Pray Every Day show

Pray Every Day

Summary: Pray through the Bible verse by verse with Mary DeMuth. When life overwhelms you, unburden yourself through prayer and experience God’s nearness. God is listening.

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 Matthew 7:15-20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:49

Today’s Scripture: Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves. You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So you’ll recognize them by their fruit. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Romans 1:24-32 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:58

Today’s Scripture: Therefore God delivered them over in the cravings of their hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselves. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen. This is why God delivered them over to degrading passions. For even their females exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. The males in the same way also left natural relations with females and were inflamed in their lust for one another. Males committed shameless acts with males and received in their own persons the appropriate penalty of their error. And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong. They are filled with all unrighteousness, evil, greed, and wickedness. They are full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, arrogant, proud, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful. Although they know full well God’s just sentence—that those who practice such things deserve to die—they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Jeremiah 29:23 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:49

Today’s Scripture: “For they have done outrageous things in Israel; they have committed adultery with their neighbors’ wives, and in my name they have uttered lies—which I did not authorize. I know it and am a witness to it,” declares the Lord. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Job 19:2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:56

Today’s Scripture: How long will you torment me     and crush me with words? Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Job 13:26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:01

Today’s Scripture: For you write down bitter things against me     and make me reap the sins of my youth. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Job 12:5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:44

Today’s Scripture: Those who are at ease have contempt for misfortune     as the fate of those whose feet are slipping. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Jeremiah 5:26-29 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:22

Today’s Scripture: Among my people are the wicked     who lie in wait like men who snare birds     and like those who set traps to catch people. Like cages full of birds,     their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful    and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit;     they do not seek justice. They do not promote the case of the fatherless;     they do not defend the just cause of the poor. Should I not punish them for this?”     declares the Lord. Should I not avenge myself     on such a nation as this? Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Matthew 10:16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:55

Today’s Scripture: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 1 Peter 5:8-9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:04

Today’s Scripture: Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Matthew 5:37 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:54

Today’s Scripture: All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Romans 12:18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:23

Today’s Scripture: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:03

Today’s Scripture: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Ephesians 4:15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:03

Today’s Scripture: Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Proverbs 25:19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:29

Today’s Scripture: Like a broken tooth or a lame foot     is reliance on the unfaithful in a time of trouble. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!

 Proverbs 12:15-25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:45

Today’s Scripture: The way of fools seems right to them,     but the wise listen to advice. Fools show their annoyance at once,     but the prudent overlook an insult. An honest witness tells the truth,     but a false witness tells lies. The words of the reckless pierce like swords,     but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Truthful lips endure forever,     but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil,     but those who promote peace have joy. No harm overtakes the righteous,     but the wicked have their fill of trouble. The Lord detests lying lips,     but he delights in people who are trustworthy. The prudent keep their knowledge to themselves,     but a fool’s heart blurts out folly. Diligent hands will rule,     but laziness ends in forced labor. Anxiety weighs down the heart,     but a kind word cheers it up. Get Your Autumn Journal! Now you can journal your way through the Pray Every Day Show! WOOT! This 92-day lined journal will take you through 92 days where you reflect upon the scripture I’ve read. Simply come here, write down today’s verse (there’s space for that), then pen your prayer below. There’s also space every day to list things you’re grateful for and reflect back upon answered prayer. Collect all four for a year’s worth of reflection! Subscribe: Join the Movement: Support Pray Every Day in a tangible way! Click here to become a patron of the show. If you support the show at $10 or more per month, you’ll receive free original artwork AND your name on Pray Every Day’s brick wall (below). The wall is posted on every single show post DAILY. Woohoo! Here are our current $10 or more sponsors who believe in bringing Pray Every Day to the nations! A Request: Please rate the podcast and write a quick 1-2 sentence review here. Why? It helps folks find the podcast better. If you’d like to share the podcast with them with easy instructions on how to get Pray Every Day on their phone, give them this link. Want more Prayer? Get the book: JESUS EVERY DAY (the book Pray Every Day is based on) here. Get a free personalized prayer to your inbox every MONDAY for a year. Sign up here. Lastly: I’d love to know who, from around the world, is listening. Please share your location in the comments section below, and I’ll add you to my world map! So far: the USA, China, the UK, Nigeria, France, Australia, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, India, Mongolia, and Croatia are represented!


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