The Fierce Marriage Podcast show

The Fierce Marriage Podcast

Summary: Show hosts Ryan and Selena Frederick discuss modern marriage issues with their trademark transparency, humor, and gospel-centered teaching. Join them for honest conversations, light-hearted hilarity, and more than enough grace to go around...

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  • Artist: Ryan and Selena Frederick
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 The Fierce Marriage Podcast


 The Power of Prayer in Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:37:02

In today’s episode, we explored the Lord’s Prayer and talked about tangible ways we can pray it over our marriage and each other. Tangible prayer in your relationship: * Around meals * During day transitions (leaving for work, taking kids to school, etc) * During communion at church Couple’s challenge Pray FOR each other WITH each other tonight before going to bed. In that time, spend 3-5 minutes in silence listening for the Holy Spirit. Ask God to show you how he’s working, then jot down what pops into your head and see how God is working. Thanks for listening, please remember to subscribe, rate, and review!

 Redeeming the Ideas of Headship, Submission, and Biblical Manhood/Womanhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:47:43

Questions about headship, submission, and roles are some of the most common and culturally confusing questions couples have today. Wives struggle with what it means to submit while husbands wrestle with what it means to love and lead like Jesus. All of the pain, confusion, and frustration we feel around the ideas of headship and submission are the result of sin. Discussion Verses: “Then he said to the woman, "I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16 NLT “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:22-25 The Bible is painting a picture of a distortion of a pre-fall truth of roles, headship, and submission. What examples do we have of healthy, complementary roles? The primary example of God-designed roles exists within the Trinity, where we see three distinct persons within one God. The Father is the head, the Holy Spirit is the helper, and the Son clearly submits to the Father. In Christ, we see a perfect picture if headship as he leads the truth, and we see a perfect picture of submission as he submits to the Father. BIG NOTE: Submission does not mean a woman should stay in harm's way or in a way that causes her to sin. Listen in for more… (there’s a ton more.) Couple’s Challenge Answer the following two questions in your own words and discuss: * How has sin distorted or changed our views of headship and submission in marriage? * How does Jesus display perfect headship and submission? Mentioned in today’s episode: * Preaching by Tim Keller * Systematic Theology ( by Wayne Grudem * The Systematic Theology Podcast ( (episode 56 ( on biblical manhood/womanhood) * Husband in Pursuit ( by Ryan Frederick (Now available on Kindle! ( * Wife in Pursuit by Selena Frederick (Now available on Kindle! ( Don't forget! Please subscribe, rate, and review.

 Gearing Up for the the 31-Day Pursuit Online Community Study | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:26:12

In this episode, we answered some common questions about our upcoming 31-Day Pursuit community study. If you'd like to participate in the online study, visit ( to grab your copy of the book(s), then request access to the appropriate group on Facebook. (Go to ( for men, and ( for ladies.) Can I do the 31-day pursuit without my spouse and still find value? Answer: Yes. It’s written with an emphasis on Jesus’ love for you and how that allows and equips you to love your spouse selflessly—regardless of reciprocation. With that said, the books do complement each other if a husband and a wife go through them together. Can I go through the study more than once? Answer: Of course! We believe each read-through will provide ample opportunity for growth. Can I participate without using Facebook? Answer: Yes and no. You are free to do it with friends and in a group setting with your community. Eventually, we will have a way to engage online with other readers, but that’s not in place other than Facebook. If I missed the first few days, can I still join? Answer: Yes. Just pick up on the day you’re at, don’t worry about catching up! What if I ordered my books but I don't have them yet? Answer: You can grab the first five chapters by visiting ( Those should help until the physical copies arrive. That's it, thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review.

