassination Thursday evening, bowing to pressure from the CIA, FBI and other federal agencies. The president approved the immediate release of 2,800 records by the National Archives, following a last-minute scramble in the face of a 25-year legal deadline. The rest will be reviewed during a 180-day period. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in donation Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 10-25 Bringeth Down the Hammer On Hillary And The DNC! 024706738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3658

By filing misleading reports, the DNC and Clinton campaign undermined the vital public information role of campaign disclosures,” said Adav Noti, with the Campaign Legal Center in a statement obtained by LawNewz. “Voters need campaign disclosure laws to be enforced so they can hold candidates accountable for how they raise and spend money. The FEC must investigate this apparent violation and take appropriate action. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in donation Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117

 LIVE! WDShow 10-24 It's On! Will New Investigation Finally Bring Justice For Americans? 2024706738 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3742

Republican members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence announced Tuesday that they, along with the House judiciary and oversight committees, were launching new probes into the Obama administration's approval of the sale of a Canadian company, Uranium One, to Russia’s state-owned nuclear giant, Rosatom’s Tenex subsidiary. Call in 202 470 6738 Sponsor the show w/donation - or or mail in donation Wayne Dupree P.O. Box 1404 Owings Mills, MD 21117


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