It's Real Talk Radio show

It's Real Talk Radio

Summary: The purpose of "It's Real Talk Radio" is to cover a wide variety of topics including: dating, trending topics, self-awareness, music, sports, health, motivation, parenthood, pretty much anything that makes for good conversation. We have no limit here on It's Real Talk Radio so grab some popcorn, kick back and tune in every Tuesday @ 10:00 PM EST because 1 thing we promise is "You will be entertained!"

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 Breast Cancer Awareness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio we'll be discussing "Breast Cancer Awareness" and its significance to the world. Real Talk with Real People. #ItJustGotReal 347-838-9540

 About Columbus Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:44:00

Tonight on "It's Real Talk Radio", we'll be talking Columbus Day. What is Columbus Day, what does it represent, what is its relevance, why is it celebrated and why do so few Americans know about or acknowledge this day? Well tonight we'll be getting to the bottom of it all, so make sure you tune in as Rhett Thompson & Dollar Bill break it all down. #ItJustGotReal Call In # 347-838-9540

 Vice Presidential & Presidential Debate Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Tonight, on "It's Real Talk Radio", we'll be reviewing the Vice Presidential & Presidential Debates and sharing our views & opinions on the 2016 Presidential showdown. 2016 marks one of the most controversial presidential showdowns in recent times, maybe even in history! From the controversial email scandal of Hilary Clinton to the devious rehtoric of Donald Trump, the 2016 Election is turning out to be what some would call "Reality TV." Now we have the Vice Presidential candidates going at it, but with so much controversy surrounding both Trump & Clinton, it's hard to imagine it will get the desired attention of the nation since both vice presidential candidates seem to have been overshadowed by their presidential running mates. As our fans and supporters know, we typically air on Tuesdays at 10:00 PM Eastern Time, but we've decided to have a special air time of 11:00 PM Eastern Time for tonight, so the crew along with the listeners can tune in to the entire Vice Presidential Debate, giving a lot more to discuss for tonight's show. We aren't a political show, but tonight it's time to talk politics, because the Presidential Campaigns are coming down to the wire and the next 4-8 years of America is going to fall in the hands of our new commander-in-chief, Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton. It's going to be interesting to see how Vice Presidential candidates Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia perform and if their performances can help sway the nation's citizens votes to their respected parties. Enought talk, LET THE GAMES BEGIN! You know how we do it! Real Talk with Real People! #ItJustGotReal Call In # 347-838-9540

 Round Table Discussion with Special Guest Lardy Miss Clardy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:00

Tonight, on It's Real Talk Radio, we'll be kicking it with BTR host Lardy Miss Clardy. Having just come from a discussion from Miss Clardy's show on Sunday, September 25th, this is a continuation. For those of you who don't know Miss Clardy, you will after this show. As with all our guests, our objective is to bond our audience with them and having a good time while doing so. The topics we discuss will be spontaneous and WE don't even know what we're gonna be talking about until the show airs, which makes for some real excitement. One thing we can assure you on is there won't be a dull moment, so don't miss out on a fun time with the It's Real Talk Radio crew and special guest Miss Clardy. Real Talk with Real People. 347-838-9540 to listen by phone #ItJustGotReal

 Interview with Psychic TalibahAset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:00

Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio, we'll be joined by TalibahAset who is a Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Holistic Life Coaching and Divinity. She is also an Ordained Spiritual Celebrant and Intuitive (psychic) who works as an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner, Soul Therapist, Authenticity Coach, Inspirational Writer and Transformational Speaker. She uses her own self-styled wisdom, tell-it-like-it-is humor, and powerful stories to create powerful messages that touch, inspire and change lives. This is It's Real Talk Radio history, as we have never had a psychic on our show. It's gonna be a fun and interesting show, so make sure you tune in. Call In # 347-838-9540 #ItJustGotReal