 Ask Us Anything Q&A #1: Staying Connected, Dealing with Porn Addiction, Military Spouses, and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:33:09

In today's episode, we answer listener questions. Some on the lighter side, some tough, all honest. * Question 1: What are the best ways to stay connected in a crazy, fast-paced world? * Question 2: How to communicate to my spouse how hurtful their words can be at times? * Question 3: What should I do after I’ve discovered your spouse is addicted to pornography? * Question 4: How do we stay close when one spouse is in the military? * Question 5: I do I create firm, clear boundaries in terms of in-laws? * Question 6: How to make big decisions when you simply cannot find agreement. Mentioned in today's show * ( — Help for couples in the military. * In-Laws: 5 Principles for Healthier, Happier Family Relationships ( * Submit a Question ( * Crafting a Family Vision Statement: What It Is and Why You Need One ( * Download the Family Vision Statement worksheet ( Thanks for listening! Please remember to subscribe, rate, and review. As always, we welcome feedback... simply go to ( to leave a comment, ask a question, or submit a letter to your spouse!

 The 5 Anchors of a Fulfilling Sex Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:39

Culture seems more confused by sex than ever before. Scandals, misconduct, gender identity, and cultural sexualization all contribute to an already confusing conversation. As Christian married couples, it's vital that we press into the confusion and fight through to a place of clarity. We must ask, how can we conform our understanding of sex and intimacy to God's original design? How can we honor God with our sexuality—our desires, our expressions, and our conduct—for our joy and His glory? In today's podcast, we identify 5 anchors for a fulfilling, God-designed sex life based on what we see before the Fall. Discussion Scripture: Genesis 2:24-25 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. Two things we're highlighting as part of God's perfect design for marriage and sex: * They've been joined as one flesh. * They were naked and unashamed. No shame. Any shame we feel is a result of distortion of sex because of sin. We must do the work to understand sex clearly in a culture where it's increasingly confused. God's Word is always our guide. The 5 Anchors of a Fulfilling Sex Life   * Anchor 1: Sex is more than physical. * Anchor 2: Sex is primarily selfless, not selfish. * Anchor 3: Sex is exclusive to the marriage covenant. * Anchor 4: Sex is for our enjoyment and pleasure. * Anchor 5: Sex is designed to edify, not degrade.   Mentioned in this episode: * Don't Waste Your Life ( by John Piper * Preaching ( by Tim Keller * The Knowing Faith Podcast (

 Crafting a Family Vision Statement: What It Is and Why You Need One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:52:01

Few things have been as impactful in our lives and marriage as our family vision. Years back when we felt aimless and flustered, we took the time to have in-depth discussions about what matters most to us: as Christians, as a family, and as a couple. The result was our family vision statement, which has helped us immensely since.   Listen to today's episode as we talk through our family vision statement and share about how you can create your own!   Download the Family Vision Worksheet HERE. (   Show Notes: A Family Vision Statement helps in three ways: * Direction * Discernment * Unity How can you write your own Family Vision Statement? * Download the worksheet. ( * Start with why? * Your why statement is your "big reason". It's like a mission statement for your life. * Find a verse that encapsulates how God is calling you. * Discover your core values * Your core values are already there, you just need to define them. * This isn't a list of ideal characteristics, but rather a list of intrinsic qualities about you, your marriage, and your family. * Craft your vision * Write a group of "we envision" statements that describe how your family will look and function in the years to come. Get creative! * Try to write at least one envision statement for each core value you've discovered.   Mentioned in today’s episode: * Download the Family Vision Worksheet ( * Jesus Storybook Bible * New City Catechism (book ( / iphone app ( * Ruthless Trust ( by Brennan Manning * Wonder (, by Hillsong United * You Can Pray ( by Tim Chester * The Beauty Between (, by King’s Kaleidoscope p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'; min-height: 15.0px}

 Keeping Christmas Simple: Low Pressure, High Impact Gift Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:43:11

