The Brion McClanahan Show show

The Brion McClanahan Show

Summary: The Brion McClanahan Show discusses the events of the day from a founding perspective.

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 Episode 263: The War on History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:29

Jarrett Stepman has a new book out for Regnery titled, The War on History. This is a great subject and a needed tome on the ongoing effort to destroy Western Civilization. I offer my honest review of both the book and the subject in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 262: Can Roman History Save America? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:16

Professor Steele Brand wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post arguing that Roman History should be the savoir of America. The founding generation were certainly reared on stories of Roman republicanism, there is little doubt that this type of republicanism molded the culture of the founding generation. But can this help us today? In short, yes, but not completely in the way Brand suggests.

 Episode 261: Should Trump Be Impeached? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:50

The big question of the day: has Trump committed impeachable offenses? The talking points have been distributed and almost every Democratic presidential candidate insists that Trump violated his oath of office. It's almost as if they read my book 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America. Except, if they had, they would know that their position is on thin ice, at least in regard to the Ukraine "scandal." I discuss impeachment, original intent, and Trump in this Episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 260: Most Americans Need Think Locally Act Locally Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:17

Donald Trump is facing impeachment. Climate alarmists are twerking in DC. The Republicans in Washington are still spineless, and the Democrats are lunatics, and I say to myself, what a wonderful world. Why? Because none of that matters. I adopted a think locally, act locally mentally long ago. Most Americans, however, do not share the same attitude as evidenced by a recent poll. They can't even name one local elected official. This is the problem and your job is to educate them. I explain in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 259: Another Leftist Blames the South | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:59

The Washington Post published a piece by journalist Eve Fairbanks a few weeks back titled, "The 'reasonable rebels.'" Guess what? Everything we hate about American politics, particularly the rhetoric from the right, is because the South ruined America. That's right. You really can't make up this kind of stupidity, but Eve Fairbanks tried. You see, there is really nothing to modern right wing political discourse. It's all just repackaged Confederate drivel. There is much to take apart here. I discuss her positions and arguments in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 258: Guelzo's Reconstruction Gaffe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:58

Professor Allen Guelzo has a new video at Prager U "explaining" the "good, bad, and ugly" of Reconstruction. Anyone that has watched a Prager U video knows where this is headed. I laughed through the entire six minutes. Guelzo has a history of South hating rhetoric, and he is a Lincolnian's Lincolnian. This guy never met a war he didn't like, an occupation he didn't see as necessary, or a centralization effort that was not worthy. I take apart his silly little video in this episode of The Brion Mcclanahan Show. This one was fun to make.

 Episode 257: Do the States make people hate each other? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:51

Professor Donald Kettl has an interesting spin on the current partisanship in America. In his mind, the States are driving conflict. Why? Because they are passing legislation other States don't like in an effort to push an agenda. Sounds like history to me. It also misses the point. The only way this would create conflict is through nationalism. I explain the real issue in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 256: Professor Cries Over Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:27

Rutgers Professor Ross Baker wrote an opinion piece in the USA Today crying over Trump's impact on the executive office. This is pure leftist derangement hysteria. As I discussed in the last episode, Trump is a symptom of the disease. If Professor Baker is just now coming to the conclusion that the executive branch is broken, where has he been for the last three decades? I take apart his piece in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 255: Has Donald Trump Screwed Up America? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:42

I have probably been asked this question a thousand times. Has Donald Trump screwed up America? I have held off answering it for a while, simply because his term is incomplete, but I thought I could partially answer it today with the same criteria I used to rate the other presidents. Trump is a symptom of the disease.

 Episode 254: The 1619 Project and John C. Calhoun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:14

The leftist 1619 Project is perhaps the worst piece of popular history to hit the market since Bill Oreilly's "Legends and Lies," and that was just a few months ago. This seems to be trend. Produce some idiotic drivel for your echo chamber to either sell books or sell newspapers. Except the progs don't usually waste much time commenting on Bill Oreilly history and for good reason. It's awful. They both share one thing in common, however: a disdain for the South and the Confederacy. In that way, they are two nationalists in a pod. The neoconservatives can't help the left bash the South enough. Which brings me to a piece in The Federalist on the 1619 Project and John C. Calhoun. This thing has serious issues. I discuss the piece and the Project in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 253: Little Jemmy and the Gerrymander | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:55

Politico ran a piece the other day slamming Gerrymandering because it almost prevented Little Jemmy Madison from being elected to the First Congress. The horror. The piece was typical Leftist nonsense with a bit of hysterical hyperbole and a scattering of incongruous arguments. And it was written by a "journalism" professor. Go figure. I take it down in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 252: The 538 Political Confessional | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:44

The leftist website Five-Thirty Eight has recently produced a column titled "Political Confessional" where people submit "forbidden" political thoughts. This is standard leftist fare, but one was intriguing: "The Man Who Thinks The U.S. Is Better Off As A Bunch Of Separate Countries." Now for those that listen to my show, this is just an everyday conversation, but not to the subject of this article. I discuss the article and some of the idiotic statements in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 251: The Cornerstone Speech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:28

Alexander H. Stephens's "Cornerstone Speech" is perhaps the most infamous speech in the 19th century. It is cited by every SJW group as clear "evidence," the "smoking gun" that it was slavery, slavery, and slavery that drove the Confederacy. Is this true? The speech offers a clear example of "contextualization," but not in the way the SJWs like to promote the idea. I discuss the speech and the CSA Constitution in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 250: World War I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:54

World War I was as transformational for the United States as the War for Southern Independence. While the 1860s helped produce the imperial executive and then led to Reconstruction, World War I created the American nation. I explain in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.

 Episode 249: Washington's Farewell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:55

Washington's Farewell Address used to be an important part of every Congress. The House stopped reading it in 1979 while the Senate still continues the practice. What does it say and what can we learn from it? A listener wanted an overview, so this is it. I consider it to be an important letter, one with prescient warnings but also lofty inconsistency. I discuss the Address in this episode of The Brion McClanahan Show.


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