Devotionary show


Summary: Devotionary offers a unique Bible study aid that offers the inspiration of a daily devotional and the insights of a commentary – all in easy-to-understand language that makes the Scriptures come alive. We'll be working our way through the entire Bible, book by book and chapter by chapter, so come back often.

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 Ep 17 - Esther 7:2-6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:49

Haman is about to discover just what God meant when He said, “Vengeance is mine.” Haman’s bad day was about to get a lot worse. His arrogant pride was going to be obliterated by God and his pompous plans for the destruction of the Jews was going to be turned against him. He would prove no match for the all-knowing, all-powerful God.

 Ep 16 - Esther 6:12-7:1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:50

The enemies of God’s people are many and their power is formidable, but the key to our survival is not to be found in our own strength, but in that of God. We must learn to lean on His everlasting arms and rely on His all-powerful strength.

 Ep 15 - Esther 5:1-11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:23

In today's episode, we’re going to see God work some remarkable wonders that turn the tables on Haman’s murderous plans to hang Mordecai on a stake. Instead, he’ll find himself hanging a royal robe on Mordecai’s back and leading a parade in his honor through the streets of Susa.

 Ep 14 - Esther 5:9-14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:49

In today's episode, we’ll see Haman’s arrogance on full display, as his pride drives him down a path that will ultimately lead to his own destruction. Haman was powerful, but he was no match for the all-powerful God of the universe.

 Ep 13 - Esther 5:1-8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:07

Esther has been given the unenviable task of approaching the king and begging that he spare the Jewish people by retracting the recent decree that had granted Haman’s wish to have them eliminated. But Esther is not alone. Whether we see Him or not, the God of Israel is by her side. He has given her a plan and the confidence to enact it. And whether she realizes it or not, Esther will be an instrument in His hands. Be sure to take a look at the passage when you get the chance.

 Ep 12 - Esther 4:9-17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:31

Esther has just been informed by Mordecai about the king’s decree authorizing the mass extermination of all the Jews in his kingdom. This had been the brainchild of Haman. Now Esther finds herself in a tenuous position of having to use her access to the king to beg for mercy for her people.

 Ep 11 - Esther 4:1-9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:57

In this episode we begin to explore the behind-the-scenes nature of God's involvement in the events recorded in the story. He is there and nothing that happens does so without His divine approval and providence.

 Ep 10 - Esther 3:12-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:59

As the king's edict legitimizing the kingdom-wide extermination of the Jews makes its way around Persia, it would be easy to assume that God is silent and unseen. But it is always dangerous to rule God out just because it seems He has failed to show up.

 Ep 9 - Esther 3:7-11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:13

Haman plots the extermination of the Jewish people and receives the approval of the king. But these two powerful men are not the arbiters of their fates or those of the people of God. There is a greater Sovereign at work, even thought He appears to be silently absent.

 Ep 8 - Esther 3:1-6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:21

This lesson will introduce us to Haman the Agagite, a powerful man who will become a formidable enemy of Mordecai and the Jewish people. But we will also see the sovereignty of the king come face to face with the sovereignty of God Almighty.

 Ep 7 – Esther 2:19-23 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:13

In this episode we begin to see how God is working behind the scenes, weaving together a series of seemingly disparate and disconnected events in order to accomplish His divine will.

 Ep 6 - Esther 2:12-18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:57

Esther, a young Jewish girl, finds herself part of a competition to audition for the role of queen of Persia. And the amazing thing is, she won. But was this just a case of good genes and good looks? Or is something bigger going on than even Esther could imagine?

 Ep 5 - Esther 2:1-11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:13

King Ahasuerus is having second thoughts about his decision to banish his queen, but with the help of his counselors, he comes with an ambitious plan to find her replacement. And what happens next is far more than a case of fate or coincidence.

 Ep 4 - Esther 1:16-22 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:13

King Ahasuerus gets the royal snub when his queen refuses to put herself on displayh for the benefit of his drunken party guests. But this domestic dispute is going to have long-term and empire-wide ramifications that the king and his wise men could never have imagined.

 Ep 3 - Esther 1:10-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:50

What happens when King Ahasuerus has his sovereignty challenged by his own queen? And now will this one woman's seemingly independent actions impact all that is to come?


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