In last week's episode, we set the foundation for keeping sight of Christ through the consumerism, hustle, and bustle of the holiday season. In today's episode, we get very practical... Listen in as we discuss tangible, creative, and inexpensive gift ideas, how to keep things low pressure, and how thoughtfulness can have an incredible impact. Show notes: * New segment: Heart Check  * What book is in your hand? * What voice is in your ear? * What's stirring in your heart? * Announcement: on January 1st we're doing an online 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Stay tuned for info. Pick up the books if you want free access to the 31-day e-course. * Recap of last week's episode: * Keeping Christ front and center * Avoid the mistake of expecting gifts to satisfy * From a place of security in Christ, enjoy Christmas with wisdom and stewardship * Discussion: Simple Gift Ideas that are Low Pressure, High Impact * Tile coasters w/ Images on them (4" white tiles, 4" square images) * Baked goods (granola, cookies, etc) * We love calendars at Costco * Give experiences * Plan an outing for the day after Christmas * Groupon is great for local, fun activities * Books that can be read together * Memberships to local places (Zoo, Museums, etc) * Give "time gifts" * Books! * The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge Bundle * Thirty-One Days of Prayer (for wives, for husbands). Incredible books! * Pilgrims Regress * Advent by Ann Voskamp * For Kids * The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls * Kiwi/Koala Crates (AMAZING) * Craft Gifts * Time w/ Kids (simple is fine, just be intentional) * For others: * Be aware of neighbors... show them intentionality * Invite neighbors over if they don't have anyone to celebrate holidays with * Give out baked goods to houses nearby * Other ideas: * Make your own advent calendar Couple's Challenge * Pray together about how to be intentional this season. * Make a list of potential holiday hangups, pray about how to follow them * Pray about people and how you can minister out of your marriage this year Mentioned in the show: * The Perfectly, Wonderfully Made Podcast (with Alise Marsh) (

 Resisting Unchecked Consumerism During the Holidays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:40:50

It's easy to lose sight of the gospel during the holidays, but we must fix our eyes on him or risk putting our joy and hope in things/people in ways that cannot satisfy. Deuteronomy 4:9, 23-24Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children— Take care, lest you forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make a carved image, the form of anything that the LORD your God has forbidden you. For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. * It can be very easy to forget all that God had provided to us throughout the year, just like the Israelites (see Exodus 32). * These passages remind us not to turn God's provision into an idol. * If you've ever felt pressure, guilt, remorse, or regret because of a gift you've either given, received, not given, or not received. * Caveat: buying gifts isn't bad inherently. It becomes harmful when we expect things we purchase to bring the joy that only God can give. 5 Ways to Not Lose Your Mind During the Holidays * Guard your heart. * Remember what God has done (in your life, your heart, your marriage). * Make those things known to your children. * Remember the FULL message and weight of the gospel (God is utterly perfect and we are hopelessly sinful... but, Jesus!) * Put your full weight in the gospel. Examine and evaluate the fruit of your belief in the gospel Today's Couples Challenge: Read Deuteronomy 4 and Exodus 32. Discuss the following questions: * How can you intentionally "guard our souls" during the holiday season? How can you remind each other of God's purpose (his glory, your delight in him)? * How have you seen Christ work in your life/marriage? What "slavery" has God brought you out of in your marriage? In other words, what has God done in your past that you can consciously remember? * If you have kids, how can you point them to Jesus during the holidays? * How can you remind yourselves of the gospel? * How can you better rest in the gospel this year? How can you not act in a heart orientation that is corrupt, but instead secure in Christ? What fruit of your belief in the gospel is showing or can show during this season? Mentioned in the Show: * Ask any question, leave us a voicemail, or write a letter to your spouse! ( Don't forget! Please SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30-60 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you! Question or comment? If you have a question, ask! Anything goes. Click the appropriate button below to submit a question or story; we'll take care of the rest.

