Summary: Coronavirus! Climate! Brexit! Trump! Politics has never been more unpredictable, more alarming or more interesting: Talking Politics is the podcast that tries to make sense of it all. Every week David Runciman and Helen Thompson talk to the most interesting people around about the ideas and events that shape our world: from history to economics, from philosophy to fiction. What does the future hold? Can democracy survive? How crazy will it get? This is the political conversation that matters.Talking Politics is brought to you in partnership with the London Review of Books, Europe's leading magazine of books and ideas.

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 Waiting for Boris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:55

Barring an act of God, Boris Johnson is going to be the next leader of the Conservative Party. We're exploring what that means in two parts. Today, Helen and David talk about the domestic implications.  Can Johnson avoid an election? Can he hold on to the seats he needs while winning others he doesn't have? Will he unite or divide his party? Will Labour be able to stop him either way? Plus we talk about what's at stake for the Tories in Johnson's relationship with Trump.  Next week: Europe and Brexit. Talking Points: What shifted to make Boris Johnson’s victory almost inevitable? - We need to go back to the third attempt to get the meaningful vote through the House of Commons. That was Theresa May’s chance. - After 31 March, the political calculus changed.  - If May had been able to pass her deal, there might have been more of an effort to stop Johnson from becoming PM. Labour is now the more divided party. And the Conservative Party has united around a very unpopular leader. - There are some parallels to the United States. - The Labour remainers have been emboldened since the 31 March, but Labour also looks more divided than it did a few months ago. Are there enough people in the parliamentary Conservative Party who would be willing to precipitate a general election if Johnson pursued no deal? - It’s not impossible, but this would be a big deal. Could Johnson usher in a new relationship with the United States? - A lot would ride on his relationship with Trump—that’s risky.  - Is there anything that Johnson can say that will not alienate Trump and not alienate the British public? The most important decision next week, if Johnson becomes PM, will be who he appoints as Chancellor.  - Whoever it is will likely have a lot of power. - What happens with Brexit will be crucial to what kind of economic policy comes next. - The Conservatives will need to maintain their coalition, and probably make up for seats in Scotland. Will the opposition to a Johnson prime ministership coalesce around Labour or not? - Last time, the Conservatives committed an act of destruction with the social care issue.   - And if the next general election happens after Brexit, there will not be the same disciplining effect. - If Johnson can walk a very narrow path in the next 6 months (which is far from certain), he could be prime minister for a long time.  Mentioned in this Episode:  - Hunt and Johnson on Trump’s tweets - Steve Baker’s tweet in response to Trump’s tweet - John Lanchester on Universal Basic Income - Adam Tooze on Germany Further Learning: - Who is Boris Johnson?  - The Party Splits! (In 1846!) And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Hong Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:40

What is happening in Hong Kong? We talk to a professor of Chinese history and a Hong Kong journalist about the recent wave of protests there and try to discover what is really at stake on all sides.  Who are the protestors? What are their core demands? Can these be met? And what will happen if they aren't? Plus we explore the parallels with other protest movements around the world and look at the possible knock-on effects, from Beijing to Taiwan. With Hans van de Ven and Angus Hui. Talking Points: The protests in Hong Kong are now in their second month. As many as half a million people have taken to the streets. - There is also a smaller group of much younger people who occupied the legislative council chambers last week. - The initial protests were about repealing an extradition law. But the protest now seems to be about the entire system. - This is the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.  The protesters want to show that Hong Kong is not China. - Is this a threat to one country, two systems?  - The Umbrella Movement in 2014 was about suffrage and democracy. Is this going beyond that? - One country, two systems was meant to last 50 years. We are now 22 years in.  What would the protesters count as success? - Independence is an unrealistic goal.  - The protesters want three things: 1) The withdrawal of the extradition bill 2) An independent investigation committee into police violence against the protesters and 3) protection from prosecution for the protesters. - A real win would be a genuinely elected chief executive and a genuinely elected legislative council. This would involve negotiations with Beijing. Even if these protests fade, the issues remain and will only get more serious. - What is happening in Hong Kong is the building up of a tradition of protests that will feed on each other. - There is a broader breakdown in trust between mainland China and the people living in Hong Kong, including the fear that the social credit system may be introduced in Hong Kong. Mentioned in this Episode: - English language news sources on the situation in Hong Kong Further Learning: - Background from the NYTimes on the protests - More on the umbrella revolution - More on Christianity and the Hong Kong protests And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Libra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:16

