Moderate Rebels show

Moderate Rebels

Summary: Moderate Rebels was a political podcast and video show hosted by journalists Max Blumenthal and Benjamin Norton. It ended in January 2022.

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 What's next for Syria? Al-Qaeda's largest haven Idlib, US military occupation, & the Kurds (Ep. 26) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:52

Moderate Rebels episode 26: Ben Norton speaks with Syrian analyst Ehsani about the new stages in the war in Syria. We discuss Idlib — the last "rebel"-held province and "largest al-Qaeda safe haven since 9/11" — and we dissect the Idlib peace deal brokered by Russia and Turkey. We address the issue with the Syrian Kurds, and potential for negotiations between Kurdish-led YPG/SDF and Damascus. And while the US plans an indefinite military occupation in Syria, Ehsani emphasizes Iran's role was exaggera

 Washington's war on Haiti and the neocolonial charity-industrial complex - with Kim Ives (Ep. 25) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:05

Moderate Rebels episode 25: Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton sit down with Kim Ives, co-editor of Haiti Liberte, to discuss neocolonialism in Haiti. We address the history of US meddling, military coups, the 2010 earthquake, and political figures like Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the Duvaliers, and the Lavalas movement. We also explore how charities and NGOs help play a role in the imperial subjugation of Haitians.

 John McCain's imperial funeral: Veteran Mike Prysner on the warmonger's betrayal (Ep. 24) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:09

Moderate Rebels episode 24: Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton are joined by anti-war veteran Mike Prysner to discuss the warmongering legacy of John McCain and the bipartisan attempt to portray the neoconservative senator as a Resistance™ figure against Trump. We talk about the US war in Vietnam, the GI resistance movement, and the class divide within the military. We also address McCain's imperial funeral, which featured war criminals like Kissinger, and how neoliberal Democrats are rehabilitating hawk

 Big Tech's dangerous crackdown on social media - with Abby Martin (Ep. 23) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:15

Moderate Rebels episode 23 - Max Blumenthal and Abby Martin discuss the suppression of dissident voices on social media by Silicon Valley, at the behest of the US national security state. Facebook is partnering with the warmongering NATO-funded think tank the Atlantic Council, and leftist anti-imperialist pages like TeleSUR English are being taken down. We discuss Russiagate, RT, Alex Jones, and censorship of the left. We also speak about the corporate media's propaganda on Venezuela and Nicaragua.

 How Nicaragua defeated a right-wing US-backed coup: A report from Managua (Ep. 22) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:31

Moderate Rebels episode 22 - Max Blumenthal reports from on the ground in Nicaragua's capital Managua. He reveals how the violent right-wing opposition attempted to overthrow the elected Sandinista government, with help from US-funded organizations. Nils McCune recalls how Nicaragua's "April 19 movement" operated: violent insurgents occupied universities, burnt down government buildings, besieged police headquarters, and tortured and even killed Sandinistas. The media and the Catholic Church helped.

 Imperial roots of the US war on immigrants: How Clinton, Bush, Obama helped create Trump's ICE army (Ep. 21) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:13

Episode 21 - Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the bipartisan US war on immigrants, and the history of bloody US imperialism in Latin America — with wars, coups, contras, and meddling. We provide historical context to explain why migrants are fleeing US-fueled violence, political instability, and poverty. We detail how Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama created racist institutions like ICE, which gave rise to Trump. And we conclude addressing these US policies in Nicaragua toda

 Siege, censorship, subversion: The international assault on Palestine - with Ali Abunimah (Ep. 20) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:40

Moderate Rebels episode 20 - Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak with journalist Ali Abunimah about the global assault on Palestine — by the US, Israel, Gulf monarchies, and regime changers. We detail Israel's massacre of protesters in Gaza's Great March of Return. We discuss the censorship of Al Jazeera's groundbreaking documentary on the Israel lobby in the US. And we explain how Syria regime change trolls divided the movement for Palestinian rights.