 In-Laws: 5 Principles for Healthier, Happier Family Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:51:07

This episode can be summarized with one word: boundaries. As a married couple bound by covenant, you are charged with upholding your commitment with diligence and wisdom. Sometimes in-laws aren't on board with that vision, especially if they don't understand the complete dynamics of your marriage or season in life. This can create stressful, unenjoyable relationships. In this episode, we propose 5 principles we believe to be crucial for happy, health in-law relationships. Along the way, we share tangible ways to make steps in the right direction... especially if you're experiencing difficulty in this area. Show Notes: The big idea: in-laws should advocate for our marriage instead of for only their child. There may be relationship problems and frustrations, but if they're not "the big issue" above, they can be worked out with grace and patience. 5 Principles for Healthier, Happier Relationships with In-Laws: * Have grace: Remember, they need grace, they're not perfect... just like you. * Understand what "leave and cleave" means. Matthew 19:4 (Jesus speaking) * Establish boundaries. Communicate clearly to them what you expect from them. ("We want you to advocate for our marriage." "Respect our marriage." Etc...) * Ask clearly for help and communicate expectations. * Have perspective about in-law relationships: do what works for you, and don't compare to others or put too much weight in cultural context. Remember that Jesus is working in you and through you to perpetuate the gospel in those relationships. Today's Couples Challenge: * Go through the 5 above principles for healthy in-law relationships. * Identify any potential in-law pain points. * Create a plan for a biblical way forward that protects your marriage and honors relationships. Mentioned in the Show: * Learn more about The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge, our couple's devotional. * Ask any question, leave us a voicemail, or write a letter to your spouse! ( Don't forget! Please SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30-60 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you!

 Dealing with Financial Arguments: Why More Money Isn't the Solution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:50:47

Every couple deals with money issues at some point in their marriage. It's continually a source of stress and a trigger for arguments. Almost every problem around money stems from a lack of margin in every area of life. We tend to live our lives right to the edges, working long hours, spending too much, and struggling to find any semblance of peace in the process. Many (including us) have bought the subtle lie that money can somehow make everything better. So we work harder, strive more, and seek joy where it can't be found. Even if we do manage to get more money, we soon realize that it's not the savior we thought it would be. This inevitably puts stress on your relationship and can create division in your marriage. What's the fix? We explored exactly that in today's podcast. Listen in as we share honestly about some struggles we've had and take a deep look at Hebrews 13:5 and its surrounding context to discern God's desire for how we view and use money in our lives. Mentioned in Today’s Show: * Related post: Managing Financial Stress in Your Marriage ( * Learn more about The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge, our couple’s devotional. * Ask any question, leave us a voicemail, or write a letter to your spouse! ( Show Notes: * Highs/Lows * Discussion: Money issues continue to plague couples. Why? * Many think their problems can be fixed with more money… but that’s not the case. * We reviewed Hebrews 13:5 ( your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” * The context of Hebrews: It’s a book written to encourage and remind Christians of the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ. * Chapter 13 is all about “Sacrifices Pleasing to God.” This is all in the context of Christ’s sufficient work on the cross. * Loving money is like “taking another lover” when God has made a covenant promise to us. * Trusting money instead of God is to betray his love. * Couple’s Challenge (see below) * We discussed The 31-Day Pursuit * Rapid Fire Q&A * Weekly Letter Reading Today’s Couples Challenge: * Pray together for open hearts regarding your finances. * Read through Hebrews 13, pay close attention to the context surrounding verse 5. * Discuss areas of your marriage and how they may be indicating “love of money”. * Discuss how love can be a tool in your lives for God’s glory. Don’t forget! Please SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30-60 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you! Do you have a question? If you have a question, ask! Anything goes. Visit to submit a question or story; we’ll take care of the rest.

