Ghost Stories, a Destiny Podcast show

Ghost Stories, a Destiny Podcast

Summary: Ghost Stories is a podcast centered around the amazing lore and stories of Bungie's Sci-Fi videogame, Destiny. Each week the team breaks down specific aspects of a given topic and takes an in depth look at the in-game lore, character/mission/quest dialogue, item descriptions/flavor text, concept art, supplementary items, and any other relevant data we can find to help surface and explain the content in an easily accessible conversational audio format. Our dedication to uncovering the facts and truth about the lore have made us the premier Destiny lorecast.


 Episode 33: Super Exotic Advice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7868

Episode 33 (07/26/2016) - Super Exotic Advice It’s Exotic Weapons: Part 5! This was supposed to be the last one, but then SherbetPop foretold of a prophecy and now it’s the second to last one! Join us this week as we talk about Thunderlord, Thunderlord, Thunderlord, Thunderlord, Super Good Advice, Thunderlord, Sleeper Simulant, Sleeper Simulant, Sleeper Simulant, Thunderlord, and Sleeper Simulant. Oh, and more listener stories, Twilight Gap, Banshee stealing more of our stuff, some very i [...]

 Episode 32: Exoticordinarily Nice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9812

Episode 32 (07/19/2016) - Exoticordinarily Nice It’s Exotic Weapons: Part 4! Are you sick of these yet? Too bad! This week’s show takes us into the Exotic armory to talk about Snipers, Fusion Rifles, and one very sexy Sidearm. We’re talking about some more weird Quests, missing logos, and enough lyric and spiritual references than should ever be in a single episode. The team was a bit punchy this week, so be ready for she [...]

 Episode 31: Exotic Blade Dancing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9375

Episode 31 (07/10/2016) - Exotic Blade Dancing It’s Exotic Weapons: Part 3! We’re going to be taking a look at Exotic Specials this time around and diving into the Primary Care perk weapons (Universal Remote, No Land Beyond, Vex Mythoclast) and Shotguns. There’s quite a bit of lore buried in these weapons, so join us as we discuss Ikora Rey’s humble beginnings, gleeful Patch 1.1.1 memories, Master Rahool’s Uncut Gem Emporium, Amanda Holliday’s [...]

 Episode 30: Isn’t it Exotic? (Don’t You Think?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11051

Episode 30 (06/30/2016) - Isn’t it Exotic? (Don’t You Think?) This week we’re continuing our series delving into the history and lore of Exotic Weapons and Armor in Destiny. Picking up where we left off last week, join us as we dive deep on the most famous, and infamous, Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons in your arsenal. Yes, that says Hand Cannons. Along the way we’ll discover a few guns that you actually can’t get, talk about our first experiences with many of them, and wonder which Scou [...]

 Episode 29 - All My Ex’s Live in Kiosks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8067

Episode 29 (06/26/2016) - All Our Exs Live In A Kiosk This week we’re starting a whole new series with a look into the history and lore of Exotic Weapons and Armor in Destiny. In this first part of the series we’re covering Weapons, starting with Primaries, specifically Auto-rifles and Pulse Rifles. We’re going to cover every Exotic in the game (and even some that aren’t), so kick it off here with us as we discuss famous Roman generals, lightning hammers, bird skulls, sad Titans, bayonets, brute force algorithms, and a lot more.

 Episode 27.5 - This War Is Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5076

Episode 27.5 (06/05/2016) - This War Is Love This week we’re picking up right where we left off last time with Ghost Fragment: Vex 5. These series of entries are really the genesis of what we believe to be the modern Future War Cult, and this last one really establishes a lot of themes we’re going to encounter when we get to the FWC in the New Guardian Age. We discover the origins of RECORD and CHASM, the Device, it’s early subjects, Rasputin’s involvement, and how Maya’s love sets her on a path to defy all of space and time in an attempt to be with Chioma again.

 Episode 27: Ghost Fragment Vex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10726

Episode 27 (05/29/2016) - The Once and Future War Cult This week brings us to Part 3 of our look at the Factions of the City, which can only mean Future War Cult. Before we do though, we’re presenting this special episode covering the first four Ghost Fragment: Vex Grimoire entries. This series of entries is really the genesis of what we believe to be the modern Future War Cult, with its origins stretching back deep into the Golden Age of Venus and the research of the scientists of the Ishtar Collective. It’s a fascinating tale and it’s repercussions could reshape what we know of the Vex, the FWC, the Exo Stranger, the Device and so much more. Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: We talked about A LOT of stuff this week. Here are some links! Hans Reichenbach Bostrom’s Trilemma Simulation Counter Argument The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate Being God is a Big Responsibility Neural Networks HUGE thanks to @SherbertPop (Maya) and @neonbath (Chioma) for their amazing VO work in this episode. If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 26: Faction Wars Part 2 - Dead Orbit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9272

