Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce show

Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Summary: Helping you live the live you life you choose on your terms. Living Free in Tennessee chronicles how we build our homestead, develop independence, plan and manage time and grow and preserve food sustainably - from a woman's point of view.


 Episode 88: What MBTI Personalities Mean for You with the Tactical Redneck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:05

Today, we have a chat with the Tactical Redneck about the MBTI personality types and how he has learned from this way of categorizing people to improve his interpersonal skills at work. It is a fast interview paired with an update from Samantha the Savings Ninja.

 Episode 87: Build Personal Productivity with #My3Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:30

Today, I want to talk about how focusing on a few things can help you get many things done. But why three? Why now? We will talk about that after our segments.

 Episode 86: 5 ways to use an abundance of cucumbers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:22

Today we talk about five uses for an abundance of cucumbers. Everyone else around me who got their gardens started on time are drowning in cucumbers! I even got a text from a long time friend asking me how to make pickles this week. And SHE doesn’t do canning ---- yet. So if I am drowning in cucumbers without even having mine even begin to develop yet, then other people who were more responsible about planting this year must be covered up in these tasty veggies.

  Episode 85: Homestead Design One Year Later - An interview with Dori | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:05

I have a special one for you today. Remember the lady who bought the acreage in the Ozarks with multiple dilapidated cabins and a cave with a restaurant built into it? That’s right, I had a chance to catch up with Dori a few weeks ago and find out how her winter went, where she has made progress and what her past 9 months or so have been like. Yes, today you get to hear about her walk toward independence, one year later. 

 Episode 84: Breakthroughs Come When You Least Expect Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:21

I had an inspiration. And it came to me at the oddest time. It came at a time when all was quiet.It came to me in a moment of silence, when I was kicking back observing the world around me, just walking along the road with my dogs. And it got me to thinking. What do we need to have in place to have breakthroughs? What can we do to help ourselves grow and change? We will talk about that later in the show.

 Episode 83: Declaring Independence with Vin Armani | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:20

Today we will talk to Vin Armani about declaring independence. What struck me about his talk at Liberty Forum was that it was not a tired lecture on the the historical relevance of our Declaration of Independence here, it was an evaluation of what sparks people to choose to be free, and what character elements one needs to have to do it. We also have a crypto tip from our friend Kurt.

 Episode 82: Training Animals on the Homestead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:09

A show about animals on the homestead and more particularly training animals. This is not the all-successful animal trainer’s view of getting your animals in line telling you how to achieve impossible results with just one week of practice when they have spent a lifetime learning. This will be a discussion of the benefits of training your livestock and some ideas on how to do that, as well as stories and examples of things I have done well here at the Holler Homestead and not so well.

 Episode 81: The Early Summer Tune Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:45

Today, we walk through all the endeavors here at the Holler Homestead and assess if we are in track, where to focus and how to move forward. Assessing your progress along the year is important to developing the lifestyle you want, building independence and stability and staying focused.

 Episode 80: Community, Self-reliance, and Side Hustles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:08

Today, I want to circle back on community, self-reliance, and side hustles. You see, we had a great Spring Workshop here in late April, and some pretty cool relationships came from that. And not just the - oh hey I met you at a workshop kind, but some real relationships. My next door neighbor has worked two days at another participant’s farm, there is another gathering coming up this weekend that has coordinated itself, and so much more. 

 Episode 79: Hidden Benefits of Creative Pursuits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:27

Today, we explore why adding creative pursuits into your life helps you succeed in other areas, even if you are not the best in show in whatever creative thing you choose to learn. You may be wondering what this has to do with designing a successful and happy life, homesteading, freedom, or side hustles. Here’s the thing. It’s hard to justify it in a pithy soundbite. So hang with me on this and I hope you will find ways to reprogram yourself through creative pursuits as you design the life you love.

 Episode 78: A Beginner's View of Aquaponics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:22

Today, I want to share with you a beginner’s perspective on Aquaponics. At the LFTN Spring Workshop, two awesome guys installed an Aquaponics system here, so I got to witness first hand how to install something right the first time, AND we have been using it for a week now. One of the things that has kept me from doing aquaponics here has been how hard it sounds to set something up, so having this in place is a big deal. So here is what it is like as a beginner to launch and learn about Aquaponics.

 Episode 77: A Spring Workshop Debrief With The Tactical Redneck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:30

Today, we review the good, the bad, the ugly from the Living Free in Tennessee Spring Workshop with The Tactical Redneck, one of our participants. All in all, things went well, folks got to learn from each other about homesteading things, a surprise session on how to capture bee swarms happened, and we even got to be intimately involved with a real aquaponics installation. It was a good time, and we hope that the relationships forged at this event will serve all those who were here well for years to come.

 Episode 76: Deescalation Strategies, Bees and Stories from the Holler Homestead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:48

Today we talk through 7 steps to take to deescalate tense situations, talk about bees and bee swarms, and share stores of what has gone on at the Holler Homestead over the past week or so. This spring has run away and we had snowflakes this morning, as well as some fun goaty antics.

 Episode 75: 10 Tips For Hosting A Workshop on Your Homestead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:50

Today we talk about 10 tips for coordinating a workshop on your own property. Want to know why? Well, selfishly, this is in part because ALL I am thinking about right now is workshop details. And also because I know lots of you are on your own side hustle or entrepreneurial adventure. It is so cool when you send me emails about what you are up to. You need to do your own workshop to share!

 Episode 74: The Art of Knowing What is None of Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:51

It’s been awhile since we explored a freedom topic, and as most of you know, the ability to live life as freely as possible is one reason that Mark and I have chosen to go on this homesteading journey. So today, I thought that it might be fun to examine something about freedom that most people don’t talk much about: building the ability to know what is none of your business. You’ve all heard the term “Nimby” right?


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