 Social Media and Marriage: Using Wisdom on Facebook, Instagram, etc. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:46:41

If left unchecked, your social media life can create problems in your marriage. The advent of social media sites has created much conversation about the privacy of users’ information. The result: each has increased user control over who can see each update, image, interaction, and like. In general, it’s a great improvement but for married couples, it raises an important question of transparency and accountability about your “social media life”. In today's podcast, we discuss Proverbs 4 and its various implications for how we wisely conduct ourselves online for the good of our marriages. Mentioned in Today's Show: * The Phone Drop Test (blog post) ( * Is your Facebook Life a Wedge in Your Marriage? (blog post) ( * Learn more about The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge, our couple's devotional. * Ask any question, leave us a voicemail, or write a letter to your spouse! ( Show Notes: Communication: Five Habits for Hearing and Being Heard * Highs/Lows * Discussion: What should I do when I feel like my spouse misuses social media (namely, Facebook)? * We reviewed Proverbs 4:23: "Keep your heart with all diligence..." * Solomon wrote it. He had access to anything he wanted... instantly. Kind of like we do on the internet today. * We looked at the larger context of Proverbs 4. * Hear wisdom, keep it close, and "here's how to apply it" * How do we apply wisdom to social media? * "Open windows, open doors, lights fully turned on." * No hidden accounts or passwords. * Be transparent with each other. * Talk about questionable interactions. * Being very mindful of posted imagery (by you and others). * Don't PM/DM/Message anyone of the opposite gender (unless in a group context) * Don't vent anger or frustration on social media at the expense of your spouse; it's always unproductive. * Bottom line: Wisdom compels us to guard our hearts against paths that lead to harm. * Couple's Challenge (see below) * We discussed The 31-Day Pursuit ( * Rapid Fire Q&A * Weekly Letter Reading Today's Couples Challenge: * Discuss this podcast (both listen to it) * Read through Proverbs 4 together and find one or two verses that jump out to you. * Take a personal inventory for hidden areas in your life/marriage that go against wisdom. * Make a plan to discuss hidden areas before they take root. * Create a plan for healthy interaction with others and each other on social media. Don't forget! Please SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30-60 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you! Do you have a question? If you have a question, ask! Anything goes. Just go to (

 Communication: 5 Habits for Hearing and Being Heard the Healthy Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:53:31

Communication is not just about saying and hearing words—it's all about relaying ideas accurately with the intent of building a mutual understanding. When you practice healthy habits for talking, listening, and processing together, it's for the good of your marriage and ultimately, for the glory of God. If we are to have marriages that are healthy, enjoyable, and intentional, we must learn and apply wise principles to how we communicate. We must heed Solomon's words in Proverbs 18:2: A fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in expressing his opinion. Bad communication habits can stifle growth, inhibit intimacy, and create endless spouts of bickering, arguing, and division. However, healthy communication will fuel growth and intimacy and make your marriage resilient against otherwise devastating disagreements. In today's podcast, we discuss biblical themes for healthy communication, why we are called to point our spouses to the gospel through how we listen, and five tangible steps (habits) that lead us down the path toward healthier communication. Mentioned in Today's Show: * Resource: 5 Indispensable Habits for Rock Solid Communication ( * Learn more about Datebox ( and get your first month FREE. * Learn more about The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge, our couple's devotional. * Ask any question, leave us a voicemail, or write a letter to your spouse! ( Show Notes: Communication: 5 Habits for Hearing and Being Heard the Healthy Way * Highs and Lows * Dysfunction in marriage often manifests itself first through communication * Two themes in scripture around communication: * A call to wisdom: be slow to speak, fast to listen, fast to wait * Intentional communication with the purpose of being understood and understanding others * Communication corruptors create unintentional misunderstandings * Five habits for healthier communication: * Talk intentionally * Listen intently * Seek Understanding * Act out of Love * Rest in Your Covenant * Couple's Challenge (see below) * Rapid Fire Q&A * Read a letter from a wife to her husband * Housekeeping and announcements * Prayer Today's Couples Challenge: Listen to the podcast. Talk through the above points. Create a set of ground rules that protect your marriage against common pitfalls in your communication. Examples: * We won't start heavy conversations after we're both tired. * We will always resolve hard conversations. * We will not use hurtful language or namecalling when angry. * We understand that it's sometimes healthiest to step away from the situation to think and pray. * Etc... Don't forget! Please SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30-60 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you! Do you have a question? If you have a question, ask! During each episode, we encourage listeners to share their stories, ask questions, or write letters to their loved ones. Anything goes... Just go to to leave a question, comment, or story.  

