Wake Up and Live with Christopher Flaig show

Wake Up and Live with Christopher Flaig

Summary: "Wake Up and Live" podcast is a daily message or conversation, that will inspire and encourage you through the different seasons of life. My hope is that just one more persons life will be saved and changed.

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  • Artist: Chris Flaig
  • Copyright: Copyright 2016 . All rights reserved.


 Find Your People - War Against Average - WUAL (Episode 130) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:33

When you surround yourself with great people, it elevates who you are. If you want to have great character, surround yourself with people of great character. If you want to take great risks, surround yourself with a tribe of risk takers. If you want to live a life adventure, then choose a tribe that makes life an adventure. You will become who you walk with. So imagine the implications if you decide to walk with Jesus. When He calls you, He never calls you to only yourself. He always calls you to a people. He always calls us to each other. So the questions remain, who are you with? Who have you given yourself to? Who are you willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with, come hell or high water, and who is with you? Who can you trust? Who's got your back? Who will pick you up when you fall? Find Your People!! #findyourtribe #waragainstaverage #wakeupandlive Wake Up and Live - Empowere - Blessed - Loved 

 Stand Your Ground - War Against Average - WUAL (Episode 129) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:53

I think most of us live our lives in fear. Who we become is less the result of where we are going than it is the consequences of what we are running from. If you are going to live the life that God created you to live, if you are going to live to your full potential, if you are going to live the kind of life that never settles, you have to come to place where you decide to stop running and instead choose to stand. When you decide to Stand Your Ground, you have decided what will define you and what will mark you as a person. The War Against Average is in your decisions being the direct result of truly knowing yourself. Wake Up and live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #standyourground #waraginstaverage #knowyourself   

 Act Like Your Life Depends On It - War Against Average - WUAL (Episode 128) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:08

I have found that life can be incredibly elusive because it exists just on the other side of existence. Most of us are not choosing between life and death; we choosing between existence and death. We actually never choose to live. When We Act Like Your Life Depends On It, it's only then when we realize we are terminal that we start treating time with the respect it deserves. Today we look at four lepers who surrendered themselves to life. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Love #waragainstaverage #fourlepers 

 The Missional Voice - Jesus Speaks - Season of Listening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:58

Listen today as I continue on with the series Season Of Listening. Jesus' seventh appearance: Jesus' asecension. The Missional Voice of Jesus, the voice spoken from the mountain tops. Whether we hear His mountain voice or His Valley voice, the question is whether we can hear God speak. Can God say anything to someone not ready to hear it? Wake Up and live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved  #missionalvoice #jesusspeaks #seasonoflistening

 Saturday Worship - Refresh - Restore - Refuel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:06

Take the next 30 minutes and allow your heart-soul-mind to be Refeshed - Restored - Revived. Worship is the key that unlocks the door into His presence  

 Refuse to Stay Behind - War Against Average - WUAL (Episode 127) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:43

Sometimes God needs us to go somewhere so that we can take others there as well. When we choose to stay behind, the future moves on without us. When We Refuse To Stay Behind, we become conduits to the future. Perhaps the reason so few of us receive a double portion of God's Spirit is that the lives we have chosen require so little of God because they require so little of us. So let's War Against Average and not just hear of the amazing stories of God's activity in the world but be apart of it. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #refusetostaybehind #waragainstaverage #doubleportion

 Choose The Future - War Against Average - WUAL (Episode 126) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:48

Sometimes your future will call you to stand right in the middle of your past. The difference, of course is that you are not defined by the past, enslaved by the past, or held captive by it. Sometimes the only way to set people free from the past is to create a different future that gives those all round you the inspiration and hope to set their own past on fire. Today Choose The Future don't put your hand to the plow and look back. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #choosethefuture #waragainstaverage 

 Save Nothing For The Next Life - War Against Average -WUAL (Episode 125) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:13

I am absolutely convinced that what we do in this life matters and that time is our most precious commodity. It's kind of frusstrating when you think about it. If this life matters so much, it seem unfair that we don't get a warm-up life to prepare us for the real one. There are no trial runs. In that sense, life does not alot us do-overs. Once we have taken our last breaths, our stories in history have been written. And although we have stories that continue in eternity, it is imperative that we understand that these stories begin in the here and now. So Save Nothing For The Next Life. Live today with the attitude of never giving up and War Against Average. Don't look back and think why didnt I ..... Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #savenothing #waragainstaverage #nevergiveup  

 No Turning Back- War Against Average - WUAL (Episode 124) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:47

We must War Against Average the temptation to settle for less. Average is always a safe choice, and it is the most dangerous choice we can make. Average protects us from failure, and it also seperates us from futures of greatness. The Last Arrow is for those decide they will never settle. No Turning Back leave everything you have on the court of life. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #waragainstaverage #noturningback 

 Time For Worship - WUAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:44

Take the next 30 minutes and allow your heart-soul-mind to be Refeshed - Restored - Revived. Worship is the key that unlocks the door into His presence. 

 What Love Looks Like? - WUAL (Episode 123) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:27

Life is too short to live without love and compassion. Jesus didn't carry around a list of everyone's faults and failures. He didn't stand on the street corner and yell at people who were different from Him or didn't quite understand who he was. He taught them. He embraced them. He loved all people equally. And you and I are called to do the same. What Does Love Look Like? Follow the life of Jesus examples throughout scripture and you can see what true love is. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #truelove #whatlovelookslike #jesuslove 

 Prepaid Love - WUAL (Episode 122) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:55

If we dwell in this incredible love of god and believe what He's told us through His Word, we shouldn't want to or be able to contain it. god's love should overflow. It should be so in and through us that it can't help but spill out onto the peoplearound us. Prepaid Love -true, actual, without-strings attached love-can change lives. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #prepaidlove #breakfree #changelives

 Unshaken - WUAL - (Episode 121) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:30

When we build our lives on the Unshaken foundation of God's love, nothing in life can destroy us. We're content in Him, no matter what comes. Building our lives on this foundation takes time. It takes investment. It takes digging deep and rooting ourselves in His love. Choosing to be identified by God's love means choosing the only identity in this world that will ever stand the tiest of time - the only identity that will carry us throguhn every circumstance. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #unshaken #godslove #breakingfree 

 The Blinding Voice - Jesus Speaks (Season of Listening) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:26

Faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb 11:1) What kind of evidence is that - not seen evidience? What kind of faith is that - Hoped for substance? Paul learned both the hard way on a hard Damascus road. The Blinding Voice of Jesus causes us to be our best before Him, when we are transparent. Before the blinding voice, Paul was like a torch, which shone with his own light. After Jesus blinding voice he was a heap of ashes. Paul was no longer like a torch but a diamond, that brilliantly refelcted borrowed light; without its source, the diamond would be nothing but a dead stone. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved #blindingvoice #jesusspeaks #seasonoflistening

 W2 Saturday Morning Spontaneous Worhsip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:50

Today I want you to take 35 minutes and allow Spontaneous Worship to Refuel - Revive - Refresh - Restore your soul. Set apart a moment and call out to Jesus. No matter the circumstances you face right now and the feeling that you are surrounded, let me tell you are surrounded by the Lord. #w2 #spontaneousworship #revive #refresh #restore


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