What does it mean when Facebook says it wants its own currency?  We explore the power, the potential and the pitfalls of Libra. How does Facebook plan to make money out of making money? Can anyone stop it? And does this represent a fundamental shift in the model of surveillance capitalism? Plus we consider some of the rivals it faces: Bitcoin, WeChat and the good old dollar. Finally, this week we pay tribute to our dear friend and regular Talking Politics contributor Aaron Rapport (1980-2019) with some memories of his many appearances on the podcast. Talking Points: What is Libra? - A digital currency that Facebook unveiled in a White Paper last month - It aims to be a global currency that will bring the unbanked into banking and make certain transactions, such as remittances, easier. - Libra itself would be managed by an association of members, including big finance companies, big tech companies, and NGOs. But Facebook would control Calibra, the wallet that would allow people to actually use the currency. How is Libra different from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? - Unlike Bitcoin, Libra would be pegged to a basket of currencies. This would make it less volatile, but more centralized. What would it mean if Facebook started issuing money? - If Facebook were a state, it would have more subjects than any country on earth. - Regulation remains a huge question. - What will happen if Facebook has leverage over both social and economic capital? If Libra isn’t stopped before it launches, it could quickly become indispensable. - There are huge potential benefits, especially in terms of facilitating remittances and increasing the efficiency of payments. - But there are also risks: this could allow Facebook to go even further in accumulating new kinds of data and monetizing human behaviour.  Mentioned in this Episode: - Facebook’s Libra white paper - John’s column on Libra  Further Learning: - TP talks to Shoshana Zuboff about Surveillance Capitalism - The Talking Politics Guide To … Facebook And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Outlasting Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:54

We talk with Gary Gerstle about the big issues roiling US politics with likely aftereffects that will long outlast Trump's presidency. First up: the fight over the census. What's a stake in the citizenship question? How has American politics been shaped by people-counting in the past? And what is the Supreme Court likely to decide? Plus we look at constitutional reform, the environment and impeachment. These are the battles that could have consequences for decades to come. With Helen Thompson. Talking Points: The Trump administration wants to put the “citizenship question” on the U.S. census. - Lines are being drawn between personhood and citizenship. - If immigrants avoid the census, there could be consequences for Democrats. - The Republicans know that demographics are against them. - Trump probably wouldn’t have won the Republican primary without the backlash against immigration. The United States was the first country to put a census in its constitution.   - The census is not connected to citizenship: it’s connected to personhood.  - Counting for the purposes of elections becomes complicated when you have a significant number of people in the country who are not citizens. - The census gives you the numbers, but what happens is up to the states. This is why state-level offices are so important.  If Trump wins a second term, he will likely appoint two justices to the Supreme Court. - He has promised that he will only appoint people approved by the Federalist Society, which promotes an originalist interpretation of the Constitution. - There can still be meaningful differences when people get on the court: Gorsuch, for example, has been more willing to side with liberal justices than Kavanaugh. - But Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both are unlikely to uphold environmental regulations.  - If a Democrat wins, he or she will have to contend with a court that opposes the regulatory state. What about the impeachment question? - Is there a principle at stake here? If not now, when? - The Mueller report is damning—it emphasizes that the fact that they are not indicting the president does not mean they are exonerating him. - Mueller’s July testimony will be significant: if impeachment is going to happen, the next few months are crucial. Mentioned in this Episode: - The GOP gerrymandering architect and what his daughter found when she died. Further Learning: - What are the conditions at the U.S. border? - President Bernie? - Trump after Mueller - America First? And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Party Splits! (In 1846!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:17