Episode 26 (05/015/2016) - Dead Orbit is Best Orbit This week brings us to Part 2 of our look at the Factions of the City and the choice of true professionals, Dead Orbit. Join us as we discuss the origins of Dead Orbit, the tenets and philosophies of the Arachs, the mysteries surrounding “The Fleet”, some very interesting Grimoire cards and what they may mean for the future of Destiny, and a whole lot more. We’re all also very punchy this episode (since we missed a week) so stay tuned for a colossal amount of sidetracking, derailing, and outtakes while we discuss Arach Jalaal’s mysterious puddle, Gabbleratchet’s horrible face, pronounce Russian names poorly, and all agree that Cayde-6 said it best with “I gotta get out of this Tower.” Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: We talked about A LOT of stuff this week. Here are some links! Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen How Far Can We Go? (Local Cluster) The Cassini Mission to Saturn The Cassini Derelict Concept Art Faction Posters If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 25: Seek the Truth: The Morla Gorrondona (Eris Morn) Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5753

Episode 25 (05/01/2016) - Morla Gorrondona Interview! April (and our 6 month anniversary) might be over, but we’re not slowing down one bit! We’re kicking off May with a special episode and a very special guest. The Ghost Stories team is very proud to present an interview with Morla Gorrondona, the amazingly talented actress behind the voice of everyone’s favorite Hive-obsessed basketcase, Eris Morn! We talk to Ms. Gorrondona about how she got started in the industry, her numerous VO roles, what lead her to the voice of one of Destiny’s most popular and memorable characters, advice for aspiring VO artists, and a whole lot more! Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: Want to know everything there is about our guest for this show, well, here you go! If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 24: Faction Wars Part 1 - New Monarchy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9423

Let the Faction Wars begin! In this first episode of our new multi-part series we take a look at the early days of the City, the factions that were there, and the consequences of their bickering. We take an in-depth look at New Monarchy and will be looking at both Dead Orbit and Future War Cult in future episodes. We hope you enjoy! *Note We forgot to mention that Lord Shaxx wears a variant of the Kalipolis New Monarchy armor set! So, Lord Shaxx is a New Monarchy fanboy confirmed. Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 23: Rasputin Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8239

We had to drag him kicking and screaming from the Dark Zone but Beta is back for a continued look at the Warminds. Rasputin Part 3 covers the events of the vanilla game and Dark Below. We hope you enjoy! Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: Warsats over Bastion: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 22: Seth Dickinson Interview…AIAT, AIAT, AIAT! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10224

Episode 22 (04/12/2016) - Seth Dickinson Interview! Last week on the show we said we had some surprises in store to celebrate our six month anniversary and, well, this week we’re keeping that promise. Hot on the heels of all our Books of Sorrows episodes, we sat down with the author of the Books themselves, Science Fiction and Fantasy writer/designer… Seth Dickinson. Aiat! T-SHIRTS: Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: Want to know everything there is about our guest for this show, well, here you go! Special Music by Ganemyde can be found here. If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 21: Fan Questions 2: Arc Boogaloo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7593

Episode 21 (04/05/2016) - Fan Questions 2: Arc Boogaloo Once again we tackle the tough questions gathered from our emails and listener Slack. Wondering just what an Ahamkara is? Maybe you're curious about Crota's Mom and whether or not she's got it goin' on? We may not know the answer, but we sure will try! Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode Thank You: The Thank You Episode (April Fool’s) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3944

Episode 20 (04/1/2016) - Spring Udate - We have the lore you want! We got a sneak peak at some of the new bosses, their names, descriptions, powers and how Bungie once again ties it all together with a nice little bow. You'll hear it here first. So join XRAY, Dropslash, BetaChieftain, GabbleRatchet and Hands0meDrag0n as they deliver the newest lore for the Spring Update. Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore

 Episode 19: King’s Fall w/ Special Guest My Name is Byf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11389

Episode 19 (03/29/2016) - Kings Fall w/ Special Guest My Name is Byf We thought we were finished, but there’s just so much to talk about! This is our official Kings Fall raid episode, also known as Books of Sorrow Part 6, or Wrap Up Part 2. This week we have special guest My Name is Byf with us! If you’d like to look for him online you can find him on: Twitter - @insidedestiny YouTube - Co-Host Guardian Radio Podcast - Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore


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