 Meet the Syria regime change gang: Idlibs, Jaish al-Grad School, and pro-war Trotskyists (Ep. 19) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:54

Moderate Rebels episode 19 - Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton conclude our Syria series with Rania Khalek. Ben details how his misguided views matured. And we name and shame the regime change gang, including the radlib college students from Jaish al-Grad School occupying Brooklyn, and the pro-imperialist Cliffite Trotskyites in the International Socialist Organization (ISO). We also debunk the absurd "red-brown" smears used by McCarthyite pro-imperialist "leftists." Part 3 of our 3-part interview.

 Syria is not Palestine; anti-Salafism/Wahhabism is not Islamophobia - with Rania Khalek (Ep. 18) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:21

Moderate Rebels episode 18 - Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton continue the discussion with Rania Khalek. We explain how our erroneous views on the war in Syria evolved. Max apologizes for his Al Akhbar resignation, and Rania discusses the destructive sectarianism in prominent Arab/Muslim-American groups, which get Gulf funding. We detail Israel's support for the Syrian opposition, and show how dishonest the attempts are to liken Salafi rebels to the Palestinians. Part 2 of our 3-part interview

 A dose of sanity on Syria - with Rania Khalek (Ep. 17) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:37

Moderate Rebels episode 17 – Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton are joined by Rania Khalek to discuss the war in Syria. We dissect misleading media narratives about the conflict and the extremist Salafi-Takfiri rebel forces, and we analyze the various foreign powers involved. Rania also speaks about her reporting on the ground in Syria, and how the war is perceived in neighboring Lebanon. This is part 1 of our 3-part interview with Rania Khalek.

 Yemen, a US/Saudi-made catastrophe 3 years on - with Shireen al-Adeimi (Ep. 16) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:55

Moderate Rebels episode 16 - Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton are joined by Yemeni-American scholar and activist Shireen al-Adeimi to discuss the joint US-Saudi war on Yemen, on its third anniversary. This war has unleashed the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world. We discuss the historical context; the political actors on the ground, including the Houthis (Ansar Allah); the depth of the humanitarian crisis; and the crucial role of the West in facilitating the Saudi bombing campaign and blockade.

 Unpacking Syria war propaganda with Patrick Cockburn, from Afrin to Eastern Ghouta (Ep. 15) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:37

Moderate Rebels episode 15 – Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton are joined by veteran Middle East reporter Patrick Cockburn to discuss the war in Syria. We analyze key cities and battles in the conflict, including Afrin, Eastern Ghouta, Idlib, Aleppo, and Raqqa, along with Mosul and other areas in neighboring Iraq. Cockburn says the Western media reporting on Syria is the worst he has ever seen. We address the extreme pro-opposition bias in the press corps and dispel prevalent myths and talking points.

 VICE's American regime propaganda: How "A World in Disarray" glorifies US imperialism (Ep. 14) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:30

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton report on Vice Media's transformation into a mouthpiece for American foreign policy. With filmmaker Robbie Martin, we look at "A World in Disarray," a documentary film VICE co-produced with Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass, which glorifies US imperialism and brings together notorious neoconservatives and neoliberals. We also analyze VICE's propaganda on Venezuela and its whitewashing of US-backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Part 2 of 2

 How Vice Media normalizes US empire under hipster guise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:49

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton are joined by filmmaker Robbie Martin to discuss how VICE transformed from a nihilistic hipster magazine into a media empire that propagandizes on behalf of the US empire, dutifully promoting hawkish American foreign policy with an edgy aesthetic. We address the hundreds of millions of dollars of investment Vice Media received from corporate media conglomerates, along with the coterie of regime change trolls who emerged from VICE. Part 1 of 2

 Understanding Iran's protests, and the dangers of foreign meddling, with Mazda Majidi (Ep. 12) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:29

Moderate Rebels episode 12 - Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the protests in Iran with Mazda Majidi. We analyze the reasons behind them, including neoliberal economic policies, internal political contradictions, and US sanctions. This episode details the Reformist and Principlist factions and looks at reactionary opposition forces like the MEK and pro-shah monarchists. We address attempts by foreign powers to exploit the unrest for regime change, and hypocrisy of US, Israeli, and Saudi rhetoric.


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