The current crisis for the Conservatives is often described as the worst since the party split over the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. So we talk to historian Boyd Hilton about what really happened back then and what it meant for British politics. Why were the Corn Laws so divisive? How did public opinion impact on the politicians?  Did Peel betray his party or did he do what needed to be done? And what are the real lessons for Brexit and for the Conservative Party today?  With Helen Thompson. * We have extra show notes below, with a guide to the historical timeline and some further reading suggestions. Talking Points: What were the Corn Laws? - From 1815-1846, a series of tariffs and other trade restrictions on imported grains kept prices artificially high to favor domestic producers. - The laws were controversial from the beginning (but there wasn’t sizeable, collective opposition until later). - The Corn Laws benefited those who owned land, but they increased food prices and the costs of living for most of the British public. Manufacturers also opposed the Corn Laws, which they saw as inhibiting free trade. - Scarcity and self-sufficiency were part of the motivating ideology behind these laws. But in practice, they made Britain vulnerable to bad harvests. - In 1846, under increasing pressure, Conservative Prime Minister Robert Peel went against his own party to repeal the Corn Laws with the support of the Whigs. This split the Party, and kept it out of power for almost a generation. A Corn Laws Timeline: - 1815: Following the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the first Corn Laws were introduced to protect British grain production from outside competition. - 1832: The first Reform Act partially extends the franchise to include certain segments of the population who do not own landed property. It also redistributes seats from the agricultural south and west to the industrializing north. - 1834: A new poor law is passed, establishing workhouses and leading to the effective criminalization of poverty. - 1836: The Anti Corn Law Association is founded (in 1839 it becomes the Anti-Corn Law League). - 1841: Peel’s Conservatives take control of the House of Commons. This is the first time that a majority government is thrown out by the electorate since 1708. - 1844: As part of Peel’s deflationary program, the Bank Charter Act restricts the powers of British banks and gives the Bank of England the exclusive right to issue banknotes. This act creates a ratio between gold reserves and currency circulation. - 1845: The great famine in Ireland begins. - 1846: The Corn Laws are repealed, leading to a split in the Conservative Party and Peel’s resignation. - 1848: A series of revolutions and uprisings take place across Europe, including, most notably, in France. Anxiety over revolution leads to the repression and ultimate destruction of Chartism. - 1850s: Britain enthusiastically embraces free trade, this appears to be validated by the economic boom of the 1860s Key Terms and Figures: - Sir Robert Peel: The two-time, technocratic Conservative Prime Minister who repealed the Corn Laws. Although he was elected on a protectionist platform, Peel played a key role in Britain’s embrace of free trade. In 1846, he bucked his own party to join the Whigs and the Radicals to repeal the Corn Laws. This led to his resignation that year. - Benjamin Disraeli: A two-time Conservative Prime Minister who played a key role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party. He clashed with Peel over the repeal of the Corn Laws. - The Anti-Corn Law League: A highly successful, predominantly middle-class political movement that opposed the Corn Laws. - Chartism: A working class parliamentary reform movement from 1837-48 that called for reforms including universal suffrage for men, secret ballots, the abolition of property qualifications for MPs, equal cons...

