Wine & Crime show

Wine & Crime

Summary: Wine & Crime is a true crime / comedy podcast. Join three friends as they chug wine, chat true crime, and unleash their worst Minnesotan accents!

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 Ep19 Stockholm Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:10

In Ep19, the gals discuss Stockholm Syndrome (a condition from which Dan most likely suffers #ProposeDan) over a bottle of Spellbound Petite Sirah. Cases include an heiress turned "freedom fighter," an Austrian modern-day Cinderella who got fed up with chores, and the ultimate nightmare-fuel... The Girl in the Box. So loosen your restraints, convince your captor to roam for a bit, and tune in!

 Ep18 Axe Murders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:55

This week, the gals swap stories about real-life axe murders. Cases include an ultra-violent and still unsolved incident in rural Iowa, a paranoid sea captain and his ill-fated crew, and a truly bizarre attempted-homicide-turned-morning-ritual (which also happens to be the genesis for this podcast). The topic is paired with Tinedo Cala N.1 Tempranillo blend, so pour a glass, lock the shed, activate your home security system, and settle in for Axe Murders.

 Ep17 Odd Modus Operandi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:02

This week, the gals go over the finer points of how and why killers kill, and the most odd modi operandi (M.O.s). Cases include an Indonesian spit-sucking medicine man with a very fertile sugarcane field and a soldier with major mommy issues and a thing for singers. Paired with Gran Passione Rosso Veneto, this episode will make you feel a lot better about your own bizarre habits.

 Ep16 Missing Persons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:07

This week, the gals speculate why and how thousands of people go missing every day. Topics include a demographic breakdown, some really shitty laws, a seriously mysterious house fire, and a well-off DA with entirely too many possible reasons for vanishing. The topic is paired with Witness Tree Viognier, so grab a glass, check in with your mom, enable your phone's location services, and settle in for Missing Persons.

 Ep15 Catfishing Crimes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:49:03

This week, the gals examine the modern phenomenon of catfishing. Topics include a lonely football star, a sniper with a chip on his shoulder, a bunch of fake suicides, a literal ghost, and a whole lotta Nev. This episode is paired with Predator Cabernet Sauvignon, so set your away status, pick up a glass, admit you're not an eighteen-year-old blonde, and tune in(cognito) for Catfishing Crimes.

 Ep14 Mob Mentality Murders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:06

This week, the gals talk gangs, mobs, and the many ways in which group mentality can get violent. Cases include the dark side of Indian public transportation, a relatively fruitless mass mugging, and some fatally good Black Friday deals. This topic is paired with Tons de Duorum red blend, so pour a glass, stay away from Walmart, and tune in for Mob Mentality Murders.

 Ep13 Angels Of Death Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:02

In Part Two, the gals get into the cases of a couple of real-life Angels of Death: nurse "Jolly Jane" Toppan and Nazi monster Josef Mengele, plus a few "doc-tators," including one former ophthalmologist who turned out to be a big fan of chemical weapons. This episode is paired with Whispering Angel Rosé, so grab a bottle and try not to drink the entire liter in one sitting. (Or do, we don't judge.)

 Ep13 Angels Of Death Part 1 (ft Dr Nandi) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:29

This week, the gals are joined by Dr. Partha Nandi, MD (Verified Non-Murderer & Health Hero) to chat Angels of Death (aka Doctors Who Kill). And bonus! This topic is going to be a Two-Parter! Part 1 dissects the difference between what some might consider "an act of mercy" and straight-up homicide, a line that seemed prrrretty blurry pre-WWII. Dr. Nandi also answers some (supes inapprope) fan questions, and we get a glimpse of The Good Doctor from Detroit's musical tastes.

 Ep12 Exorcisms Gone Wrong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:16

This week, the gals get into exorcising (not the healthy kind). Topics include exorcism rituals from around the world, cool popes, an exceptionally unfortunate Romanian orphan, and why burying yourself alive is never wise. This week's episode is paired with Santa Elvira Pinot Grigio (we hear white wine a day keeps the demons at bay), so put down your torch, grab a bottle (and a rosary), and tune in.

 Ep11 Psychotic Breaks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:52

This week, the gals break down what's behind a psychotic break. Topics include a synthetic-pot-head, a pathetic virgin with a god complex, and a dangerous big brother (with great eyebrows). This week's episode is paired with the budget-friendly Twisted Old Vine Zinfandel, so break a ten to buy a bottle, and wash it all down with some antipsychotic meds!

 Ep10 Blood Spatter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:39:18

The gals gush over bloodstains and the ways in which sprays, spurts, pools, and trails are used in forensic investigations. Topics include a shady gynecologist, whimsical blood terminology, and whether a dingo really did eat that baby. This episode is paired with Bloody Marys, so mix one up, wipe the spatter off your shoes, grab a protractor, and tune in.

 Ep9 Lucky Bastards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:15

This week, the gals discuss a few “Lucky Bastards” (i.e. Creeps who got away with murder for wayyy too long), including Robert "Killed 'Em All" Durst, Willie Pickton of Piggy Palace infamy, and, of course, Herman Mudgett (aka Leonardo DiCaprio) (aka HH Holmes). By popular demand, for this episode we’ve selected a bottle of 19 Crimes Red Blend out of Australia. We hear this wine pairs beautifully with Long Pig (aka “The Other Other White Meat”). Um, maybe don’t Google that.

 Ep8 Killer Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:46:53

This week, the gals consider the motives and minds of children who murder. Cases include a 13-year old serial killer, a seemingly sweet little girl with an insidious habit, and a publicity stunt gone horribly wrong. This topic is paired with Cascinacastlet Barbera D’Asti, so pick up a bottle, make sure there are no murderous minors nearby, and enjoy.

 Ep7 Cruise Ship Disappearances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:48

This week, the gals take you to a tropical paradise of terror and certain demise on the high seas. That's right, it's time to talk Cruise Ship Disappearances! So grab a bottle of Vega Sindoa Garnacha Rose and climb aboard! But don't forget a life jacket...

 Ep6 Munchausen's Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:50

This week, the gals discuss the motivations and methods of Munchausen's Syndrome and Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. Pick up a bottle of Melodramatic Red Blend and tune in for the psychology behind faking illness, a mother-daughter duo who toe the "by proxy" line, and a recent case that involves a lifetime of lies, Miranda Lambert, and murder. But no teeth.


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