 Fighting for Healthy Priorities: Embracing Your Limitations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:45:59

Keeping healthy priorities are a constant battle for modern marriages. By default we tend to our priorities in life and marriage as linear, or as a list: * God * Family * Others While this list isn't necessarily bad, we believe there's a better way. In today's episode of the Fierce Marriage Podcast, we discuss a new way of looking at priorities that has revolutionized our marriage and transformed how we live our lives. We start the conversation by looking at two themes in Scripture: * Our finitude as humans * Our call as believers. Join in as we chip away at this massive truth to be had about priorities in light of the gospel. Show notes: * Rapid Fire Q&A: Selena is forced to answer some tough questions... namely, one she never thought she'd have to face. * Hear one of the most poetic letters from a husband to his wife. (Go to to write and send a letter to your spouse!) * We discuss priorities: * Scripture: Matthew 6:33 and Psalm 90:12 * Common problems What's wrong with "The List" * We propose a better/more integrated model for priorities * The Couple's Challenge (See below) * We finished with our Highs & Lows for the week prior. * Prayer Today's Couples Challenge: Create a family vision statement (family verse, mission, core values, envision statements). Listen to the episode for more details about what this could mean for your family!

 Intimacy Without Frustration, Obligation, or Missed Expectations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:41:40

Many couples wonder how to gain agreement about sex and intimacy when life is busy, schedules are hectic, and expectations for sex seem constantly misaligned. If you're at all like us, you and your spouse probably don't desire sex the same way or with the same frequency. This can cause frustration in your marriage that, if left untreated or undiscussed, can turn into bitterness, division, and worse. Sex isn't everything in marriage, but it is very important to be unified and satisfied in your sex life together—for your enjoyment and for God's ultimate glory. In today's episode of The Fierce Marriage Podcast, we'll discuss: * What if my spouse desires sex more often than I do? * How can we be intimate without feeling obligated to do so? * How do we align our expectations for sex in marriage? Show Notes: * We read 1 Corinthians 7:5: * "Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." * A few cautions when reading the above passage: * It's not a tool to be used to demand sex in marriage. * In context, this verse is about acting in mutual agreement to the common goal of greater intimacy and reliance on Christ. * By choosing to abstain from sex for a time, to focus on spiritual growth. This is not a form of asceticism, but rather a method of grace-fueled worship. * If a couple is not actively agreeing to abstain from sex, they're passively (or actively) agreeing to NOT abstain from sex. If that's the case, your sex life should look "normal and healthy" for you, but it may take some digging to discover what that means. We proposed two steps: * Clearly define what "not abstaining" looks like and what a healthy, normal sex life looks like in your marriage. * Calibrate your expectations for sex. Read our post, "The Spectrum of Sex". * Couples Challenge: * Read The Spectrum of Sex together or separately. * Discuss your expectations for sex, and what your spectrum might look like. * Identify what a normal, healthy sex life looks like for your marriage and within God's design for sexuality. * Create an action plan for building a normal, healthy sex life together.

 Introducing the Fierce Marriage Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:44:51

It's our first episode so some introductions are in order! In this episode of The Fierce Marriage Podcast, we'll answer common reader questions like: Who are we? What is Fierce Marriage and why did we start it? What does it mean to truly have Fierce Marriage? For fun, we talk about what it's like working together, our weekly highs and lows, and more. Most importantly, we discuss what it means to have Jesus truly at the center of your marriage. We also have a few hearty laughs as Selena answers this week's "Rapid-fire Q&A" questions. Thanks for listening! Detailed show notes are available at


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