Federal Drive with Tom Temin show

Federal Drive with Tom Temin

Summary: When he's not tooling around the National Capital region on his motorcycle, Tom Temin interviews federal executives and government contractors who provide analysis and insight on the many critical issues facing the Executive branch. The Federal Drive is found at FederalNewsNetwork.com and 1500 AM in the Washington D.C. region.

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  • Artist: Federal News Network | Hubbard Radio
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 Congress may wish to revisit group's recommendations on federal data strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:13

Before the Trump administration issued its Federal Data Strategy this spring the bipartisan Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking listed the strategy goals in a report to the president and Congress. Katharine Abraham is a former commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, now the director of Maryland Center for Economics and Policy. It's been two years since the original report. As the commission’s former chair, she told Federal New Network’s Jory Heckman why Congress should revisit some of the group’s recommendations, and explained why she thinks federal statistical agencies are due for an overhaul. Hear more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

 Court rules FBI terrorist watchlist being used unconstitutionally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:56

A U.S. District Court recently ruled that the FBI's terrorist watchlist, used in part in airline passenger screening, is unconstitutional — or at least the way the government is using it. Does that render the list useless, or can the government revamp the program surrounding it? For some answers, Jacques Singer-Emery, editor-in-chief of the National Security Law Journal, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

 New OFPP administrator seeks to reduce risks of federal contracting through AI, robotics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:21

Michael Wooten became the 15th administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy about six weeks ago. More importantly, he became the first permanent head of federal procurement during the Trump administration. In his first two public speeches, Wooten hit all the expected notes that an OFPP administrator is supposed to reach around workforce, technology and data. In his weekly feature, the Reporter's Notebook, Federal News Network Executive Editor Jason Miller writes about why Wooten has an opportunity to move the acquisition workforce out from under the flow charts of government procurement. Miller joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin in studio for more discussion.

 OPM policy changes may improve hiring, but only if agencies do not find ways to maintain the status quo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:42

The Office of Personnel Management has issued new guidance to federal agencies on ways they can speed up hiring short of doing anything that would require new legislation. People may have heard it before. Jeff Neal, a former chief human capital officer at the Department of Homeland Security, and now senior vice president at ICF, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin. He said the guidance is merely old wine in a new bottle.

 DHS task force sets 190-threat baseline for federal supply chain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:06

Agencies finally have a basic understanding of the threat landscape around the federal technology supply chain. And chief information officers, acquisition executives and others shouldn’t feel good about what they’ve learned. The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s Information and Communications Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force identified 190 threats across nine groups, including counterfeit parts, cybersecurity and economics. In his weekly feature the Reporter's Notebook, Federal News Network Executive Editor Jason Miller writes about the task force's four recommendations and what it means for agencies. He joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin for more discussion.

 GEAR Challenge gives prize to train federal managers on data-driven decision-making | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:12

Congress and at least three administrations have pushed for data-driven decision-making at federal agencies. So have senior federal managers themselves. Now a group led by the Volker Alliance is proposing to try out specific curriculum to train a specific group of federal employees in use of data and evidence. The group has received a grand prize in the GEAR Challenge sponsored by the General Services Administration and the Office of Personnel Management. The president of the Volcker Alliance, Thomas Ross, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to share what they're up to.

 How to take the first step toward federal retirement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:23

When the time comes and you decide to retire from your federal career, what exactly is the first step? Certain pieces of the federal retirement process can leave you feeling uneasy. There are a few steps you can take to make the process smoother though. To find what they are, Federal News Network's Eric White spoke with federal retirement expert Tammy Flannagan on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

 Seasonal working reservists? DoD entertains some creative ideas to recruit and retain better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:28

The Defense Department is worried about its reserve component. Taking more time away from family after working a civilian job just isn’t as appealing as it used to be. DoD asked the RAND Corporation to figure out ways it can keep reservists and recruit new ones. Federal News Network’s Scott Maucione spoke to RAND senior political scientists Molly Dunigan and Steve Dalzell on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

 House passes continuing resolution through Nov. 21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:14

Agencies are a step closer now to sidestepping another government shutdown this year. The House passed a seven week continuing resolution late last week. It gives Congress until November 21st to finish their work on a package of appropriations bills. The Senate is expected to vote on the CR this week. Federal News Network's Nicole Ogrysko joined the show with more on the CR and what it means for one agency in particular.

 Lawmakers concerned about IG community oversight of other watchdog offices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:05

When it comes to government oversight, agency inspector generals see power in numbers. That’s why 70-plus IGs formed the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) a decade ago. The council has gained new responsibilities in recent years. And IGs have more authority now than they have in the past. But members of Congress want more transparency into how IGs police themselves. Federal News Network’s Jory Heckman joined the show with more.

 New fiscal year begins next week under a continuing resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:21

Once again, it looks as if the government, budget wise, will come out of the starting blocks crawling. The 2020 fiscal year starts next week under a continuing resolution. That's better than a shutdown. President and CEO of the Professional Services Council, David Berteau, joined us to discuss.

 VA is trying new strategies to deal with suicides among veterans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:16

Suicides among veterans has become a vesting and persistent challenge for the Veterans Affairs Department. In recent months it's been trying some new strategies to reach at-risk veterans before it's too late. We spoke with Dr. Matt Miller, the VA's Acting Director for Suicide Prevention for more.

 Veterans Benefits undersecretary instituted quarterly performance briefings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:44

Dr. Paul Lawrence walked into what you might call a complicated situation when he took over as the undersecretary for Veterans Benefits at the Veterans Affairs Department in 2018. Among the priorities were fixing the disability claims process and carrying out the Forever GI bill. We discussed all of this and more in my most recent interview — starting with how and why he instituted quarterly performance briefings.

 Air Force readies officer personnel reforms for final proposal later this month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

The Air Force is putting the finishing touches on a proposed overhaul of its personnel management system for officers. They would be the first large-scale reforms since the 1980s, and by the end of the process, the service says it wants a system that actually promotes officers who have the characteristics the Air Force says it values. Federal News Network's Jared Serbu has the details.

 Breakthroughs in fighting kidney cancer earned this doctor a SAMMIES nomination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:06

Kidney cancer is among the most deadly and hard-to-fight forms of cancer. But breakthroughs have been occurring and lives saved thanks to the work of Dr. Marson Linehan. He's chief of the urologic oncology branch of the National Cancer Institute and a finalist in this year's Service to America Medals Program.


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