 Interview with David Foreman, R.Ph., “The Herbal Pharmacist” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio we'll be speaking with David Foreman, known as "The Herbal Pharmacist." David Foreman is a retired pharmacist, author and radio host of the syndicated show, “The Herbal Pharmacist.” He is well versed on the healing powers of herbs, vitamins and other natural supplements. Foreman is a graduate of the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy and is author of, “4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease.” He is a frequent speaker at some of America’s leading universities, medical groups and hospitals on the subject of natural health and healing. His shift from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist was based on his belief that education is the key to understanding that natural health plays a vital role in mainstream medicine; and he has dedicated his entire career to educating consumers about the benefits and power behind natural herbs and supplements. So tune in tonight as we receive some key health tips from The Herbal Pharmacist himself, David Foreman! This will undoubtly be a very informative show. You know the slogan. IT JUST GOT REAL! Call In # 347-838-9540 David Foreman's Facebook: David Foreman's Twitter:

 Remembering 9/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:27:00

Tonight we pay tribute to all of the victims who were brutally murdered in the horrific events that America encountered on September 11th, 2001, better known as 9/11. 9/11/2016, will make it officially 15 years since the tragedy. There are a lot of unanswered questions and witnesses that make claim to events taken place which contradict the media's official story of what happened on 9/11. Some people are sensitive to the topic and don't like to look deep into it so they can formulate their own opinions. Well we've heard hundreds of stories and testimonies throughout the years and if you ask 10 different people what they think happened, you may get 6 different answers. But regardless, like any other tragic events, you have to look at the evidence before you can form a credible hypothesis. Well our views are credible because we've done our research, have you? It's time to wake up and smell the coffee America! Tonight, we speak out and we encourage any and everyone who was affected by 9/11 to listen in as we dive all the way in for this controversial discussion. 1 thing's for sure, we sure won't be holding back any punches, regardless of what our individual beliefs are. So do you think Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were responsible for 9/11? Do you think the Twin Towers truly collapsed from being struck by planes? Do you think Building 7 truly collapsed from burning debris from the Towers falling on its roof? Do you truly believe a plane flew into the pentagon? Do you think the evidence that architects, firefighters and other professionals have presented over the years is inaccurate or un-credible and that people who dismiss the government's version of what happened are just wacky conspiracy theorists? Well tune in to hear our thoughts. #ItJustGotReal  

 Milwaukee Riots Over The Death Of Syville Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:43:00

Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio we'll be discussing the death of Milwaukee native Syville Smith, which lead to the 2016 Milwaukee Riot. Seeing the video footage of what took place in these riots was disturbing to say the least and now it's time for us to share our views on the situation with Syville Smith, the Milwaukee Riot and policing in general. With Rhett Thompson & Dollar Bill on the job, this will make for an interesting discussion. What we're asking the people is based on the statement leased by police, do you think Syville Smith may of caused his own death or do you think this was another case of Police Brutality? Do you agree or disagree with the Milwaukee Riot? What can be done for law enforcement and urban communities to come together and find a solution to avoid police from fatally shooting men in the urban communities? Tune in to hear our thoughts and views. We'll also be joined by Milwaukee native, Natasha Nafrini, who will be sharing her thoughts and hands on experience with the Milwaukee riot. Call In # 347-838-9540 #ItJustGotReal

 Would You Be Open To An Arranged Marriage? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:00

Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio, we're asking would you be open to an arranged marriage? There are millions of arranged marriages annually throughout the world and statistics show that arranged marriages have a much lower divorce rate than traditional marriages or (Free-choice marriage). So what are "Arranged Marriages"? Arranged Marriages are when the families of a bride and groom preselect the potential husband or wife of their child or loved one. Statistics show that a success and satisfaction rate of up to 90% for those in arranged marriages as opposed to about 50% of traditional (American) marriages resulting in success while the other have results in divorce or separation of some sort. But why is this the case? What is it about "Arranged Marriages" that statistically allow them to be so successful? Well tune in tonight as the crew will be breaking down their views on this controversial topic. Tonight is also the official debut of our newest hosts, Dollar Bill & Rhett Thompson, who both bring a unique style and swagger to the It's Real Talk Radio platform. You never want to miss an It's Real Talk Radio show, but you surely don't want to miss tonight's show. Call In # 347-838-9540. It Just Got Real!

