Woodland Hills Church Sermons Audio Podcast show

Woodland Hills Church Sermons Audio Podcast

Summary: Get the most recent sermon audio and video from Woodland Hills Church. Located in St. Paul, MN, our goal as a church is to tear down walls between social classes, genders, races, and most of all, between people and Jesus Christ. Many other resources (including sermon study guides, presentation slides and our entire sermon archive dating back to 1992) are available for free on our web site. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

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  • Artist: Greg Boyd
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 Woodland Hills Church


 Let Love Lead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:58

How can love lead in our theology, relationships, and evangelism? Bruxy reflects back on Greg's latest series and challenges us to take the next step in living a life of love.

 Summer Q&A (June 2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:58

During our weekend services on June 22-23 we hosted Q&A sessions with Greg Boyd, our Senior Pastor, and Paul Eddy, our Teaching Pastor. We included all three services, so enjoy listening to ALL the answers.

 The Cross and The Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:03

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were tempted to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They did this because they didn’t understand that God was protecting them. In this sermon, Greg shows us how the Cross has undone the effects of this original sin and how we are to act in light of the Cross.

 The Worst of Sinners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:58

In this dog eat dog world, we’re programmed to judge others. But to love others with unsurpassable worth, we must ascribe worth to them at cost to ourselves. In this sermon, Greg talks about how to put on love and take off judgment.

 Soak It Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:17

Love is not defined by warm and fuzzy feelings. As followers of Jesus, we look to the cross to understand love. In this sermon, Greg shares with us why our love for one another is so important.

 He Washes Our Feet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:27

In life, we try to put our best foot forward. Whether it’s interacting with others or just convincing ourselves, we hide the dirt in our lives and the shame that we feel. In this sermon, Jo Saxton shares with us the meaning behind Jesus washing his disciples’ feet and what it means for us.

 Love: It's All About The Cross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:00

God designed creation so that we would live in community with God and express God’s love towards each other and creation. However, sin disconnected us from God. In this sermon, Greg shows how we were created in the image of God to love others and creation and shows us how to reconnect with God.

 Escaping the Twilight Zone God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:05

In an episode of the Twilight Zone, a young boy gained omnipotent powers, and people were forced to accept his every decision as good—or else. In this sermon, Greg shows how many people view God this way, and he opens up another way to view God.

 Kindred Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

We held a Q&A night to wrap up our Kindred sermon series on Tuesday, April 17, 2013. Woodland Hills recently started moving in a direction toward Anabaptism and this series was a way to unpack what that meant for us as a church and to educate those that attend here about the history of the tradition. Once the series was over, people brought any further questions to this Q&A night. The total length of the file is about an hour and a half.

 Two Kinds of Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:18

Jesus tells us to hate our life in order to keep it, and if we love our life, we’ll lose it. Guest speaker Shane Hipps shares with us what life Jesus wants for us. He also talks about his personal experience with the Anabaptist tradition.

 Keeping the Valve Open | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:50

God’s design for creation is beautiful. But, sometimes, we don’t follow God’s design for our life. In this sermon, Greg and Vanessa Williams address the battlefield in our mind and how to keep God’s goodness flowing to us. In addition, Greg gives a Kingdom response to the Boston Marathon bombings.

 Waking From Oz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:45

In the movie, Wizard of Oz, the characters are all looking for something they think they need. As Christians, we do the same. Whether it’s a new job, a marriage, a lack of a marriage or some other change that we’re looking for, we all look for something else that we think we need. In this sermon, Greg shows us that we have all we need for joy, and we just need to activate it through faith.

 Get Real | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:44

Putting off immoral behavior can seem a lot like legalism. So, how do we reconcile that we were saved by grace not works and that we need to put off immoral behavior? In this sermon, Greg shows that we need to trust in God’s reality instead of how we define our own reality.

 Crazy Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:06

Christ’s death and resurrection changed EVERYTHING! When we see this emerge from the story of God, it revolutionizes the way we view God, ourselves, others, and creation.

 Good Friday 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:10

Good Friday is the day where we remember Jesus’ work on the Cross. In his death, Jesus showed us what love looks like. The radiance and power of the Cross is the center of who God is and who we are called to be in his image.


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