 Who is Boris Johnson? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:39

We try to work out what the current favourite to be next Tory leader actually stands for. Can his time as Mayor of London tell us what kind of PM he might be? Will his journalistic past come back to haunt him? Does he have a political philosophy beyond 'doing Brexit'? Plus we discuss whether the Johnson-Trump comparisons really stand up. With Helen Thompson and Chris Brooke. Talking Points: What does Boris Johnson stand for? - He’s emphasizing is his experience as Mayor of London, especially his ability to assemble a good team (of course this can be debated). - But the other side of his pitch is about Brexit, and the politics of that are going to overshadow everything that a Johnson cabinet could do. - He would need a chancellor to do a lot of heavy lifting. Who would that person be? And is Johnson self-aware enough to see this? - Johnson wallows in imperial nostalgia. This puts him in direct opposition to Corbyn. Could this lead to more public sparring over foreign policy? Could Johnson’s journalistic past create problems for him? - On the one hand, the people he offends aren’t likely to vote for him anyways. It’s hard to imagine a skeleton that would cut across political divides. - Michael Gove is clearly being held to a different standard right now. In some ways, Johnson has set himself outside of the traditional boundaries of political morality. - At the end of the day, however, the Conservative Party needs someone who can appeal to the Brexiteers, even if it might lose them some support elsewhere. Does Johnson have a political philosophy? - He’s not particularly ideological. - His best pitch might be tax cuts plus Brexit, which looks a lot like Trump. - A lot of Conservative MP’s don’t like Johnson at all—they think he’s only out for himself. Hunt is saying that the one thing we cannot have is an election; Johnson is saying the one thing that we cannot do is stay in the EU. Which is riskier? - The Conservative Party is in a bind, and it’s not clear how it will get out of this crisis. - But the problems run deeper than the Party. - Part of the reason for this impasse is that politicians keep postponing the moment of reckoning. Nothing that has happened so far has changed the fundamental issues. Mentioned in this Episode: - Johnson recites Kipling in Myanmar - Constitutional Breakdown Further Learning: - Brexit Lessons - More on Boris Johnson, political satire, and “Have I Got New For You” - On Johnson’s mayoral record And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Constitutional Breakdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:26

We ask whether the UK constitution is cracking up - and if so, where's the breakpoint going to come? Is Brexit at the heart of the current crisis or does it go deeper than that? What's the role of the Supreme Court? And the Queen? Could the Bank of England play a part? And where does Scotland fit in? We try to piece it all together with Helen Thompson, Chris Bickerton and Kenneth Armstrong. Talking Points: The British constitution is under big strain right now, and not just because of Brexit. - The British constitution is a political one, and If there is a crisis it is a crisis of politics. Fundamentally, this is about representation. - What happens if the next Conservative leader doesn’t command the confidence of Parliament? Right now, the constitution is facing multiple sources of strain including the Fixed Term Parliament Act, Brexit, and problems within the Union. - To survive, the constitution has to adapt to all of these things simultaneously. - Would things be better if the constitution were codified? If elections have been played down as a political tie breaker because of the Fixed Term Parliament Act, is there space for something else? - The rise of the Brexit party could create a real complication. - At a certain point, it becomes difficult to disentangle the party dynamics and constitutional issues. Where are the pressure points in Scottish politics now? - The most immediate one was the other week when the Scottish government published the referendum bill. It doesn’t provide for a second referendum. - This is a way of trying to corral politics toward a second referendum without pushing a button immediately. - Scotland is itself a vexed constitutional question. Mentioned in this Episode: - The Economist on Britain’s constitutional time bomb - on the odds of having four prime ministers in four years Further Learning: - David’s series on rethinking representation for the BBC - David on representation in UK democracy And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Jared Diamond | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:13

We talk to the author of Guns, Germs and Steel about his new book on nations in crisis. Jared Diamond argues that personal crises are a good way of thinking about national ones. He tells us about one of his own personal crises and we see whether the lessons really apply to politics. Plus we discuss what's gone wrong with political leadership in the US and we explore what it would take to tackle the global environmental crisis. Talking Points: The premise of Jared’s new book is that the outcome predictors for personal crises can also be applied to national crises. - How much does timing matter? Are early life crises different from late life crises? - National crises, like personal crises, might begin with a sudden shock or unfold slowly. Individuals are biased: that can make thinking about the arc of a life hard. But collective action problems do not necessarily map onto personal crises. - A key example is leadership: it matters for nations, but not individuals. - In a globalized world, we don’t have the luxury of an isolated collapse. What happens when the system that needs change also has to affect that change? - It’s impossible to get away from politics. - Jared thinks that this is where leadership comes in. Leaders make a difference under some (but not all) circumstances. - Democratic politics has a tendency to defer difficult decisions. But the world does have a track record of dealing with really tough problems. Mentioned in this Episode: - Upheaval - Democracy for Young People Further Learning: - Jared Diamond on his new book - Talking Politics with Yuval Noah Harari And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Split Down the Middle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:20