 "C.B.R." Interview with Backblock Musik | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Tonight, on C.B.R, we'll be joined by Baltimore's own, Backblock Musik, a group of 4 rap artists representing a movement out of East Baltimore. Backblock consists of rappers Charlie2face, Apdamayor, Bello & Winehouse Slutty along with in-house producer PJones of PJones Productions, Sprone, Social Media Director and a host of other affiliates. Delivering different styles and flavor while maintaining what the movement is truly about, these 4 rap artists bring it in unique fashion; painting pictures of what life is like in Baltimore City. We'll be interviewing and playing songs from each artist tonight, so you can get a sense of what each artist brings to the table. It's going down tonight, so don't miss out. C.B.R, Where Bars Matter! C.B.R. Facebook: Backblock Facebook: Backblock Twitter:

 Introducing Our New Hosts Dollar Bill & Rhett Thompson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Tonight, on It's Real Talk Radio, we'll be introducing our new hosts. Do you remember when we said we were looking to expand our brand and take it up a notch? Well this is putting our money where our mouths are! Dollar Bill gives you the real deal whether it's politics, dating, paranormal activity, the man knows his stuff and is as likeable as they come but most importantly, he keeps it real. Rhett Thompson comes from a comedic background and also has a ton of podcasting experience including her current solo podcast which is set to debut soon. Rhett, like ourselves, is a realist, so she was an undeniable fit for the movement. Our new Air Time will be Tuesdays at 10:00 PM Eastern Time and our call in # is still 347-838-9540. We promise you you'll get a kick out of hearing these 2 bring it every week. There's no doubt in our minds that Dollar Bill & Rhett Thompson will make a great team and be very entertaining to listen to, but don't just take our word for it, tune in to see for yourself! It's time to take off like never before and it starts with the expansion of our crew. So get ready, because this is the start of an epic new beginning and things are only looking up from here. It Just Got Real! Facebook: Facebook Like Page: Twitter:

 Police Brutality & Attacks On Police | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

This is a much needed topic right now. Recently, there's been too many police fatal shootings of police on civilians and vice versa. When will it stop and what needs to happen to reverse the psycho??? Well tonight it's time to dive in on all the controversy. One thing's for sure and two things for certain. All lives matter: Black, Blue, White, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, ALL LIVES MATTER!!! But, in all fairness, we have to look at the group who is mostly affected by these slayings from police and it's Blacks who are the most sought out and victimized. On the flipside, innocent officers are being slayed and there's no place in society neither. It's a two-way street. There's more to discuss so tune in because it's time to really break this down. IT JUST GOT REAL!!! Call In # 347-838-9540.

 Orange Is The New Black Season 4 Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:00

Season 4 of "Orange Is The New Black" has concluded with a shocking ending that left die hard fans in aww.  A lot went down this season and it's time to discuss it all here on It's Real Talk Radio. If you're a fan of the Netflix series "Orange Is The New Black" like we are, we invite you to tune in. Like always, you know we're gonna keep it real! Call In # 347-838-9540

 Should Men Lead The Relationship Or Should It Be Completely 50/50? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:00

Tonight we'll be discussing lead roles in relationships with a primary focus on men who lead their relationships (or alpha males as they call it). Our question for you is do you support the idea of the dominate man playing the lead role in the relationship, or do you think alpha males or a thing of the past and today's women prefer a more 50/50 type of relationship? One thing's for sure, today's women tend to be a lot more independent and feisty than past generations. Could this be due to the spike in female college graduates and women in the work force? Women are taught that a man is supposed to provide but today we see many women providing for the family while either single or being the lead provider over their male counterpart. It gets deeper, but you'll have to tune in to hear it. 347-838-9540 to listen by phone It Just Got Real!

 Why You Shouldn't Date An Ex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Tonight we'll be discussing why it's not in your best interest to date an ex. Dating an ex is not that uncommon but usually results in another heartbreak, frustration and an up and down/roller coaster type relationship when the truth of the matter is if it didn't work the first time, it's unlikely to work the second time and the second time may be worse because your expectations will automatically be set higher than they were the first time but people are who they are and very rarely do people change (especially just to satisfy another person). Well we'll be breaking down this controversial discussion tonight, so don't miss out. Dial 347-838-9540 to listen by phone. It Just Got Real! Facebook: Facebook Like Page: Twitter:


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