David and Helen catch up with the European election results and the Tory leadership race - there's lots to talk about. How can the Tories compete with the Brexit Party? Are the Liberal Democrats a real threat to Labour? What does it all mean for Ireland? And for Scotland?  Plus, is the surge in support for Greens across Europe a signal that it's time to take environmental politics seriously?  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 The Next PM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:19

As Theresa May's premiership gets very close to the end, we talk about who and what might be coming next. Can her successor re-establish the authority she has lost? Can anyone govern in this parliament or do we need a general election? Is the age of long-serving prime ministers also coming to an end? Plus we discuss what lessons can be drawn from the recent election in Australia: what does it tell us about the politics of climate change? With Helen Thompson and Chris Brooke. Talking Points: Theresa May’s prime ministership is nearing its last week. She has no authority left. - Is it about her and her mismanagement, or has something happened to the office? - Will her successor have any more luck? (It seems unlikely) - It doesn’t seem like there was any realistic scenario in which May could have peeled off significant numbers of Labour MP’s. - But the fight over the people’s vote within Labour could have turned out differently. If the leadership had succumbed, Labour MP’s in Leave constituencies might have done something different. October will be a month of high drama: both the Brexit deadline and the party conferences. - Also the three options will look more like two: everyone has to take no deal seriously at that point. - Could there be a general election in the autumn? If Labour doesn’t want to define itself according to Brexit, is there a plausible case for the Lib Dems to become the opposition? - A revival of the Lib Dems hurts the Conservatives much more than Labour. - Both main parties have a clear interest in having both Remain and Leave voters in their party. The problem is it means that neither of them can deliver Brexit. The long premierships of Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and Tony Blair are historical exceptions. - A lot of what’s going on is the absence of a parliamentary majority: that’s the norm in British politics. - But on the Conservative side, it’s also about the particular way they elect a leader. - In parliamentary politics there’s a pressure towards a soft Brexit, but the Conservative leadership is in the hands of the members. We don’t know that much about them, but everyone seems to think that the membership is very Brexity. That sets up the instability. - There are also substantive issues that have historically driven instability in UK politics: difficult questions about the UK’s relationship with the rest of the world, and difficult questions about the UK as a multi-national state. Did Australia just have a Brexit moment? Or is this something more familiar? - There are parallels to the Major/Kinnock election in 1992. - But there’s also the risk that the takeaway will be that going big on climate change is not a great strategy. Mentioned in this Episode: - Paul Mason in The New Statesman Further Learning: - The End of the Party? - More on Corbyn and Labour’s strategy - On climate change and the Australian election - Socialism in this Country? And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Death of the Republic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:10

We talk to historian Tom Holland about the fall of the Roman Republic and the parallels with today. Why does Roman history still exert such a strong pull over our imaginations? Are politicians like Trump and Berlusconi recognisable types from the ancient past? And is contemporary democracy vulnerable to the same forces that brought down the Roman Republic? Plus, we discuss Putin's claim that Russia is now the Third Rome. What is he getting at? With Helen Thompson.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 Adam Tooze on US vs China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:11

An extra episode with Adam Tooze to catch up on the latest in the US/China trade wars. What's really at stake and what does Trump want?  Is this about economics or security? What does it say about the future of capitalism? And where does Joe Biden fit in? With Helen Thompson.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 President Bernie? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:27

We talk about socialism in America: where it comes from, what it means, why it's so associated with Bernie Sanders and whether it can actually reach the White House. What's the difference between democratic socialism and social democracy? How would the workers gain control of businesses like Facebook and Amazon? Who are the workers these days anyway? Plus, we ask what a Sanders vs Trump contest would actually be like. With Adom Getachew, from the University of Chicago, and Gary Gerstle. Talking Points: In the U.S. context, is there a meaningful difference between democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders and social democrats like Elizabeth Warren? - Warren is more focused on politics: reforming the Senate, imposing taxes on corporations, etc. - Sanders sees socialism as a revolution, but his actual aims are fairly modest: strengthen labor, etc. - Warren wants to break up Amazon; Sanders wants to empower the workers to take on Amazon themselves. - One key difference is that Sanders comes out of a grass-roots, movement-type politics. Warren does not, and she’s explicitly denied a commitment to socialism. Can you have socialism without a labor movement? What takes its place? - In 1935, 35% of American workers belonged to a union. Today it’s only 11%. - There have been a number of strikes during the Trump presidency, such as the teachers strike. - We need to reimagine who the working class. It’s not the industrial working class anymore. It’s the service sector, and these are historically unorganized labor forces. - Today it’s the precariat, not the proletariat. - How does a labor movement speak to a radically altered working population? For many young people, the Occupy movement was a moment of political awakening. - The establishment seemed unable to deal with the crisis, and this opened up a new sense of political possibility. - For many young Americans, who have grown up in the absence of a real Left, Sanders represents an authentic commitment to a different kind of politics. - There may be some problems for Sanders. For example, his reluctance to support reparations opened him up to criticism about a blindness to racial justice. - A socialist in the U.S. has never become a major party nominee. The historical role of socialism in the U.S. has been disruptive, pressuring centrist candidates to move left. Can Sanders break that mold? - The American political project is designed to be slow. To have big change, you need a mass movement outside of politics too. Mentioned in this Episode: - Adom’s new book, Worldmaking after Empire - Isaac Chotiner interviews the editor of the Jacobin on American socialism Further Learning: - Alissa Quart on the “precariat” - More on the history of American socialism - The Talking Politics Guide to… the U.S. Constitution - Green New Deal? And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 A Mockery of Democracy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:46

Are the UK's looming European elections making a mockery of democracy, or is this how democracy is meant to work? Would cancelling them at the last minute make the situation worse? We talk about trust in politics, the threat to the two main parties, and the knock-on effects for the rest of Europe. Plus we discuss what can meaningfully happen before the end of October, and whether the events of the last few weeks have done permanent damage to the Tory brand. With Helen Thompson, Catherine Barnard and Chris Bickerton. Talking Points: Local elections and the European parliamentary elections are the closest that UK voters have been to getting a say on what’s going on—even if they may not actually have any consequences. - Are they good or bad for democracy? - People’s faith in democracy overall is declining. Because of Brexit, and the upcoming elections, the fracturing in British party politics is greater than ever before—what does this mean for British politics? - We overestimate how often we’ve had a two-party system. It’s actually rare (1832-1870 and 1945-1970) - You need a stable UK to have two party dynamics. - Brexit has shaken up the parties in fundamental ways. - Whether or not Britain leaves the EU, the next Conservative leader will likely be a leaver. With this Parliament, if it does come down to no deal or revoke article 50, what will it do? - This partially depends on the EU’s position. - There is still the problem of sequencing when it comes to leaving the EU. - The UK has become a geopolitical issue for the EU in a way that it wasn’t before. This is why Merkel and Macron are fighting. Mentioned in this Episode: - Sir John Holmes’ statement on uncertainty around European elections - The Pew polling on people’s faith in democracy Further Learning: - On the 2019 European elections And as ever, recommended reading curated by our friends at the LRB can be found here:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

 David King on Climate Repair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:54

An extra episode in our climate season: we talk to Sir David King, former Chief Scientific Advisor to the British government, about what's now known about the scale of the threat and the urgency of the need for action. What has happened since the Paris agreement? What is the Chinese government most afraid of? What is the meaning of Extinction Rebellion? And is it time to start talking about refreezing the poles to repair the damage already done?  See for privacy and opt-out information.


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